Super Soldier

Chapter 1759: The death of Zhang Shuren

Several elders in Kunlun chatted here for a while, mainly to explore the future development route. Seeing the sky is too late, Qingshan stood up and said: "Today everyone is tired, go back to rest, the two elders don't want to continue thinking The past is over..."

The silence and the elders of Hongyue all agreed, and the faces of the two men were exhausted. They stood up and pushed the door to go out first. Qingshan followed behind, but did not return to their residence after going out, but Straight to the entrance of the courtyard where Zhang Shuren lived. There were two Kunlun disciples at the gate guarding, but they saw that they were new teachers. They did not stop, letting Qingshan go in.

With a bang, Qingshan pushed the door open, but I saw Zhang Shuren drinking in a big bowl. His face was full of indignation.

When I saw Qingshan, Zhang Shuren frowned, but he stood up and arched the archer: "Teach."

"Yeah." Qingshan nodded slightly and said, "Drinking?"

"Well, drink."

"Well, let me come and drink with you." Qingshan also sat down on the stool. Although Zhang Shuren was in a bad mood, he could not say anything. He went to find a pair of dishes and then helped Qingshan to pour it. After the wine, then sit down, lift the bowl, say a dry, and then drink a large bowl.

Qingshan took a sip, put down the wine bowl, picked up the chopsticks and ate the dish, and then asked: "Is it bad, angry?"

Zhang Shu’s popular voice said: "I can't figure it out. We are just throwing our face like this. It's not as good as a broken net. How do you soften in front of Xiao Bing? Is it so scared by him?" ”

Qingshan sighed: "You still don't understand. Now that the times have changed, the era when martial arts can make a country feel awe is over. If it was in the era hundreds of years ago, some really top Guwumen They have been wooed and relied on by the state. The state does not dare to sin the ancient world of martial arts. Some things are always closed, but can it be the same now? After the closure of the mountain, do you still Can't you see the current situation? Martial arts is not completely backward, but technology is really developed. The guns of a hundred years ago may not be so lethal to us, but now The guns, even if we are all likely to lose their lives."

Zhang Shuren said: "Ning is a jade is not a tile, I am a teacher, my heart is like this, what are we learning of Wu? Isn’t Xiwu not over others? If this is not even, I It is necessary to see our Kunlun."

Qingshan looked serious: "Xuwu can be more than just over others. Our existence of Kunlun is for inheritance and inheritance of Kunlun. First of all, no matter what we do, the most basic bottom line is that the system cannot disappear. As for what you think of face, dignity, face, those are for personal service, you are an elder... Everything should be based on the overall situation."

Zhang Shuren said indignantly: "What I can't stand the most is the so-called overall situation. Kunlun has come over the mountains in so many years. Now it's hard to see the sky again. The result is that I have to be angry with a hairy boy. I am in any case. If you can't swallow this breath, if you don't succeed, you will become a benevolent person. You should bring us the pride with your brother. To tell the truth, in fact, I think that Xuan Ming should not die. If you change it, it will be me. I will do the same. ”

Qingshan looked at Zhang Shuren and shook his head. "I still don't say this, my brother, come on, I will honor you again. Our brothers have been so many years. We have been looking forward to seeing the day again. I remember countless days ago. I have talked about this topic all the time, and now I have finally done it. In fact, this is already a hope for our Kunlun. I think it will be better and better in the future."

The two men touched the wine bowl again, this time both of them gave the drink in the bowl.

Qingshan wiped his mouth and suddenly looked at the door, Shen Sheng: "Who?"

Zhang Shuren stunned and immediately went straight to the door. When he was about to walk to the door, he suddenly felt a pain in his heart. Then he saw a long sword running through his heart. His eyes were all invisible. The color of confidence, followed by the anger of his face, he struggled to turn his head and looked at the green hills that were full of unbearable faces. He gnashed his teeth and said: "You... you killed me, why?"

Qingshan sighed, and the face could not bear to disappear gradually. There was only ruthlessness in his eyes. He took the sword from the body of Zhang Shuren and inserted it back into the scabbard. He said coldly, "I am sorry, brother. I don't want to be like this, but for Kunlun, I can only do this... You are too proud, you can't bear the failure, you are angry, if I don't kill you, you will give Kunlun a big disaster sooner or later, I Not afraid of death... But next time it is very likely that Kunlun’s Taoism is ruined in our hands!”

Zhang Shuren’s pupils contracted slightly, and then began to gradually grow and smash.

Qingshan looked at Zhang Shuren who fell to the ground and was already mad. He thought of all the past events. He squatted down and helped Zhang Shuren, who was not eye-catching, to close his eyes. The voice took a bit of self-blame: "Sorry, my brother, but I Killing you does not regret, in the entire Kunlun faction, you are the most proud one, and the most difficult to control. Since I can't help you to resolve the anger in your heart, then I must kill you in the cradle, I can't The indulgence of your eyes will become the weakness of the Kunlun School and bring disaster to Kunlun!"

Qingshan went to the door, opened the door, and slowly walked out. He said loudly to the disciple outside the gatekeeper: "Tell the elders and the elders of Hongyue to let them come!"

The two disciples agreed: "Yes!"

Looking at the two disciples, Qingshan closed his eyes and muttered to himself: "I hope there is nothing wrong with me. Xuanmou and Zhang Shuren are dead in my hands. All sins are concentrated on me." ""

Silence and Hongyue rushed in from the outside. After seeing Qingshan standing in the doorway, the silence asked: "Teach you, are you asking us to come over something?"

"Yeah." Qingshan said, "Come in with me."

After that, Qingshan turned and walked into the room. Both the silence and Hongyue looked at each other with a doubtful color, but they followed them together.

After entering, looking at the body on the ground, the silence disappeared: "The six elders ... died? Who killed it, is it Xiao Bing?"

Hongyue gritted his teeth and said: "Xiao Bing has already forced us to this level. He still can't let us?"

"No." Qingshan’s cold road, "I killed it."

"You...teaching, are you?"

Hongyue and the silence together looked at the green hills, the unbelievable color of the face.

Qingshan cold and cold road: "It is me, this person is not dead, Kunlun Road system must be extinct."

These two people are not fools. They first stunned. They soon wanted to understand what Qingshan’s words meant. In fact, they also saw Zhang Shuren and Xuan Zang as early as possible. There will be movements sooner or later, and they may give The Kunlun faction brought trouble, but they only wanted to persuade Zhang Shuren afterwards, but they did not expect that Qingshan actually did so absolutely, and even killed Zhang Shuren directly.

Qingshan looked at the two of them and said: "Xuanming is my killing, Zhang Shuren is also in my hands, they are my brothers and brothers, Xuan Ming is our predecessor, I am committed to two major crimes The first is the following crimes, the second is to kill the same door. It is normal for you to blame me, but I will never regret it. For the future of Kunlun, I want all sins to concentrate on me. When I die, I will go to the Kunlun school again. The column of Zuzongzong explained and thanked him!"

Both the silence and Hongyue did not know what to say. The two men hesitated a bit, or Hongyue first sighed and said: "Teaching, you are doing the future for Kunlun, we can understand, although Say you killed the six divisions... oh... don’t say that you started killing it, you just said that the six divisions had committed suicide because of their grief."

Qingshan sighed and said: "You have to deal with things here, I will take a step first."

Silence asked: "Teach you, are you going?"

"See Xiao Bing." Qingshan sighed and said, "The service is soft. Sometimes it is a step backwards, but it is not to regress. It is often to take a few steps."

Both Silence and Hongyue sighed and then screamed: "The grievances have taught."

Although the two of them are not in the heart, especially Qingshan actually killed Zhang Shuren, but they also know that Qingshan is doing this, and the heart actually bears a lot of pressure. The grief in Qingshan’s heart is no less than them.

Qingshan stepped slowly out of the courtyard and walked all the way to Xiao Bing's residence. When he walked into Xiao Bing's yard, he stood at the door and said directly: "Mr. Xiao, can you enter the house?"

Xiao Bing was resting in the room, heard the sound of Qingshan, turned and sat up, his face showed a smile, muttering to himself: "This new teacher is a thoughtful person, I will see him to say something. what."

Xiao Bing walked over and opened the door and looked at Qingshan. He said, "Please come in Qingshan."

Qingshan promised and walked in.

Xiao Bing said: "Mr.

"Senior Vice Minister Xiao please sit down."

The two men sat down separately, and then Qingshan language was not surprisingly endless: "Zhang Shuren is dead, that is my six-sister, who has just been killed by me."

Xiao Bing’s eyes showed a bit of surprise, and then he showed a few smiles. He said with deep meaning: “Qingshan’s teaching has made me see your sincerity!”

(End of this chapter)

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