Super Soldier

Chapter 1759: The secret of Kunlun

Qingshan said with a serious look: "I know that our Kunlun may have been deeply deeper than your holiday, and it has also caused resentment from the state. However, I hope that Vice Minister Xiao will return to the country and say something after the Kunlun. Will try to match your work, and will also support the country's decision-making."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Other people's eyes, Qingshan teaching may be just a person who is rigid and abide by the rules of integrity, but now it seems that Qingshan teaches everyone to imagine is a smart person."

Castle Peak Road: "I am obeying the rules, so I know the importance of the rules, and I know why the country regards our Kunlun as a nail, because in the eyes of the country, our Kunlun is the destroyer of the rules."

Xiao Bing’s eyes showed a hint of appreciation, and he said sincerely: "You are indeed a smart person, and perhaps only you who pay attention to the rules can understand what your Kunluns have committed."

Qingshan sighed and said: "I have killed the six brothers who hate you the most. I personally killed the prostitute. I think our Kunlun has shown enough sincerity, and now we have so many deaths and injuries, almost top-notch A few of them are all dead, and there is no threat to you. I wonder if we can let Kunlun raise our health in the future, and don’t stare at us again. What happened to the previous things?"

Xiao Bing's face showed a smile, his fingers tapped on the table, his eyes staring at the green hills, slowly and forcefully said: "Aoyama teaches, I also don't say whispers, you Kunlun should have a rapid improvement. The way?"

Qingshan stunned, and the expression on his face was cloudy.

Looking at the expression of Castle Peak, Xiao Bing smiled even more happily. He stared at Qingshan with a squint. He said, "I am willing to open a page to see if Qingshan’s teaching can show more sincerity. Let's go."

Seeing Qingshan still hesitating, Xiao Bing said: "As long as you can come up with the sincerity that makes me satisfied, I can make sure that the past is a complete turn!"

Qingshan sighed and said: "That's okay, but this hopes that Vice Minister Xiao can be kept secret. Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't keep it secret. The Kunlun's heritage is still there, except for Vice Minister Xiao... I am afraid No one dares to marry us Kunlun."

"Okay." Xiao Bing said with a serious face: "I will definitely keep it secret. If I leak a little bit of wind, I will stay in the peak of the saints forever and ever, and I will never be able to step into the realm of God."

"Good." Aoki’s eyes flashed a bit, admiring the words. “It’s no wonder that Vice Minister Xiao can have today’s status, well, I believe in you!”

Aoki has no other better choice at this time. He knows that although this may expose something that should not be exposed, it may even bring some losses to Kunlun, but this is also the only opportunity for Xiao Bing to make up for the crack. This opportunity does not give a good grasp, then he is worried that the Kunluns will be the eyes of Xiao Fu.

Aoki looked at Xiao Bing and said: "We Kunlun has a spiritual pool."

"Lingchi!" Even if Xiaobing had already had some guesses, he couldn't help but feel excited. At this time, he had already guessed it in his heart. After all, it was not too long to break through to the peak of the saint. Is it possible to reach the peak of the saint so fast? If he does not have the aid of the spirit pool, he can never do this.

Is it true that Taoism is based on talent? Obviously that is impossible. If the talent of Taoism is metamorphosed to such an extent, then he will not be so old, but let Xiao Bing pursue his cultivation.

However, Xiao Bing only guessed in his heart, and this does not necessarily have to be the credit of Lingchi. Perhaps there are other things, such as cherished fruits and the like, but I did not expect it to be really Lingchi. It is the most dreamy pool of Xiao Bing!

Looking at Xiao Bing’s excited look, Aoki’s heart regretted telling Xiao Bing that he knew it, but thinking about it is a slap in the face, but if Xiao Bing really wants to find out, there are many ways, now Kunlun For him, he can almost enter the same situation. If he wants to know, he can search him in Kunlun. Who can still stop him?

Xiao Bing also realized that he was too excited. It must have caused the worry of this new teaching. However, Xiao Bing did not hide his feelings of happiness. He smiled and said: "I don't think you have the legendary spirit in Kunlun. Pool."

"Lingchi is the lifeblood of our Kunlun."

"I know that this thing will definitely be kept secret and will not let anyone know." Xiao Bing looked at Aoki and said, "But I also have a condition. I am going to practice some days in Lingchi, and you Can't stop."

Aoki smiled and said: "I still have room to choose?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Reassured, this time you are doing a great job for me. Since then, all the previous things have been written off, and I will not mention it again."

"That hopes that Vice Minister Xiao will talk about it."

"Yeah." Xiao Bing said, "Yes, I still have one thing to ask you. Before you killed the agent, the person seems to want to release something. You must tell this. I."

"I won't be holding you in this matter." Aoki did not have any concerns. He sighed and said, "In the back hill of Kunlun, there is always a secret hidden. In the late Qing Dynasty, there were a group of top experts from the r countries to the provocation of Kunlun. The strength of the masters was actually very strong. The result was defeated by our Kunlun team, but those people stayed in the Kunlun Mountains. After that, I learned the secret of Lingchi, and the result turned out to be poisoned in the Kunlun meal."

Xiao Bing frowned: "These bastards."

"Yeah, it is indeed a group of **** bastards. They want to poison the Kunlun people. But if our Kunlun people are so easily killed, I am afraid that Kunlun has already disappeared. There are several disciples. Poison, and when most of the disciples have not yet eaten, the poison in the food has been discovered by the elders of Kunlun. On that day, those masters of the country have stayed in the Kunlun Mountains. As a result, some people have been poisoned. The matter is very clear. We know that we cannot let They leaked the secrets of Kunlun to the Lingchi, so under the consultation, the Kunlun school’s teachers and elders made the decision to deceive these people to a cave outside the mountain, and then directly sealed the hole. Lived, then, those who are masters of the country are killed in the cave."

Xiao Bing was surprised: "There are still such things, these people are indeed damn, but you Kunlun is indeed a good means."

"Well, but it doesn't kill at the time. After all, these R-country masters are really bad at heart. They want to poison us and then occupy the spirit pool. Since the plan has not succeeded, who knows whether they will leave the spirit pool after leaving them? The secret? So we were forced to make this decision. Of course, the reason why they were tricked into the cave is because the strength of these people is still very good. If you kill them directly, you can of course do it. But there are some deaths and injuries, so it is better to lie directly into the cave, then we lit the poison at the door of the cave and smoked them directly with poison."

Xiao Bing nodded and said: "Although the means are awkward, it is also reasonable. Then, what does this have to do with what I just asked?"

"The relationship between the two is very big," Aoki said. "After they were poisoned in the cave, our Kunlun people have not opened the cave for many years. The cave is always sealed like this. One day the Kunlun Mountains earthquake, the cave entrance was shaken, and then we did not intend to find the dead bodies in the cave actually resurrected."

Xiao Bing was surprised: "Resurrection?"

"No, strictly speaking, it is not a resurrection." Aoki sighed. "We later learned that it is probably a very mysterious secret technique of the country of r, and it is a very vicious secret. It must not be super-born after the exhibition. That is Applying secrets before they die, they can make their bones become like a living dead after death, and they are so, they become a few dead people who are invulnerable."

Xiao Bing asked: "And then?"

"Then those people came out of the cave, and our ancestors suddenly found that their strength was skyrocketing. The most important thing was that they were invulnerable, and because they had already died once, so they were not afraid of life and death. This secret technique is extremely terrible. It is said that The r country is rarely seen, and it should be regarded as the most mysterious and poisonous secret technique in the country. I did not expect these people to have it. Later, our Kunlun teaching invited many friends of the martial arts face, all of them are in the world. Some super masters, they jointly cast a means to force these monsters into the cave, and then arranged a battle to trap these monsters."

Xiao Bing sighed and said: "I understand, your predecessor is trying to release it to deal with me, right?"

"Yes." Aoki said with a serious face. "If you let it out, it will be a disaster for the world. Of course, they will not let the end of the world, but I don't know how many innocent people will die, so I will stop this. Everything happens."

Xiao Bing looked serious: "Mr. Aoki, I thank you for this matter, thank you for the innocent people!"

Aoki said: "I only hope that you remember your promise."

"Okay, the past, this is a turn!"

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