Super Soldier

Chapter 1807: Fangjia sisters come to visit

Xiaobei squatted softly and said softly: "I know, I am wronged, you are soft, you know how much I don't want to leave this time."

"I know, I know." Joel forced her tears and smiled. "I really know that our mother and daughter are thinking about you. You are not thinking about us."

"But I can't help you both mother and daughter. To be honest, I just want to see children, I want to shed tears and see you."

Suoer suddenly looked at the waist of Xiaobei, then raised his head and looked at Xiaobei, saying: "Don't say sorry, there is no sorry between husband and wife."

"Well, I don't say, I won't say it. Joel, let my husband stay with you for one night this evening..."

"Yeah." Joer agreed with a shy voice, and then Xiaobei rolled over and pressed on the child's body, the movement was soft...

Xiao Bing sat there for more than an hour to eat and drink. He had already drunk a box of beer, and then he had to come to a box. Several people are still not drunk now, but obviously they can say something more than usual. Also a little excited.

Xiao Bing picked up three ** wines, put them on the table, one person and one **, then lifted the wine **, smiled and said: "Drink!"

"Okay, drink!"

Everyone from the three people drank a small half of the **, and then all placed on the ground, Xiao Bing said: "Pan An, really do not consider considering staying with me? Your hair is small, but here, I can still help You have won some status here in the country. I think there is hope for a level of director."

"No idea." Pan An said with a smile. "I am already used to wandering. When I want to settle down, I might consider it."

The second goods said aloud: "Nothing wandering? What if you don't hurry to find a wife to live a good life, if you see you marry a baby, you can be more happy with the **** of heaven."

Pan An smiled and said: "I know that there will be a day in the morning and evening, but I can let the aunt's spirit in the sky be happy every few years. Now that you have just got married, Auntie is just happy, waiting for you to let your wife have a child, Auntie. I am happy again in the Spirit of Heaven."

Pan An looked at Xiao Bing and the second goods and said: "I said, you don't have to persuade any more, I will not stay anyway, I can't bear my hair, but now I see him here. So good, I can still have the care of Xiao Bo, I am nothing to worry about."

Xiao Bing sighed and said with a little disappointment: "You have said this, I will not continue to persuade. Today we will not be drunk, and we will have a good meal as a friend!"

Xiao Bing’s disappointment is not only because the other party refuses to himself, but because the other party refuses to do so, and sooner or later, one day is destined to become an enemy, but Xiao Bing intends to put down those identities and so on tonight. It’s not too late to wait until that day. As for the status of being a friend, let’s have a good time!

The three people drink alcohol here, the voice of the chat is getting bigger and bigger, obviously it is a little too much, and finally a total of three boxes of beer, the average one per person, the night before Pan An’s departure, Have a good time.

The next day, Pan An was sent away. Xiao Bing took the person from Xiao Fu to send him out at the gate, and the second goods sent him far and far, and then walked back alone, waiting. After walking to the door to see the big guy, the second goods still have no complaints: "This Pan An just doesn't listen to what he said, how good it is to stay here."

Xiao Bing took a shot of the shoulder of the second goods, but he thought about another thing in his heart. It doesn't matter if he doesn't stay, but he will become an enemy when he meets next time. Xiao Bing is not afraid of multiple enemies, but he does not want to let it. The second goods felt too sad.

After returning to Xiaofu, the red scorpion branch went out for a walk with the second goods. Now it seems that the red stalks can comfort the two goods, so that the two goods will immediately come out of the sadness.

Xiao Bing didn't have much to do at home, so he ran directly to the Longmen base to guide the efforts of some of the base members, and Xiao Bing had just left, and the two sisters came to Xiaofu.

Today, Ye Xiaoxi didn't go to work, Su Xiaoxiao didn't go. Only Liu Kexin went to work in the hospital. The two sisters got out of the car. Fang Yi still had a bag of fruit, bananas, grapes and oranges. She looked up. At a glance at Xiao’s plaque, Fang Yuanyuan’s face was excited: “Wow, it’s true!”

Fang Yi said: "The deputy minister's home, of course, will be more arrogant. Hey, I don't know how this Xiao Bing is put together. Even at a young age, he became a deputy minister. I am afraid it will be the first time after the founding of the country."

In the eyes of Fang Yi, there was a faint flash of light. Finally, he said, "Let's go, don't forget, don't be too arrogant in front of Yexiǎojiě, try to have a good relationship and leave her a good impression."

"Well, I know, I have to find a way to let her go to the wind, so that I can follow Xiao Da brother martial arts!"

Fang Yi smiled and walked to the gate with Fang Yuanyuan, and then said to the guard at the door: "Hello, trouble to inform, it is said that Xiao Bing's friend Fang Yuanyuan, Fang Yi came over."

"Well, you are standing here waiting, I will go in and report now."

One of the guards went in to inform, and another guard stood here to guard. Soon the guard came out from inside and said: "Two xiǎojiě, our brother is not at home, but our hostess said, if you don’t give up, Go in and sit for a while."

"Well, it's good, then you bother."

Although Fang Yi said that her temper is cold, she is also very acquainted with the general. The words on these scenes are all for her, and although Fang Yuanyuan is a sister, but because her temperament is more popular, she always likes to go straight, so sometimes Some things are more and more decent, and the sisters are complementary.

After entering Xiaofu, Fang Yuanyuan’s two sisters became more stable and dignified. Although Fang Yuanyuan said that she was a slut, she was a girl who came out of a big family, even if she was able to hold it for a while, but she compared with Fang Yi. It’s a little worse, it looks very dignified and the eyes are constantly moving around.

Seeing that I went to the Xiaofu Hall, the leaves greeted them from the inside. I watched the two of their sisters, and the leaves looked up and down. At this time, the sisters also stopped and quietly looked at the leaves. After looking at each other, they each looked at each other. They are all very amazing. When it comes to beauty, the sisters may be a little bit different from the leaves, but they are sister flowers, and there are many similarities in appearance. From this perspective, a pair of sisters give flowers. The impact of man can be enhanced invisibly.

As for the leaves in the eyes of the sisters, even the school flowers in their school are hard to compare with the leaves. It is so beautiful. They always thought when they came, what kind of girl can deserve Xiao A man like a soldier is already a deputy minister at a young age. Now they are finally seen and served? Confidence and oral administration, people are not only in charge of a large group of companies, but also so young and beautiful, not satisfied.

Fang Yi’s personality has always been very cold, but when she thought of her task this time, the frost on her face had already dissolved. She smiled and was about to talk. Fang Yuanyuan had already said that she was quick and quick. Is Ye Xiaoxi? Or the chairman? Why is it so young and beautiful, so young is already the chairman, you are really amazing! Moreover, I have never seen a woman who looks like you so beautiful since I was young."

Fang Yuanyuan's temperament is relatively straightforward. What is said about it? Originally, she intended to be a little more stable. However, when she was shocked, she immediately forgot the stability and directly revealed the original shape.

Fang Yi had no choice but to laugh a little, and then he did not say anything.

Fang Yuanyuan’s personality is also somewhat beyond the expectations of the leaves, but the leaves soon don’t feel anything. She suddenly remembered what Xiao Bing said to her before. Fang Yuanyuan’s personality is similar to that of Su Peiya, but it is not In the same way, Fang Yuanyuan is straightforward, hot but with a madness, and Su Peiya is passionate and straightforward, but it is a bit more calm.

Now it seems that this is true, Fang Yuanyuan is really crazy, but also with a bit of silly...

However, for such a girl, the leaves are very good. On the one hand, it may be love and house. After all, Fang Yuanyuan’s personality is similar to that of Su Peiya, and Su Peiya is Xiao Bing’s confidante, even Let Xiao Bing feel that he owes money. On the other hand, such girls usually don't have much mentality, and they are not too tired when they interact.

The leaves smiled and said: "Your sisters are also very beautiful. I have seen such beautiful sisters for the first time. Since you all know me, I will not introduce myself. You will not introduce them. I heard Xiao Bing talk about you."

"Ah, did you really say me?" Fang Yuanyuan hurriedly asked, "What do you say, do you say that this person is more entangled? Make him upset?"

The leaves grinned and said: "No, in fact, his impression of you is very good, and the impression of your whole family is very good. Come in and sit down, there will be time to come often, you are welcome."

Fang Yuanyuan said excitedly: "That would be great, then I will come often."

Fang Yi grinned, and her sister said that this is indeed more appropriate than her own. My sister said that it is normal to give people a feeling. If you change yourself, you may be a little bit pondering. What purpose, so she did not say anything at all.

After waiting to sit down in the room, Fang Yicai said: "Xunzi, I am sorry, I am bothering you. This time I came mainly to string the door, I want to move around, more is to express my gratitude, before Xiao Da Ge Saved our sisters, we have never had a look, thank you."

The leaves smiled and said: "You don't have to worry too much. Even if you change to someone else, your brother Xiao will not see you die, let alone you are friends."

The words of the leaves are very polite. In fact, Xiao Bing and the sisters of the flowers were still unable to talk about friends. At most, they just knew each other.

"Then we should also take a look and express our thoughts." Fang Yi said, "When we came, we thought about buying something, and finally bought a little fruit."

Fang Yi said that the fruit was placed on the table next to it. The leaves smiled and said: "Well, then I will not be polite with you, just the fruits we love."

This is a high enough point. If the leaves are pushed out, it will make people feel too far out of the way. There is a feeling of refusing people thousands of miles away. However, although the sisters only lick a little worthless fruit, they It’s also a matter of mind. They don’t come to empty door to express their gratitude. But if it’s too expensive, it’s also giving people a feeling of being alive. It’s like paying back the kindness and not owing each other. Now, like this, it is like walking between friends, everything is just right.

Fang Yi smiled and said: "That would be great. We are really scared not to know what leaf xiǎojiě likes to eat, so I don't know what to buy. It is best for you to say so, we are relieved. Oh, yes, Didn't the nephew go to work today?"

"Well, I am resting at home today. It is just unfortunate that Xiao Bing is going to work at Longmen Base today. I will give him a diànhuà, tell him, and say that you are coming."

“No need.” Fang Yi smiled. “We just sit for a while, and it’s the same with the nephew. It’s just like watching the blind, I still feel particularly close.”

Fang Yi’s words made the relationship with each other close.

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