Super Soldier

Chapter 1801: Fang Yuanyuan wants to seduce?

Xiao Bing didn't think Su Yanni said so directly, but after seeing the smile in Su Ni Ni's eyes, she also felt that this was normal. This woman has a deep two-sidedness. When she was the anchor. In the live room, it is the same, and life is the other side, and now it is the same as the actor, so Su Ni Ni is a natural actor, born to be an actor in the film and television circle, Xiao Bing has some luck I want to find a way to help Su Ni Ni enter the film and television circle, otherwise there will be such a good seedling in the entertainment circle, it is a pity.

Xiao Bing is thinking, Su Ni Ni suddenly asked with a smile on her lips: "Would you like to continue to be honest today?"

Xiao Bing looked at Su Ni Ni’s lips. It was a bit of a bad but with a bit of enchanting smile. Even if she had already handed over the grain last night, she couldn’t help but have a bit more desire.

Looking at Xiao Bing's eyes, Su Xiaoni understood everything. Two people began to talk about eating. After eating, Xiao Bing took the initiative to send Su Ni Ni back to the hotel, and then followed the tacit understanding of Su Mei. Ni's room.

Just entering the room, Su Nie immediately evoked Xiao Bing's neck, and the lips directly went up to Xiao Bing's lips.

The two men began to kiss passionately, and the kiss was extremely warm. When the clothes on the two people became less and less and they had become naked, Su Meini said with a smile: "This is called frankness."

Xiao Bing looked at the exquisite and delicate body in his arms, felt a little suffocated, took a deep breath, and then said with a smile: "After how many years have passed, I have kept your young movies and records. Then I can still be proud to recall that I used to have a relationship with such a beautiful woman, and I have been frank in the hotel several times."

Su Xiaoni smiled and said: "Then you should be careful when you are young, but as many women as you are now, the age is estimated to be really embarrassing, and at most it is able to recall memories."

Xiao Bing took a moment and asked: "What do you mean?"

"Don't you have heard of it, the youngsters don't know the fine. The child is expensive..."

"Oh!" Xiao Bing hurriedly stopped Su Xiaoni from going down and flipping her eyelids. "You are so dirty."

Su Mei Ni smirked and said: "I am afraid that if you wait until the age is over, you will face the glamorous films of me. When you want to solve them yourself, you can't solve them..."

Xiao Bing asked: "How are you so dirty?"

Su Xiaoni chuckled and said: "You have never heard of it. The topic that our women talk about in private is the most filthy, especially the woman who has already had a relationship."

"Okay...." Xiao Bing smiled. "Then I really look down on a woman."

Su Xiaoni's **** and enchanting stunned Xiao Bing's neck, his chest smashed on Xiao Bing's body, and his mouth groaned, like a whispered road: "Then I am in bed today, let you not dare Look down on the man again."

After that, Xiao Bing did not respond, she suddenly pushed Xiao Bing down, and then the whole person rode up and swayed...

When Xiao Bing and Su Ni Ni were not willing to show their enthusiasm for leadership several times, Su Niu eventually lost to Xiao Bing, and then she lay down, Xiao Bing was awkward, and both of them satisfied. .

Xiao Bing was lying next to Su Shini. Both of them had some wet feelings. Xiao Bing got up and threw the set in the bathroom, then took a shower and then came back to lie with Su Ni.

Su Xiaoni smiled and said: "How many children do you plan to have in the future?"

"Children?" Xiao Bing thought for a moment, a little thought in his mind, and then smiled and said: "Don't say, if you don't mention it, I didn't really think about it before, but I think it is allowed in the country. In the case, the more you can, the better."

Su Xiaoni ate a bit of a smile, and then asked very gossip: "Then you have to wear a set every time?"

"Of course, after all, I haven't got married yet." Xiao Bing smiled bitterly. "Is it still unmarried?"

"Yes," Su Yanni said. "The chairman of Ye is also famous outside. If you are unmarried, you are expected to make a headline. You will be famous when you get there."

"In fact, it doesn't matter if it's not famous. It's not very good." Xiao Bing smiled. "How do I say that I am also a responsible man."

"Yeah." Su Ni Ni looked at Xiao Bing with a wink, and her fingers painted a circle on Xiao Bing's chest. The voice was soft and charming. "Then you are responsible for me."

Xiao Bing coughed and was speechless.

Seeing that Xiao Bing was a wordless, Su Yanni said that she was just joking, but she still couldn’t help but have a little bit of loss, but the loss was completely hidden in her heart, but on the surface it was forbearance. I can't help but laugh: "Look at me, scare you, big man, you think I can really make you responsible, I want to be in the entertainment industry now, even if it can't be like Bi Tingting. When I walk into Hollywood, I have to stand firm in this world of China. I don't want to make my feelings become my burden."

Xiao Bing sighed at the same time, and he felt embarrassed for just hesitation. He looked at Su Ni Ni and said from the heart: "Sister Ni, in fact, what you just said is really a bit sudden, but if you are not Just kidding, I will still be responsible for you. Really, if I really don’t like you, then I won’t have a relationship with you. Since there is a relationship, if you really need to be responsible..."

"Stupid." Su Xiaoni smiled. Her eyes were a little wet. Before her heart was really a little disappointing, but Xiao Bing could say that she was very happy. "I don't want you to be responsible, just like the beginning. Say the same, I can't catch a man like you, and I don't want to catch it. You know, I am an ambitious woman, I definitely don't want to be a man's affiliate, I have to fight for my own business. When I am tired one day, I will choose a man who loves me wholeheartedly to get married. No way, I am a woman who is so strong and overbearing. But before that, I am willing to go down with you privately, and we will not owe anyone. Whose, just take what you need, and happy each other is enough."

Seeking truth from facts, Xiao Bing really has a good impression on this Su Mei Ni, but she still can't reach the kind of leaves and Su Xiao, but she feels that Su Ni Ni is very beautiful, and she is sincere in front of her. Su Yanni never had any burden in front of him, so when I heard that I needed it, no one needed to be responsible. Although Xiao Bing was slightly lost, it was more relaxed.

Two people were lying in bed and talking about the West for a while, eating some takeaways in the room at night, followed by another roll of sheets, and it was very late to see the sky, Xiao Bing was reluctant and Su Mei Ni is separated in the hotel.

In a car opposite the hotel, Fang Yuanyuan stared at the hotel door with excitement and saw Xiao Bing coming out. She looked down at the time and looked excited at Fang Yi, who was sitting in the co-pilot: "He and Su Xiaoni went in for more than six hours, from one o'clock in the afternoon until now at eight o'clock in the evening."

Fang Yi looked helplessly: "How do you like a paparazzi? Sister, you didn't have such a gossip before, this is not like your character."

Fang Yuanyuan said with a smug look: "What do you know, if you want to impress a person, you must take a shot from this person's preferences. After the preliminary investigation, the master has a teacher at home, but still with this beautiful star. Into the hotel to open the room, I can imagine that one of the biggest shortcomings of the master should be lascivious, we should take action from this aspect."

Fang Yi asked curiously: "What are you going to do?"

"Isn't this simple?" Fang Yuanyuan proudly said, "Since the master is lascivious, then I will use the beauty to conquer the master. I don't believe that with my beauty, the master is still not ready. What do I want to learn? Still can't learn anything? It is easy to get a teacher."

Fang Yi squirted a little bit, and smiled bitterly: "Sister, you are still more suitable to kill and kill, you go to seduce...."

Fang Yuanyuan blinked her eyes: "What's wrong? Your sister is not beautiful?"

"No, beautiful, beautiful, but it is not suitable for your character... Don't you know that your appearance is very woman, but the character is not feminine at all, which man will be lured by you?"

Fang Yuanyuan was unhappy when he heard this, and immediately retorted: "Zhang Mingyang didn't want to chase me before."

"Oh, then he is not the same. How do I feel that he is a person with a tendency to be abused? After you have given a meal, you will start to pursue it, but there are still a few men who like to be a tomboy. ”

Fang Yuanyuan glared at her sister: "Which one are you heading to? Is it my sister?"

Fang Yi looked at her sister's angry look, could not help but eat and laugh, and then stretched out her sister's arm, in front of Fang Yuanyuan, she rarely revealed one side of her little woman: "Well, I am not kidding. My sister is the best, my sister is the most beautiful, if my sister wants to seduce, even the big monk in the mountains can't resist it. The problem is that I feel that your sister is a bit too bad."

"This is almost the same." Fang Yuanyuan felt satisfied with this, and then said, "There are some losses, but for my dreams, in order to be able to learn deeper martial arts and car skills, I will lose a bit, I also recognize! ”

Looking at her sister's identification of this matter, Fang Yi feels wrong, but she is helpless.

(End of this chapter) 8)

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