Super Soldier

Chapter 1716: Qitian

Xiao Bing was surprised and a little excited: "Artifact?"

The monkey said coldly: "I have said that it is not a general artifact, even if it does not restore its true power now, it is only the extent of the artifact, but its soul attack is strong. Even if it is a strong person who encounters the sage level, it should be taboo, so it is almost invincible in the next artifact. Your sword is not suitable for you, or it is not necessary to keep it, it is better to give it to others. ”

The words of the ape are said to be in the heart of Xiao Bing. After actually getting the Tian Congyun sword, Xiao Bing is mostly with him, but he is not a swordsman from the beginning of martial arts. He is never a sword man. It is impossible to play the full power of the sky cloud sword, although it is better than bare-handedness or the use of ordinary spirits, but Xiao Bing finally feels that he is somewhat guilty of the Tian Congyun sword. Tian Congyun is equivalent to the pearl in his own hands. It is.

Now that there is an artifact of chasing soul sticks, Xiao Bing naturally wants to entrust Tian Cong Yun Jian to someone who deserves more possession, and since he got the chasing soul stick, Xiao Bing has always felt that this stick is actually very suitable for himself. It is very suitable for your own play, so this is also a two-pronged one.

However, after the chasing soul upgraded to the artifact, there was a nervousness in Xiao Bing’s heart. The ape in front of him could easily upgrade the chasing stick from the best spirit to the next artifact, even if this chasing stick was It used to be an artifact, but now it is just to help it recover, but this ape’s strength is too terrible. Now it seems that the strength of this ape is really strong in everything he has seen in the human world. Above, even in the Mozu, I don’t know if it is weaker than the Devil of the Mozu.

If such a powerful ape will pass through this enchantment one day, once he has a heart, who can control him in the outside world? Even if the human race is prosperous, once the apes want to fight the Terran, the Terran must pay a price.

Looking at Xiao Bing where he thought about it, the ape slowly said: "Do you think I am a human? Is it a beast? Is it a demon? Or a god?"

Xiao Bing came back to God. I didn't expect this powerful presence in front of me to ask myself this way. I didn't know what to say for a while.

The monkey said: "It doesn't matter, just tell the truth."

"Okay." Xiao Bing's heart lifted up and carefully said: "In my opinion, you should be a monster family..."

The ape laughed: "Okay, okay, is this your shallow knowledge?"

Xiao Bing asked: "I don't know why the seniors laughed?"

"You said that I am a beast, but maybe the demon animal thinks that I am a human being. Where did the human race come from? It is from the monks. If you say this, the human race is equivalent to the descendants of the orcs. This is Isn't there any difference?"

After Xiao Bing listened, the whole person was shocked. Yes, what is the difference between Terran and Orc?

Then Xiao Bing shook his head again. No, this is still different. The same race will only think about the interests of the same race, because no matter what kind of race has a kind of psychology, non-ethnicity, its heart will Different, this is the unchanging truth.

The ape looked at Xiao Bing and said: "It’s like me. If I want to kill you today, it’s just a matter of moving fingers. All your cards are useless in front of me, but I didn’t kill you. You know why. ? Because you have no threat to me, I have not crushed the interest of an ant."

Xiao Bing said: "But on your body, I feel the smell of killing that I have never felt before, the breath of resentment, want to destroy everything."

"Those are aimed at the guys who sealed me." The ape's disdainful way, "It's not for the ordinary people of you, you are not worthy."

Xiao Bing sighed, slightly relieved, then thought of a question, some curious asked: "I came with my friends, why can I come in, my friend can not enter?"

"You have too many problems." When the aunt monkey heard the problem raised by Xiao Bing, there was a very dazzling light shining in his eyes. The emotion became a little excited, and then he forced himself to cover up his own. Emotions, coldly said, "Now I see that you are the first outside life I have seen in so many years, I can point you to some questions, but only up to three minutes of study time, three After a minute, you will get out of here immediately, and never come in again. Otherwise, don't blame me for turning my face."

Xiao Bing did not expect that the ape would be willing to help him solve the problem of cultivation. Although Xiao Bing has never encountered any great difficulties in his practice, there is a level of this to point to himself. This is also a lifetime. It’s rare to encounter things, Xiao Bing is naturally impossible to miss, so I no longer ask other people, and then I began to ask all the small problems in my practice, and this ape is Xiao Bing is not a race, but he can have very unique insights. Often, in a few words, Xiao Bing can make Xiao Bing suddenly open.

Three minutes passed quickly. Although Xiao Bing said that there was no breakthrough in the realm, many things that were not well understood before were all passed at this time. The future road of practice must be smoother. .

Xiao Bing bowed slightly and said from the heart of the lungs: "The younger generation thanked the seniors for their help. I don't know what the younger generation can help the predecessors. If the seniors commanded, the younger generation will do their best."

"Forget it," said the ape. "With your strength, what can help me get it?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I don't know what the name of the predecessor is, I will definitely remember it."

The ape thought for a moment and said: "My language at that time is different from that of you now. I don't know what the name should be translated into your current language, not to mention that so many years have passed, I have already forgotten it. Let me Think about it, you might call me all day."

"Qi... Qitian?" Xiao Bing is a little dizzy, isn't that the big heaven?

The ape said: "It is the Qitian Dasheng that Qitian... I steal your memory, know that there is such a monkey in the myth of the Terran, and there is no such thing as me. It is called Qitian. ""

"Well, Qitian seniors, thank you..."

"No need to talk nonsense, go back, don't come in again!" The aunt suddenly opened his mouth and his mouth screamed. Xiao Bing hurriedly covered his ears, but was blown by a horrible force. Fly back, flew to the enchantment, flew directly out of the enchantment, and then fell to the ground.

Xiao Bing quickly bounced from the ground, shook his head, and his head still creaked.

Everyone else looked at Xiao Bing at this time. Zhang Quan, Zhang Xin, and Red Rose all looked curiously toward Xiao Bing, and Li Hong was still in a drowsy. Xiao Bing thought about it. Although Qi Tian did not explain, but the things inside are obviously not suitable for the outside world to know, no matter how Qitian predecessors are good to themselves, help themselves to upgrade the soul-hunting stick to the artifact, and point out their own cultivation, Moreover, it does not bring any harm to himself, so it is impossible to disclose Qi Tian to the situation.

Xiao Bing thought for a moment and sighed and said: "The inside has just entered a terrible illusion. I stepped into the magic array. As a result, just after the illusion was broken, it was blown out by a strange wind."

Zhang Quan was surprised: "Is it strange? It’s no wonder that the sky that just saw the enchantment is not right. It turned out that there was a big storm inside?"

"Well? Yes, yeah, big storm." Xiao Bing sighed. "Hey, it's too dangerous. Although I don't know why I can go in, but even my strength is a step by step." ""

Zhang Quan said: "Then let's go back, hey, anyway, we are going farther than this time, and it is a success for the expedition."

"Yeah." Zhang Xin also said with a smile. "Exploration doesn't have to be a result. In fact, all the adventures are not to find something, just to seek the kind of excitement in the adventure process. I think we Already reached it, it’s okay to go back now."

Xiao Bing said: "That's it, let's go back now. But there is one thing I want to say."

Zhang Quan and his palm all looked at Xiao Bing, Xiao Bing looked serious: "I think this time we came here, it is best not to tell too many people to know, after all, this is so dangerous, before we I also saw how many times I lost my life, especially this Li Hong, who just lost in the forest and lost his life..."

Zhang Quan thought for a moment, and said with admiration: "I understand that Bing Ge does not want other people to come to explore again. When he accidentally throws his life here. Expedition is the freedom of explorers. We don't have The right to stop them, but we can not tell them. Bing brother, you can think so much, it is worthy of being a big official."

Xiao Bing waved his hand and smiled and said: "What is there is nothing more than a spectator of the authorities. After all, you are an explorer, and I am only occasionally seeking excitement, so I can think of more."

Zhang Xin said: "Bing brother is right, we still don't say to outsiders, no one should say it. But we are fine, Li Hong..."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Li Hong's words are also very simple."

Xiao Bing will wake up Li Hong, Li Hong just cried when he opened his eyes: "Mr. Xiao, I..."

Xiao Bing’s eyes looked at him. Li Hong’s words had not been finished yet. Suddenly his eyes became apathy and then fainted directly.

Xiao Bing took a clap and said: "Get it, his memory of the past two days has all been erased by me. Rest assured, his memory will stay a few days ago, and then he will wait until he goes out. Wake him up, and it is estimated that he doesn't remember me."

"But what if he wakes up halfway?"

"Slap halo!"

"..." Zhang Xin smiled. "This unlucky Li Hong, but it should be deserved..."

(End of this chapter)

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