Super Soldier

Chapter 1715: Super powerhouse that makes the world discolored

Xiao Bing is constantly tempted by the voice, the whole person seems to be bursting, and the ear is constantly echoing the voice constantly confusing: "All around you are yin rivers that kill people without seeing blood, everything in the world must be Corroded by it, have you already felt the pain of falling? Come on, you solve it directly, lift your hand and slap it on your head. This way you are relieved, your women They can also be free."

Xiao Bing slowly extended his hand and placed it on top of his head.

"Yes, it's like this, you take it hard. Think about your woman, think about the leaves, think about Su Xiaoxiao, think about Liu Kexin, and those women who love you deeply, you want them to see Is it your disability? Do you want them to waste your youth for a lifetime? As long as you shoot it with force, they all solve it. What a great love..."

Xiao Bing closed his eyes, his hands were shaking, and he kept shaking. Yes, if this palm is photographed, everything can be solved.

Xiao Bing suddenly thought of his childhood, thought of his childhood, he was in elementary school, in junior high school, those people laughed at themselves as an orphan, those who stepped on their dignity with their feet, they knocked themselves down to the ground, using I stepped on my own body and forced myself to convince myself. I thought about it at that time. If I apologize directly, maybe everything will be solved. If I put down my dignity, I will never be so tired. Why do I have to resist? What? Why do you have to fight so many thorns in the end?

Xiao Bing thought about it and suddenly smiled. He opened his eyes and stared at the sky. He suddenly asked, "Who are you?"

"I am not a person, I am a devil."

"Yes, you are the devil, the devil is the most terrible in the world..."

The voice that confuses Xiao Bing obviously did not think that Xiao Bing would actually ask about this, but still said: "The world all said that the devil is terrible."

"Yes, but that is the other person."

Xiao Bing’s trembling hand suddenly became firm. His palms directly supported the ground, and then a roll, even jumped into the turbulence directly like a squid, slamming, Xiao Bing Just plunged in.

His body starts from the head and goes to the footsteps. The pain is simply unimaginable in any thinking life in the world. The fear in the heart is also unimaginable to anyone. His heart is deep. The fear was at its best, but when his body became a pile of white bones, his mind echoed again.

Yes, when his body is gone, he reverberates with the voice again. It is still the voice that confuses him. It suddenly becomes trembling, some desperate, some can’t believe it: “Why Why did you choose to use this method..."

"Do you think I am going to die?" Xiao Bing's voice was laughing, even though he was just left with a pile of white bones floating in the turbulent river, but his voice was still laughing. "Wrong, I am seeking a living." ”

"Then why do you still ask for life? Why don't you give up?" The voice became harsh and almost screamed.

Xiao Bing opened his eyes, the surrounding river disappeared, and everything was back to normal. He was now sweating and lying on the grass, surrounded by trees, and he was still in the forest. The only change was his own. The shoes were thrown aside.

Xiao Bing muttered to himself with a smile: "I haven't said enough to you for that sentence... The world thinks the devil is the most terrible. In my heart, the devil is nothing, because I am more terrible than the devil. !"

The voice of the devil has long since disappeared, and there is no breath. Xiao Bing sighed and sat down against the big tree. The tree vine of this big tree wanted to be wrapped around Xiao Bing, but was casually taken by Xiao Bing. One palm gave a blast, then everything around him was quiet, and he sat quietly here, his eyes shining with never before.

Xiao Bing is doing all the time to restore his physical strength, recalling the magical array just now, Xiao Bing is still a ridge of cold, although Xiao Bing now has a deep research on the law, but Xiao Bing is after all Martial arts is the mainstay, and the layout of this magical array must be a terrible master of the array, and may even have surpassed Han Huabin.

As for the voice that just confuse Xiao Bing, Xiao Bing will not care. The voice that confuses Xiao Bing is actually the dark side of Xiao Bing’s heart. There is no one in the world who has a blank piece of paper. There is no perfect person. Every There is always a shortcoming in the individual's body, and this method is to expand the dark side of a person's heart, use that voice to confuse a person and let this person commit suicide.

As for why the people who are tempted to fall into the law of the law use their own power to shoot themselves, it is because those rushing rivers that can erode people do not exist at all, so they can only let the other party use themselves to kill themselves, and why they fall into the battle. The people of the law will not be able to stand this kind of temptation in the end, because the average person will experience the terrible river first in the law, so they will not choose to jump into it when they choose to commit suicide, but the way to truly break through this magic array is It just happens to be directly submerged in it. Of course, if you just jump into the river, you will not recover. If you just jump in, you must have a strong will to survive instead of asking for death. The only way to break the illusion is to do it.

Under that circumstance, I want to ask for death easily, and I want to ask for hardship. If there is courage to shoulder everything, there is absolutely no way to break through from the magic array, and Xiao Bing has experienced the life and death. Breaking through this magical array, at this moment, although the spirit is exhausted, the mental power has already reached a new level.

The recent torture between life and death, for Xiao Bing's promotion is definitely no less than the accumulation of spiritual power for several years.

According to Xiao Bing’s prediction, the level of his current mental power is no longer weaker than the level of the saint’s peak, and within the mid-sage range, even if he does not use his own gene card, Xiao Bing is enough in the middle of the saint. Within the scope of the sweep, even if you use your own mental attack, attacking the situation, even if the saints are strong, they must eat a small loss.

Xiao Bing wiped the sweat on his face and smiled on his face. After experiencing the kind of inhuman tempering that he had just upgraded, it was a huge gain, but he didn’t know if he would continue to move forward. What will happen...

There are now two choices in front of Xiao Bing. One is to move on, but it must be risking life. Xiao Bing has reached the realm of the saint, the place that can bring danger to Xiao Bing in the world. It is very rare, and here is obviously one, even the most dangerous one in the place where Xiao Bing has been, the degree of danger is not weaker than the devil.

Now that the illusion has gone, the rich evil and grievances in all directions are still in essence, so that Xiao Bing feels a little discomfort for every second of stay here, not to mention other people, enchantment here. The breath is just like the difference between the atmosphere and the atmosphere there. Although I can feel the evil atmosphere outside the enchantment, it is enough to illuminate the dark nature of a person’s heart, but with the enchantment. The evil spirit is almost ten times different.

If they enter the seal, Zhang Quan will immediately enter the first step when they step into it. The dark side of the heart will immediately control their body. Even if the red rose is here, if it is a long time, it will also be enchanted. danger.

"The atmosphere here is so solid, it is obvious that there is a strong life here, beyond imagination." Xiao Bing stood up and bowed to the air, saying, "Human Xiaobing, want to ask if there is a powerful living here. !"

After Xiao Bing worshipped, the air suddenly fluctuated drastically. The sky was rumbling and the wind was clouded. The face of Xiao Bing was changed. The strength of the other party could trigger the change of heaven. What level has it reached?

Xiao Bing did not see any life, but the horrible airflow fluctuations, coupled with the scene of the discoloration of the wind, clearly proved that there is a terrible life here, even this life is seen in Xiao Bing. Above any strong one, I am afraid it will be stronger than the Buddha!

Then the earth began to tremble fiercely, and even the outside world could feel such a terrible shock. Li Hong just stood up from the ground, and a cockroach fell directly on the ground, and the whole face was smashed. A pie, **** and fuzzy.

Zhang Quan also fell to the ground, Zhang Xin was about to fall to the ground, and was caught by the red rose in time, and then everyone looked at the sky. At this time, even the eyes of the red rose that had full confidence in Xiao Bing were inside. They are full of dignity.

Zhang Quan exclaimed: "Is this an earthquake?"

"I'm afraid it's more than that." Zhang Xin also looked up at the sky and suddenly pointed at the sky in front. He said, "Look at the sky above the enchantment. How is the sky covered with clouds, and it is starting to fight?"

They are blocking an enchantment in front of them, so they don’t know what happened at the enchantment. They can’t even hear the sound over there, but they can still see the scene above the sky. After all, the enchantment is endless, and it is impossible to connect with the sky.

All the people looked up at the sky and looked at the sky. Zhang Quan stunned: "This is... What is going on?"

The red rose frowned and said: "Xiao Bing is afraid of big trouble!"

(End of this chapter)

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