Super Soldier

Chapter 1717: Back to Xiaofu

On the way back, Zhang Xin and Zhang Quan were really aware of Xiao Bing’s ability. Before that, many obstacles that required caution and caution for them were all in front of Xiao Bing, like a cloud. It should have been three days away. As a result, Xiao Bing took them through a lot of time and went through the small village.

Several people drove the car that was rented in the village. After returning to the former capital of the African country in the afternoon of the next day, several people threw Li Hong in the coma in the hotel room, and then together Going to Xia Weiyi, in Xia Weiyi, Xiao Bing took the Tian Cong Yun Jian and went back to Kyoto with everyone.

"Zhang Xin, Zhang Quan, you come to me to sit down and play in Kyoto for two days, I will entertain you."

"No." Zhang Xin said first, "I haven't been back for a long time, my family has begun to miss me, and it is my mother's birthday for two days. I have to hurry back and give her a birthday."

"Oh, it is also appropriate to give parents filial piety, it should be done for children. Then go, I will not stop you." Xiao Bing looked at Zhang Quan again and asked, "Don't you go?" ”

"I don't go any more." Zhang Quan smiled. "This time, I went out a circle. The spirit is too tired. What's more, if you leave Kyoto for so long, there must be a lot of things to deal with in the official business. I will not bother."

Xiao Bing regretted: "Well, then I will not leave you strong. We don't have contact information. When you come over, please call me. I will entertain you."

Zhang Quan and Zhang Xin rushed to agree with it. This time, for them, the biggest gain is actually to know Xiao Bing, the deputy minister of the Ministry of National Security. The reason why they make friends with Xiao Bing is certainly not because of these utilitarian. The heart, but being able to make such a friend has great benefits for yourself and for your own family. I am afraid that no one will refuse to change it!

They and Xiao Bing and the red rose parted ways at the airport. Xiao Bing had called the car driver to pick up the car in advance, and then two people sat in the car, and bid farewell to Zhang Quan and watched Xiao Bing’s car far away. Going, Zhang Quan glanced at Zhang Xin and said with emotion: "Perhaps, this adventure will really make us use it all my life!"

Zhang Xin sighed and agreed: "The big brother of Xiao Bing is really good. It is hard to imagine that a big man at the deputy minister level would have been living with us for so many days, and he also concealed his identity. For many days, I have never told us that even the provocation of Li Hong has been ignored."

Zhang Quandao: "This is called the big man's chest, that Li Hong... Wait until he wakes up and I don't know what happened. If he looks for you later..."

"Don't worry, I won't take care of him any more, and there is no need to offend him. This man is really not worthy of consideration." Zhang Xin felt a chill when he thought of what Li Hong had said before.

Zhang Quandao: "The right thing to say, it doesn't matter, and there is no need to offend him. It is best for such people to keep a certain distance. Then let's buy tickets first."

"Okay, go buy a ticket."

The two people were not in a city. At this time, they queued up and bought tickets. One was two hours later, and the other was two and a half hours later. The time was still early. Two people sat down and found the place.

In a hotel, Li Hong fainted and woke up. When he opened his eyes in confusion, he touched his head and muttered to himself: "How do you feel your head dizzy?" There are several big bags on the top of the head, which is really strange."

He got up from the bed, went inside the bathroom, turned on the light, and took a look at the mirror. This is not good. He shouted directly, his face horrified, and his face squinted and shouted: "I... How did I become this look?"

But when he saw that his face had swollen, his teeth had lost two, and there was a big bag in his head. How many wolverines would be like a wolf. He thought about it carefully. He really couldn’t think of what happened. He Going out of the bathroom, walking around in the room: "No, what happened? I can't remember anything. I remember that I had come back before the adventure, then? Then I broke up with Quange and Zhangxin. ?"

"Is not right, it seems that something is wrong. I don't seem to break up with them. I should go to the beach to play. How can I completely remember the situation? No, let's give a power to Zhang and Zhang. Let me ask the phone."

He called Zhang Quan and Zhang Xin over, but after asking Zhang Quan and Zhang Xin, both of them said the same answer, that is, after the expedition, they all left. I didn’t go to the beach at all.

Li Hong is in a hurry. He also feels that he may have encountered something in his adventures and broke his head. He was fortunate that he was fortunate enough to have a life here, so he did not dare to stay outside. After setting a ticket, I returned to the country.

In Kyoto, Xiao Bing and the red rose in the car that went back, the red rose said: "Before you must have something to hold everyone."

"Well, go back and say."

The red rose heard Xiao Bing say so, knowing that this is a secret, it is definitely not convenient to tell, so he did not force to ask. After returning to Xiao Fu, Xiao Bing sent other people and then went to the red alone. Rose room, this tells the red rose about the inside of the enchantment.

Xiao Bing earnestly said: "This is not convenient for too many people to know, but you are my woman, I can't hold you, you have to keep a secret for me."

The red rose sighed and then hesitated: "But I don't understand why you and I can cross the enchantment?"

"I am also very strange about this." Xiao Bing sighed. "But this thing is temporarily unable to find an answer. Fortunately, he did not hurt me, although I just started to think that he really has a strong Hostility, but he later pointed me to repair, and helped me a lot. I have to be blaming for doing things, so even if he is a different kind, I can't disclose it to outsiders."

The red rose said: "He is willing to let go of you."

Xiao Bingdao: "According to my thoughts, he had peeped into my heart before, copied my language, and I definitely have a deep understanding of it. I know what kind of personality I am, so even let me go. There is no psychological burden."

"Well, this is probably the case." The red rose thought for a moment and agreed. "If he does not let go of you, but chooses to kill you, then we will certainly not keep this secret, and even there will be A lot of people have come to the enchantment here, and he let go of you, you are grateful, and will definitely help him solve this problem, not letting his place leak to the outside."

Xiao Bingdao: "Of course there is another possibility, that is, he doesn't care if anyone knows there. Even he has been trapped in enchantment for many years. Maybe he still wants more people to know where the enchantment is. I might have accidentally let him go when I was."

"This possibility is also very big," said the red rose. "Are you going to use the sky with a sword?"


Xiao Bingyun’s shoulders on the shoulders of the soldiers suddenly screamed, and there was a slight tremor in the voice. The voice contained a deep disappointment to the master. Xiao Bing took the Tian Congyun sword from his shoulder and gently used his hand. Stroking, sighed and said: "Sorry, I don't want you, in fact, you are very good, and I am very helpful, but I can't play your true power. I am not a real one. The swordsman will only bury you in my hands."

The voice of Tian Congyun’s sword is still reluctant, but it sounds calmer gradually. Obviously, although it is reluctant to Xiaobing, it also knows that it is not the weapon that fits Xiaobing’s best. It is often difficult to find a horse. They are not between Maxima and Bole. They are not good or who are not good, but they do not fit together. Even if the sky is a sword, it is already psychic. It also understands this truth.

Xiao Bing said: "Reassured, I will definitely help you find a better master!"

The red rose looked at Xiao Bing and said: "Well, Xiao Bing, you go out to spend more time with my other sisters. You have been with me all the time, but they haven't been with them for a long time."

Xiao Bing blinked and smiled: "You are not jealous?"

"I am not jealous." The red rose smiled. "Do you think my character is like jealous?"

Xiao Bing touched his nose and smiled bitterly: "It's really not like, but to be honest, I really hope that you can be jealous twice."

“Why? Do you have a tendency to abuse?”

"Cough..." Xiao Bing was almost drowned by saliva. "No, just that will have a sense of accomplishment."

"Okay, you are already blessed, and you want to have a sense of accomplishment? But if you have a tendency to be abused, then it is good to say, you know, I can do anything with this person... Others feel bad about you, but if you like, whether it's a whip or a candle, I am all..."

Xiao Bing said: "That, don't make trouble, I don't like those things."

"What do you like? Tiger bench?"

Xiao Bing: "...."

"That, I will go out first. You should rest first, rest first, and call you at night." Xiao Bing hurriedly left the room of the red rose, listening to the red rose with a seductive smile. .

(End of this chapter)

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