Super Soldier

Chapter 1755: Death of the road

At the moment, the injury in the body is extremely serious. There is some regret in the heart. I regret that I didn’t start to take out the star chessboard. Maybe I can add some odds, but he also has some desperate recognition in his heart. Today’s defeat basically means that Kunlun can no longer turn over. Kunlun can no longer be an opponent of Xiao Bing, even if he is not himself...

Xiao Bing is too young and too young, and the Taoist teaching at the age of Xiao Bing is also the peak of Tian Zun, which is enough to be proud, but now Xiao Bing is already the peak of the saint, and the gap Not a star and a half.

It’s not just a Xiao Bing, but also a high flying, red rose...

Others can think of things that can be thought of by the Taoism, and those who stand on the standpoint of neutrality have to feel that the future world will be Xiao Bing, no, from now on, The world of martial arts belongs to Xiao Bing, and the era of Kunlun’s one-handed cover has completely become history, and it is no longer possible to compete with Xiao Fu!

Xiao Bing faintly said: "You lost, this is a life and death battle, you commit suicide yourself, I will not move other people in the Kunlun school!"

Dao’s cheeks twitched, his hands were clutching the ground, and his nails were already stuck in the dirt. Suddenly, his eyes became crazy, and then his hair screamed for a long time. When everyone did not know what the meaning of the Taoist teaching was, suddenly the mountain moved and the whole Kunlun changed. The Kunlun Mountains were covered with white mist, and a golden dragon appeared in the air. Everyone looked up and looked at the sky, and the heart began to tremble.

At the foot of the Kunlun Mountains at this time, the Buddha son gently smiled: "I have already forced this level, the guardian mountain array has been activated, it is said that the last time it was started a hundred years ago."

Gao Fei appeared at this time. The eyes of Buddha’s son fell on Gao Fei’s body. He said: “You are coming so fast, is it so fast?”

Gao Fei’s eyes looked like a Buddha to the Buddha, and his eyes burned with war.

The Buddha son chuckled: "Yes, it has broken through to the peak of the saint so quickly, but you are not my opponent, and now your attention should not be on my body. Xiao Bing has been stunned by the Kunlun School. The array is trapped. As far as I know, as long as there is no entry into the **** level, even if the semi-god-level powerhouse wants to break out from the sky, it is very difficult to get out of the sky. ...."

Gao Fei asked: "You don't stop?"

"Why am I blocking you?" Buddha said with a smile. "The situation is not solved by you."

Gao Fei listened to the Buddha's son and began to rush toward the top of the mountain. When he rushed to the top of the mountain, he suddenly saw a black long dragon hovering in the air and then swooped down directly toward himself.

Even if it was calm and high, it was shocked, and a punch hit the past. Then the power of horror directly shook Gaofei, and took several steps to the mountain, and then revealed a look of sorrow.

His current strength has reached the peak of the saints. He thought that this dragon in front of him was just a illusion of the formation. He was unlikely to bear his own attack. As a result, he did not expect the power of this black dragon to be so terrible. If it is not a breakthrough, I am afraid that it has been directly attacked by the Black Dragon.

Gao Fei took a deep breath, his eyes flashed red, the power inside the body skyrocketed, and then another shot hit the past. The power of this punch is stronger and more horrible than before. It can be said that all the power of Goofy is gathered. The most peak of the punch, the black dragon made a scream, the black giant claws directly caught at Gao Fei.

The fist collided with the dragon claws, and the rumbling sounded, Gao Fei repeatedly reversed two backwards, and the body of the dragon that was dozens of meters long shook a little, and then issued a more horrible roar.

At this moment, over the entire Kunlun Mountains, all the people were trapped in the formation. The sky was thunder and lightning, and a golden dragon with a length of several tens of meters was spiraling above the sky.

The Kunlun people didn't know when they had disappeared. Molong was a little annoyed: "I just should find a way to stop the Kunlun people from running away. I don't believe that the Kunlun people will use their own array to put themselves. Give it to kill."

Chen Baijian said coldly: "It is useless. Kunlun people stand alone. They have prepared in advance. Once the Taoism is defeated, they will start a big battle, but I think they must be in advance." I didn’t feel that my church was defeated, so those people’s positions were quite close to us. If we were all prepared, they would not escape. Unfortunately, when the sky was full, everyone The energy has been dispersed, and they are escaping."

Xiao Bing turned his head and found that the elders and disciples of Kunlun had all escaped, and then looked down at the Taoist teachings and said: "Dao, your disciples and elders are all abandoning you, are you still desperate here?" ?"

Dao looked up and smiled. The smile was very inscrutable: "They left, which is equivalent to keeping the foundation for me. I can't escape. I have to die here today, but you and your Xiaofu people. But you have to be buried here! Your death, when your power in Xiaofu is completely disintegrated, our Kunlun has suffered heavy losses, but it only needs a low-key for a few years to re-emerge, and no one can control us at that time. Inside the sect, our Kunlun is still the first..."

Xiao Bing nodded and said: "You are doing a good job."

"Not only that." Dao Xujia said, "If you and your people are killed here, it is likely to anger the Chinese government, but if I die here, what can China say? Face A Kunlun who has just passed away to teach, can China still be aggressive in the eyes of the public?"

Xiao Bing looked at the Taoist teaching and sighed: "So, are you really holding the determination to die?"

"You are right, but it is not killed by you, but..." The truth in the body is suddenly like burning a nuclear bomb. The incomparably crazy power begins to emanate from his body. That force is constantly being integrated into the enchantment of the formation. In the blink of an eye, the power of the scorpio has increased by more than 10%. One black and one gold and two dragons have gained tremendous growth and excitement. Long Xiaosheng.

At this moment, Gao Fei, who was still in the fight with the black dragon, was completely defeated, rolling down the mountain for dozens of meters, and then kneeling on the ground, a wound.

After the black dragon repelled Gao Fei, he began to circle around the big array, then flew directly over the nine days, and the golden dragon was spinning in the sky while facing the people in the battle. Roaring.

The body of the Tao is gradually withering, and the eyes seem to be a few decades old. The whole body is getting smaller and smaller, and finally it is bent into a group and then becomes a skeleton.

Xiao Bing looked at this scene, and his heart was secretly annoyed. He couldn’t help but smile and said: "To tell the truth, I didn’t want to really kill you at the beginning. The world situation is unpredictable. The ancient world cannot lose too many super masters. ... Unfortunately, you can't live without it, and I have no way!"

At this time, suddenly there was a crazy scream of Xuan Zang: "Xiao Bing, you are dead today, but unfortunately today, so many people will be buried for you!"

Xiao Bing is too lazy to take care of the outside.

At this time, countless lightnings in the sky fell, these lightning bolts were like the speed of light. Xiao Bing constantly swayed and reluctantly escaped these attacks. As for others, it seems that it is not very good, as long as it is in the sky. All of them will be attacked. The masters of Xiaofu will fight against lightning. The masters of the world who are watching the lively are all resisting, but in the end, even though they have caught this wave of attacks, everyone is Very embarrassing.

At this time, the gust of wind swept through, the tornado began to hang in the most central position of the formation, and the tornado was getting bigger and bigger, and all the people felt the power of terror would attract them. The tornado goes straight into the sky, and if it is directly involved in the tornado, it is hard to save.

Xiao Bing shouted: "Everyone will hug each other quickly, and force them at their feet, don't fall into it!"

Xiao Bing casts the same effort as a jackpot. The two feet are nailed to the ground, and the hard-working ones are not involved, while others seem to be a little bad. Xiao Fu is better. They are all united with each other, and the tacit understanding is also very good, and many of the masters from all over the world who are not familiar with each other are involved in the tornado, and then screams in their mouths. One by one, getting taller and higher, and being caught in the sky in the blink of an eye, only one black spot can be seen. The most important thing is that the top of the tornado is still lightning and thunder. The body may not be able to keep it.

The tornado disappeared, everyone was relieved, and then the sky suddenly began to rain, but when the rain fell to half, Xiao Bing shouted: "Those are not rain, everyone is careful, the mask is placed to the maximum!"

Xiao Bing said as he slammed into Xiaofu, and released a hood. Sure enough, the above is similar to the hail, but it is not a hail, but a very thin and needle-like ice needle. The masters who were too late to be prepared were directly pierced into a hedgehog.

Xiao Bing saw this scene and sighed slightly.

At this time, some people in the crowd behind Chen Baijian could not bear the pressure. They shouted wildly: "Let us go out, have nothing to do with us, let us go out!!"

(End of this chapter)

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