Super Soldier

Chapter 1712: Mysterious seal

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Xiao Bing showed a look of surprise. When others saw it, they curiously asked, "What happened?"

Xiao Bing frowned and asked: "Can you not see it?"

"What did you see?" All the people were stunned. Only the red rose frowned, and obviously saw the light curtain, and Zhang Quan was puzzled and asked.

Xiao Bing took a deep breath. At this time, Li Hong woke up from Xiao Bing's shoulder. He saw that he was kneeling on Xiao Bing's shoulder and struggled directly: "Let me down!"

Xiao Bing gave him down. After Li Hong had just been stunned, he had recovered to awake. When he came down, he saw that everyone except Xiao Bing who was not thinking of him was a face. Looking at him with anger, he looked at his face first, then suddenly remembered what had just happened. Although he said that he was a little bit mad, but it was not someone who controlled his consciousness, it was just him. The essence of evil in the depths of the heart is led by that power, but the essence of the evil is also his own.

Li Hong thought of everything he had just done, and all the words he said were really deep in his heart, but how can those words be said? He really hopes that he hasn’t woken up yet, still fainting, damn, Why did Xiao Bing wait until he finished speaking before he knocked himself out? Must be eager to see your own jokes?

Li Hongxin hated Xiao Bing in the extreme, but at this moment he was at a loss, there is really no way to say anything.

Zhang Xin looked at Li Hong with anger, Li Hongjun said: "That... I just seemed to be possessed by ghosts. What did I say, what I did, I don’t know, it must be Not what I did, there must be something in control of me."

Zhang Xin sneered: "You will believe in what monsters and devils, but you will really find a way to excuse yourself. Are those demons and ghosts going into your heart to see? How do you feel so good to express you?" heart?"

Li Hong hurriedly explained: "Zhang Xin, you have to believe me..."

Zhang Quandao: "Well, don't talk about those things first, those things have already passed. Bing brother, what did you see?"

Xiao Bing sighed and said: "I am now 100% sure that there is something in the forest that we don't know, and it is in front."

“Oh?” Zhang Quan asked. “What the **** is that?”

"Then I don't know yet." Xiao Bing said in a dignified manner. "But just 15 meters ahead, there is a seal that separates us from the other world."

Zhang Quan asked: "I still don't quite understand, how to listen more and more confused, can you talk about it in detail?"

Xiao Bing pointed to the front and said: "I mean, if we walk up to fifteen meters, we can't go any further."

Zhang Quan frowned and looked confused. For Xiao Bing's words, he obviously didn't believe it. Zhang Xin didn't feel that he was not convinced. After all, they are ordinary people. Although Zhang Quan is a martial artist, he even has an innate realm. Didn't reach it, how could you see the seal? The Red Rose and Xiao Bing are the superpowers who have reached the realm of Tianzun and Sage, respectively, and only two of them can see it.

Li Hong saw that he finally found the opportunity to fight against Xiao Bing. He immediately sneered and said with a high spirit: "Xiao Bing, I tell you the truth, I really hate you, especially hate you." It’s like to put it on. You said that you can’t walk more than ten meters in front of you. It’s a joke, and it’s not the day’s strength. If you can’t go, you can’t go, can you leave me? ”

Xiao Bing shook his head.

Li Hong haha ​​laughed: "Do you dare to bet? If you lose, you break up with the red rose..."

"No gambling."

Li Hong laughed and said: "Why, don't you dare?"

"No." Xiao Bing smiled. "Because the red rose is my woman, she is not my item. The woman who treats her is to be respectful. I will treat my woman as a bet. I can't do such a thing." ""

Xiao Bing said this, the red rose was moved, Zhang Xin was admired to see Xiao Bing, and then looked at Li Hong with contempt, the eyes seemed to be saying, they are also men, you look at others Then look at yourself.

Li Hong’s heart was even more angry. He gnashed his teeth and said: “Let’s lie here. Ok, then this can’t be gambling, but if you lose, you have to kneel on the floor and call me a grandfather.”

Xiao Bing asked: "If you lose?"

Li Hong smiled and said: "Of course, it is also a slap in the face called Grandpa."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Well, let's go!"

Li Hong smiled and smiled and said: "Let's gamble that I can go forward more than fifteen meters. I am now leaving. You look at your eyes and look at it. If you say fifteen meters, you can't go anymore. It’s a joke..."

Li Hong looked at the front and there was no mountain blocking. How could he not go, so he began to step forward to the front, and he was proud and proud.

One meter, two meters, three meters... five meters... ten meters... fifteen meters.

When he reached 15 meters, Li Hong stopped and said very proudly: "How, see it, still not convinced?"

Xiao Bing looked at Li Hong with sympathy and said: "You are really powerful. Now it is 15 meters. You will continue to walk a few meters for me."

Li Hong snorted with a sigh of relief. He just lifted his leg and walked forward casually. He felt a terrible force directly hitting his body. He was like a broken kite. I flew back and fell to the side of Xiao Bing’s several people, bleeding from the nose.

Zhang Quan and Zhang Xin are already stunned. Although they hate Li Hong, they just don’t think that Xiao Bing can win. After all, they didn’t see anything that could stop them. How could they not exceed ten? Five meters? I didn’t see anything more than fifteen meters away, but when Li Hong fell back, they were all stupid, showing a look of unbelievable color, and staring at each other, only feeling A cold air came up from under the feet, and the whole person was full of cold.

what is this? This is simply terrible.

The two of them have also gone out to explore many times. In particular, Zhang Quan does not know how many times he has explored and how many dangerous areas he has visited. However, he has never encountered such a situation before entering the forest. One heart seems to be controlled by the dark emotions, it is already terrible, but now Li Hong is inexplicably flying back when he walks casually. The most important thing is that there are no people or animals in front. Is Li Hong hit by the air?

They felt a creepy feeling, they were afraid, and then they thought of something. They all looked at Xiao Bing one by one. Li Hong also climbed up from the ground, like a ghost, and looked at Xiao Bing. past.

Xiao Bing looked at Li Hong with sympathy and asked: "I just remembered if I bet?"

"I...I..." Li Hong said with a strong voice, "I will not perform the bet, what can I do?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Of course it can't be done, but if you are caught by a ghost for a while, then you can't blame me."

Li Hong made a chill, and he was so scared that his face became very pale, his body was sweating, and he trembled: "I... I don't believe it... good end... where come the ghost."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "You didn't believe it, just the result? Did you get something to fly? You said, isn't that what the ghost is? Is it the air that can beat people? Oh, yes, you Look at what is behind you?"

Li Hong scared his heart and almost jumped out. He turned around hurriedly, but he saw that there was no one behind him. His legs were trembled and his teeth were trembled: "Giggle... slightly...what...what Nothing... what are you talking about?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Is there nothing? The evil spirit is opening your mouth to you!"

"Ah!" Li Hong was scared to escape, but he ran in the wrong direction, and actually ran forward. After running 15 meters away, he slammed, this time he just returned The fast speed bounced back, flew farther, his face almost flat, his mouth cracked open, his mouth bleeds, his nose is bleeding.

He struggled to get up from the ground, like a ghost, and hurriedly squatted at Xiao Bing's feet. He continued to bow to Xiao Bing and said, "I beg you, save me, save me, I don't want to be taken away by evil spirits..."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Since you fulfill the bet, that's it."

Xiao Bing looked at Zhang Quan and Zhang Xin and said, "Do you understand now?"

Zhang Xin shook his head in confusion, Zhang Quan hesitated, and then tempted to ask: "What do you mean, just 15 meters away from the front, what is a seal? So no matter who can't get there Pass through?"

Xiao Bing nodded and said: "It is like this, there is a seal there, and it is a very strong seal. No matter who wants to go from there, it will inevitably be countered by the seal, not only can not pass, but also May be injured. This Li Hong wants to pass, his strength is not enough, so he is only suffering from skin trauma. But if it is a strong, want to harden the past, the more power used, the more serious it will be countered It is also very likely that you will lose your life."

Zhang Quan swallowed his mouth and said with a smile: "I really don't understand. Why can you see this? Who are you?"

Li Hong climbed up from the ground and muttered in his mouth: "It is not a ghost. You are scaring me. Don't think that you know more things here than I have. When I go out, my father is the director. I want to It’s not your hand to pick it up..."

Zhang Xin looked at Li Hong with a sigh of relief and said: "I know that with the prestige of the elders, bullying is hard and hard..."

Li Hong has already offended everyone at this time, knowing that he can't get Zhang Xin's heart, so he said with no worries: "What happened? Now, is this society still going to see whose fist is hard? Of course it is It depends on who has a strong family and who has a high status. My father is an official, and that is amazing."

Xiao Bing did not manage Li Hong, but said to Zhang Quan apologetically: "I am sorry to have been holding you before. In fact, I am the deputy minister of the Ministry of National Security of China."

When I heard the three words of the deputy minister, Zhang Xin and Zhang Quan were directly stupid, and Li Hong, who was still screaming, suddenly stunned, and then slammed into the ground, muttering in his mouth, 'God, let me directly I fainted to death, and the brain hit **** the ground, and then fainted directly.

Ps: Harbin smog, just returned one day, if it starts to have a fever, but fortunately it is still before zero, and does not disgrace the mission. After the extraordinary completion, first take care of the children, everyone is happy to read.

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