Super Soldier

Chapter 1762: Protoss

Everyone went back to rest at night, leaving a few elite disciples waiting for Xiao Bing in the exit position. As a result, when everyone woke up in the morning, the past one inquired, and one night Xiao Bing did not come out.

Qingshan nodded and said with emotion: "I don't think he really succeeded in challenging for 16 days. It seems that he will come out from inside today. Even if his physical talent is good, I want to absorb 16 days of aura continuously. It is already considered the limit."

Others have nodded, Hongyue said: "Even if it is sixteen days, he is a miracle that even the basics are rarely heard. It seems that no one can do it in the history of Kunlun. ”

Several people all nodded.

Looking at Qingshan with silence, he said: "Teaching, now I really understand that your heart is good, like a person like this, can only get his forgiveness as much as possible, absolutely can not let his heart have the slightest Mustard, hey, if the six divisions are not dead, maybe it will really hurt the entire Kunlun."

Qingshan sighed: "Don't mention this again. I won't regret doing this thing, but I will feel distressed and blame myself, but this is all that I can't do. I just hope that the six teachers know what they can do under the spring. Rest now. OK, now we are waiting here. Today he must be out from there. On the 16th day, he has no need to continue to practice in it."

Others have nodded. If they are already saturated, even if they continue to stay in the Lingchi, they will basically not absorb any energy. It is really unnecessary.

However, they thought it was correct. The result was that they waited for a day without waiting for Xiao Bing’s figure. All three of them were stunned. It’s been 16 days. Can Xiao Bing continue to absorb it? ? This is simply too strange, they have never heard of this before.

Hesitantly hesitated and asked: "Isn't something going on? For example, if you go into flames?"

"No." Qingshan shook his head. "A strong man of the sage's peak. If he is really mad, he should make a big noise. According to me, he must still be able to continue to draw into the spirit pool. The energy, this is a bit scary... Anyway, like last night, leave a few disciples and wait."

In the next few days, three people in Qingshan will be waiting here during the day, but they will never wait for Xiao Bing’s figure. When the disciples of Kunlun will wait for them at night, they will never see Xiao Bing. In the first few days, the three people in Qingshan were shocked every day. When the time came to the 21st day, they saw that they had broken through for 20 days. Qingshan and the two elders were not shocked but became numb. It is.

From the 21st day onwards, the three people in Qingshan will not continue to keep on the exit, but let the disciples take turns to guard at the exit every day. Once Xiao Bing comes out, they will immediately inform themselves, and they will hold a banquet for Xiao Bing.

Time passed by, the outside world’s doubts were getting bigger and bigger, and the old class came again. The result was no success. The people in Xiaofu did not move, but were stopped by the red rose. When they left Kunlun, the red rose could feel what Xiao Bing was doing, and it was Xiao Bing’s own initiative to stay in Kunlun. It was definitely not for Kunlun to stay, so the red rose must be okay.

Not only the red roses, but the other people who followed them basically felt so, so although Xiao Fu was somewhat worried, he never looked for Xiao Bing.

On the twenty-third day, when the gods were enchanted, the enchantment suddenly trembled, and then a total of three people passed through there. After the three men fell on the ground, one of them was up to two meters. The burly middle-aged man around his head raised his head and opened his arms with his hands up. He laughed happily: "I finally finally... I finally experienced the air outside... so apocalyptic garbage air, hahahahaha... by the way You can also take a look at those who are weak like ants' garbage!"

This person's voice is like a Hong Zhong, so that the whole space is trembled.

This man looks like he is in his fifties. He is wearing a metal armor. The armor is golden and glittering. It seems to contain endless power. This armor is an artifact. He holds a double axe and the axe is big. It also contains the same. Unbelievable divine power, it is also an artifact!

His face was full of beards, his hair was exploding, his eyes were big, especially the eyes were dripping like copper coins, and there was a sacred breath on his body.

The two young people on both sides of his left and right looks like they are about thirty years old. The two men are also very slender, about one meter tall, but they are far worse than the middle-aged man in the middle. It is.

At this time, one of the young people smiled and said: "The giant spirit commander, the **** king adult let us come out this time is to listen to the situation of the human race and falsehood, not suitable for too high-profile, according to the estimation of the king of the king After about a week, this enchantment will be weak again. At that time, the Emperor will use divine power to help us return to the Protoss."

The eyes of the giant spirit swept the young man who spoke, and his eyes glanced at it casually. The young man immediately felt that his chest was hit hard, his face changed slightly, and the giant screamed coldly: "Ayr, you How old is this year?"

This is called Aier’s quick reply: “I am twenty-nine years old this year.”

"Twenty-nine years old?" The sneer sneered. "I am fifty-nine years old this year, and I am thirty years older than you. You are just a little boy in front of me!"

The age of this giant is fifty-nine, but his appearance is completely invisible, just like the middle-aged man of forty years old among the human race.

The giant sneer sneered: "What can a little boy know? This time, it’s not good to teach them in the Terran, how can these humiliating and ugly guys try their illusions? Rest assured, these Human beings basically only have some despicable calculations. It is not worth mentioning that the strength is simply worth mentioning. Now let's take a good look at who the strong people of the Terran are, and then try to challenge them and kill them all. Hahahaha, those who have sealed our despicable people for thousands of years, this time I want them to taste the end of the crowd. Stardust, what do you think?"

Another young man fanned his hand and smiled and said: "Everything follows the instructions of the giants."

"Okay, hahahahaha... let's go!"

The giant spirit jumped up and even appeared in a place 100 meters away from the blink of an eye. The two young people hurriedly followed.

While chasing the giant spirit, Ayr smiled coldly: "Stardust, you actually violated the meaning of the king."

Stardust smiled and said: "I think you misunderstood the meaning of the king of God. Do you think that the small human race can compete with our great gods?"

Air Road: "But don't forget, we haven't reached the level of God. You and I are just the beginning of the Holy Spirit. Although the Giants have reached the peak of the Holy Spirit, they are far from the Gods. ""

Stardust laughed and said: "What about that? Do you think that there are still many people in the Terran who can overcome our existence? Moreover, the Giants have an artifact, and he has innate power, although the realm is not the strongest among all the leaders. One, but he has the family-level armor and the god-level double axe, plus the special power that he can inspire at any time. Under the **** level, he has no rivals!"

When Ayr heard Stardust say so, he wouldn’t say anything. It’s really like Stardust said. Although Ayre feels that this is a bit of hasty, but even the most cautious, he doesn’t think that the Terran has What is fearful, as long as you don't fall into the trap of the Terran, don't be besieged by the Terran masters, and the Terran is despicable and shameless.

They chased behind the giants and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The next day, Hongmen’s headquarters, Lei Qianxi was in the conference room to host the Hongmen meeting. Suddenly there was a long shout outside, and all the windows in the conference room were all broken.

Lei Qianxi’s face changed, and Huo Ran stood up, but he didn’t have the urge to do this. From the other party’s screaming, he could do this. His strength is definitely better than the other party, so Lei Qianxi shouted: “Come. Man, please ask the father!"

The sound of Lei Heng has already sounded from the outside of the conference room: "Don't ask me, I have already heard it!"

However, seeing Lei Heng’s figure rushed out of the building and came out to the open space, but he saw the Sven man standing with a fan on the outside. This person’s age is much smaller than that of Lei Heng, which is about thirty years old. It looks even younger.

Lei crossed his brow and asked, "I just did what you did?"

"Yes." The man swept up and sighed and sighed, shaking his head slightly: "You are the boss of the dark world giant Hongmen in human beings? It is so disappointing, you are too weak, too Weak..."

"What do you say?" Although Lei Heng felt that the strength of the other side was above himself, but he was so despised by a junior, he was instantly angry, and the whole person's momentum was released to the maximum, and the body surface seemed to have lightning flashing. Instantly rushed to the other side, violently, "the junior is looking for death!"

At this time, Lei Qiang, who also rushed out, saw this scene. One of the high-rises of Hongmen was excited: "The old man is angry, and this ignorant boy is dead."

Lei Qianxi and other high-level leaders nodded with a smile, but soon their expressions were instantly stiff and stunned, just as they saw something incredible.

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