Super Soldier

Chapter 1763: Horizontal pressure is invincible!

Lei Heng flew back like a kite with a broken line! !

After Lei Heng fell to the ground, he spit out blood again and again. Lei Qianxi shouted a father, and everyone was surrounded.

Lei Qianxi shouted at the people around him: "Call the doctor, call the doctor!"

Lei swayed his hand and wanted to say something, but after spitting out two big mouthfuls of blood again, his eyes turned and he was thoroughly swallowed.

Everyone else was all scared and stupid. Lei Heng was the strongest person in the Tianzun class. Was he killed by this young man?

Lei Qianxi stood up and shouted: "I killed you!"

Others quickly and desperately grabbed Lei Qianxi, and even Lei Heng died, how could Lei Qianxi be the opponent of the other side.

The young man gently shakes the fan in his hand and dismissively said: "You still don't deserve me to kill you. Your father is too weak. Disappointment is really disappointing. This is what your people are." Strong?"

Lei Qianxi was stunned by the anger, but there was a person who could still be rational and suddenly asked: "We are human? What do you mean by this, who are you?"

The young man snorted and looked at these people with contempt, and said with a proud face: "I am a stardust from the Protoss. You guys, in front of our protoss masters, are just ants, hahaha... ...."

With the laughter, the stardust drifted away, leaving behind the stunned Hongmen.

Even the Thousand Miles who have just lost their fathers have been stunned, Protoss? These two words have brought him too much impact. In the past, both the gods and the demons were human secrets. Only a very small number of high-level people would know. Now, in the past two years, with the masters of heaven and saints, the mythological era It is no longer a secret in the ancient Wu world. The two words of the Protoss are too shocking, but it is the legendary existence thousands of years ago!

Lei Qianxi’s face became even more ugly, and he trembled: “Does the Protoss appear? Is it going to be a day...”

In the past, the Diablo World has been regarded as the top-notch existence of the world except for the governments of all countries. However, the two years have obviously changed. The Diablo World is no longer as concerned as it used to be, and even some of it is overwhelmed. Come, first the ancient Wumen school, now even the Protoss have appeared? ?

In the base camp of other big forces in the dark world, this scene is also being staged one by one, in addition to some of the top players in the dark world are also challenged, except that Zeus recently did not know where to go, There are several old and new generations of top secrets in the Diablo World. All the people who are challenged are no exceptions.

In addition to the Diablo World, many well-known experts from other countries are also challenged one by one.

In addition, there are several ancient Wumen sects who have been challenged by the three protoss strong people. In the end, even Chen Baishen, who is most highly hoped, has been defeated. He was seriously injured by the giant spirit. Fortunately, he saw Chen Baijian. After a serious injury, I will not bother to make a second move. Otherwise, Chen Baijian is not dead.

The protoss masters appeared in the three days of the world. The masters of martial arts all over the world are full of people. Everyone knows that the Protoss has appeared, even the governments of all countries in the world have been alarmed. But now governments are still Waiting for it to change, all of them have not been shot. If the governments of various countries have taken the shot, is it not that the masters of the Terran are too incompetent?

And all the Terran masters are waiting for the emergence of the Savior. In their view, this savior who can defeat the Giants has only two forces, one is the Holy See and the other is Xiao.

Three days, just three days have already made the world fear!

Then, the world's strongest people finally began to cheer up, and the giant spirit went to the Holy See headquarters with two protoss young masters. Everyone's attention was placed on the Holy See, looking forward to the Holy See becoming the savior. The existence of the three geniuses can kill the spirit of the three protoss.

As a result, the Pope actually retreats. The three protoss masters want to harden the Holy See, but they are blocked by the mysterious array. The three masters are bombarded and bombed. They can’t break the big array. Can leave.

The Pope became the first human race to be defeated under the challenge, but in the hearts of all, the Pope is obviously defeated. After all, no one knows whether the Pope is deliberately avoiding Protoss or true. Has been closed.

However, since the Holy See cannot fight here, the only thing that may frustrate the Protoss is only a Xiaofu, but Xiao Bing of Xiaofu has disappeared in Kunlun recently.

On the fourth day of the human race, the giant spirit stood outside the door of Xiaofu and shouted: "Xiao Bing came out!"

At this time, the masters of Xiaofu came out from the inside, red roses, ink dragons, two goods, six fingers, Miyamoto Lutheran ... In addition to the leaves and other people also came out from inside.

The eyes of the giants glanced at them, and then they looked disdainful: "Call out Xiao Bing, you are too weak, I want to challenge the man named Xiao Bing!"

The red rose stood up and said coldly: "You want to challenge Xiao Bing, you go to Kunlun to find someone. It is clear that everyone knows that Xiao Bing is not in the house recently. He is retreating in Kunlun, but you have found it here. Wouldn't it be deliberate, I guess you are scared?"

The giant brow wrinkled and snorted: "I don't respect my attitude, I should punish!"

After the talk, the eyes of the giant spirit burst into a fierce man, a ray of light seemed to directly penetrate the red rose's mind, the body of the red rose shook slightly, his face became a little pale, but still stood there reluctantly I looked at the giants with dissatisfaction.

The giant spirit snorted for a moment: "The mental strength is not bad. Since one trick can't kill you, then I won't make another second move. Since you said that Xiao Bing is in Kunlun, I will find it now. On Kunlun, if anyone dares to lie to me... I will kill all of you in Xiaofu and see if he can’t escape!”

After the giants finished speaking, the turn quickly disappeared, but before he left, his eyes glanced at the six fingers licking his body, and some doubts in his eyes, the doubts soon disappeared.

After the giant spirit left, everyone surrounded the red rose. The body of the red rose swayed and almost fell. Fortunately, the leaves and Su Xiaoxiao gave it to him. The leaves worried: "Sister Rose, you are hurt. I am going to ask Zhang Lao to come over."

"No need." The red rose shook his head and said, "He just attacked me with a soul. I have nothing to guard against, otherwise I won't suffer such a heavy injury. It is estimated that I have to rest for a while, and it may be better to sleep for a few days... ""

The red rose is talking, feeling more and more heavy, and even fell asleep. Others glanced at each other and the leaves gnawed their teeth. "No, I still have to find Zhang Yizhi, come over, I will give Zhang Lao a phone."

The leaves hurriedly made a phone call. After hanging up, they said, "First, let the rose sister give it in. Mr. Molong, Mr. Miyamoto, Mr. Liu Zhi, the strength of that person and Xiao Da Ge, don't know who is strong and who is weak?"

Molong was the most calm person. He hesitated for a moment, then shook his head and said: "This is hard to say. The smell on his body is very violent. In my opinion, the strength should be above the Kunlun teaching. In my opinion, the owner If there is no big progress after the retreat, I am afraid it is difficult to win."

There was a hint of worry in the eyes of the leaves.

On the night of the Kunlun School, the giant spirits swayed into the top of Kunlun, and all the disciples that were blocked were all swaying, and the giants took the step to the top of Kunlun.

Aoshan and many other top Kunluns have stood up at this time. When they see the horror of each other's breath, it is necessary to wait for a few months before the mountain guards can barely display. If you want to exert real power, you may need Only a few years later, I was able to display it. Now there is no other card. Qingshan tries to calm down and suppress the anger. He said coldly: "This gentleman, you hardly want us Kunlun, what is your intention?"

"Kunlun?" The giant spirit dismissed. "You are too weak. I am too lazy to pay attention. I will call Xiaobing directly to me. I will challenge him!"

"You want to challenge Vice Minister Xiao?" Qingshan Shen Sheng, "Deputy Minister Xiao is retreating, temporarily not suitable."

On the side of Hongyue suddenly came to the green hills, in the ear of Qingshan: "teaching, this is the super strong of the Protoss, the strength may still be above Xiao Bing, if Xiao Bing is now with him."

Qingshan slightly frowned, shook his head and looked at the giant spirit, Shen Sheng: "You still have to come back first!"

The giant laughed and said: "Well, then you told Xiao Bing, two days later, I will teach him lessons here. If he dare not come out, not only Kunlun Mountain, all his family and friends will die." In the place of burial, I will personally bury them!"

Qingshan’s eyes are full of anger, but there is still no attack. Now Kunlun has become like this. If it was in the heyday of the previous period, they still have some emboldened spirits. Now it’s really not even a little bit of arrogance. Continued, Castle Peak has to be forbearing first!

The giant spirit snorted and left in the blink of an eye.

Hongyue said next to him: "Why don't you call Xiao Bing out, isn't this just enough to make them lose both?"

Qingshan shook his head and looked serious. "Don't think about these flowers and intestines again. Remember, even if Xiaobing is dead, Xiaofu is not something we can compete with. The country is not something we can compete with. Kunlun has no previous enthusiasm, so since he has already talked with Xiao Bing and has already turned to him, he will be completely tied to the same chariot. Only then can we have our breathing space. !"

The light in Qingshan’s eyes flashed slightly and said: “But if Xiaobing has not come out two days later, we can only really go in and call people!”

(End of this chapter) 8)

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