Super Soldier

Chapter 1775: Left hand

After a short break, several people returned to the helicopter and put on the blindfold, and then a few hours passed. When the two helicopters landed again, the helicopter driver began to tell them. This has reached the final location.

Xiaobei and others sighed and took off their blindfolds and jumped out of the helicopter.

Aldridge said: "How is this time so strict, even the location of the mission is so confidential?"

Huang Quan said calmly: "This time is not a task, but a sweet taste for each of you, come on, come in with me!"

"Go in?" Ovkar pointed to the front and asked, "That valley?"

"Yes, that is the valley."

Huang Quan walked one by one to the valley, and the others immediately followed. When they were about to enter the valley, several people ran out of the valley. The strength of these people was in the period of hard work. After they saw Huang Quan, they all bowed with respect and respect, and said: "Huang Quan adults!"

"Yeah." Huang Quan asked. "What about him?"

"Do you mean the left hand adult? He is waiting for the adults."

"Okay." Huang Quan nodded and continued to walk inside. Other people behind him were thinking about it secretly. Who is this left hand? I used to think that I have never heard of this name. Is it one of the eight Buddhist monks?

When they walked into the valley, Huang Quan began to lead the way and said, "You may not know. Before a month ago, there was a monster at the peak of the Tianzun peak. Later, this monster was I gave it a nap and gave it to the owner."

Xiaobei and others listened to the heart and could not help but start the chills. Can this Huangquan be able to beat the monsters of the Tianzun peak level? Doesn't that mean that the strength of this Huangquan has at least reached the level of Tianzun and even the sage?

It is necessary to know that Xiaobei is considered to be the strongest among the other few, but it has not reached the level of Tianzun, so it is also the Buddhist Eight Commanders, but their strength with Huang Quan is really far from the difference.

Huang Quan continued: "This time the doorkeeper asked me to bring you over because I wanted to improve your strength collectively. After I caught the monster, I found out that there is a natural spirit here. The pool, although the spirit of the spirit pool is very rare, but it is enough for us to use for a long time."

Xiaobei and others listened to the heart and excited, there will be a spiritual pool here!

You know, Lingchi is a legendary existence!

Huang Quan said: "Lingchi is extremely rare in this world. Even if you have the strength to be strong, even if you look for it all the time, you will find a spiritual pool. It is also like finding a needle in a haystack, but it is also looking for a spirit. Pools and monsters have a unique advantage over humans."

Xiaobei said: "The beast is more sensitive to nature, knowing where the aura is more solidified, and this place is the most prone to the spirit pool."

"Yes." Huang Quan said, "So when I came to catch this monster, its strength obviously has a gap with me, but it does not escape. I also intend to work hard with me because it does not want to discard this spirit pool. If it is given time, it will not take too long to break through the spiritual pool to the beginning of the saint."

Aldridge said: "I have heard that even if you have a spirit pool, you can't absorb the power in the spirit pool without restraint. When you absorb a certain degree, the effect of the spirit pool will be greatly weakened."

Huang Quandao: "This is true, but even if it is weakened, you continue to absorb the spiritual water in the spirit pool. Even if you can only absorb one percent of it, it will be much faster than the cultivation outside. What?"

"That's the case." Aldridge listened, and his heart was hot. It was darkly calculated. If you really absorb the power in the spirit pool today, I am afraid that it will not only break through the peak of the void, but even break through to the realm of heaven. .

They all followed the heart of Huang Quan, and finally felt the aura more and more intense. Xiaobei said with emotion: "If you practice here, even if you don't use the spirit pool, I can't use it for a year. Can be promoted to Heaven."

Huang Quan said faintly: "These rich auras are derived from Lingchi. The absorption of the aura here is in no way different from the absorption of the water in the pool. The only difference is that the speed of absorption of these auras will be slower. Of course, than It’s really faster to practice outside of the rest of the world."

Xiaobei said: "I know that if one day the water in the pool is completely dry, then the aura here will not be so rich."

They walked and finally saw the Lingchi in front, and there was a man standing outside the Lingchi. The man had a sword on his back, but his strength was unfathomable, even if Xiaobei was completely I don’t see what the realm of this person has reached.

At a glance, this person is a European, age is about forty years old, and after seeing the person's appearance, Aldridge exclaimed: "It's you, Wood!"

Xiaobei and others looked at Aldrich, and the moon demon asked: "Do you know?"

Aldridge smiled bitterly: "I can't talk about it because I didn't deserve to know Bishop Wood."

Xiaobei was surprised: "Bishop?"

"Yes, he was the Cardinal of the Holy See, and his status was extremely prominent. I once had a chance to see one side. At that time, it was a feeling of high mountains, and there was no chance to speak, so strictly speaking I just saw it, but I didn't know it. Later, I heard that Bishop Wood was chased by the Pope because he made a mistake. Generally, if other people are chased by the Holy See, they basically have no hope of living, and Wood Master. However, it broke the precedent and killed several of the top masters of the Holy See in the process of chasing and killing, and then disappeared."

Xiaobei listened and felt a thrilling, more and more aware that the strength of this wood in front of him must be extremely awesome. You must know that it is the Holy See. The strength of the Holy See is above Kunlun. Kunlun is no longer so arrogant. I dare not say that it can directly dominate the martial arts world of Asia. In the end, it was even forced to seal the mountain. At the beginning, the whole world of Asia and even the Americas was shrouded in the shadow of the entire Holy See, but later Because the development of high technology is too fast, the Holy See has become very low-key, but think about the prestige of the Holy See, and no one has dared not show awe in the Holy See.

Such a powerful church has not been able to kill this person, showing how powerful this person is.

Wood looked at Aldridge and his gaze was like a sword. It directly caused Aldridge's heart to tremble and hurriedly closed his mouth.

Wood said calmly: "There has been no Cardinal Wood in this world. It is a matter of many years ago. Now the world has only the left hand. You can also call me the left hand."

“Left hand?” Xiaobei asked. “Why is it called the left hand?”

Wood suddenly stretched out his arms and said in a soft tone: "Because I have only one left hand now."

When he saw the position of his right wrist was empty, all the people felt a cold in his heart, and his right hand was suddenly cut off by Qigen.

Wood Road: "This is the pain that the Holy See left on me, but everything has passed...."

Aldridge’s attitude is respectful: “Mr. Zuo Shou is now a member of us?”

"Yes." Huang Quan said, "The doorkeeper has already arranged it. The left hand has now replaced you as the third general of Buddhism, and your rankings have been postponed..."

"All this is arranged by me." The Buddha son did not know when it appeared. He seemed to appear out of thin air. Inexplicably, he was already standing among the people.

Whether it is the left hand, Huang Quan, or Xiaobei, one by one, they hurriedly bowed their heads and expressed their respect for the Buddha.

The Buddha son looked at everyone and said: "The world of martial arts, the strong is respected, so the ranking will not be static. Now the left hand and Huang Quan have absorbed the spiritual water of Lingchi, they have absorbed a week here. And then you are all... You can now enter the spirit pool and absorb the water inside, until the body reaches a saturated position. This time you can break through the highest realm, who will rank higher before."

Xiaobei looked up at the Buddha and asked: "How many days can we be inside?"

“All right,” said the Buddha. “But when you reach saturation, I will naturally find out, so once you are saturated, you don’t have to waste time in it. Just come out. I will stay away from these days. Stay here to help you break through."

Aldridge excitedly said: "Thank you, the lord of the door, the great grace of the lord, eternal life can not return."

The Buddha’s son said faintly: “Go, cherish this opportunity, because there is very little water in this spiritual pool. I think it’s basically necessary to use it after this time. No matter what state you can break through this time, Look at your physical condition and nature, I will wait and see!"

Xiaobei and others immediately went to Lingchi one by one. The fruits inside were very few, and it was difficult to drown their ankles. They didn’t take off their clothes one by one. They went straight to sit down and started to close. Eyes, adjust the state, according to the method of absorbing the aura of the heavens and the earth directly absorb the aura inside the pool water, Xiaobei only feels that the incomparable aura is constantly coming into his body.

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