Super Soldier

Chapter 1714: Xiao Bing's death record (three more)

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The red rose saw Li Hong fainted, but also some curiosity: "This person is always dizzy, and his physical fitness is too bad. Why did you both risk taking such a person together?" ”

Zhang Quan: "...."

Zhang Xin: "...."

Is that what you are scared of, is it that you and your man are fainting in turns?

At this time, Xiao Bing was sitting on the ground in the depths of the enchantment. The whole person slowly began to become a kind of turtle. He wanted to change his breath from nothing to nothing, and then look at the surrounding environment. Will change and will return to normal.

It must be an illusion, and Xiao Bing feels that he is likely to enter a clever battle. This battle must be a illusion that traps anyone immediately after a life enters, but if Let this battle feel that this life is gone, will the illusion disappear completely?

Xiao Bing was not sure in his heart, but he tried to try as much as possible. Gradually, his breath began to become weaker and weaker. He changed from nothing to nothing. If there is a martial artist who sees this scene next to him, It must be thought that Xiao Bing has died, but in fact it is a sophisticated method of tortoise.

When the breath completely disappeared, Xiao Bing was caught in a deep sleep. One minute, two minutes, ten minutes, half an hour, and an hour passed. Xiao Bing was very patient. He has been performing tasks for so many years. The same position lurked for two days and two nights and did not move, do not eat or drink, do not pull urine, so a short hour is nothing.

After an hour, Xiao Bing began to awaken his consciousness. He entered a wonderful state at this time. His breathing has not recovered, his consciousness has already awakened, and his consciousness has begun to break away from the body. Observing everything around you, it really is the formation, where is the river? There is a forest in front of you, and you are still in the forest.

And his feet were not injured, his shoes were thrown by him, the soles of the shoes were not eroded, everything that happened just was just an illusion, but that feeling was too real, this is better than Any environment that Xiao Bing has experienced before is more real, and I don’t even know how to break myself out of the environment!

Xiao Bing’s breathing resumed, and then burst out in an instant, but when his breathing resumed, when he opened his eyes, it was surrounded by rivers in all directions, only within 100 meters of him. Location is a place to stay.

At this time, when he burst out more than ten meters, the breath was slightly depleted, and then the body slowly descended. Then he immediately screamed, and a bitter pain made him convulsively twitch. I couldn't help but tremble. He twitched his forehead with cold sweat, and his body was sweating, his face was exposed, and his face was already distorted.

The incomparably miserable screams came out of his mouth. He screamed in horror, but saw his two feet fall into the river and began to be quickly eroded. The rustling sound was enough. Let anyone erect and even let anyone vomit.

In the blink of an eye, his half-legged legs disappeared, and then he used his instinct to pull himself up to the hardest, and then flew back and landed on his foot.

He covered his bloodshot eyes and looked at his two legs in disbelief. All the parts below the knees had disappeared. The pain was so real, even let him dig into his heart. He couldn’t wait for the present. Immediately fainted, but the consciousness is still so awake, the pain is so sober.

"My two legs!" Xiao Bing grabbed the ground, crying and crying, and screamed: "My legs are gone!"

The pain has made him forget his reason. It is impossible for anyone to stay sensible at this moment. Perhaps all this is an illusion, but the pain is real, and even the real one is eroded. The legs are the same pain.

Xiao Bing was lying on the ground, and the pain continued to hold the part above the knee with his hands, and he cried: "My legs, my two legs..."

The pain caused him to roll over on this small piece of land, and on several occasions he almost rolled into the river, and at that time there must be no bones.

"My two legs are gone. What should I do in the future? What should I do in the future?"

Xiao Bing can no longer stand up. Even if he is sitting, he must hold the ground with his palm. He is now kneeling on the ground, constantly hitting the ground with his forehead, sweating and sweating, and tears of pain.

The real pain is already scary enough. What is even more terrifying is the despair in his heart. The sense of desperation makes him almost tear off his own skin and use his pain to paralyze his inner nerves.

No one can feel this pain, no one can imagine what it feels like when one's calves are eroded into two white bones.

Xiao Bing's crazy has not known how many times it has rolled over, ten times, twenty times?

I don’t know how many times, thirty times? Fifty times?

When he was tired, he couldn’t move, he couldn’t shout it out. His clothes had been soaked in sweat, and even the water could be screwed out. When the body rolled on the ground, it had already rubbed a few **** words, but this came for him. It is no longer a matter of saying that what he thinks in his heart is just what he should do in the future.

What about leaves? What about Su Xiaoxiao? What about red roses? Liu Kexin, Bi Tingting, Anna, Rouge... What do they do one by one?

Xiao Bing twitched, desperately grabbed his face and muttered to himself: "I am sorry for you... I am sorry for you..."

Suddenly, a voice full of guilty sounds in Xiao Bing’s heart, constantly ringing: "Yeah, you are sorry for them, they treat you so single-mindedly, but can you still give them happiness now? They have been You don't care about anything, even if you don't hesitate so many people to commit to marry, you have enough to owe them, can you give them happiness?"

"Yeah, can I give them happiness?" Xiao Bing became stunned. For a moment, his eyes became a bit dead and even lost his luster.

The enchanting voice continued: "They know that you are like this, they will only be more painful. They will not abandon you, will not give up on you, and will even leave you with you. They will take care of you for the rest of their lives. Look, what a good woman you are looking for, there is no man in the world who is happier than you, but you can’t give any happiness they want, no matter how spiritually. Or, on the **, you will only let them bear the pressure every day, and they will be mentally devastated."

"No!" Xiao Bing screamed wildly. "No, they won't be devastated. No, we really love each other. We just have to be happy together."

"That's what you think?" The voice continued to confuse Xiao Bing, and even ridiculed Xiao Bing. "You said it is good, they really love you, but a man who even has his own woman. Can't protect it, what kind of man is it? Like you, can you protect your own woman in the future? Impossible... Your legs have been abolished, don't say protect them. You can't even protect yourself, you will become their burden."

Xiao Bing cried: "I will become cumbersome, I will become their burden."

"Yes, you will become their burden... and they will continue to take care of you, but if you think about it, they are not willing to give up on your emotions, but they are all used to take care of you for the rest of your life. You can afford them. Do you want your women to spend the rest of their lives in such a state of life?"

Xiao Bing swallowed a sip of water and shook his head hard. Suddenly his eyes lit up and shouted loudly: "You don't deceive me. My legs are not broken at all. Yes, it is an illusion, just Everything is an illusion. I am in a squad. This is just a magical array. When I wake up, I am still me. I am still a soldier with a healthy limb. I am still the man who can protect them for a lifetime... ...."

"Ha ha ha ha ha..." The voice suddenly began to laugh at it. "Do you really think so? Do you think that all this is an illusion? The pain is an illusion? Your legs are hallucinations? Even if you? Is your own wolf's appearance at this time also an illusion? Then you have to touch your two legs, then you can find a way to help your two legs out of this illusion..."

Xiao Bing reached out and shook his hands to the part below his knees. The fragile white bones did not even have a small amount of shredded pork. Even the faint residual temperature above could still be felt. Clearly.

Xiao Bing shed tears and endured grief and said: "Is this all true? I don't believe, I don't believe it..."

He began to lie flat on the ground, and wanted to enter a state of tortoise again, but at this time, when the two legs were so severely painful, at this moment in his heart, he was so turbulent and grief-stricken. At the time, he doesn't say that it is a tortoise. It is impossible to do it if you want to calm down.

"How to do how to do?"

Xiao Bing tightened his fist and then used his back head to keep squatting on the ground.

Then I heard that voice sounded again: "I want to end it all, I want to end all the pain, I want your women to find happiness again, don't get tired of their second half of life, then you will die." Let's not be so selfish, why is your own life for your woman? This is when you show your love, go to hell... Go to death..."

The deep inside of Xiao Bing was slowly driven by this force, and a desperate and dead mind gradually burned in the eyelids.

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