Super Soldier

Chapter 1722: Moved two goods and branches

When I was eating at night, everyone asked Xiao Bing, and Xiao Bing said the two goods and the things he had encountered.

Maggie asked: "What is the hair of the second brother? Is it also stupid?"

"That's not it." Xiao Bing smiled. "The hair of your second brother looks like it is not stupid. On the contrary, it gives me a more savvy feeling. It is just a thicker face."

Maggie chuckled: "Can you still be thicker than your face?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "He gave his name, named Pan An."

Everyone: "...."

Maggie: "...the skin is really thick enough."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "But it is really good to be long, especially handsome, but it can be regarded as a very good appearance."

The leaves are a little funny: "How can such a person become a good friend with the second goods?"

Indeed, according to Xiao Bing’s description, people basically think that the character between him and the second goods is very different. It can even be said that the difference is very far away. Such a person will be a good friend with the second goods. It is quite curious to get up.

Xiao Bing said: "They are small, and the second cargo is equivalent to him. It is said that his parents abandoned him when he was very young. He often ate and ate at the second store."

"Oh I got it."

Xiao Bing exclaimed: "Unfortunately, the mother of the second goods has passed away. Otherwise, now the second goods can also give back to the old man."

The red eyes of the red scorpion branch said, "I will treat the second brother in the future, and the second brother is too poor."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "When you are a very good girl, you are a very good girl. They will be married soon. Is it a fulfillment of your wish?"

Akasaka Nakayama smiled happily: "Yes, yes."

The big guy was chatting while eating, and suddenly saw the two goods coming out from the outside, and groaning in his mouth: "I want to eat, go hungry."

Xiao Bing looked back and smiled: "You haven't seen your friend for a long time, why didn't you go and drink?"

"No." The second goods said awkwardly. "There is something to drink. The stinky boy said that he has something to do. When he gets married, he will definitely come over. He will let him go, or he will catch him back." It’s day.”

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Then let him go busy, you can't delay the business, but what happened to your friend all these years, do you know? I see his strength... it is much higher than you. ""

Two goods, a look of surprise: "Is it better than 俺?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Yes, it is much better than you."

"It's not surprising, I remember that he was always bullied when he was a child. He was helping him at that time, but he started helping me."

This time it’s the surprise of Xiao Bing’s face. The second product is the physique of the natural Jin Gang’s unhealthy body. Even if he does not learn Wu, the ordinary person will not be his opponent. The person can It’s amazing than the second one, it’s amazing.

The second goods sat down and said: "Nothing, I can't help him, so that he won't be beaten by the people in the future, but he will cry and nose to find him. Now that he knows how powerful he is, he will be relieved."

Xiao Bing smiled and suddenly took out a real estate license from his arms. A car key was placed directly on the table. He smiled and said: "I didn't look for an identity card before I found it. This time I know I am going. What have you done?"

The two goods and the red scorpion branches are all one glimpse. The red scorpion branches have tears in their eyes, and the face is touched. The second goods are a slap in the face. Silly: "Is it all confused, what is it?"

The leaves smiled and said: "Two goods, two goods, really should not call you two goods, should call you a fool."

The second screamed: "That was the name before 俺, I don't like to listen, so I changed it to two."

Everyone laughed, and Akasaka’s eyes blinked and hurriedly stood up and said, “Bing brother, we can’t do this. This is really too expensive. You can take us to live in Xiaofu. You, how can we ask you to buy another house for us?"

The second shipment was reflected this time, and his face became serious. He said: "Xiao Boda, this house can't be asked, I don't know what to say, but what I think is what the branch says."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Two goods, you should not be busy to refuse. In fact, you have been born and died with me in these years. Although I am for you to eat and drink, I will give you some compensation, but those are simply not enough. In fact, I have already saved a sum of money for you, promise."

Xiao Bing took out another deposit and placed it on the table. Then he said, "There is not much money. There are more than two million in total. Together with this house, you should all get it."

The second goods have to be rejected. Xiao Bing hurriedly said: "You don't rush to refuse. This is the money you deserve. You don't want anything. What are you going to do? You don't earn much money. What do you drink after your wife?" If you raise a child in your family, what do you raise for your child? What can you do for your child?"

The second goods did not expect so much. He used to be a bachelor. He only knew that Xiao Bing was good to him, so he had food and shelter, and Xiao Bing was on the side of Xiao Bing. Xiao Bing usually gave him. Some money spent, it seems to him very happy, he has never lived in such a good house since childhood, have never eaten such a rich meal, he feels that Xiao Bing has not been thin to him.

However, after Xiao Bing reminded him, he thought that he was going to get married. He would never be a loner in the future. He must support his family and he will have a child one day in the morning and evening.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I will not be able to set it up with me, and I have said it. This is what you deserve. These are all of you, and all of them are collected."

Xiao Bing said: "And I have treated you like a brother in these years. You call me Xiao Lao Da, then I will be your younger brother, my brother will get married, and my brother will buy a house to buy a car. Is this wrong?"

The second item wiped the eyes, and the moving eyelids began to wet.

The leaves smiled and said: "Bing brothers let you pick up, you will pick it up."

"Yeah." The second goods took everything in the past, and then directly put the real estate license and deposits into the arms of the red stalks. The red stalks looked shocked at the two goods, and the second goods said, "These things in the future. All of you come to the custody, all the money in the house, all of you manage. Confused, do not understand the management of money, and the mother said, do a man to be a good wife!"

Akasaka’s man, who was shocked to see himself, was also showing a gratifying color. He even sneaked his head and began to wipe his tears. He was happy for his granddaughter and was really happy for his granddaughter. He felt himself The granddaughter is really married to someone.

The red scorpion branch hesitated, and gave the passbook and the real estate license to the past. He nodded and said, "I will keep it. When you need to use the money, you can always ask me. Two goods, after we get married, Everything in the family is ours, regardless of each other, thank you for trusting me."

The second thing grinned: "My mother also said, listening to the wife's words can make a home."

Everyone laughed haha, and Maggie smiled and rubbed her eyes, muttering in her mouth: "How... I started to want to shed tears."

Everyone was moved by the simplicity of the second goods, and they were all happy to find a good wife like Akasaka.

The leaves were very sensible and went to get a few bottles of white wine. At night, everyone had a good meal together.

Back in the room at night, Xiao Bing just lie down on the bed, suddenly a leaf squatted on the ground, Xiao Bing looked at the leaves on the bed, and looked pitiful: "I can see the pity, I have not gone recently. Got three and take four."

The leaves smiled and said: "I know, so I want to give you a little reward."

Xiao Bing looked awkward and asked: "What is the reward is to lick me?"

"Giggle, how could that be... I reward you for not sleeping in my room tonight."

Xiao Mingyue held the arm of the leaf and said, "Mom, Mom, let Dad sleep in the house."

Xiao Bing wants to cry without tears: "Even the children see that my family status is in jeopardy. Is this going to shut me out of the room?"

The leaves kissed Xiao Mingyue two times and smiled: "Mom is letting your father go with your other mothers, and they all want your father."

Xiao Bing looked at the leaves with amazement.

The leaves looked to Xiao Bing and said: "After you come back, I will accompany you every day. I miss you too much. Especially, I can't be with you. She spends less time with you. You usually spend less time with her. Think for them."

"I..." Xiao Bing was a little embarrassed and said, "I know."

Mainly because the leaves are the big wife of Xiao Bing, and they are true girlfriends, so Xiao Bing will first consider the feelings of the leaves in most cases, but this is not Xiao Bing does not care about other people, even if the leaves do not say, Xiao Bing actually Considering this problem, I did not expect that I had not said it yet. The leaves actually took the initiative to drive themselves into the room of other people.

The leaves smiled and said: "Not to mention I am still willing to sleep in the moon. Mingyue, you will call the little flower, and I will take you both tonight."

Xiao Mingyue jumped out of bed excitedly and promised to run outside.

The leaves smiled and said: "Well, still stupid to do something, go ahead."

"Well, okay." Xiao Bing was about to leave. Suddenly thought of something, flew directly to the bed, hugged the head of the leaf, kissed the lips of the leaves, and ran out of the room.

The leaves wiped their lips, and they snorted, but they were happy and sweet.

After Xiao Bing was out of the room, he touched his nose. Which room should I go to? This is really a happy worry.

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