Super Soldier

Chapter 1745: Killing Kunlun

"Kunlun?" Xiao Bing showed a surprised color and muttered to himself, "How could it be Kunlun, how could their people die at my doorstep..."

Suddenly, Xiao Bing’s face changed and he screamed: “Kunlun is too embarrassing!”

The old class hurriedly asked: "What did you think of?"

"Yes." Xiao Bing was a little excited. "I suspect that these Kunlun people are not killed by others. It is the people inside Kunlun who have taken away their lives."

" is it possible." The old class was surprised. "What do they do to kill themselves? Is it possible to kill their own people to demonstrate with you?"

Xiao Bing sneered: "I am afraid it is not that simple. He killed his own people at the door of our Xiaofu to frame us. Now I will take it away. I am afraid that the next step is to show my cards and let me compensate him." The life of a disciple!"

The old class was silent and said: "Well, you are very likely to say this. If he comes to show off with you now, it is a personal grievance. After all, they have killed several disciples in Kunlun, and they are all dead in you. At the door of the government, this kind of personal grievances, the country is not too good to ask."

Now that I understand what is going on, Xiao Bing is calm and calm down: "This is the first time this thing. I don't think I need to contact him. They will find me soon. I guess I have to go once. Kunlun..."

The tone of the old class is dignified: "The Kunlun faction is absolutely not as simple as you think, and they are definitely not just as simple as a strong man of the saints. Their foundation is very deep, to be honest, unless it is necessary. Next, otherwise the country will not easily tear them off, you better consider it."

Xiao Bing asked: "Old class, do you think my woman is in their hands, will I be indifferent?"

The old class said: "I understand this too, but let me talk about Kunlun first."

"No use, old class, I want to know if the other party is not willing to let go, but forcing me to go to Kunlun, once I have an accident, will the country shoot for Kunlun for me?"

The old class sank a bit, but said helplessly: "This thing they are holding the truth, although we said that they killed their disciples themselves, but after all, it sounds too unbelievable, so this kind of personal grievance, if you really If something goes wrong, even if the country values ​​you again, it is impossible to kill Kunlun for you as a dead person. At most, it is simply to punish."

Xiao Bing said: "Yes, that's it. You know, I understand that Kunlun also understands it. Since he knows this truth, what is the use of them to discuss with them? They are jealous. I am going to kill my own disciples to frame me. Will you listen to your words and let their disciples make sacrifices in vain?"

The old class Shen Sheng said: "What you said is justified, but I still hope that you remember, the country needs you, there are more people in your Xiaofu need you, so you must not have an accident!"

"I understand." Xiao Bing sighed. "Old class, I hang up first, let me calm down. If there is any other news on your side, I will tell you immediately."

Xiao Bing hangs up the phone in a heavy mood and swears: "Damn Kunlun, they are going to tear the skin and take me to the knife!"

The leaves asked: "What do you do? Make sure you can be safe... but you can't just go to the Kunlun dignitaries. I think they must have been arranged to wait for you."

Xiao Bing sneered: "I know that if they don't have anything to set up, it would be strange."

Su Xiaoxiao asked: "Why Xiaolan, why is Kunlun always looking for trouble?"

"Ambitious." Xiao Bing sighed, but his heart was very understanding of Kunlun's thoughts. He said, "On the one hand, I and the other of them have been tied up, and they are very deep. Their elders are dead in my hands. And the Kunlun sword also died in my hands. The death of the Kunlun sword can be said to have affected the future development of Kunlun. The death of the elders is to let them lose the overall strength of the present, they hate me."

"On the other hand, maybe I also let them feel terrified." Xiao Bing is very self-aware. "The strength of their teaching is unfathomable, but I guess it is definitely not reaching the level of God, otherwise I will have died, God. The level of master and sage level seems to be only a realm, but in fact it is definitely a difference. Since he has not reached the level of God, now his realm is likely to be the peak of the saint, I am more and more from the peak of the saint Nearly, they will inevitably be scared, afraid that when my strength is not weaker than they are teaching, it is their day of destruction."

The leaves said: "Because you start with a strong hand and then start to suffer. This is an understandable choice, but we certainly can't sit still, is the country really inconvenient to take?"

"Yeah." Xiao Bing said, "If the country shoots at this time, it will make the entire ancient martial arts feel uncomfortable, because this is our personal grievances. From the outside world, the country is biased. So this time I am afraid. I really want to face Kunlun myself. The country must also hope that I can suppress Kunlun and even destroy Kunlun. This is basically a very straightforward one."

The leaves asked: "Would you do that?"

Xiao Bing’s eyes flashed brightly: “It’s necessary to see what step Kunlun has to do this time. I definitely can’t let my woman have a slight loss!”

Xiao Bing’s car drove to the door of Xiao’s house, and then saw a young man standing outside the door of Xiao’s house. Xiao Bing stopped the car and got off with the leaves and others. The young people were behaved He lowered his head and said: "Mr. Xiao, I am Liu Zhenping, a Kunlun disciple. I am coming to teach me."

"Oh?" Xiao Bing looked at him, and he couldn't see any emotions. Liu Zhenping was frightened. He knew that Xiao Bing's woman had just been tied up. As a result, Kunlun asked him to send a message, but he I still have to come. When he was squatting, he heard Xiao Bing’s tone of calm. "Let’s say, let you tell what to say."

Liu Zhenping said: "We lost four disciples who came out before Kunlun. The result was that they died in Xiaofu. I hope Mr. can give an account."

Xiao Bing smiled mysteriously and asked: "Hear?"

Liu Zhenping swallowed a sip of water and felt a terrible pressure. He was a little trembling when he was oppressed, but he still had to continue: "In addition, Miss Liu Kexin has been brought to Kunlun Mountain by us, and the teacher said. This matter must ask you to go to Kunlun Mountain to give an account, hand over the murderer, and we are fair to Kunlun. If you don’t go to Kunlun before the sun sets in the evening..."

Xiao Bing asked: "What about that?"

"A life is worth a life. If you don't see Mr. Xiao before the sun goes down tomorrow, Miss Liu Kexin will immediately execute it. We will definitely take away the lives of other people in Xiaofu. We must have five lives to pay back!"

With a bang, the horrible pressure directly caused Liu Zhenping to lie on the ground, cracks appeared on the ground, and his teeth trembled constantly: "Mr. Xiao, I am just a message..."

"Okay, very good." Xiao Bing dissipated the pressure and said, "If there is anything else, let's talk together."

Liu Zhenping said: "We also said that we can only go alone..."

"That's impossible!" Xiao Bing sneered. "You bully me Xiao Bing young and ignorant, want to kill me, then come righteously, see if you Kunlun is strong, or I am stronger!"

Liu Zhenping nodded and said: "Well, then we are waiting for you in Kunlun."

"Go!" Xiao Bing walked straight toward Xiaofu, and the leaves and others followed. After Xiaofu completely disappeared from his own face, Liu Zhenping was relieved. The whole person was scared and weak. On the ground, the mouth is full of gasping, and the heart is secret. It is worthy of relying on the power of one person to oppress the eight major sects of Xiao Bing, but it is well-deserved.

After Liu Zhenping got up from the ground, he ran to the distance and didn't dare to stay there for a moment.

After returning to Xiaofu, Xiao Bing immediately called all of the top top powers to come together. Molong, Miyamoto Shinji, Six Fingers, Two Goods, Drunk Gyro, Li Chaoyang, Liu Zhen and Zhan Hongyan heard The news also rushed over.

All the people gathered at the small meeting room at this time. Xiao Bing was about to talk. The red rose also came in and said, "How can this kind of thing be less?"

Xiao Bing nodded, the strength of the red rose is stronger than others, it is indeed a big boost.

Xiao Bing glanced at the door and asked, "I didn't see Gao Fei coming over?"

“No,” said the red rose. “Gaofei seems to have chased out what he heard, and he has never returned.”

Xiao Bing asked: "How long has it been going after?"

"It should be almost an hour."

Xiao Bing has a feeling of uneasiness in his heart, but he thinks that Gao Fei’s strength is not weaker than his own. It also dispels the uneasy emotion. It may be because there are too many things in Xiaofu recently, so I think There are too many, if Kunlun has a way to give Gao Fei to God without knowing how it is, then there is no need to be so troublesome to let them go to Kunlun after they start again.

Xiao Bing said: "Then I will not wait for Gao Fei. I will tell you something about it. Liu Kexin was kidnapped. In addition, the four disciples of Kunlun died at the gate of Xiaofu this morning, and I am sure these four disciples will be sure. Absolutely died in other places, and then they moved the body to plant it."

Xiao Bing then told the story of the incident, then stood up and said loudly: "He wants to fight, I can only accompany him, but this time I go to Kunlun is probably a life of nine deaths, their foundation can not be underestimated, I I don't want everyone to accompany me to take risks if I don't know the situation. If anyone is inconvenient to go, I will stand up directly. If there is no problem, I will accompany you to Kunlun!"

(End of this chapter)

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