Super Soldier

Chapter 1724: Dean's Bole? (four more)

Xiao Bing came to the lab where Jack is located. This is an experimental building, not a small house. There are many laboratories in the building. The total building has three floors. In addition to the lightning rods, there are two The radar device, and even two missile launchers behind the building, can launch missiles at any time, with a range of up to ten kilometers.

There are several guards with rifles on the outside of the office building. The strength of these guards has reached the level of the sturdy period. It should be known that even in the underground world of Jiangcheng, the period of the martial arts has been regarded as the level of the scorpion. Strength, it can be seen how deep the foundation of the new Longmen base is now.

Xiao Bing walked into the experimental building, but he saw a lot of white gossips walking around in a busy way. Several people held some data sheets in their hands and didn't even look up at them.

An old professor who seems to be in his fifties is walking past, and Xiao Bing smiles and says, "Where is Jack?"

"You are looking for Jack? Looking for our dean?" The old professor looked at Xiao Bing and said, "Dr. Jack is very busy now, is doing various data analysis, I am afraid I have no time to see you."

"Oh, then let me take a look."

The old professor looked displeased: "Who are you, there are no rules, is this where you can see it? It seems that I want people to drive you out!"

"..." Xiao Bing was a little dumbfounded, because he had not come over recently, and the people here have basically never seen Xiao Bing, so this old professor simply does not know that this person is the big boss behind the Longmen base. The real master.

Xiao Bing’s words: "That, then I will go out..."

Although the attitude of the other party is not polite, Xiao Bing is not angry. This kind of test base is really inconvenient for others to come in and check, so the attitude of the other party is not a problem. Besides, the other party does not know himself, so I don’t know why Well.

Xiao Bing is planning to quit, and suddenly sees Jack coming downstairs. Jack is squatting with a few workers wearing work clothes behind him. When he saw Xiao Bing, he immediately walked over with excitement. .

When the old professor saw Jack coming, his face immediately showed a humble smile. In fact, he was so disdainful to Jack when he first came, because Jack is too young, and he has been famous for many years. And I have done all kinds of large and small research, can be said to be highly respected, and now such a young man actually wants to be the dean of this experimental base, how can he be convinced?

The result was less than two days here. When he saw the abnormal scientific research ability that Jack showed, he was immediately shocked. He simply surprised Jack as a man and began to vote for Jack. Worship, although Jack's age is small, but this old professor now has an extremely fanatical and crazy worship of Jack.

At this time, when the old professor saw Jack coming over, he immediately said angrily: "The dean, this does not know where the unruly person came from, but he even came in, and said that he would see you, even Just take a look here."

Jack looked at the angry professor and smiled and said: "What? You don't know if this is the gatekeeper of the Longmen base, and is the vice minister of Xiao of the Ministry of National Security?"

"why?" The old professor was stupid.

Jack smiled and said: "And he has another identity. I want to introduce you in detail. Vice Minister Xiao is my benefactor. If you don't have him, then there is no one for me today. You Chinese is not a word? I am looking for a lot of things, but Bole is not always there. Vice Minister Xiao is my Boke of Jack. I have been with him all the time, so I can stand here and talk to you at this moment."

The old professor was completely stupid, and only felt that he was turning around, Xiao Vice Minister? The benefactor of Jack Dean? My goodness, what kind of existence have I just reprimanded? Jack is my idol, and the one who was reprimanded by me was actually the benefactor of Jack Dean?

For the identity of Xiao Bing’s deputy minister, the old professor doesn’t think so, although the deputy minister is indeed a big official, but their old antiques don’t care what the officials are, but the more they The more antiques are, the more noble and proud they are, so they will never give in to the official, but the identity of the other is Jack’s benefactor. That’s not the same. Jack is his idol, his idol’s benefactor, this identity Absolutely he must worship.

The old professor said in a hurry: "Deputy Minister Xiao, I am sorry, I just did not right, I said the wrong thing..."

Xiao Bing waved his hand and smiled. "This professor, you just said that you are right. After all, you don't know my identity. How can you just walk around here casually? It is worthwhile for you to behave like this. Appreciate. Not to mention that you are a highly respected professor. Although I am a deputy minister, we can have different identities. You don't need to be so polite in front of me."

The old professor hurriedly said: "No, no, no, you are the benefactor of our dean, the dear of our dean, I should show respect to you."

Faced with the attitude of the old professor who is half a century old, Xiao Bing feels particularly uncomfortable. He said: "You still don't want to be polite with me."

Jack saw Xiao Bing's embarrassment and interrupted: "I will introduce it. This is our highly respected professor, Zhou Zhenhua, a professor from the research institute."

Xiao Bing extended his hand and said: "Professor Zhou."

Zhou Zhenhua and Xiao Bing shook hands and still looked apologetic.

Jack said: "Professor Zhou, you don't have some data to study. It's better to go ahead, I will accompany Vice Minister Xiao."

"Okay, then I am going to be busy first." Zhou Zhenhua agreed, and took the data sheet and hurriedly left.

Xiao Bing smiled bitterly: "This week Professor is really... but you are here to be majestic!"

Jack smiled and said: "You still don't know. When these people just came, they were almost convinced of me. Later, they also got along for a long time and they were willing to listen to me. I used to think that I was young and not qualified enough. The level is not good, but these people are also very simple, they will not be intriguing, as long as I prove that my level is stronger than them, they are convinced to do things for me."

"Yeah." Xiao Bing said, "Only you can survive these people. Will I disturb you this time?"

"No, no, there are some research results that can show you." Jack said, "You come with me."


Xiao Bing followed Jack and went all the way. Jack said: "Now the country has given me a task, saying that there is no key technology in the new generation of missile systems that cannot be broken. I am working with several experts and professors day and night. Exploring exchanges, but this is not anxious. It is definitely not something that can be done in three days and two days. It is estimated that I will go to their military research bases in person for a few days to see how their results are now, and then they can think about it. How should we break through the obstacles they encounter."

Xiao Bing touched his nose and said: "Who is telling you about the missile?"

"It’s the people above."

"Yeah." Xiao Bing laughed. "The next time people come back and say this, let them look for me directly. Although it is incumbent to do things for the country, our laboratories mainly serve the base. They can't always white. Let's find them to work for them?"

Xiao Bing laughed very awkwardly, but Xiao Bing said that it is also true. This belongs to Xiao Bing’s personal strength. In the end, he shared it with the country, but the rights still have to be held in his own hands. Xiao Bing certainly It’s not about playing in front of the country. It’s just to increase the influence of the Dragon Gate. If you can do anything in the future, it will be more convenient. Moreover, I have never agreed to Xiaobing’s marriage. Xiao Bing still has some points. Revenge...

Jack asked: "So, can I help them?"

"Help, or help, this is related to the national interest. I can't be such a person who doesn't know the general. Let them just look for me next time, but you should pay attention to your body. On the side of the busy country, other research here will be put aside. In short, you can’t be busy with both sides, and the fatigue is excessive.”

Jack smiled. "I know."

"Do you know what you know, do you know that many people are already dying at a young age?" Xiao Bing sighed. "It is not my responsibility to say this. It is my responsibility. I will I will give you a few holidays on a regular basis. No matter what happens during the holiday, I will concentrate on giving me a trip or rest in Xiaofu."

Jack's smile, but the heart is warm, although the way they express their feelings is slightly different from those of the country of China and Huaxia. However, in general, it is still almost the same. He knows that this is Xiao Bing's kindness. It was also Xiao Bing’s concern for himself, so he accepted it with humility.

Seeing that Jack did not stubbornly refute himself, Xiao Bing nodded with satisfaction and then said: "After a few days, the goods will be married."

"Ah? Marriage?" Jack and the second goods are also familiar. At the time, the second goods were trained in the base of Longmen. Of course, at that time, the Longmen base was still in the backcountry, and the drunk gyro and other people pointed out the martial arts of the second goods. During that time, Jack and the second goods were old acquaintances.

Jack was pleasantly surprised: "God, it's too fast, I have to attend when I get there."

"Well, I think about it. When you get married, you go to participate. Then you start to rest. I will give you a half-month holiday."

"God, is it going to be a holiday so soon? I am still just starting."

Xiao Bing said: "At least you have to rest for a week. In short, don't sing against me."

"Oh, okay, this is the lab room I am going to take you in. After I push the door and walk you in, you will find surprises waiting for you!"

(End of this chapter)

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