Super Soldier

Chapter 1777: New Buddhism Eight

Xiaobei carefully looked at it. Now, apart from breaking through to the middle of Tianzun, the weakest moon demon has broken through from the initial stage of breaking the void to breaking the peak of the void (the last chapter was wrong, thanks to the correction of the book friends), although this There is the merits of the Buddha son, and according to Xiaobei to see the potential of the moon demon, I am afraid that if there is no big adventure in the future, the speed will not be very fast, but even so, the strength of the Buddha Eight will be too horrible. .

Such strength, even if it is facing Kunlun, I am afraid that it will not fear the other side. Since entering the Buddha Mountain Village, Xiaobei felt that the strength of Buddhism was unfathomable for the first time.

The Buddha son sat on the ground and looked at it: "Don't worry, you all just broke through, let's consolidate it first, and patiently wait for Pan An to come out from inside."

Xiaobei asked: "This Mr. Pan An..."

"He is also your Buddha. From now on, even if you are a Buddhist monk, I will sort them out."

Xiaobei promised, and then sat down on the knees. Now it is undercover, and the other party is not clear about his true identity. So if you come here, then the Buddha’s people should think about what to do and how to do it themselves. I will give myself to it. In the past few years, Xiaobei has always done this.

Xiaobei and others consolidated their day and repaired, and time passed another day. Pan An has not yet come out of the spirit pool, but Pan An is coming later than them, so now it is normal, but inside the Lingchi Lingshui seems to have almost dried up.

Xiaobei’s cultivation was completely consolidated in the middle stage of Tianzun, and then his eyes looked at the Buddha’s son. The eyes of the Buddha’s son did not open, and he immediately asked: “Do you have a heart?”

"There is nothing to worry about, I am just thinking about what kind of realm you will be."

The Buddha son smiled faintly: "When you can reach it later, you will naturally understand it."

Xiaobei asked: "Are you the first person in the world? Can Longgongzi be your opponent?"

"He is naturally not my opponent." Buddha son shook his head, then his eyes flashed slightly, said, "But if one person can let me fall one day in the future, that person must be the dragon son."

Xiaobei was surprised: "The doorkeeper, I feel that you are not generally valued for this dragon son."

The eyes of the Buddha’s son suddenly became extremely deep, and Xiaobei almost fell into it. Then he heard the Buddha’s son smile and said: “My eyes can see everything in the world. Everything about a person, including the heart..."

When the Buddha’s son took his gaze back, Xiaobei found himself stunned by the cold sweat. He didn’t dare to ask the Buddha’s son any problems. He was afraid that the Buddha’s son would see through himself.

It’s a few days passed, everyone didn’t leave, although it’s not in the spirit pool, but the aura here is so rich, and it’s going to be much faster than the outside world, even though everyone’s time is already saturated, no. It is possible to continue to upgrade one level, but they have also made progress in these days.

Then, a few days later, on the tenth day when Pan An entered Lingchi, he stood up from the Lingchi. The Buddha looked at him, his eyes flashed, and he smiled slightly: "Yes, the saints are very successful." The water in Lingchi has dried up, otherwise I believe that you will have a chance to break through the realm of the saint."

Pan An jumped out of the spirit pool and stretched out, some lazy: "To tell the truth, cultivation is really not so happy, wow, this beautiful woman is so beautiful, are interested in accompanying me?"

Pan An’s eyes fell on the face of the moon demon.

The Buddha son also stood up and said calmly: "I still say something right, now I have to sort your strengths."

"Good." Pan An’s attitude was as lazy as ever, and the Buddha’s son didn’t mind. He continued to look at other people, and everyone else stood up.

The Buddha’s son said with satisfaction: “Well, now I will arrange the rankings of the Buddha’s Eight Commanders, because the dark world, regardless of the age of the old, the strong is respected, especially now we have new members to join, but also Make it clear about each other's rankings, but Buddhism will be equal to each other, so this ranking is nothing."

Huang Quan smiled and said: "The door owner can say it directly."

"Well, Buddhism will be the first one. I will introduce it to you later. I will not mention it today."

"The second Buddha will be Huang Quan, the nickname is not dead Huang Quan, the strength is the middle of the saint."

"The third Buddha of Buddhism, Pan An, strength is the great realm of the saints in the early days."

"The fourth door of Buddhism, the left hand, the strength is the perfection of Tianzun's peak."

"The fifth Buddha of Buddhism, Xiaobei, the strength is the middle of the Tianzun."

"The sixth step of Buddhism, ruthless, strength is a half step Tianzun.

"The Seventh Gate of Buddhism, Aldrich, strength is a half step."

"The eighth of Buddhism, the moon demon, the strength is to break the peak of the void."

"Everyone except the first one is here. Do you have any opinions?"

Except that Aldridge's face was a bit gloomy, everyone else was very happy to agree.

When the Buddha looked at Aldridge, he asked, "Are you not satisfied?"

Aldridge struggled with his face and quickly became relieved. He smiled and said: "I feel very satisfied."

"Yeah." said the Buddha, "Of course, you and the ruthless strength are between the two, no matter who you are on, it will certainly be controversial, but I hope that you can believe my eyes, I Be able to see through everything, including your current strength and future growth."

Aldridge’s attitude respectfully said: “Everything is given by the doorkeeper. Aldrich will be satisfied no matter how the doorkeeper arranges.”

The Buddha’s tone is calm: “Since there is no doubt, I can give you a short holiday. In 20 days, you can move freely. After twenty days, you will find the Buddha’s messenger to take you back to the villa. Next Twenty days, you can go out to eat, drink, and play, and do whatever you want."

Huang Quan grinned and said: "Well, thank you for giving the holiday, then we are all gone?"

"Go and go." The Buddha son looked at the road. "You also have to go with your woman and children. They are not easy. If you have time, just stay with them."

"Well, thank you for your concern."

Pan An looked at the moon demon and walked over. He smiled and said: "Moon demon, I think I fell in love with you at first sight. There are many words in my heart that I want to tell you. It is better for us to talk about it."

Others did not expect that the third Buddha in front of the Buddha would be such a romantic man, but in the sages in the history of China, this character is really rare. After all, the saint is already at the top of human martial arts. Every one of them is a legendary big man. Basically, all his life is devoted to the field of martial arts. It is possible to do it.

However, it is obvious that Pan An is an exception. Of course, Xiao Bing is also an exception.

The moon demon looked at Pan An with a flirtatious look. The heart was slightly squirming, but then she thought of Xiaobei on the side. She was slightly retreating a half step and smiled. "Mr. Pan An, don't make such a joke. ""

The moon demon is not to say how much care about Xiaobei, but she has always been unfavorable in seduce people, but Xiaobei does not even look at her, but Xiaobei is so concerned about the woman named Joer. Even a child was born together, especially when she felt that she couldn’t compare herself with her, her heart was extremely unconvinced.

Pan An smiled and said: "Miss Moon Demon does not need to hide from me. I am a gentleman. I am never a strong man, but I feel that all the women I see will fall in love without exception. Mine, especially a beautiful woman like you."

Pan An’s eyes suddenly exudes a sultry gaze, which makes the moon demon feel a little heartbeat. Unconsciously, it will be attracted to Pan’s past, and he can’t help but want to send his arms, and this is here. At that time, the Buddha son coughed softly and directly interrupted the deep inside of the moon demon. She gasped, and this reflected that she had just been unaware of it, and she was shocked by the cold sweat.

Pan An looked at the Buddha son, and the Buddha son said faintly: "Remember, it doesn't matter if you look for a woman. You can also go to the moon demon, but you can't use force between the Buddha and the Eight Commanders, even if you are confused." ""

"Okay." Pan An spread his hands and some helpless words. "I just made a joke. A man like a gentleman like me, of course, wants to use my body to cultivate and conquer to conquer a woman, but the moon demon. I have no interest in conquering other women, but you are... If there is a chance, we really should talk about it alone!"

"For the time being, I don't have to." Although the Moon Demon has always said that it is fun to conquer men, but in front of Pan An, she is involuntarily afraid of fear, and deep inside is not too dare to face Pan An, so She refused, and said, "If there is a chance in the future, the moon demon will definitely be willing, but now it has just been upgraded, and the moon demon is still looking for a place to consolidate and consolidate itself."

Seeing the euphemistic rejection of the moon demon, Pan An no longer entangled and smiled and said: "Then I will wait for that opportunity."

A man like him has already said goodbye to the stage of stalking, and he has been outside for many years. He is often unprofitable. Basically, no woman can get out of his palm, but even if there is Exceptionally, he is not likely to go strong, and that kind of behavior is too expensive.

Xiaobei did not pay attention to the matter between the moon demon and Pan An. Looking at the Buddha son, he asked: "The door owner, can we leave now?"

Buddha son said: "At any time."

"Thank you, the master." After that, Xiaobei walked out of the 100 meters, and disappeared in the valley.

(End of this chapter) 8)

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