Super Soldier

Chapter 1776: Bumen, Pan An

After other people entered the spiritual pool to practice, the Buddha’s son sat on the knees outside the pool and waited for the movement inside. The next morning, a strong breath spread from the body of Xiaobei, and the Buddha’s son opened his eyes and looked at the past. The left hand and Huang Quan have been sitting behind the Buddha son, and both of them opened their eyes and looked at it.

Huang Quan grinned and said: "The son, it seems that your vision is correct, this Zhao Zaixing broke through to the realm of Tianzun."

"Yeah." said the voice of the Buddha's son, "He had already reached the peak of breaking the void, and only one step away from Tianzun. The breakthrough is not surprising. If you can't break it, it will make people feel strange. Next, look Look at other people."

After Xiaobei broke through, he opened his eyes and looked at the surprise. He tightened the repairs in the body. After the consolidation, it was already at noon. Xiaobei hurriedly began to absorb the aura. This time, he had such an opportunity. He must be able to break through to how high it is.

It’s getting darker. It’s been twenty-four hours since they just entered Lingchi. They opened their eyes ruthlessly, and their eyes sparkled with surprise eyes. The Buddha’s son opened his eyes and a smile appeared in his mouth. Self-speaking: "Not bad, ruthless talent is also very rare, it seems that this time he may be one of the biggest people to harvest."

Huang Quan sighed: "Zhao Zaixing is the first breakthrough, but Zhao Zaixing has already reached the breakthrough edge, so it can't be said that Zhao Zaixing's talent is better than ruthless. It seems that this ruthless potential may be bigger than Aldrich. ""

The Buddha's son said faintly: "Aldrich is not as good as Zhao Zaixing and ruthless when it talks about potential."

The appearance of Buddha's son is unparalleled. Since he said so, it is basically not wrong.

The next night, there were few people in Lingchi.

The next morning, the Buddha’s son opened his eyes and a slight smile appeared in his mouth. He said to himself: “You seem to be late.”

"But I always come." A cynical voice came over. Huang Quan’s eyes squinted a little and looked at the source of the sound, but saw a man who looked extremely unrestrained from the direction of Taniguchi. When I came over, the first feeling that this person gave was frivolous, like a playboy, but Huang Quan frowned slightly and snorted.

Buddha’s mouth floated with a smile and said: “While you are late, you can give other people some opportunities to let them absorb some of the spiritual water in the spirit pool in advance. This is a rare opportunity, you Go and absorb it."

The light in this person's eyes kept flashing and smiled. "This gentleman... Oh, yes, it's called the left hand. Is it because I have to break down after I break through? I still don't want to fight for it. Well, after all, I like this person more."

The left hand was cold and cold, and the tone was cold and cold: "You still have to wait until I have exceeded me and say these big words are better, junior!"

"Yes!" the young man laughed. "If the old guy wants to lean on the old, then let me hit you in a solid way!"

Suddenly, the young man violently jumped into the air, and then directly fell into the water of Lingchi. He immediately began to look at the nose and nose, and began to practice quietly.

Huang Quan glanced at the left hand and smiled. "Left hand, you still don't want to see this mixed boy. He will not show such respect even in front of me, let alone what he said is true. He Now less than thirty years old, but the realm of strength has entered the peak of Tianzun as you are, and in my opinion, he should break through to the saints faster than you!"

The left hand's gaze was gloomy, and there was a faint light flashing in his eyes. But after all, he knew that Huang Quan said it was good. He had to endure it and spit out his breath. He said: "Now I don't know what the world is, and the enchanting is rampant. ”

Huang Quan knows that the left-handed enchanting refers to these young geniuses, such as the two sons, such as Huang Quan, such as the young man in front of him.

The Buddha son suddenly said: "Pan An wants to break through."

"What, want to break through?" The left hand slammed, and immediately looked at the young man who had just confronted him. It was obvious that Pan An’s body became different. At this moment, there was an extremely sacred breath. From the body of Pan An, in the face of that breath, even the left hand has an impulse to worship, his eyes can not help but faintly excited, "This is the saint, that is, I have not been so many years Break through the saints reached..."

Buddha son said: "I said, this Pan An talent is amazing."

"The younger generation, the voluptuous younger generation." The left hand sighed deeply, and the tone was very lost.

The Buddha’s tone is calm: “A new generation is replaced by an old one. The generation is stronger than the first generation. After thousands of years have passed, the two circles of the gods and the devil have been unstable, and the Terran has ushered in for thousands of years. The martial arts flourishing world, this has to be said to be a destiny, only the Son of Destiny can calm the upcoming chaos, and the son of this destiny may be you, it may be me, it may be anyone... but in the end it will be I."

Buddha son said in a word: "Because I am invincible!"

After the invincible words were finished, the body of the Buddha’s son faintly exudes a breath of destiny.

The left-handed tone is dignified: "The doorkeeper, you have taken me in, and promised to find me face, my left hand will follow you behind, to help you complete the great cause."

The Buddha son snorted and looked at Pan An in Lingchi, then said: "According to what I know, this Pan An has a small hair in the side of Xiao Bing, the small name is called the second goods, although The strength is not very strong now, but it is also a gift of talent."

The left hand asked: "Since such a talented genius, what do the doorkeepers need me to do? When the continually resists the chaos, such a genius, if it is an enemy, it should be killed first."

The Buddha said with a smile: "If such a genius grows up, that is something, isn't it? Don't bother the guy, I am very curious now if one day he grows up, what would it look like? ""

The left hand hesitated: "This... is."

“Not to mention.” Buddha’s son looked at his left hand and asked, “You don’t want a strong person at the level of a saint to regard you as an enemy?”

The left hand stunned Pan An in Lingchi and hurriedly agreed.

On the fifth day after Xiaobei and others entered the Lingchi Lake, the Moon Demon broke through from the peak of the smashing to the break of the early stage of the void, and then the Buddha’s son reached out and grasped. The Moon Demon immediately felt a powerful force to take her from the spirit. The pool was ingested, and she opened her eyes and exclaimed, and flew involuntarily to the side of the Buddha.

The Buddha son sighed and said: "Breakthrough to this extent is already your limit. Then no matter how hard you try, the aura you absorb can only digest a few percent of the power into itself, and waste it. It's better to come out."

Although the moon demon is unwilling, but also knows that the Buddha son is telling the truth, he has no choice but to agree: "Yes!"

"Yeah." Fogongzi nodded with satisfaction and said, "But you have already broken through to this extent. There is only a line distance from breaking the void period. I can't help but give you a hand. Come and give the back. I."

In the eyes of the moon demon, the color of surprise is revealed. Turning around, the back is facing the Buddha son. The Buddha son directly puts his hand on the back of the moon demon. A huge golden light directly enters the body of the moon demon. The demon's body exudes a golden light, and her mouth makes a comfortable shēnyin sound, and then she broke through again at this moment, breaking through to break the realm of the void.

The Buddha's son recovered this hand, and his eyes showed a hint of regret. He said, "Sit down your knees and consolidate your realm. Otherwise, if the foundation is unstable, it will be easy to get rid of it at any time."

Yue Yao excitedly agreed, sat down, this time she directly from the previous few days of the peak of the peak reached the break of the void period, can be described as full of harvest, but the Buddha son knows that the potential of the moon demon has reached the limit, I am afraid If there is no greater adventure in the future, she will stop in the void and break through the void.

In fact, this is also because the moon demon follows the Buddha's son after the creation of this, otherwise, she wants to break through the current realm, I am afraid that it will be ten or twenty years later, and maybe even longer.

On the morning of the sixth day, the Buddha's son will have broken through to break the void and the great perfection of Aldrich also took it out from the spirit pool, and then helped Aldridge to further break through to the half step.

On the morning of the eighth day, the Buddha son took Xiaobei out of it. Xiaobei had already reached the great completion of Tianzun's early stage, and the Buddha son further promoted him to the middle of Tianzun.

On the morning of the ninth day, the ruthlessness was taken out from the inside by the Buddha. The ruthlessness has broken through to break the peak of the void, and the Buddha helped him to further promote the half-step Tianzun and helped him to consolidate the realm.

These people all came out, Xiaobei looked at the last person left in Lingchi, that is, Pan An, his brow was locked, and he did not expect that there was such a young strongman in the Buddhism, not only the strength Unpredictable, and still so young, and carefully calculated, the Buddha Eight will once again get together!

(End of this chapter)

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