Super Soldier

Chapter 1725: Anti-laser weapon

“Surprise?” Xiao Bing laughed. “You said so, I really looked forward to it.”

Jack has always been a genius in the field of technology. From Jack's mouth, he can say two words of surprise. That proves that his new invention is definitely very interesting. What will it be? Inflatable dolls that can talk and move?

Jack pushed the door open and smiled with Xiao Bing and went in. After entering, Xiao Bing immediately saw a white underwear hanging in the central vacuum box of the laboratory, in addition to the laboratory. There are other things that look interesting in other places, but the most visible and protective ones are obviously white underwear.

Xiao Bing curiously said: "Which surprise did you mean?"

Jack smiled. "It's this dress."

“This dress?” Xiao Bing stunned and then laughed. “What is the difference between this and the one bought in the mall? Have you started to change to a fashion designer now?”

"God, fashion designer? That may be the field that I will not be exposed to in my next life. I will let you see what is different from the design style."

Xiao Bing shook his head and said: "Not too much to see."

Jack walked over, pressed a button, opened the vacuum box, and then took the clothes down. He handed it to Xiao Bing together with the clothes and said, "Try this, let me try it for you. Custom made."

"Do it for me?" Xiao Bing laughed. "Then I have to put it on and try it."

Xiao Bing took off his clothes, naked, and then put this underwear into it. Just put on it, Xiao Bing felt different, but what was the difference, Xiao Bing still said that he did not understand. .

At this time, Jack did not know where to take out a pistol, and then said to Xiao Bing: "Do you know what this is?"

"Pistol, no, I haven't seen this type of pistol. Is this your research?"

"Yes, but this research is not very mature, basically it can only be used in the laboratory for experimentation. This is a beam gun, also called a laser gun."

Xiao Bing’s eyes are bright, even if Xiao Bing’s current level of strength, facing the laser gun is to be careful to deal with it. It can be said that after reaching the saint, the laser has become the biggest enemy of Xiao Bing because of the speed of the laser. It’s too fast and too fast. It’s too easy to dodge. Fortunately, this technology is only in the hands of several developed countries, and their laser weapons are few, or even all, must be fixed. Unless it is an ambush set in advance, it is difficult to really kill Xiao Bing. Even so, a sage-powered person like Xiao Bing will also mention the laser weapon.

Jack said: "But don't be excited, this has not reached the level of laser weapons. The power of real laser weapons is at least a hundred times stronger than this. The beam inside can kill a rabbit at most, but it is used to do it. The experiment is enough. Now you stand still, I will shoot you, you feel it."

"Take me a shot?" Xiao Bing was a little worried, then nodded and said, "Then you shoot me."

This is that Xiao Bing has full trust in Jack. If Jack is going to say to other people, that person is estimated to slap Jack to death for the first time. You said that I shot at me and shot at me. How do you know that the power of your laser gun is not so strong? In case you want to earn my life? After all, who in this world is willing to put his life in the hands of others?

However, Xiao Bing is unconditionally trusting Jack, carrying his hands and saying: "Come on me."

Jack said: "You can't release your energy."

"Well, I am completely unresisted, but the power to kill the rabbit is estimated to make me more painful, and it will not hurt me."

Xiao Bing is now the second realm of King Kong's not bad body, so even if it is not used, an ordinary person can hardly kill him, and the power of killing a rabbit is equivalent to the ordinary person's full blow. chant.

Jack nodded and then suddenly shot. Xiao Bing only felt his heart jump, because the speed of the laser was too fast and too fast, and almost hit him in the blink of an eye. According to Xiao Bing’s prediction, he wanted I am afraid that it is difficult to avoid lasers. Even if he is prepared, he may have the opportunity to avoid the key, but he may not be injured.

The laser hit the body directly, Xiao Bing had already prepared for the sting, but the result turned out to be a slight tremor on the clothes, and then he did not suffer a little injury, it is normal to not hurt, but even hurt It’s not normal to feel pain. Xiao Bing is a body that is not bad, but it doesn’t mean no nerves!

Xiao Bing’s eyes lit up and looked at the underwear he was wearing with excitement. Then he looked up and looked at Jack with a questioning look. Jack smiled and said: “You must have guessed something, yes, It is the role of your clothes."

Xiao Bing excited: "What is this dress? Is it a magic weapon similar to the spirit level, can it play a defensive role?"

Jack pointed at the chair next to him and said, "The doorkeeper, you sit down first."

"Yeah." Xiao Bing sat down, but still looked forward to Jack, waiting for Jack to say.

Jack smiled and said: "We all know that there are missiles in the world, and there are missile defense systems. In ancient times, there were bows and arrows, so there were shields. Now the world's top tool for individual combat is laser. I thought, what can protect the laser? I have been studying it for two years. Now I have finally researched it. I have basically confirmed through many experiments that this dress can withstand three laser guns. the power of."

Xiao Bing’s incredible way: “So a thin dress?”

"Yes." Jack smiled. "If you look down on it, then you are deceived by your naked eye. This dress looks like ordinary underwear. In fact, it contains a lot of filters. Light matter, for example..."

" Needless to say." Xiao Bing was very cherished and touched on it, sighed, "This is really a baby, although it can not be permanently resisted by the laser, but it can be considered a baby to resist three attacks, not to mention three times, even if Just to resist an attack, it is definitely worthless. After all, it is very likely that it will save your life."

"Well, but it is a pity that this kind of clothes is difficult to mass produce. It can produce two or three pieces at most in one year. Now this is the first one. It is for you to wear. Now it only has the chance to resist twice because I I have used this low-energy laser gun to do a lot of experiments on your clothes. Although the attack power is relatively low, but the number is too many, it has probably been offset once, so this dress is probably able to withstand twice. A real high-energy laser gun attack."

Xiao Bing put the coat on the outside, the original underwear was in his hand, and smiled: "Okay, I know. This dress is baby, absolutely baby. This time I got a big one here." Cheap."

Jack smiled and showed Xiao Bing a variety of other studies. There are also many studies that have made Xiao Bing shine. But overall, this time I got this piece of clothing that can defend against lasers. The biggest gain, the other is worse than the other, after all, this dress can help Xiao Bing to save his life at any time.

After Xiaobing took away a few research results, he said: "These research results give me a list. I take it to the old class and let him hand it over. If the country wants it, we can batch Production, but the cost must be paid out by them and pay extra."

Jack said: "No problem, except for special ones, many of the research here can be mass-produced, I will write the purpose and name, and then write about how much production money is needed."

"Well, then you have worked hard, and then it will take a few more days. After the second goods are married, give you a vacation."

Xiao Bing came out of the lab. Jack had sent Xiao Bing to the experimental building. After walking to the door, Xiao Bing grabbed Jack's hand and shook hands with a strong handshake. "Jack, Longmen Eight will be inside. Your strength is the lowest, but each of us has its own characteristics, and you are the most unstoppable, but you must care about your own body, remember that the body is the capital of the revolution. Otherwise, if you are smart, it will be useless. You should pay attention to rest when you take a break. Do you know?"

Jack was warm and smiled. "I know."

"Okay, I know it. I am here, there is no problem in eating and drinking. But if there is any need in other areas, please let me know and I will arrange it for you."

Jack blinked and smiled. "What is the other aspect?"

Xiao Bing also blinked and smiled: "Of course it is physiological needs... hahahaha!"

Jack shook his head and smiled. "I still forget it. I don't have much interest in big health care. Now I don't have a fate. I will find my own woman when I arrive, but before that, I think the experiment. The room is my home, the experimental results are my children, the experimental tools are my women... Jack who is able to experiment is the happiest person!"

Xiao Bing looked at Jack with some admiration. I am afraid that only the talents who are extremely obsessed with one thing in the world can reach the level of his present. Otherwise, even if even a genius is a genius, it is difficult to obtain. Such success.

Although Jack has not achieved much in martial arts, his achievements in the scientific research field can be made small, and I am afraid that he is higher than himself in the field of martial arts.

After Xiao Bing and Jack said goodbye, they drove to the house and wore this conductive clothing. Xiao Bing felt that his heart was more abundant.

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