Super Soldier

Chapter 1802: The acting is not very smart.

Xiao Bing returned home. In the next two days, Xiao Bing and Su Yanni twice in the day, then Su Ni Ni was going to film in the crew, plus the two sides were very busy, so it is estimated It will take a long time to meet.

On the last day of Xiao Bing, Su Niu was finished. Two people also said goodbye. Xiao Bing came out of the hotel and just walked out of the hotel door, but directly met Fang Yuanyuan outside the hotel. She was alone, Xiao Bing smashed. So, so smart?

Fang Yuanyuan apparently also saw Xiao Bing, her face red and fluttering, showing a look of surprise color, said: "Master, I can't think of seeing you here."

Xiao Bing said: "I am not your teacher."

"Okay, but you are my teacher in my heart." After Fang Yuanyuan finished, she did not wait for Xiao Bing to respond. Suddenly the body shook in the place and said, "I am sick and can send me home. What?"

Xiao Bing walked over and looked at Fang Yuanyuan's unstable standing. He couldn't help but frown his brow and reached out to touch Fang Yuanyuan's forehead.

Fang Yuanyuan escaped Xiao Bing’s hand and said: “There is no big deal. I will go home and take a rest and rest soon. It is trouble for you.”

Xiao Bingdao: "Well, let's go, I will give you a trip."

Anyway, the car is also on the side of the road, and it is only a matter of sending Fang Yuanyuan. It is not a big deal, so Xiao Bing brought Fang Yuanyuan to the car, let Fang Yuanyuan sit in the position of the co-pilot, and then Xiao Bing helped her to fasten her seat belt. .

When helping Fang Yuanyuan to wear a seat belt, Xiao Bing discovered that Fang Yuanyuan was wearing a low-cut miniskirt today. I had a grass. Xiao Bing even knew very clearly that Fang Yuanyuan’s milky white peaks and deep Gully, and good round, is definitely not hard to squeeze out, people can't help but want to touch.

Xiaobing’s throat rolled a bit, his eyes hurried down, and then he saw the pair of long, slender legs, very perfect legs, two legs crossed, and the short skirt made the long legs perfect. Show it, until the position of the thigh root is a piece of white flowers.

Xiao Bing took a deep breath and helped Fang Yuanyuan to take the safety belt, and then fastened his seat belt. Fang Yuanyuan’s eyes showed a smug color, heart, Xiao Bing, I don’t believe you can Escape from the palm of your hand, squatting, deep ditch, big long legs, what the old lady has, ah, I am not afraid that you will not hook this fish.

Seeking truth from facts, in the absence of talking, although Fang Yuanyuan may not be able to compare with the women of Xiao Bing, but it is also very beautiful, at least it is the level of the class flower, only a mouth is easy to reveal.

Xiao Bing said: "Where is your home, I don't know yet."

Fang Yuanyuan said a place, then put the seat back, lazily lying on it, slightly closed eyes, it seems really really uncomfortable.

Xiao Bing turned to look at Fang Yuanyuan, but saw Fang Yuanyuan's eyes closed, and then Xiao Bing's eyes could not help but look down, the long legs of the cross... Well, the legs are really long enough, to be honest, Fang Yuanyuan's body can also be compared with the original Su Peiya, Xiao Bing always has a feeling of Su Peiya's replica lying on his side.

When I thought of Su Peiya, Xiao Bing couldn’t help but blink a bit, and Fang Yuanyuan quietly opened a little bit of his eyes. Looking at Xiao Bing’s disappointment, his heart could not help but be happy. It seems that the progress is not smooth, this Xiao Bingyu I closed my eyes, and it was really peek at me. I stared at me and looked at it. It looked like a big wolf. It was just too good!

If Xiao Bing is known, it is estimated that Xiao Bing will turn his eyes, Nima, Laozi is a lost look, is it good to remember the old friend who has passed away?

If Fang Yuanyuan’s parents know, it’s estimated that her parents will cry. My silly boy is sitting next to a big wolf. Not only is there no worry, but it’s still too good. You are not bad. Is it worried about not getting married or what?

Xiao Bing returned to God, secretly sighed, and said, still, there is no way to completely cross the knot. It seems that only the real and the Buddha’s son will solve all the previous things before they can solve this inside. pimple.

Xiao Bing started driving, but Fang Yuan Yuan’s heart was not calming down. The heart secretly thought, bad and bad, what the **** is going on, what did he just sigh? Does it feel that my legs are not long enough? Still think that my chest is not big enough? Or do you think I have not leaked enough?

Xiao Bing did not care about Fang Yuanyuan’s heart. He followed the place that Fang Yuanyuan said before, and finally stopped outside a small villa. After pressing two horns, the guard at the door came over and knocked on the window. Xiao Bing shook the window, and the guard looked into the car and saw Fang Yuanyuan lying on the co-pilot, and more importantly, it seemed to be uncomfortable.

The guard was amazed and asked, "Miss...."

Fang Yuanyuan opened her eyes slightly and said: "This is my friend, let us go in...."

"Oh, good, okay." The guard immediately waved at the door and shouted, "It’s Missy, come back, open the door!"

When the iron gate opened, Xiao Bing drove in and stopped at the door of the second-floor villa. Then he looked at Fang Yuanyuan and said, "I will call your family to pick you up?"

"Don't..." Fang Yuanyuan said in a confused way. "My dad and my mom are not at home today. They went out to the banquet. My little sister followed the classmates... You... you took me in."

"That... what about your family?"

Fang Yuanyuan has some stubborn words: "I don't want them to take care of me!"

"That... that's okay." Xiao Bing smiled a bit, but it was not necessary to take care of her, but Xiao Bing had just thought of Su Peiya since then, there was no way to get rid of the heart, so I opened the door and will Fang Yuanyuan gave it down, Fang Yuanyuan was soft, and he relied on Xiao Bing. Xiao Bing smiled and said that he had offended, and then Fang Fangyuan hugged him and walked into the villa building.

Fang Yuanyuan posted in the arms of Xiao Bing, the heart sneaked in the heart, the heart secretly, after I conquered you, you still can't pay me, but I don't know why, I feel the taste of the man in Xiao Bing, Fang Yuanyuan feels the heart She jumped through the hustle and bustle, and she was confused all the time. From small to large, she has never been embraced by a man, and she has never even been so close.

She has always been strong, and she has to prove that women are not as good as men, so she has never taken a loss since she was a child, and she will not let men take care of her. Even if she is in trouble outside, she does not need a guard at home. Solved, and even later because her father sent someone to protect her, she directly turned her face with her family, because she really has two sons, and the security of Kyoto City has always been very good, so the family will not send someone to protect her. Only Zhang Mingyang's organic can be multiplied.

Now, it is the first time she shows weakness in front of a man. Although it is all fake, it is acting, but after all, it is the first time. For the first time, she feels that the man’s embrace is different from that of a woman. For the first time, she felt that the man's arm was so solid and powerful.

I thought that I was held by a man last time, or when she was very small and was held by her father, but I thought about it, how many years have passed, and I feel this different feeling, her eyes are actually Some are moist.

The nannies in the villa came over and asked Miss Dae one by one. The results were all sent away by Fang Yuanyuan. They didn’t dare to block them, but they all looked at each other. God, what is going on here, usually Missy seems to never Haven’t you been in close contact with any man? It seems that Missy is sick, but even if she was sick before, she did not say that when the man was taken care of, after all, Missy is a stubborn person, they are too familiar.

After they retired one by one, they quietly hid and called the master.

Xiao Bing took Fang Yuanyuan back to the room and then put it on the bed. Xiao Bing touched Fang Yuanyuan’s forehead and said, “I will tell you that the nanny is looking for a doctor to come over and see you. I am not with you. gone back!"

"No!" Xiao Bing is about to go, Fang Yuanyuan suddenly grabbed Xiao Bing's wrist and looked at Xiao Bing with pity.

Xiao Bing wrinkled a bit and said with a bit of play: "In fact, deliberately making a small woman, this is not like you."

"But... I am not a patient, then I said, it seems like I am not a woman..." Fang Yuanyuan grinned and whispered.

Xiao Bing looked at her like a smile and said, "Are you really sick?"

"I...I..." Fang Yuanyuan suddenly showed a very uncomfortable expression and said, "My head is so dizzy."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Although I really don't do much about medical skills, I also see it. First, you don't have a fever. Second, I can feel your heartbeat when I am holding you. It’s very powerful, even stronger than the beat of the average person’s heart. You actually told me that you are uncomfortable?”

"This..." Fang Yuanyuan did not expect to reveal the stuffing, but finally put Xiao Bing to his room, and said nothing can let Xiao Bing leave like this, she hurriedly said, "Who said it is uncomfortable only There is a fever, and if my heartbeat is powerless, then I am not going to hang it? This is what you said, I am just a little uncomfortable, not to die, and I lied to you."

"It seems that there is a little truth." Xiao Bing looked at Fang Yuanyuan with a smile and a smile on his lips.

Fang Yuanyuan was a little confused by Xiao Bing, and he hesitated: "You...what do you think about me?"

"Actually, what you said makes sense. If you change to other people to play this movie, even if your sister is playing, maybe I will be dubious, maybe it will be fooled, but you can't, your The acting is not high..."

"As for telling me what to do..." Xiao Bing suddenly leaned down and rubbed his hands on the edge of the bed. The body pressed down, and Fang Yuanyuan was getting closer and closer. Then the faces of the two people were about to stick together. When Xiao Bing spoke The breath even sprayed on the face of Fang Yuanyuan. Xiao Bing asked like a smile. "Are you tempting me?"

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