Super Soldier

Chapter 1767: Death of the giant spirit

The speed at which two people fought was extremely fast, almost reaching dozens of rounds in each second, and it was enough to make it to hundreds of rounds in one minute.

When the two men were fighting, the giant spirit even shouted in excitement: "I can feel the atmosphere of the Chinese artifact in this stick. Haha, I can't think of me so lucky today, I want to kill you, then Bring this artifact of yours back to the Protoss!"

In the past, this time in the Lingchi, Xiao Bing, in addition to improving his own cultivation, also tried to help the soul chasing to restore the extent of the Chinese artifact, at this time the power of chasing the soul is greater than the original.

After listening to the words of the giant spirit, Xiao Bing sneered and said: "If you kill me, it depends on you?"

The giant spirit angered: "The little human beings dare to despise me!"

Ai and Xingchen, who were watching the battle in the distance, widened their eyes and only felt that they were blind.

Ayr frowned. "I have said it for a long time. We are too arrogant. Look at the hardships among human beings. You must know that tomorrow is the date you must return. If there is no way to return in time, After that, even if the king of God spent a great price to help us cross the enchantment, we must pay a great price at that time. Even when we crossed the enchantment, we were able to take half a life, and the time of one and a half years could not be delayed."

Stardust laughed and said: "I know, but what about it? This battle is about to end. What is the human powerhouse? You have already seen it, that is, although the enchantment is unstable, it still When it’s not completely collapsed, our protoss army will come in, haha, it’s time for us to rule!

Al cold said: "In any case, try not to make extra-budgets. If the war giants lose their command, will we have trouble?"

Stardust smiled and asked: "Do you think that the Giants will lose? You have to know that the Giants have a god-level armor, and his own defense is already the most abnormal under God. I am afraid that the ordinary semi-god-level super-powerful can not hurt the giants in a single stroke, let alone the guy in front of him."

Although Aier doesn't like extra-budgets in his heart, he still can't help but agree with the words of Stardust: "That is, the giants, whether they are attacking or defending, are invincible under God's level, even if it is half. God level encounters giants will also feel headaches, it is really not the front of this Xiao Bing can cope, although it is really admirable to say that he can fight with the giants for so long, but he estimates That's it."

“Yes.” Stardust said proudly, “The maximum time is no more than ten minutes, and you will be able to decide the outcome!”

The two people were there to point out the mountains and the rest of the people who watched the war were not happy.

Maggie loudly said: "Hey, what do you mean, meaning my brother's brother will be defeated undoubtedly? Why do I see your stupid big guy to hang!"

Stardust's eyes lit up, and his eyes looked straight at Maggie. He smiled and said: "Beauty, beauty, it's a pity that this time there is no way to bring another person back, otherwise I must make you such a little girl. Bring back our Protoss... Oh, you just said that our giants are going to hang? Haha, that’s simply impossible. Even our giants are considered top-ranking powers even in the Protoss. May lose to the Terran ants, this is good, let's make a bet, if our giants lose, I will kneel on the ground to give you a head, call you a grandmother, if you lose, today will accompany you I am one night, um... I am a strong man with a noble Protoss lineage. It is an honor for you to be with you for one night. Do you dare to gamble?"

"What are you afraid of?" Maggie proudly raised his chin and said, "If you gamble, you are afraid that you will lose your account."

Stardust laughed and said: "How is it possible, how can our noble Protoss be able to succumb to it, not to mention how our giants might lose, I bet, then no more than five minutes, this Xiao Bing will definitely lose Lose!"

At this moment, the ground moved, the ground actually began to crack, and countless people shouted: "God, the mountain will not break, let's go down, we are not safe to stand here, we must advance Going down the hill!"

"It’s just too scary. Is this still a duel between people? Well, it’s not that the duel between man and God is so terrible?”

Those who saw this battle through satellite live broadcasts were all fascinated.

Now the giant spirit is getting more and more violent. His two-meter-high figure has a feeling that he can poke the world. Even Xiao Bing feels a strong sense of oppression. Xiao Bing is During the war, there was a thrilling feeling of a small boat in the rough sea. Although Xiao Bing now has no difference with the giant spirit, but after all, the giant spirit has reached the peak of the saints for a long time, and Xiao Bing is just a cross. Entering this realm has not been completely stabilized.

Moreover, the advantage of the giant spirit is the melee physical confrontation, just like the existence of the second goods, in this respect has a terrible innate advantage, not other people can compare.

The battle between Xiao Bing and the Giants is more and more convincing that the blood is rolling over the body. However, Xiao Bing is not afraid, but is increasingly excited and has always been very confident.

Suddenly, the giant spirit flashed a golden light in his eyes. Even his body flashed with a faint golden light. The axe in his hand went straight down from top to bottom, and the chasing stick in Xiao Bing’s hands immediately parried. One sound, the chasing soul of Xiao Bing’s hand almost flew out, and the whole person’s confidant flew out more than ten meters away to stop.

Xiao Bing’s big mouth and gasping, the giants laughed happily: “The human race boy, you can force me to this point, it’s worthy of pride, even though it’s normal to play, I will be able to put your head in the morning and evening. I have fallen down, but I have no patience, directly inspire the blood of the Protoss, and then kill you within three strokes! Just the first move!"

Stardust shakes the fan in his hand and smiles and says: "Now is the moment of true decisiveness. This is the real power of the giant spirit. With the superior blood of the protoss led by the giant spirit, plus the commanding armor and **** of the gods. Axe, even if this Xiao Bing is now promoted to the realm of demigod, I am afraid I can't lead the adults. Little girl, you have to lose your bet, please stay with me tonight!"

Maggie's heart is also worried about Xiao Bing. Others obviously also see that the current situation is not good for Xiao Bing. Everyone is nervous and clenched his fists, and the atmosphere has become dignified.

The people who saw this scene through satellite live broadcasts, each of them held their breath, as if they were not in the battle but Xiao Bing.

And the people watching the live broadcast in the Diablo World Forum are all brushing the subtitles: "My God, Xiao Bing is going to lose!"

"No, Dragon King will not lose. If he loses, who else can win?"

"Do you still think that the Dragon King can turn defeat into victory? Didn't you see that the Dragon King has begun to be crushed? It must be said that the Protoss is really terrible, I am afraid that unless the most advanced weapons are used, otherwise the entire martial arts world I am afraid no one will be an opponent of the Protoss master."

"Oh, I didn't expect even the Dragon King to be defeated. Is it that the martial arts masters of our Terran are worse than their protoss masters!"

Xiao Bing in the battle, now grinning at the moment, asked: "You said you want to kill me within three strokes?"

"Yes, the next two strokes are needed!" The giant looked at Xiao Bing with a strong man looking down on the weak. "But it is your honor to be dead in my hands. The strong people, I will Killing you with my strongest attack is a little respect for you!"

The giant spirit violently screamed, and madly rushed toward Xiao Bing. Xiao Bing also rushed to the giant spirit. Facing the giants whose unprecedented strength soared, Xiao Bing did not retreat in the slightest, and even rushed up.

The top officials of some countries who saw this scene sighed one by one, and each sighed in their own country. The president of the e country sighed and said: "Hey, this Xiao Bing is really strong enough, and still very young, the future. Unlimited potential, even become a semi-god master is possible, but it is too proud, knowing that you can not resist, or to hard-hitting with others, it is simply unwise."

The President of the m-country is cold and cold: "It seems that Xiao Bing is going to lose. After he died, the three Protoss guys are estimated to be killing. Our people should not move, wait until the three Protoss are different. After the mountain, let's do it again."

President of China: "How can Xiao Bing be hard-pressed? Can't you change it?"

The people present were sighed one by one. It seemed that the duel was settled, and the body of the leaves shook a little, and was helped by Maggie.

Stardust shook the fan and said proudly: "I have already said that it will take five minutes to decide the outcome. Little beauty, you must be with me tonight..."

The giant spirit is even more excited and crazy laughs: "Ha ha ha, find death!"

Seeing that two people are about to come into contact with it, suddenly the giant spirit sees Xiao Bing’s eyes changed, and his eyes are also exuding the golden light, even more dazzling than the light in his eyes, the giants eat I was amazed, I was about to exclaim, and suddenly there was a sting in his mind. My heart immediately knew that I was fooled. Although I didn’t know why the other person’s eyes became a glance with me, it’s clear that it’s deliberately stimulating myself. I have such a moment of loss, and then I am mentally attacked.

The brain of the giant spirit stabbed for a while, then screamed wildly: "Do you think I can kill me!"

His brain is awake, and the chasing stick is on him. He is preparing to release all the strength to resist this blow, but once again feels that the brain is more stinging than before. There is a force in the chasing stick. Directly entered his body, almost completely smashed his consciousness, and then he did not react, Xiao Bing leaped high, and a stick directly on his head, sly One sound, even if the giant spirit is a copper-iron bone, can not stop Xiao Bing's full blow to the head.

The head of the giant spirit was directly smashed into a rotten watermelon, and the body collapsed to the ground, and the surrounding became silent.

Ps: This is the third chapter today. There is still a chapter before twelve o'clock. The day before yesterday, even if there is an update, it will be added.

(End of this chapter)

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