Super Soldier

Chapter 1766: Xia Hongyin mother and child watching

The young man's father remembered how he loved martial arts when he was still young. Later he fell in love with a woman who also pursued martial arts. Two people soon fell in love and had a child.

Later, their two children were born. They were already three years old. As a result, when he went out to compete, when he returned home, he found that his woman and children died at home. Finally, he knew It was an enemy of the dark world, and revenge, but he was also disheartened after that, he withdrew from the martial arts circle, began to seclusion, and married again after many years, with the present wife and children.

He has never said this to anyone in his family. Every time his son asks him why he is not allowed to enter the martial arts circle, he is also vague and has passed. He has always been The secret of his heart, the women and children he once fell in love are gone, he does not want the current family to follow.

Until now, he discovered that the martial spirit in his own blood is still not completely extinguished. The will will burn at any time. Xiao Bing, everything is because of you, a grateful thought has risen from the heart. Then, when I looked at my own children, a sly idea also rose from the bottom of my heart.

Xiao Bing and the giant spirit’s fists and sticks intersected, and the two forces of the horrible forces simultaneously shook back two steps. Xiao Bing’s eyes flashed a surprise color. It seems that the two of them are evenly matched, but Xiao Bing knows In fact, he is slightly inferior. After all, he belongs to the offensive side, and the giant spirit belongs to the defensive side.

In the eyes of the giant spirit, a surprised color flashed, and then he laughed happily. "Okay, it’s just too good. This is the strong. This is the strong person who can seal our Protoss." Before I saw you, I was too disappointed with your human beings. Fortunately, I am going to have a good time with you today. I will take your head and tell us the gods and the strongest people. Already dead under my hand."

Xiao Bing sneered: "I am not the most powerful person of the Terran, so you think too much."

"You are not, who is that? The pope like the tortoise? Or the Buddha who doesn't know where to hide? Hahahaha, let them come here one by one, and I can put their heads with a slap in the face." Twist it down. Xiao Bing, let me screw your head down before that!"

The giant spirit held a double axe, and roared in the sky, shaking the ground, and then his two axes were cut directly with the power and speed of incomparable horror. At this moment, even if it is a mountain in front of him, it must be He was flattened, so the momentum of the past, only among the people Xiao Bing knows, Molong can compete with him, but Molong is too weak compared with him, equivalent to the weak version of the giant spirit.

Xiao Bing snorted and his arm stretched out in an instant, and the chasing stick in his hand slammed directly into the throat of the giant spirit.

The eyes of the giant spirits lingered, and the neck escaped a few points out of thin air. His body actually did not move, but so inexplicably escaped, and both of them will display the understanding of space to the extreme. In the distance, Fogongzi was standing with Xia Hongyin to watch the battle. The Buddha’s son shook his head slightly and said: “It seems that the Kunlun School is hiding secrets. Otherwise, my dear brother is talented. It is absolutely impossible to progress so fast."

Xia Hongyin’s voice is a little trembling: “The strength of this giant is powerful, but he will definitely not be your opponent. Why don’t you shoot, but let your younger brother and the protagonist’s strongman?”

"Why should I shoot? Oh, of course, if my brother doesn't shoot, I won't let this giant go back. The guys of these Protoss are damn, but... since my brother can shoot, why bother? When you sit and watch, you have to give him more opportunities to temper, otherwise he can catch up with me."

Xia Hongyin asked: "Why are you? Why do you want your brother to catch up with you? He doesn't need to be as great as you are, he can't do it to you, he just needs to live his days." ""

"No, don't you forget his surname? His surname is Xiao, and I also surnamed Xiao!" Buddha said with a smile. "In this case, he should take his obligations as a matter of course. He is not strong enough now, but sooner or later. Enough... And this day is coming soon. Haven't you seen that the gap between me and him is shrinking? It is so small that he can catch up with me after a big step. ”

Xia Hongyin asked: "What is your purpose?"

Su Gongzi suddenly looked at Xia Hongyin and asked: "When he was abandoned to the orphanage, what is your purpose?"

"I..." Xia Hongyin looked a little excited and her body trembled a little. She sighed and said, "I am sorry for him. I gave up on him because I could not bring both children. There is no way for me to protect two children."

"You are wrong, no, or you are deceiving your heart." Buddha said with a smile. "In fact, your real purpose was to let my brother be an ordinary and ordinary person and let him pass the level." Anan's life, then from small to large, you have been training me extremely cruelly, you want me to inherit all your thoughts, you want me to avenge you, you hate the Protoss, hate and hate, Am I not wrong?"

Xia Hongyin sighed softly and looked at her own child. She looked at the child who covered herself in the mask. Her eyes were red, and her heart was full of pain and self-blame. She said, "I am sorry for you, child. I am letting you take too much pressure. You are right. I want your brother to go to peace and safety, but put all hatred and pressure on your shoulders. It is unfair for me to do this. I am sorry for you, I am not worthy of being your mother."

The Buddha son chuckled: "Don't say it is so serious. Although you said nothing, there is nothing wrong with it. If it is not the harsh training you have given me from childhood, if you have been whipping from childhood to big, , denounced and constantly warned me to become strong and revenge, how can I have such a powerful me now?"

The eyes of the Buddha’s son flashed and slowly said: “Mother, do you believe that one day your son will become the most powerful person in the world.”

"I believe...but I don't need you to do that, I regret it, you are tired enough."

The Buddha son is not talking. His eyes are looking forward to Xiao Bing in the distant battle. The faint light in his eyes flashes a strange light that is hard to detect.

Xia Hongyin sighed and began to pay attention to Xiao Bing’s battle. At this time, her heart was seven up and down. Xiao Bing’s current strength has broken through to the saint’s peak, and she knows that she will not I can continue to stay at Xiao Bing's side. Her strength is also the perfection of the saint's peak. If she stays with Xiao Bing, she will be discovered by Xiao Bing one day sooner or later. She still has no psychological preparations. She still does not. Knowing how to tell Xiao Bing the truth, I still don't know how to face Xiao Bing in another identity.

Xia Hongyin sighed and said: "Can Xiao Bing win him? Although Xiao Bing said that there are excellent genes of your father and me, but that is the command of the Protoss, no one of the protoss is a simple figure, their strengths are Too strong, the most important thing is that the Protoss also have their own blood genes."

Seeing that the Buddha son still doesn't talk, or is looking at that direction, Xia Hongyin is anxiously saying: "You are saying a word."

The Buddha looked at his mother and smiled: "Mother, shouldn't you be such a character, your character should not be very ruthless, how can you start to care now and mess up. Rest assured, the giant has its own The genetic blood, isn’t my dear brother? Isn’t the gene with the blood of the gods and the blood of the devil’s princess should be the most powerful in the world?”

Xia Hongyin thought of her own identity, her body was slightly shocked, then she sighed slightly, a little relieved, and sighed and said: "What you said is, just hope that your brother can survive this pass. ""

"Yeah." The Buddha suddenly said, "If he wants something to happen, I will definitely shoot."

Xia Hongyin looked at the Buddha son with amazement and couldn't believe it.

The Buddha said with a smile: "I am relieved. Anyway, he is indeed my brother. What's more, he can't die now, I still need him..."

Xiao Bing and the giant spirits are crazy battles. The battles are directly stunned by the battle, and the people who watch the battle are all retreating. They keep going backwards. In the blink of an eye, each exits. A hundred meters away, leaving a huge venue for Xiao Bing and the giants to fight.

Rumble, the palace of Kunlun began to shake at this moment.

Hiroshi said with a sigh of relief: "No, this is the palace to collapse?"

Qingshan smiled bitterly: "Even if it is really collapsed, what is strange, the legendary Protoss strong battle can directly cut off the river, the mountain is flattened, and both of them are now the most powerful under the **** level. It’s just a normal thing to just collapse the palace house."

After listening to the rest of the crowd, all of them were all face to face, and the eyes were full of sorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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