Super Soldier

Chapter 1747: Buddha son VS real high flying

Gao Fei’s eyes are getting redder and redder than the blood, as if blood will flow out of his eyes. The red magic is raging from his body, and his palm is completely bent at this moment. As the talons, his whole person gradually curved, as if it was extremely painful.

The Buddha son snorted softly, because he could feel that the realm of Gao Fei was not weaker than the peak of the saint, and it was still growing, and the breath of Gao Fei became more and more terrifying, and the earth began to tremble. Then the ground began to crack from the foot of Goofy.

The Buddha asked: "Is this your last card?"

"Yes, demonized!" Gao Fei grinned, a heat wave spurted out of his mouth, his laughter with a bit of cruel taste, "Where is the Buddha, you are the first to force me to expose You should be honored by the people who really have the cards."

The pupil of the Buddha's son shrank slightly, and there was a bit of excitement and interest in the tone: "It seems that I still look down on you after all, I am afraid that even Xiao Bing will look down on you, maybe you are also small in the devil world. Look at you, you are a magic, but you are not a general magic."

"Do you know?" Gao Fei's skeleton suddenly began to expand. The whole person began to grow bigger. He was originally a height of more than one meter and eight. It has grown to about two meters in the blink of an eye, and black on the half of his face. The pattern, this pattern has spread to the position of the neck, looks like a strange color that can't be said.

"Yeah." The voice of the Buddha's son is calm. "The mythical era has always been the protagonist's upper hand, but it has not always been the case. The Mozu has always been unwilling to show weakness. There has been a demon **** in the devil world for a while. Probably the most powerful demon in history, his name is simple, called annihilation."

"Destroy the world?"

"Yes, he was not born at the time of his birth, but after he reached adulthood, suddenly a magical gene slowly awakened. This gene is even above the demon, and later generations call him The gene is the ultimate blood."

"He said that his existence is to destroy the world and create a new era without war. So he changed his name to be extinct after he became an adult. Later he unified the Mozu. No other race can compete with the Mozu led by him. It is too strong for him. The god-level masters of the Protoss have been defeated. Until the end, the Protoss’ minds will surpass the Mozu. Under the calculation of the Protoss, the world will fall into the trap and be given by many Protoss. The siege was fatal, but he said before he died that other races would be frightened for the next few hundred years, until the mythological era has become more and more distant, no one has ever remembered this."

"He said that he has passed his ultimate demon blood to a descendant, but no one knows what he left behind, even if he is not inside the demon, but it has been going to the past many, many years, The Mozu did not have such a terrible existence, and other races slowly stopped thinking about it. In their view, the last sentence of the world was just to scare them."

The Buddha son was somewhat surprised: "I can't think of it after thousands of years, I was seen here, interesting, really interesting, maybe your blood is really worth studying."

Gao Fei said: "Who are you, why do you know so many things that others don't know?"

"I am a guy who shouldn't be in this world." Buddha said with a smile. "These secrets are generally known as magicians. It seems that the age of your magic is too small. I have come to this world before I have experienced anything. The magical demon that should exist in the devil world has appeared in the human world. This world is more and more interesting."

Goofy walked toward the Buddha's son step by step. The place where he passed, the ground all cracked open, and the Buddha son grinned and said: "It is the descendant of the ultimate blood, you must be the most powerful in history." The descendants of the devil, but unfortunately your ancestors have never been able to stimulate the bleeding pulse. If the descendants of the ultimate demon blood appear one day earlier, why are the demons blocked in such a small world!"

"You know a lot, but you can only say it in hell!" Gao Fei opened his mouth, violently screamed, shaking the mountain, the surrounding valleys trembled wildly, and the stones above rolled. When it fell, Gao Fei stepped on the ground, and then the speed soared twice, and went straight to the Buddha's blast. When he passed, the space was instantly cut into two halves!

Xiao Bing took the plane, then passed the transfer and walk, and finally came to the foot of the Kunlun Mountains.

Xiao Bing looked up at the top of the mountain and suddenly yelled: "Xiao Bing came to the appointment!"

The screaming was like a thunder, and everyone was disturbed by the Kunlun Mountains. Then Xiao Bing carried his hands and walked to the top of the mountain. Molong and others all followed, murderously heading toward the mountain.

Several disciples appeared from the center of the mountain, standing on both sides of the steps, and Molong seized the handle. Xiao Bing said calmly: "Do not do it first, then go up and say."

"Good." Molong loosened the handle.

The disciples were relieved and then madly rushing toward the upper hand. Xiao Bing was too lazy to take care of them and continued step by step toward the top of the mountain.

After more than twenty minutes, they finally reached the top of the mountain. On the top of the mountain, the densely-knit Kunlun school disciples had already waited there. Kunlun and the Kunlun elders stood at the forefront. Kunlun Teaching is the appearance of a fairy-skinned bone, and Liu Kexin is held in his hand by the two elders next to him.

Xiao Bing’s gaze fell on Liu Kexin’s body. Liu Kexin’s tears dripped from his eyes and shook his head hard. Her mouth was sealed with tape, and she couldn’t speak.

Xiao Bing looked at Liu Kexin gently, as if to appease Liu Kexin without worry, he would save Liu Kexin.

The six elders Zhang Shuren said: "You have come so many people, what is it, want to play a game?"

“It’s best to be able to play natural.” Xiao Bing laughed and said, “As long as you put people out, I will not do anything, just take someone away.”

Xuan Ming sneered: "If you don't let it go?"

Xiao Bing said one word at a time: "The Kunlun faction has been sinking since then!"

In the valley, after a few hours of Gao Fei's demonization, he has recovered his appearance at this moment, lying face up on the ground, the Buddha son holding a test tube in his hand, the test tube containing blood, he Looking at Gao Fei, he smiled and said: "You can't help but reveal your secrets for Xiao Fu. I wonder if this secret even the Maggie doesn't know?"

"She doesn't know," Gao Fei said. "The only thing I know is my father who died. Before he died, I promised that he would keep anyone secret."

"So, you can see that you really value Xiao Bing. What happened? Is this man so heavy to you? He is a human being, you are a demon, and you have only met each other for a few years. He It's worth your risk to expose so much? Why don't you follow me afterwards, your strength is enough to make me respect you, I won't go to tell you, just let you do what you are willing to do, are you willing?"

Gao Fei sneered, he wanted to struggle to stand up, but he had just suffered too much injury, coupled with over-consumption, he did not expect that he was defeated in the hands of the Buddha after the magic, a chain Just running through his chest, even if it didn't hurt his lifeline, he didn't dare to move around at this moment.

His body is all blood, but fortunately, he has a healing medicine on his body. He has already sprayed the powder on the wound, and the wound slowly began to gather, but he has no strength at all, if the Buddha son came to kill him. It can be done with almost all fingers.

Gao Fei never thought that someone could let himself fall to this end and put his life in the palm of his hand.

The Buddha son put the blood away, suddenly looked up and looked at the sky and said: "It is too late, even if you are now too late."

Gao Fei asked: "What did you do?"

"Nothing, Xiao Bing now wants to go to Kunlun Mountain with the master of Xiao Fu, but I don't know who he and the Kunlun faction can win."

Gao Fei’s brow was slightly wrinkled, but then he smiled: “Do you think that without Bing, will Xiao Bing lose?”

"Isn't it? He still has some gaps with Dao."

"Then you don't know this person too much, he can't beat it."

The Buddha’s son nodded. He sighed and said, “Well, then I have to look at it. You are hurting like this now. It’s definitely too late, but I may have a look at the last bit of fun in the past.”

The Buddha son turned and went.

Gao Fei asked: "You don't kill me?"

"Why should I kill you." The Buddha suddenly said, "Oh, I didn't think about killing you. Now I don't want to kill you. Although killing you is very interesting, it seems more interesting to keep your life. You and Xiao two are more interesting than one."

"I am different from him."

"Oh?" The Buddha's footsteps stopped and looked back, but he saw that Gao Fei had already sat up. His eyes were a little surprised and said, "Recover quickly, you are different from him." ?"

"He has to go further than the future. I have never seen anyone like him. He will beat you sooner or later."

“Is it?” Buddha’s son smiled and said, “Do you have confidence in him?”

"Very confident." Gao Fei said coldly. "I have confidence in myself. I will be able to beat you one day sooner or later. It just takes time."

With a tone of control, the Buddha said with a chuckle: "I will give you time!"

After that, the Buddha's son quickly walked out of the valley. When he walked out of the valley, his footsteps paused, and he took a deep breath, his pupil narrowed slightly, and his mouth muttered a 'good devil'. Then the pace accelerated and quickly disappeared here.

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