Super Soldier

Chapter 1713: Trapped

After Xiao Bing’s death, he began to slowly pass through the seal. He passed through the enchantment without any feeling of being blocked. He even felt that there was no such thing as any difference. It was as if the enchantment did not exist. Got it.

But when he passed over from the enchantment, he couldn’t help but stunned. The whole world seemed to have been filled with anger and resentment. This breath seemed to break through the heavens and the earth, and he just got there. As he passed through, a horrible force immediately swept toward him. Xiao Bing slammed out and shattered the force, but he also trembled, and a burst of blood surged.

The power of horror, the power just turned out to be equivalent to the full blow of the saints!

But the most terrifying thing is that the power is not bombarded by any one person or a powerful life, but the horrible resentment in the air is condensed. When you see the appearance of a living body, it naturally gathers toward Xiao. The soldiers attacked, that is to say, these grievances in the air have almost produced life.

What kind of life is living here? What kind of horrible life body can produce such a breath can be so horrible?

Xiao Bing’s heart is tight. This is the first time that Xiao Bing feels so small after reaching the level of sage. In the past, he had only felt this kind of unpredictable feeling in front of the Buddha.

Xiao Bing walked step by step, surrounded by all kinds of flowers and trees. Suddenly, countless trees and vines seemed to have produced life and began to sweep toward Xiao Bing. Xiao Bing could even feel that these lives seemed to be In the greedy sneer, they rushed to want to swallow themselves and turn them into fertilizers for their growth.

Xiao Bing snorted with a sigh of relief, screaming at the arm: "The pearl of rice, also shines on China?"

The horrible breath smashed out of Xiao Bing's arm. Hey, several trees and vines were all smashed into ash, and then the other vines seemed to be a little scared, and they began to wobble back and fly back.

Xiao Bing slightly shrank the pupil, the tone of the dignified road: "Great, are you trees that are already fine?"

In the past, Xiao Bing did not see this phenomenon. For example, in the ghost gate, but the trees and vines that attacked Xiao Bing are far from the wisdom of these trees and vines. Those that have been encountered before are already abnormal. However, they are only conditioned to kill, but in front of them, they know how to be afraid, this is the most terrible.

In the ghost gate, you can't do this. In Xiao Bing's view, only the gods and the devils may be able to do it, but is it one of the channels of the gods and the devils? This is obviously not very likely. I used to pay such a big price when I wanted to pass through the enchantment seal of the Devil World. Why is it possible to cross it directly?

These are all mysteries in Xiao Bing's heart.

Before with Zhang Quan and others, Xiao Bing just thought that this might be something to gain, or it might be something like a ghost gate, but at that time, in Xiao Bing’s view, the possibility was Not very big, even a third of the odds may not be there, but the result is never imagined, everything encountered here is even more rare than the ghost gate.

Xiao Bing walked forward step by step. Suddenly there was a river on the ground. This is a river that is more than 100 meters long. The river is very urgent. Xiao Bing did not even see it when he first came in. After the step, I found that there were rivers that lie here and blocked my way.

Everything seems to be too weird, but the 100-meter river is not a thing for Xiao Bing. Xiao Bing can still run from the river with the strength of the current saint, and he has just taken steps. Suddenly he heard a harsh sound in his foot. He hurriedly lifted his foot and took off his shoes. The soles disappeared directly.

Xiao Bing's face changed dramatically, which means that the river is extremely corrosive. Just the sole of his own is directly corroded by the river?

damn it!

Xiao Bing can only throw this shoe away, and then when the foot just fell on the ground, suddenly felt a pain in his foot, Xiao Bing hurriedly lifted his foot, but saw a bug that actually bite his own Feet, I was planning to drill directly. Xiao Bing immediately pinched the worm with two fingers, and gave it out from the center of the foot, and then pinched it to death.

"A terrible bug can penetrate my skin!"

Xiao Bing is now the second realm of King Kong’s unhealthy body. Even if he is standing there casually, under the circumstances of not using the sturdy, it is very difficult for ordinary people to use the blade to easily hurt Xiao Bing. However, the result was actually bitten by a worm.

Xiao Bing realized that he was not quite right. He immediately used the infuriating gas to move to the soles of his feet. Sure enough, the toxins from the soles of the feet tried to spread upwards, but they were wrapped in the air of Xiao Bing in time, and then killed directly. .

"Call!" He breathed a sigh of relief. It’s really a little bit worse. He didn’t think that he was in such a danger. The danger is still more dangerous than the ghost gate. The poisonous insect just happened. I don't know how much there is here. Xiao Bing's cockroaches are sprinkled with liquid medicine that can drive away the poisonous snake ants. Only the soles of the feet are neglected, and the result is that the poisonous insects have been drilled.

Xiao Bing can only be more cautious and careful. I don’t think I have taken two steps yet. It’s better to go back and put on a new pair of shoes, such as taking off Li Hong’s shoes and putting them on, or Zhang Quan’s shoes, see who’s shoes can wear them, and you can’t walk here with bare feet.

Xiao Bing is thinking, just turned around and saw that the seal enchantment behind him has disappeared. Oh, no, it should be said that it can be seen, but the middle is separated by a hundred meters long!

How could it be like this?

Xiao Bing turned his head again and found that there was a 100-meter long river in front of him, and behind him, and in the middle of the two long rivers, there was about four meters of land in length and width, and he stood on such a small piece of land.

"No, this is illusion!" Xiao Bing glanced at his feet, did not find any bugs, and then sat down on the ground, began to quietly converge on his breath, and then began to sit and meditate.

At this moment, outside the enchantment seal, Zhang Quan and Zhang Xin are inquiring about Xiao Bing with the Red Rose. They want to know more about Xiao Bing. After all, such a young deputy minister is simply too legendary. It will not be possible to appear for many years in the future, and it is very possible to have no one to come.

Now there is nothing here. The Red Rose will tell the two people about what happened to Xiao Bing. The two people are so intoxicated that they have never thought of Xiao Bing in their hearts. It’s already so legendary, but in fact, Xiao Bing in their hearts is not as good as one in ten thousand in reality.

The red roses are talking about some of the things that Xiao Bing told him about the ancient Wumen school and the dark world. As for some of the more secret, even the red roses are not very clear, naturally it will not These people mentioned that even this is enough to shock the two men.

Zhang Quan said with emotion: "I don't think it is such a legend. Before I was worried, it would be dangerous to enter the army. But after hearing what you said and we are, I am not so worried now. If this place is connected If there is no way for the soldiers to come out, it is estimated that no one else can live from the world."

"Yeah." Red Rose laughed. "So we will wait here, patiently waiting for him to come out from inside, and then ask what is inside."

Zhang Xin smiled and said: "Is it a good idea to be such a man's girlfriend?"

"It's really good. The most important thing is that the two of us have the same personality. They are all the same personality. They are very bohemian, so they will live together very quickly and there will be no many concerns."

Zhang Xin’s eyes have an enviable color and say: “I really envy you, people who love can walk together, this is simply something that is more happy than anything else.”

At this time, Li Hong moved from the ground, struggling to get up, struggling to climb, while blinking his eyes, stumbled: "This is... Xiao Bing... Vice Minister Xiao? ?"

"He has already entered." Zhang Xin saw that Li Hong woke up, and he didn't fight for a fight. Before Li Hong's words, he almost suffocated Zhang Xin, and changed to be a person. Who can? Angry? Now she didn't want to be a companion with Li Hong for a minute, so she looked at the red rose and asked, "What should he do?"

The red rose does not matter: "Throw it here too, take it out, kill it."

Li Hong hadn't climbed up yet. After listening to the words of the red rose, he suddenly felt cold and his heart twitched, slamming and fainting.

It’s indifferent to hear that the red rose will kill people. Zhang Xin and Zhang Quan feel that they have a cold war. Where do they know that the red rose is living in a country where the strong is respected, there is no law, only the strong and weak. Whoever is weak can be rampant, so killing people in the red rose seems to be no different from killing a bug.

Zhang Quan said: "I think, let him take it out. Anyway, although he said that he hated some people, and he was also bad at heart, but sin is not dead."

The red rose doesn't matter: "Take it out."

Zhang Xin was surprised: "Ah, how did he faint?"

Ps: The public number updates the list of beautiful people in the "Super Hero" every day. There are wonderful photos of each beautiful character. You are welcome to browse. Interested friends can add a public number to WeChat: Liang Bufan

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