Super Soldier

Chapter 1756: Under the **** level can not be broken?

Outside of the scorpio, Kunlun added a total of hundreds of people all with sorrow, they can feel that the teaching is dead.

Xuan Ming sighed and said: "Teaching the teacher to die, this is the biggest disaster in our history in Kunlun, but this is the end of the matter, we can only afford it."

"Yeah." The five elders Qingshan is the most rigorous, and the character is meticulous. The strength is not the strongest among many elders, but it is the most prestigious. Like the iron-faced judge, his eyes are dignified. A look at hundreds of disciples, then loudly, "The enemy is inside, but in the face of strong enemies, you can't have a leader. Although the church has just made sacrifices, we can do things right, and we should immediately decide on new candidates. Also facing the next things."

Everyone is called again and again.

Aoyama said: "To talk about strength and identity, I think that the Emperor is the most suitable for this new teaching."

Everyone listened and no one refutes. Now Daozhang teaches death, and the great elder Zhang Zixu has already died. The big disciple before the Taoism is a perfect heir, but the result is given by Xiao Bing. Killed, now from the perspective of qualifications and strength, it is indeed the most important thing in the realm of Tianzun’s peak and perfection.

Xuan Zhan also hesitated, and several other teachers have repeatedly said: "Don't be modest, let's take it."

“Yes, your identity is the best.”

"Okay." Xuan Ming nodded and said, "Since I have chosen me to be the new teacher, then I will not quit. I am trying to take the Kunlun out of the predicament when I can sit in the position of the teacher. ”

Qingshan said: "Teaching, after this war, I feel that you must enter the Lingchi retreat and upgrade your strength. Only in this way can you lead the entire Kunlun to continue to suppress many ancient Wumen."

Xuan Ming nodded slightly: "Well, now Kunlun has not even a sage strongman. It is indeed necessary to take a step forward to improve the strength. According to common sense, every elder of every year has the opportunity to enter the Lingchi. The teachings are up to two times. Each year, four of the many disciples can be selected to enter the spiritual pool for cultivation. This year, several elders have already gone in once, and it is reasonable to say that they can’t enter again, but since the expediency, I am The teacher has approved this. After this incident, several younger brothers can enter Lingchi for a second time, and many of the disciples can also choose four to enter Lingchi for three days."

The elders all showed their eyes, and the disciples were all shaken one by one.

Zhang Shuren said: "The right to teach is right now, we must pay close attention to improving our strength. I just saw that the strength of Chen Baijian of Baijianmen is already very strong. Baijianmen has always been difficult to deal with. They are also on our heads."

Xuan Xing laughed: "Do not worry, no, we Kunlun has been able to lead the group for hundreds of years, because our heritage is not comparable to other sects. Speaking of the bottom, perhaps only Shaolin Above us, but the old antiques of Shaolin have never been in the world, and they are not even rivals, so we basically have no opponents. What is the essence? It is still very fast after the martial art is traumatized. In terms of restoring overwhelming advantages, this is called the underlying."

The three elders asked: "They should not be able to come out again in the formation?"

When I heard this and asked about this, all the people showed their fears. Yes, now that the enemy has not been removed, let’s discuss the future. Is it too early?

Xuan Ming shook his head and smiled. "Three elders, you think too much. Although you are relieved, this is a slap in the face, not to mention that Xiao Bing, even if it is our peak at the peak. If you fall into the sky, you will have no return. This array is the biggest card for Kunlun. This is the big mountain guardian created by the ancestors of the past. I don’t know how many generations of teaching. I have perfected this scorpio, and now the power of this array is basically no longer in addition to touching the realm of God."

Zhang Shuren has some worries: "But I always feel that Xiao Bing is a bit evil."

"Evil door?" Xuanjiu laughed. "The reason why our teacher's teaching will lose is because the teaching is too great. If the teacher has just used the Chinese artifact, Xiao Bing is not dead. The result is that the first is Being attacked by the other side with a soul attack became a serious injury, and then using the seriously injured body to control the Chinese artifact, this will be defeated. But now this is even the sacred peak of the great consummation is not possible to break the scorpio, this Xiao Bing Even if there is any intrigue, what can be done in the face of the formation?"

Everyone listened and nodded, and they all relaxed.

Qingshan Shen Sheng said: "It's a pity that there are so many top players in the array."

"That's no way to do things. It's a big deal. It's just a sacrifice." Xuan Ming sighed and said, "In this respect, our predecessor's predecessor is doing a good job, he started before he died." This big battle, and also the essence of the spirit all into the formation of the law, huh, huh, although the virtual teaching is dead, but so many top players are equivalent to give him funeral!"

"Yeah." Zhang Shuren said, "These top players are all here, and it will definitely cause the whole world to shake. At that time, any force is estimated to know that Kunlun is not a good one."

Xuan Ming said: "Yeah, in short, this array is absolutely inseparable. I am guaranteed by my life. If you put it in the grass, what is going on?"

Xuan Ming is talking, but I saw that the array suddenly began to shake up, and the eyes would be unstable. All the people who saw this scene were stunned, and Xuan Ming was pale, and the heart thumped. Ma, wouldn't it be to hit my face again? And did you hit the face so fast? This is a slap in the sky, is this Xiao Bing a monster? How can everything be done?

However, it has just been seen that Xiao Bing and others have already died in the formation of several top players, including Guwumen, and more are other top players who have no doors and no factions. Some people have already scared their courage. There is constant mourning and pleading outside, but how can they be released by Xuan Zang, then is it not released together with Xiao Bing?

Therefore, Xuan Zeng and others have already made up their minds and want to kill everyone in it.

Xiao Bing has been using the cover of the Xiaofu to protect the people of Xiaofu. Occasionally, he will help Chen Baijian, the black and a golden dragon hovering over the sky. Suddenly, they rushed down. All the people madly attacked the two dragons, but found that the power of these two dragons was so unstoppable. The pressure was like a kind of superior to the lower one. The pressure, let them feel chilly from the bones, and even some people's legs began to tremble.

Xiao Bing had a powerful counterattack, while his eyes kept wandering around, not knowing what to look around.

Seeing that many people have died and injured, if you continue, I am afraid that people in Xiaofu can’t protect them. Xiao Bing suddenly has a bright eye, and a rushing step forward, then punches the air. .

Those people were all stunned, Nima, these two dragons are still waving their paws below to tear everyone into pieces. You are the strongest one here, not here to resist the dragon, running against What is crazy about the air?

Not waiting for everyone to understand, Xiao Bing suddenly appeared in a position, and then a foot slammed on the ground, the earth followed a tremor, Xiao Bing then appeared in the next position, then another foot Stepping on, several times in a row, Xiao Bing constantly changed several positions, sometimes it was an inexplicable punch in the air, sometimes it was very strange to step on the ground, those who are fighting the dragon are simply wanting Crazy, even Xiao Yu does not know what Xiao Bing is doing, but they have confidence in Xiao Bing. I know that Xiao Bing is definitely for a reason, so they have no complaints, but they can’t refute others. The complaints of people who are not familiar with Xiao Bing.

Seeing that all of them couldn’t hold it, the golden dragon finally shattered the hoods released by all the masters of Xiaofu, and the claws were caught in the air. These people looked like they were in front of this dragon. So small, it is so vulnerable, so you can almost crush them with a single paw.

At this time, Xiao Bing suddenly stepped on the ground and gave a violent sigh in his mouth: "Open!"

Then the array suddenly swayed, and the two dragons made an unwilling roar, then disappeared, and the surrounding clouds gradually dissipated. The lightning and thunder in the sky began to fade away, and everything was restored. It is the same.

The survivors all looked up and couldn't believe it, and shouted, "We are saved?"

"Successful, successful!"

"God, he actually broke the Kunlun faction that has existed for hundreds of years. Is he a monster?"

Some people are cheering in excitement, and some people are screaming in disbelief.

Xiao Bing wiped a sweat, and his heart was put down. Just a little bit worse, everyone who was a little Xiao Xiao would have to be buried here, and if it really couldn’t break this scorpion, I am afraid that he will die here because of his strength. Fortunately, everything is over. Xiao Bing knows that he is not destroying the foundation of the formation. That is to say, this formation can be used later, but usually such a strong array. It is impossible to use it indefinitely. It is often used once to reabsorb the gas of the heavens and the earth. It may be absorbed for a few months, and it may be absorbed for a few years or longer.

In short, it is no threat to yourself now.

The people in Kunlun are stunned by each other, and Xuan Ming thinks that he has just vowed to speak, almost to vomit blood, his expression seems to be crazy!

(End of this chapter)

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