Super Soldier

Chapter 1746: Magic, let me see your strength

None of the people present were retreating.

The eyes of Xiao Bing were a little wet, and the heart was moved. The loud voice: "Well, I will be alive to bring everyone back, how many people will go together, how many people will leave together!"

The red rose also showed a hot color in the eyes: "This time, if they dare to move their sisters, they will slap the Kunlun to the ground!"

Molong asked: "Don't wait for Mr. Gao Fei? Mr. Gao Fei's strength is the strongest except for the door owner. If he is there, this time he can get a bigger grasp."

Xiao Bing said: "Let's wait, now it's not urgent, let's go tomorrow morning!"

After everyone discussed it, they first rested in Xiaofu. As a result, everyone was waiting for Gaofei one night. Until the next morning, Xiao Bing came out of the room and still did not see the shadow of Gao Fei.

After eating breakfast, Maggie looked worried and stopped Xiao Bing, who was preparing to leave the table, and asked: "Bing brother, do you say that my flying brother will not have an accident?"

Xiao Bing shook his head and said: "No, in the people I know, the person who can sneak up on your flying brother without knowing it, should be a Buddha son, and the Buddha son will not be there that night. How are we doing, how can we still come back again this time? So I don’t think so, he should be fine, just don’t know what to delay.”

Maggie heard Xiao Bing say so, and he was relieved.

Xiao Bing gathered all the people who were going to Kunlun together. They were planning to leave. The second goods and the red scorpion branch came in. Just after they came in, they said in the second mouth: "Xiao Boda, what are you going to do?" ?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Go out and do something, you can stay at home."

When the second goods saw Xiao Bing and others, they were going to go. The leaves and Su Xiaoxiao were all worried and sent Xiao Bing. Although he was honest, he was not stupid. He immediately guessed it and immediately caught up. Inside the yard, I asked, "Is there a fight? Why don't you bring it?"

Drunk gyro loudly said: "Sprinkle home feels how your mother-in-law after marriage, let you be at home at home, we have good things can not take you!"

"No, I have to follow." The two goods are slightly stubborn.

Xiao Bingxin knows that if he has to tell the second goods, the second goods will definitely not give up. The reason why he did not notify the second thing about this matter is because the second goods are now home-based people, and Just married, so Xiao Bing did not want to bring him, and did not want to be tired of their family.

But at this time Xiao Bing still had to say: "We have to go to Kunlun, but the heart has been taken away by Kunlun."

"What? Can the heart scorpion be taken away? His grandmother's, I want to go to their theory and theory. If you dare not let go, you have to work hard with them. Branch, you lived in Xiaofu for the past two days, After two days, I will be back, and I will go home again. You will accompany Grandpa."

In the heart of Akasaka, it is reluctant to have two goods in the past, but I also know that although I am married, I can’t restrain the two goods to do what he wants to do. Otherwise, even if it can be restrained, the heart of the second goods will Not happy, that is not what she wants.

What's more, Xiao Bing is so good for their family. Now that something is wrong, how can she persuade the two goods to stand by?

So Akasaka nodded and said: "Then go, you must bring back your peace to your peace."

"Oh, I know."

"This..." Xiao Bing said, "Two goods, you are just getting married, it is at home to accompany your wife, these days you will go out for a honeymoon, relax and relax, this time we are these people Enough, you really don't have to follow along."

The second thing hesitated a little, then tightened his fist and said loudly: "No, everything is Xiao Bo, you gave it. Now your family has an accident, can you stand by and watch? Yongquan reported, if you don’t help this time, is it still human?”

When the goods came back and looked at the red stalks, they said, "Women, you will definitely come back safely."

"Do not worry, don't worry about me." Akasaka smiled and said, "You are right, I am happy for a husband like you."

"Thank you for your wife." The second goods looked at Xiao Bing and said, "The daughter-in-law agrees, let's go!"

"This... well." Xiao Bing knew that it was useless, so he said, "When you start together, how can I bring you back, how will you bring you back safely, hehe, but unfortunately, Gao Fei is not there, otherwise This time, the grasp can increase a few points."

Xiao Bing and others are going to leave Xiao Fu. When they walk to the gate, the leaves shouted: "Peace back!"

"Yeah!" Xiao Bing responded with a strong effort and stepped out.

The leaves wiped their eyes and looked at Su Xiaoxiao and Liu Xiaorui and others, smiling and said: "Do not worry, nothing...."

Worried in my heart, but as a woman of Xiao Bing, the leaves still do what she should do, that is, strong, that is to appease the people.

In a valley far from Kyoto, Goofy is constantly walking inside. He has walked several times in a row, but he always walks back to the original point. He looks up at the sky and shouts loudly. Shouted: "I know you can hear, do you really think that such a formation can control me forever?"

"I don't need to control you forever, as long as you can control you for two days is enough."

Gao Fei was introduced here last night. It has already passed a night, but still can't go out. Although Gao Fei doesn't know much about the law, he knows that he must have fallen into a puzzle, but he is still in a good position. The law, when it was broken, was not too anxious at the beginning of Gao Fei, but when he heard the other party’s voice, suddenly there was a terrible murderous spread on his body: "You are going to start with Xiao." ?"

With a bang, the space around it seems to start to tremble. Gao Fei’s eyes are murderous, and there is no thought to continue to accompany the other side of the stalemate. He has to break through the force and use the brute force to tear the formation. Although that may make you feel a little bit damaged, you can't care so much at this time.

At this time, it may be realized that the formation will soon be unable to control the high flying. A more ethereal voice came in from the outside. This sound is very familiar. It is just the voice of the Buddha: "You retire. Then give it to me."

"Yes." The person in the array seemed to have promised, and then there was no interest.

A bang, the horrible murderousness will completely tear the formation, Gao Fei can not control, spit out a blood in his mouth, but finally it is a good day, then he saw a megalith of the Buddha’s son standing at the mouth of the valley at this time. I looked down on myself.

Gao Fei’s pupil contracted slightly and asked: “Buddha? Is it yours who just trapped me?”

"Yes." said the Buddha son. "I advise you not to be impulsive. Stay here for a day. I will let you go tonight."

The Buddha son gave the time to the plan very well. He flew away this evening. Gao Fei basically knows that Xiao Bing went to Kunlun. He wants to catch up and it is too late.

Gao Fei shook his head and said: "I am afraid I can't do what you want."

The Buddha’s son smiled faintly: “Is it just that you can break through my blockade? Of course, idle is also idle, you can try it.”

"That's a try." Gao Fei flew out in a row, and the whole person suddenly turned into several residual images, and went straight to the Buddha's son from several corners, but not far from the Buddha's son. At that time, one of the figures suddenly went straight to the outside of the valley to escape, and the other two figures directly attacked the Buddha.

The Buddha’s son smiled faintly, his eyes flashed with wise light, and he did not care about the shadow that fled toward the valley. Instead, he easily reached out and rushed toward one of his two shadows. Immediately flew back, and the other two afterimages were also shattered.

Xiao Bing said: "Yes, strength, talent, cool-headed, wise, just you have used the real body to attack me, use your residual image to escape to the valley, give me an illusion, let me I thought that your true body is going to escape, and the two that attacked me are just the afterimages of your cohesion. This calculation is very profound. Ninety-nine percent of people should be deceived by you, but unfortunately I You can see it at a glance."

Gao Fei fell to the ground, crawled up again, took a breath, spit out a blood in his mouth, and the heart was dark. The strength of the Buddha son is really terrible. If this is the case, I am afraid it is really difficult to break through, but if Being trapped here by him, he was unwilling.

Gao Fei’s eyes slowly became red, and his breath began to soar. The two injuries just did not have any substantial impact on him. Instead, his breath was stronger, and now his Even if it is compared with the peak of the saint, the momentum is only a short distance.

"Very good, not bad." The light in the eyes of Buddha's son shimmered slightly, and the tone was calm. "You finally have to come up with real strength. The magic of the devil world, of course, should not only have such a means, come on, Let me see what your true strength is."

Gao Fei clenched his fists and expressed his unbelievable feelings in his tone. He said: "Do you know that I am a magician? Who are you?"

The robes of the Buddha's robes hunted with the wind. He carried his hands and gave a slight sigh. He said, "In this world, there are people, gods, and demons. How many things do I don't know exist? The magic is only in the devil world. Second to the devil's top master, it may not be weaker than the demon, but unfortunately you have not grown up completely, otherwise you will be more powerful than now, but what you are worse now is only time. Come on, Let me see the means and strength of seeing you in the devil world!"

Even if he knows that the other party is the magical demon of the devil world, the Buddha son still does not have a little bit of fear. Instead, with deep self-confidence and calmness, Gao Fei looks at the Buddha son. Only four words can be thought of in his heart, which is unfathomable.

(End of this chapter) 8)

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