Super Soldier

Chapter 1723: New Longmen Base

Xiao Bing thought about it. The time spent with Su Xiaoxiao was quite a lot. The red rose just went out to travel with himself. After thinking about it, Xiao Bing came to the door of Liu Kexin’s room and gently squatted. The door of the house.

Liu Kexin said inside: "Yes... who?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I am."

"Oh." Liu Kexin ran over excitedly. Xiao Bing could hear her happy running sound outside, and then the door slammed open. Liu Kexin stood in the door wearing a white nightdress and looked at Xiao Bing. The eyes flashed with joy and asked, "How big is Xiao Xiao, how come you? Did you sleep in the room?"

"Yeah, it is to sleep, otherwise I will run over." Xiao Bing's eyes were free on Liu Kexin's body, and he said, "You can be beautiful, just like the hibiscus, it is spotless and white."

Liu Kexin spit out his tongue and said something embarrassed: "My nightdress is new."

"No, I am talking about your skin and cute look."

Liu Kexin was stunned by Xiao Bing’s love words, and he was almost shy and could not lift his head.

Xiao Bing walked in and pulled Liu Kexin into the house. Then he closed the door and looked at Liu Kexin. He said, "Let's take off clothes and sleep."

"Ah? What are we doing?"

"Of course it is sleeping." Xiao Bing yawned, said, "I am almost trapped, hurry, hurry."

"Oh, but why do you want to take off your clothes?" Liu Kexin was a little tweaked and a little shy.

Xiao Bing got together and smiled and said: "Because I said sleep is a verb, not a noun..."

Xiao Bing smirked and gave Liu Kexin a hug to the bed. Liu Kexin shyly put his face in Xiao Bing's arms, and then Xiao Bing gave off a little bit of clothes on his body...

Two hours later, the two men lay close to each other, and Liu Kexin leaned his head on Xiao Bing's body, and his face was ashamed, just like a cute bunny.

Xiao Bing gently kissed her forehead, and then couldn't help but touch her smooth face and smiled: "I am embarrassed with my future husband. How have you been here recently?" ”

"It's very good, the work here is also very good. The good sisters of the past are envious of me. I also made some new friends, but sometimes I miss home. When I take a long vacation, I have to go home. Go and see."

"You want your parents?"

"Well, yeah, my parents, and my former colleagues, I have a seven-day holiday next month. I will go back to live for two days."

"Well, then go back at that time. Just before you leave, you can first attend the wedding of the second goods, bless the two goods and get married, then return to Jiangcheng home for two days."

"Yeah." Liu Kexin smiled happily: "I saw the two goods and the young lady walking together, and the lover finally became a genus, and it felt really good."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Yes, I hope that all the lovers under the sun will be able to become servants."

Xiao Bing glared at Liu Kexin, and he couldn't help but kiss Liu Kexin's forehead, then kissed his face, then kissed his lips. Liu Kexin was shy and with a bit of joy. Xiao Bing whispered while kissing and said: "Baby You are so good. Baby, I love you very much. Baby, I like you..."

Xiao Bing’s screaming baby is simply to melt Liu Kexin...

The next morning, Xiao Bing first got up, Liu Kexin sat up and stretched out, and Xiao Bing’s eyes looked straight. The line was so beautiful, and Liu Kexin wanted to wear clothes. Xiao Bing immediately ran. In the past, I grabbed the clothes and said, "You are sitting, I will help you wear them."

Liu Kexin snorted and said shyly: "How can you let me dress for me?"

"How can I not? This is what Xiao Brother likes most."

Liu Kexin said that Xiao Bing, had to sit there, and let Xiao Bing busy before, Xiao Bing wears clothes, while a baby looks really beautiful and so on, it is simply to give Liu Kexin sweet death.

After finishing the clothes, Liu Kexin ran to the bathroom and washed his face. Then he began to wash. When he came out, he looked at Xiao Bing. Her eyes were still shy, but with a bit of tenderness.

Xiao Bing took Liu Kexin's hand out of the room. After coming to the restaurant, I saw everyone here. Xiao Bing immediately smiled and said: "You can sit down, let me take the breakfast for you."

"Wow." Maggie suddenly had half of the breakfast and was surprised. "How can I feel that you are very different today? Is it moistened by love?"

Liu Kexin was ashamed and ran out of the restaurant. Everyone was laughing. The leaves hurriedly said, "Okay, you can't make a fuss about it. People can be older than you." Be a little more disciplined."

"What is a big boy?" Mai Qijia said with a smile. "Isn't it a junior, or a sister? Or else, can I still call my heart? My name is Xiao Bing." Bing brother, called the heart of my sister is a small sister, that brother is not a smaller generation than the heart of the sister, they are not the equivalent of chaos.

Xia Hongyin is drinking soy milk and almost squirts out.

Xiao Bing was almost smothered by the saliva, and quickly said: "Leaves, you still don't say this gimmick, you don't understand the temperament of this little girl... If you go on, it is estimated that all of us are in a mess. ”

Maggie giggled and said: "I still know my brother, the brother brother knows me the most, the brother brother is the best for me, a few embarrassed, you will not be jealous?"

Su Xiaoxiao boring his head and eating, quietly licking his mother's eyes, pretending that Maggie said that there is no one inside, although the relationship between Su Xiaoxiao and Xiao Bing has long been known to everyone, but Li Chunlan has always been Did not say broken, so Su Xiaoxiao is still a bit scrupulous in front of Li Chunlan.

Xiao Bing coughed a voice: "Well, Maggie, you are going to go on, you will be late for school."

"Giggle, no, little flower, white, have you finished your meal?"

"Eat after eating." Liu Xiaorui put down the tableware and said with a smile.

Bai Shiran also said coldly: "I have already finished eating."

Bai Shiran was the little devil who came out from the home with the red rose. He was just an eight-year-old kid, but now he is already a junior high school student, and Liu Xiaorui is in the same school.

Liu Xiaorui said in private, Bai Shiran is a big brother-level figure in the school. His temper is very cold. Before the thorns of several schools, he was looking for trouble. Even a group of people went to look for white relief, and the results were all relieved. The repairs were made, and all of them were convinced, and everyone called Bai Bai in front of Bai Shiran.

The age of Bai Shiran is smaller than that of Liu Xiaorui. Liu Xiaorui is now the second day, and Bai Shiran is the first day.

Most of the people of the Eight Diagrams Serpent family have a little difference from normal humans, but fortunately this **** white blood is more in the human race, so there is nothing different from human beings, just his eyes. It's very cold, and sometimes the eyes are as cold as a viper, so that Liu Xiaorui sometimes fears him.

Maggie never felt that there was anything different in his white feelings. He didn’t feel anything about his eyes. When they saw that they had finished eating, Maggie immediately jumped out of the chair and said with a smile: "Let's go, oh The two will go to the kindergarten in the next month and then go to school."

Now all three of them are looking for a good school nearby. They are three people, two are junior high school, one is kindergarten, and one has already started college. Maggie has grown from the original girl to the biggest of these people. One.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "People drive you to the car, let the driver pay attention to safety on the road, the car is slower."

"Yes, I know, mother-in-law."

Xiao Bing touched his nose and smiled a bit, but helplessly said: "Where is Gao Fei?"

Two cargo roads: "Gofei is busy at the new Longmen base, teaching them martial arts every day."

Xiao Bingdao: "It should be good to let Gao Fei take care of this girl. It is just too powerful."

The leaves smiled and said: "Do you think that Gao Fei can cure her? Or forget it, Gao Fei will give Maggie a princess."

Xiao Bingxin said that it was just like a princess holding it. Maggie was originally a Mozu princess, but here Xiao Bing did not directly break it out.

After breakfast, everyone should go to work, busy and busy, Xiao Bing went out to the Longmen base to see how the construction of the Longmen base was.

After coming to the Longmen base, I felt that everything was different from the original. The place was bigger, and Jack’s laboratory was already installed. Jack’s lab was placed in the Longmen base, and no one could disturb it. Jack did the experiment, and since then Jack has been specifically responsible for the experiment, and does not need Jack to do anything like the task, which is a satisfaction of Jack's wishes.

The strength of these people in Longmen is under the special training of Gaofei, and they all have a lot of growth. The overall strength has been greatly improved. According to Xiao Bing’s estimation, even if he is not there. Kunlun does not dare to casually go with his own forces. Kunlun is the last to win. At least the price paid is also unbearable. At that time, they are equivalent to killing one thousand and losing 800. They are all Not a fool, this kind of thing is definitely not going to be done.

Seeing that everything is very proper, Xiao Bingxin also feels a lot of relief, and this time Li Chaoyang came over and said to Xiao Bing: "Do you want to go to Jack to see?"

"Okay, let's see it in the past." Xiaobing's eyes sparkled with curiosity.

(End of this chapter)

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