Super Soldier

Chapter 1760: Repair for skyrocketing

The next day, Xiao Bing gathered all the people from Xiao Fu. The red rose asked: "Xiao Bing, you really don't go back together?"

"I want to stay a little more for a few days." Xiao Bing smiled. "You go back first, rest assured, I will go back in a few days."

"Well, that's alright."

Gao Fei looked at Xiao Bing and said: "This time I have to go a long way. I heard that there is a place in Africa where there seems to be a mythical relic, so I plan to look at it in the past and it will take a month or two. come back."

Xiao Bing looked at Gao Fei and said seriously: "Be careful."

"Well, are you sure you will not go with me? Maybe it will be rewarding."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I am not going, you go, there is something to call."

Gao Fei shook his head and said: "There may be inconvenient calls over there, so please ask me to take care of Maggie for a while."

"Do not worry, I will." Xiao Bing promised.

Gao Fei rushed to the red rose and other people and nodded slightly, then said that I left, and then floated down the mountain.

Xiao Bing didn't think he would be the first to go down the mountain, but even if Gao Fei left, it doesn't matter. With the strength of the red rose and others, no one can be embarrassed under the sun, so Xiao Bing is still very Rest assured that they left Kunlun.

After they left, Xiao Bing looked at the green hill standing on the side and said: "Aoyama teaches, I promised you have done it. This matter has not been told to anyone."

"Well, I will take you there now, but before I have a question, I want to ask you."

Xiao Bing said: "You say!"

Qingshan teaches a serious face: "I especially want to know how you broke through our scorpio. The rumors of this array are unbreakable under the gods. We have been doing this in Kunlun. Said, is this statement false?"

"No, this is true." Xiao Bing laughed. "If I use the brute force to break it, I am afraid it is really difficult to break it. Even if it is broken, it will definitely have a big loss, but it is a big loss. At that time, the situation was that I directly broke it by means of a broken array. Any array of methods has loopholes. No matter how powerful this array is, there are methods of cracking. After mastering the method, there is no need to rely on brute force to break. I already knew that your Kunlun school was a scorpion, so I was prepared for a long time. I have a master. He may not be famous, but he has already reached the point of being superficial in the formation. He once studied the Scorpio. The mantle array, so I explained the method of breaking the line to me, but this also has the gambling component, because he does not dare to be convinced that this method really works. The result is... gambling won."

Qingshan Zhangjiao sighed and said: "You are right, any method has a method to break, as long as the power of the array is not enough, then well, my doubts can be solved, Mr. Xiao please and Let me do it."

Qingshan Zhangjiao led Xiao Bing to the back mountain, turned left and turned right, and became more and more remote. After finally walking to a canyon, Qingshan taught directly to find a wooden board on the ground, the wooden board opened, and immediately watched To a passage leading down to the canyon, several people immediately walked down the passage. After walking all the way to the depths of the canyon, Xiao Bing immediately saw an enchantment appearing in front.

Qingshan Zhangjiao took out a token from his arms and said to Xiao Bing: "This is an enchantment set by our Kunlun people's past masters. Only through this token in my hands can I enter, so I have taught in the past. They all control the entry method of Lingchi, which is also to avoid greedy disciples will quietly break into the spirit pool."

Xiao Bing said: "This precaution is necessary."

After the enchantment broke open, Qingshan’s teaching went in, and then Xiao Bing also entered. Immediately, a Lingchi, which was about six meters long and five meters wide, appeared in front of Xiao Bing, just passing through the enchantment. Xiao Bing can immediately feel the incomparable aura. Yes, this is the aura, not the simplicity of the heavens and the earth, even if the practice above the volcano is worse than here. It is.

Xiao Bing took a deep breath and his eyes lit up. "Even if you are standing here and practicing, the speed of practice must be several times faster than if it is outside, if it is in the spirit pool..."

Qingshan Zhangjiao said: "Yes, this small Lingchi can definitely let Kunlun increase a large number of top players. This is the foundation of our Kunlun, but the Lingchi is a depleted day, so we In order to avoid the excessive consumption of Kunlun's future, according to the current situation, the pool water in Lingchi has been reduced by about half. This Lingchi probably can still insist on us for three or four hundred years, but if it is excessively consumed, it is likely to even I can't use it for a hundred years."

Xiao Bing nodded and said: "The next step I have to retreat here, I hope that Qingshan teaches you to Kunlun's disciples not to come and disturb me."

"Do not worry, Vice Minister Xiao."

Xiao Bing looked at Qingshan’s teaching and said: "I owe you a human condition. This person must be repaid in the future."

Qingshan’s teaching is waiting for Xiao Bing’s words. He sighed and said: “I don’t need you to owe me a favor. I just hope that Vice Minister Xiao can remember your promise. This matter must be kept confidential. In the future, we are willing to be your friend, I hope we can eliminate the barrier."

"Good!" Xiao Bing reached out and smiled. "We are friends in the future."

The two men's hands were held together, and at this moment, the contradiction between Xiao Bing and Kunlun disappeared completely. Kunlun also thoroughly passed the worst crisis in history.

After Qingshan smashed Xiao Bing two sentences, he quietly left from here. Xiao Bing left here alone. He took off his clothes and the whole person jumped into the pool of Lingchi. The previous pool water may be full, but now the pool water is only about half of the water, but this is enough for Xiao Bing to practice. It is estimated that if Xiao Bing is a person to cultivate, he will not be able to consume these years. Pool water, at least Xiao Bing thinks this for the time being.

He sat down on the knees, and the pool water was close to Xiao Bing's shoulder. He began to close his eyes and practice. He could feel a lot of aura pouring into his body, constantly being digested by himself. He was like a whirlpool, absorbing these purity. Aura.

Xiao Bing can even feel that the cultivation in his body is climbing in the festival. Although there is still a big gap between the peak of the saint and the peak of the saint, he is surprised to find that his absorption speed is far beyond his previous experience. As expected, according to this speed, it is very likely that it will take a day or two to break through to the sacred peaks. Don’t look at the difference between the two, but it’s a difference. No, but before Kunlun's teaching did not take long to break through to the saint's peak, but who knows how many times he came here to practice.

Xiao Bing sat here and started to care about everything outside, no food, no drink, no sleep, no aura here, no awakening, ample aura is enough to resist any hunger and exhaustion, he never felt After such a refreshing moment, he forgot the outside world for a while, and the whole person was immersed in this mysterious feeling.

On the outside, the time of day passed, two days, three days, four days, five days... The time of the week passed, but Xiao Bing still did not come out.

On Xiao'an side, the leaves couldn't help but find the red rose and asked: "Rose sister, the big bad guy said that he didn't say what he was going to do in Kunlun? Why didn't he come back in a week?"

The red rose also shook his head in a blank voice and said: "I don't know this. He just said that he has something to do. He can come back in a few days, don't worry, wait."

"I don't worry, but Kunlun used to be Xiao's biggest enemy. And now he is just missing. If he lives there, he will not come back. It is too embarrassing. I am afraid of what there is in Kunlun." Intrigues..."

The red rose smiled and said: "Do you still know him? Intrigues and tricks? Whose plots can compare him..."

"That's it." The leaves couldn't help but laugh a little, but it was difficult to hide some of the worried colors.

Not only is the leaf here curious, the whole world is talking about why Xiao Bing has never come down from Kunlun. Even many people have guessed that Kunlun might have any tricks. Xiao Bing may have died in Kunlun. After all, The hatred of Xiao Bing and Kunlun is so deep, no one believes that both sides can easily resolve hatred.

The old class even went to Kunlun Mountain to find Xiaobing personally. As a result, Qingshan’s teaching was that Xiao Bing was retreating in Kunlun, and it was not convenient to see the guests. The old class made a temper on the Kunlun Mountain, and he did not see Xiao Bing. The figure, in the end, he warned Kunlun before he left. If Xiao Bing had a long and two short, the Ministry of National Security must not spare Kunlun.

The countries of the world and the major forces have also begun to explore. Many people are not optimistic that Xiao Bing can live out of Kunlun. They feel that Xiao Bing must have been in Kunlun. Maybe it is a conspiracy to let Xiao Bing lose. Life, and Kunlun is really inconvenient to tell the secret of Lingchi, so it can only bear such great pressure for no reason, inexplicable back pot.

The next time, Xiao Bing's figure still did not appear. One night after ten days, Xiao Bing's mother Xia Hongyin left Xuan on vacation. On the eleventh day of the evening, Qingshan Zhangjiao was tired and returned to the room. I was about to light the candle. Suddenly his pupils shrank and stared at the front. Under the moonlight, he could see a woman with a black gauze on his face. Qingshan took a deep breath and asked: "who are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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