Super Soldier

Chapter 1758: New teaching

After those people left, Xiao Bing looked at Castle Peak and said: "You elders look good, still relatively calm, and you will do Kunlun's teaching in the future!"

Qingshan showed a look of innocence, Shen Sheng said: "We will be willing to respect your rules and do things in the future, but choosing to teach is our own internal affairs, should not be decided by you?"

"Well, you want to run against me?" Xiao Bing's brow wrinkled, and an imposing manner came out.

Qingshan’s breathing is about to retort. The silence on the side suddenly said: “Aoyama’s younger brother, I think he is right. In fact, you are very suitable for this position.”

Hongyue also said: "I have no opinion."

Zhang Shuren is the six younger brother here. He has the least qualifications. Even if it is not Qingshan, he will definitely not be able to turn him. Therefore, he also nodded and said: "I don't care."

Qingshan said: "But when it comes to seniority, it should be the elders who are going to do this."

Silence knows that this person in Qingshan attaches the most importance to the rules. In the heart, he certainly does not want to do this teaching. However, his heart actually agrees to let Qingshan come to this teaching, not because of Xiao Bing, but because Qingshan is indeed the right one. Candidates.

Silence looked at Castle Peak and said with a serious look: "Teacher, talking about character, everyone in the room is not as good as you, and the most important thing is that you are a ruler. When the Taoist teacher was doing something wrong, No one dares to say that only when you dare to face up and face, when the younger brother does something wrong, everyone closes one eye and only closes one eye. Only you stand up and ask for punishment. You may be unreasonable to others. No, but it’s best if you have the head."

At this time, many Kunlun disciples fell to the ground one by one and shouted: "Participate in Qingshan!"

Qingshan saw that everyone was like this. He had to agree and said: "Everyone is up, then I will not quit. From then on, I am the new teacher, the Taoist teaching and the Xuanzhi teaching, we Next, we must do a good job, and a few disciples will carry the former body of the predecessor and prepare for the thick burial."

Some disciples came up and carried away the corpses of the Tao and Xuan Zang. The scene was slightly sad after a while, and two of them died within one day. There was no similar thing in the history of Kunlun. .

But now it has become like this, not to mention that Xiao Bing is still here. For the time being, it will pass first. They don't want to reveal their fragile side in front of the enemy.

Qingshan’s face is serious: “Mr. Xiao, if you want to scribble, please do it. If not, please come back.”

Xiao Bing said: "It's too late, let us arrange the room to stay, remember the room that is better."

Those disciples are simply mad, will kill the master, but also arrange the room, how can there be such a bully?

However, Xiao Bing did not agree. When Lao Tzu won, Lao Tzu was justified. What's more, Xiao Bing knew that he was kind enough to these people. He only killed the other party's teachings. Even his own teaching was not his own killing. One of them is suicidal, and the other is killed by their own elders. Mom, if Laozi loses, aren’t these people brought here to be buried here?

Qingshan took a breath and nodded. He turned back and said: "Come two people and arrange a few good rooms for them."

Xiao Bing stayed in Kunlun. Xiao Bing had a room. Liu Kexin and the red rose lived in a room. After Xiao Bing looked at his room environment, he ran to the door of the room where the red roses and Liu Kexin knocked.

The red rose came over to open the door and saw Xiao Bing. He smiled and said, "Come in."

Xiao Bing sighed, went in, went straight to Liu Kexin, and Liu Kexin directly in his arms, softly said: "I'm sorry, I am tired of you."

"It should be that I am too useless..."

"It has nothing to do with you." Xiao Bing sighed and then asked, "Do you have anything? Have they bullied you?"

"No." Liu Kexin shook his head and said, "They didn't bully me, just let me have a snack. I am afraid that you will come over. I heard that they want to leave your life here."

Xiao Bing kissed Liu Kexin's forehead twice and said: "Stupid, keep my life here, can they do it? Rest assured, your Xiao Bing brother is not so easy to die, has fallen to the hands of others. Inside, you worry about me, it’s a stupid girl."

The red rose came over and asked: "This is the enemy's territory. Why do you have to live here?"

Xiao Bing took Liu Kexin and looked at the red rose. He smiled and said: "Now, in this case, do they dare to do it? The Kunlun faction has no strength and it is right for me. No matter what tricks they play, I can It's easy to crush, not to mention that I still want to save the Tao. If I anger me again, it will be of no benefit to them. Instead, I will let them pull up Kunlun!"

The red rose smiled and said: "But I feel that you are too domineering today, and even set a new elder elder with a word."

“Yeah!” Xiao Bing said. “The Qingshan is actually the best candidate. It should be able to bring them to Kunlun.”

Liu Kexin is somewhat puzzled: "Xiao Bing brother, Kunlun is not your enemy, let them revive, not to find trouble for yourself?"

Xiao Bing shook his head and smiled. He said: "I have to have a big heart in the big things. I have tried to suppress the Guwumen School in recent years. I don’t want them to develop. I hope that they can develop better while beinghave. However, these ancient Wumen factions have been arrogant and arrogant. They are not bound from the feudal society. Usually, the imperial court is also blind to them, so there is a legal existence in their eyes. They have no fear of the country and no respect for the people. If this is the case, then I will suppress them and make them feel painful and let them know how to fear!"

"But this does not mean that I want to obliterate them. Guwu is also part of the history of China. I hope that they will develop healthily, instead of hoping to let them die... What's more, I think one day they can make a contribution to human beings. The contribution you should make."

Xiao Bing thought of the two circles of the gods and devils, and thought of the loose enchantment...

The red rose smiled: "Whatever you say, we feel right."

"Well, good woman, but it can't always be like this, it will spoil me."

Xiao Bing began to stretch his arms and smashed the red rose. Several people began to get tired.

Waiting until the evening is almost the same time, drunk gyro went out to scream and hungry, Kunlun came over to the disciples and invited several people to enter the Kunlun school restaurant to start dining.

And several elders of Kunlun are discussing the future things together.

Several people seem to have a deep face, Zhang Shuren gnashed his teeth and said: "We all blame this Xiao Bing, we Kunlun must not wear it with him!"

Suddenly took a look at Zhang Shuren and asked: "Xiao Bing even smashed our scorpio, and you have a way to kill him?"

"This..." Zhang Shuren was silent.

Silent sighed and said: "I didn't think he could break our big mountain guard. Is his strength already strong enough? But one thing is certain, Kunlun is not counting on him. What threatened, let alone him, even a high flying want to destroy our Kunlun school is easy."

Zhang Shuren looked at Qingshan and said: "Teaching, why do you want to kill the Xuan?"

Qingshan’s eyes sparkled with coldness, cold and cold: "Some things can be done, some things can't be done, don't you know this? Xuan Zhan has gone mad, and the heart of his heart is too Heavy, and you are the same, six younger brothers, the most joyful call you have been since this time, your demons are too heavy, I advise you not to think about revenge in the future, do not think of enemies with Xiao Bing."

Zhang Shuren’s heart is unwilling: "Is it so?"

"Yes!" Qingshan took a deep breath and looked serious. "Now I am a teacher. I have the final say about Kunlun. If anyone goes to find something, even if he is an elder, he must be severely punished!" ”

When Qingshan was serious, it naturally took a majesty. Even if they were seen by several elders, they knew that Qingshan’s voice has always been a slogan, and Qingshan is the one who does the most. Pay attention to the rules, so if you say it, you will do so, and everyone will be silent.

Qingshan said: "The Kunlun School wants to develop and wants to turn over this hurdle. Then we can't make trouble anyway. We can't afford to lose it. Don't you think about it, since we lifted the mountain. What has been done? The times have changed. The current era has not allowed us to go against the country. If we go against the current, our Kunlun will die sooner or later!"

The other elders nodded slightly, but Zhang Shuren’s heart was quite unwilling.

Silent sighed and said: "I think we may have done something wrong during this time."

"Yeah." Hongyue said the same.

"In short, now we can't be particularly good with Xiao Bing, at least not let them find our faults. I think since Xiao Bing did not continue to shoot this time, then there should be room for it, Kunlun for hundreds of years. The system, we must save it!"

Zhang Shuren stood up and said, "Let's say, I have to go back to rest."

Qingshan looked at the back of Zhang Shuren, and the eyes shone with sharp light.

(End of this chapter)

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