Super Soldier

Chapter 1718: Miyamoto Xinyi stepped into Tianzun

Maggie was talking to Liu Xiaorui in the hall. When she saw Xiao Bing coming out of the room, she immediately smiled and said: "Bing brother, I have been with Rose for so long. After you came back, I went to the room with Rose sister." It’s true that your men are animals in the lower body."

Xiao Bing: "...."

Although Liu Xiaorui is not very old, she knows something. She immediately heard a red face. Xiao Bingqian scolded: "Don't talk nonsense, yes, where is your Miyamoto Xinyi brother? Give him Call it."

"Oh, where do I know, you call to find 呗." Maggie said: "I see Uncle Miyamoto is always mysterious, and I don't know where to go every day. I don't ask us if I ask. ”

Xiao Bing sighed and knew that Miyamoto’s Xinyi was busy with Nantang. Now Xinlongmen is divided into four halls, which are led by Li Chaoyang, Molong, Liuzhi and Miyamoto. Li Chaoyang is responsible for the entire gantry. Dongtang, Molong is responsible for Xitang, Liuzhi is responsible for Beitang, Miyamoto is responsible for Nantang, and Miyamoto’s Xintang is responsible for assassination. Miyamoto is the owner of the church, and Liu Zhen and Zhanhongyan are his Deputy, they are the deputy owners of Nantang.

The status of Nantang is special, and all personnel must be kept secret. Otherwise, once they are known as the members of Nantang, when they want to assassinate, they will be prepared, so Xiao Bing specially gave the funds to the palace. This faith, let Miyamoto Xinyi think of ways to establish Nantang, this time he must be busy with the creation of Nantang.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Your Miyamoto is doing something for me, so don't worry, wait until he sees him and tell him something."

Xiao Bing’s voice just fell, and I saw Miyamoto’s Xinyi, Liu Zhen and Zhanhongyan coming in from the outside. When I saw Xiao Bing in the hall, Liu Zhen smiled first: “Yes, Minister, you are back! ”

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Is this not a few church owners and deputy church owners."

The exhibition was a smile and said: "You are addicted to the official, and you are still at home."

Xiao Bing also laughed happily, and then looked at Miyamoto's faithfulness and said: "Miyamoto, I just have something for you."

Miyamoto is curious and curious: "What are you looking for?"

Xiao Bing took the Tian Congyun sword behind him and took it in his palm. He said with a cautious attitude: "This is the sky cloud sword."

"This..." Miyamoto's Xinyi looked awkward.

Xiao Bing seriously said: "Tian Congyun sword is handed over to you, and it is considered to be the best. Compared with me, you are a natural swordsman, and I am not."

Miyamoto's Xinyi looked stunned. Some of them couldn't believe the Tian Congyun sword in Xiao Bing's hand. Although excited, they did not directly extend their hand, but some doubts: "This is an artifact, you really Is it for me?"

Apparently everyone else was also stunned. At this time, the leaves also came in from the outside. The company headquarters of the Yeh Group has now moved to Kyoto, so she and Su Xiaoxiao both started working in Kyoto, they saw Xiao. When the soldiers were excited, they said hello, and then stopped. The two stood quietly and smiled.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Of course I am serious, you are a swordsman, and one day will become a real legendary swordsman in the future, and I am not... I may become a legend in the future, but I have no connection with the swordsman, so I Willing to give this sword to you, are you willing to cherish it?"

"I am willing." Miyamoto's faith is ultimately unable to control the inner impulse, and no swordsman can refuse a sword, even if it is Miyamoto.

Miyamoto's faithfulness slowly picked up the Tian Congyun sword. He gently stroked the handle of the sky, and felt the power above. His own power and the heavenly cloud were perfectly integrated, and there was no obstacle.

Whether it is a spirit or an artifact, they are incomparably powerful, but they must also have a process of integration with the master. This process allows them to communicate with each other and maximize the power of the Excalibur. .

Xiao Bing has a long time in Tian Congyun, and his own strength has reached the middle of the saint. However, until now, he has not been able to truly cooperate with the Excalibur, and there is no way to perfect integration with the Excalibur, so Tian Congyun is in Xiao The soldiers can also exert a strong force in their hands, but they still can't exert the true strongest energy. This is also the reason why Xiao Bing gives out the sky clumps, not just because he already has a chasing stick. It is because Tian Congyun is a pity in his own hands, wasting the real advantage of Tian Congyun.

At this time, Tian Congyun’s sword was extremely cheerful and long, and the joyful swordsman sounded around the inside and outside of Xiaofu. The whole people in Xiaofu came out. When they saw this scene, they were all one. Surprised by the face, most people can't understand that weapons have such strong emotions.

Xiao Bing smiled and said to himself: "Heavenly clouds and swords, seeing you like your own master, then I will be relieved. From then on you are the sword of Miyamoto's faithfulness. As he fights the world, I am I believe he will not humiliate you."

Tian Congyun Sword suddenly broke away from the hand of Miyamoto's faithfulness and flew directly to the front of Xiao Bing. While exhaling the excitement, while constantly surrounded by Xiao Bing, everyone almost saw it. Tian Congyun was thankful to Xiao Bingwei. He found a good partner and master.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Don't thank me, I would like to thank you for fighting with me before. Although you are not my sword, we are still partners."

Tian Congyun sent a few happy tweets, and then flew back to the hands of Miyamoto's Xinyi. Miyamoto's Xinyi took the handle of the sky, and the color of excitement suddenly changed the power inside his body. A more mysterious and powerful breath emanates from his body.

Xiao Bing’s eyes lit up and said with emotion: “I can’t think of the combination of their swords and swords. It’s incredible that Miyamoto’s faithfulness has directly broken through the half-step Tianzun to the realm of Tianzun’s level.”

The drunken gyro shouted at the side of the annoyed wow: "The grass, the home is actually overtaken by this kid!"

To know that Miyamoto's Xinyi was a lot different from the strength of the Longmen Eight-Years a few years ago, and now Miyamoto's Xinyi has become the third master in the Longmen after Xiao Bing and Molong, even the chief instructor of Longmen. If Gao Fei is counted in, Miyamoto's Xinyi is also the fourth top master!

And if you only say that compared with the Longmen Eight before the establishment of the new Longmen, Miyamoto Xinyi is already the super strong after Murong, even the six fingers, drunk gyro are not his opponent.

After Miyamoto’s Xinyi stepped into Tianzun, the breath of his body seemed to have been integrated with the Tianyun Yunjian. Then he slowly lifted the Tianyunyun sword, and the scabbard was pulled up. The tone was excited and excited: “Tiancun Yunjian, Let the world know your true power in the future!"

Miyamoto's Xinyi sword was drawn, and Jianguang directly tore the void. In the air above Xiaofu, a trace was cut. All the people looked at this scene with a stunned look. After the traces slowly closed, Xiao The soldier applauded and praised: "A sword splits the void, and it takes a few seconds to heal, a strong sword, Miyamoto. If your strength enters the saint stage, this sword will be able to make a stronger ten. The power of times, even if I even have to be cautious."

Miyamoto believes in the sword and enters the sheath. The eyes are burning with flames, full of devout words: "The doorkeeper, you will give me the sky cloud sword, this life can have this kind of sword, even if it is dead for me. No regrets, since then the sword is in the people, the sword is dead, you are my benefactor, as long as you just say a word, even if the front is a deep abyss, I am not leaving!"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Why should you say those between the brothers, I didn't expect you to break through to the realm of Tianzun, and you are so fit with Tian Congyun, I think even if you meet the strong man in the middle of Tianzun, you can fight. If you win, even if you meet the super power of Tianzun Peak, you also have the power of a battle."

In the eyes of Miyamoto's Xinyi, there is an excitement of light, slowly stroking the sky and clouds in the hand, and the tone is actually with the tenderness that has never been seen before: "Tian Cong Yun Jian, Tian Cong Yun Jian, after the life, you and I will live and die. Dependent."

Maggie blinked and smiled. "My brother, Miyamoto, I look at your affectionate style. It’s like my brother’s brother is facing my leaf sister, young lady, and my sister. You simply got your artifacts."

Xiao Bing smiled bitterly: "Wheat Qi, what do you know, the real swordsman is not the equivalent of smashing his own sword, like life and death."

Drunk gyro said: "No matter what, no matter what, the home is depressed today, and suddenly it was overtaken by Miyamoto. Miyamoto, you must have dinner, otherwise it would be uncomfortable to sprinkle home."

Everyone listened and laughed.

Miyamoto's face was also revealed with a smile, saying, "Then I invite you to drink."

"Well, drinking better, you know my heart! Then you will have a drink, and you will have to drink a few more cups with you."

Miyamoto believes in hesitation: "I don't drink alcohol at all times."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Now it is not usual, Miyamoto, you don't usually drink alcohol, but today you really have to drink two more cups. Bole has encountered a thousand miles of horses. Isn't this worth a big drunk?"

Miyamoto's Xinyi hesitated a moment, and suddenly excited: "Well, there is a big drunk in life. If it is not worth drunk at other times, this time may be the most drunken one in life, drink together!"

(End of this chapter)

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