Super Soldier

Chapter 1808: Fang Yi and the enchanting dialogue

After chatting for a while, before I left, Maggie began to come out and find people to play Go, but the head of this girl is too enchanting, so no one dares to go with her, it is not playing chess, just like looking for abuse. .

When I saw Maggie, Fang’s sisters were shocked again. Although Maggie’s age was still slightly smaller, the development was also developed. Fang Yi took a look at her sister, thinking, no wonder the color is not attracted. So, people are not only so beautiful as their girlfriends, even the small beauty who lives in the same room in this house is so enchanting, even if the entire entertainment circle is afraid, only Bi Tingting can compare it.

Fang Yi’s eyes turned and immediately took the initiative to play with Maggie. Fang Yi is also very smart. Although he can’t talk about professional level in Go, he is considered first-class in the amateur, but in the end he is still being Maggie. Give it a bit of abuse.

But Maggie was excited and laughed and said: "It's amazing, Fang Yijie, your chess level is much better than the rest of us in Xiaofu. Well, it should be second only to the brother brother, but other People should be under you, and you will come over to play chess with me."

Fang Yi wiped a sweat and smiled. "Okay, I will come over often."

"Let's continue..."

Fang Yi glanced at Fang Yuanyuan, who was talking to Ye Xiaoxi. My heart, sister, I am already enough to help you, and the rest will depend on you.

Seeing Fang Yi and Maggie playing so happy there, the leaves immediately invited Fang Yuanyuan to eat directly at home, Fang Yuanyuan also took the opportunity to agree.

Soon Su Xiaoxiao and the red rose also came out from the inside. The Fangjia sisters had been numbed by the shock, and they all shouted in their hearts. What is this place? How do you feel that the most beautiful of the whole China is in In Xiaofu, these people are more beautiful than the school flowers. It is estimated that Kyoto City’s first social flower rouge should be just that.

Fang Fang sister is a blown body today, but Fang Yuanyuan does not think there is anything. Her temper is originally awkward, but she will feel very envious, very stunning, but there will be no other feelings, but Fang Yi is different, Fang Yi Although her temper is cold, she is a very proud girl. In school, she and her sister Fang Yuanyuan always attract everyone's attention. It is so cold and hot, all are so beautiful, it is indeed the most beautiful. Enviable scenery, but in Xiaofu, Fang Yi felt that she was being compared.

Maggie looked at Fang Yi and smiled. "Do you think they are all beautiful, feel a little bit awkward?"

Fang Yi didn't expect Maggie's age to be so small. She even saw through her own thoughts. She shook her head and smiled. "No."

"Cut, you don't admit that I also know, even if it has anything to do with women's normal psychology, which woman sees other women who are equally beautiful, will not think about it than one?" Maggie said with a smile, " Don't worry, or you have to lose again."

Fang Yi smiled bitterly: "I am really under you."

"Come on slowly, the more you go, the more you have to practice, not to mention that you often come to accompany me to play chess. Your sister can often come to Xiaofu, there are always reasons and excuses."

Fang Yi was shocked again, looking at Maggie with amazement, this is a enchanting, how to know everything she wants.

Maggie smiled and said: "This is easy to see. What surprises, if you are not for your sister, will you play with me in a plate? Normal people don't want to win if they can't win. And it doesn't seem like you have to feel like you want to win me. It's even more unnecessary to be abused here, so it is definitely purposeful. I think about it when I think about it."

Fang Yi smiled and said, "You are really smart, but can you not say it?"

"Don't worry, I won't say it." Maggie smiled. "If you look at it, you can still be friends. What's more, I have a lot more chess friends. I have said it is broken. Am I not stupid?"

Fang Yi smiled bitterly: "If you are stupid, no one in this world is smart."

Maggie chuckled and said: "They all said that, um... I think it makes sense. Hey, why are you close to my nephew, or why your sister is close to my nephew? ”

Fang Yi whispered something that her sister wanted to learn.

Maggie snorted and said: "Unfortunately, my flying brother is basically not at home. I don't know when I will go out this time. Otherwise, let your sister fly with my brother to learn Wu, and then you are responsible for playing chess as a reward. You are really smart. If my brother’s brother really disagrees, it’s really a little useful to take the lady’s route. The brother’s brother is still very good to me, and I can’t talk about it, but my nephew’s words are still very useful. ""

Fang Yi sighed and said: "I heard that our sisters are a bit like a pair of sisters that your brother knows...."

"Do you mean Miss Xiao?"

Fang Yi snorted and said: "Miss Su is ah, um, her temper is a bit cold..."

Fang Yi secretly compared himself to Su Xiaoxiao. There are indeed some similarities. Although there are many differences, people and people are exactly the same.

Fang Yi asked: "Is Miss Su and her sister look like?"

"I don't know." Maggie shook her head and said, "I have never seen Peiya sister. Peiya has already died. Oh, don't mention this... In fact, I feel that the brothers accept your sister. It’s not easy for the apprentice. On the one hand, this person seems to have no thoughts on the apprenticeship. This kind of thing always wants you to be willing. I don’t want to accept any apprentice. What is your sister’s use? On the one hand, Peiya’s sister is gone. Since your sister asked the brother to remember Peiya’s sister, the brother’s brother definitely did not want her to learn too high martial arts. Do you understand?”

Maggie easily analyzed Xiao Bing's mentality.

Fang Yi is now somewhat admired by Maggie, and asked humbly: "So how do you think your brother will agree?"

"To solve the bell, you must also ring the bell. It is one of the ways to take the lady's route. Another way is to let the brother and brother willingly teach your sister, that is, at least your sister has a reason to learn, not to say she. It’s just a simple like martial arts... My brother’s heart is soft. If there is any special reason, it can still impress his heart. It may still be possible.”

Fang Yi’s eyes turned and nodded. She said with gratitude: “I understand, I think I understand what to do, thank you.”

Maggie smiled and said: "If you understand it, don't thank me. Nothing is often a thank you for coming to the next two sets. After all, it's a holiday now, I don't mean anything."

Fang Yi smiled and said: "That is certain, I am willing to talk to smart people, and I can learn a lot when I talk to you."

Fang Yi didn’t feel surprised at all. I want to know that Maggie’s age is a few years younger than her, but now she actually said that she could learn something from Maggie’s speech, perhaps because Maggie’s performance is too enchanting. Fang Yi has forgotten the age of Maggie.

Maggie smiled and said: "This game of chess, I won again!"

The leaf that was chatting with Fang Yuanyuan stood up at this time and smiled and said: "Don't play, let's eat first, just after Li Wei said that the food is ready."

"Well, okay." Maggie jumped off the chair and said, "Oh, when Amway, I will come back, I have some thoughts."

The leaves sighed and said, "Don't mention the aunt of Xia in front of your big brother."

"Okay, I get it now."

Everyone went to the restaurant to eat together. After the meal, the two sisters and sisters sat for a while and then left.

On the way home, Fang Yi asked: "How are you feeling today?"

"Well, the character of the leaves is quite good, I am very willing to talk to her." Fang Yuanyuan said, "But I forgot to say something about the teacher."

Fang Yi smiled and said: "I didn't say it was right. I just met on the first day today. Although people may guess the purpose of your visit, it is too obvious that you will say this on the first day. Wait a few days to mention it, maybe the effect will be better."

Fang Yuanyuan is somewhat annoyed: "I don't think I have to worry about asking for something."

Fang Yi smiled bitterly: "Sister, you really should be tempered to sharpen your own temper. I don't think it is good to see Xiao Bing not teaching you martial arts. If you learn more, I don't know how much to be outside." Well, do you know what kind of people are easily drowned by the river? Almost all people who are a little bit watery but not very watery."

Fang Yuanyuan said: "According to my current level, it is what you said. When I learn the skills of Xiao Bing's big brother, I am a water-based and water-soluble person. It’s so easy to die."

Fang Yi smiled and said in a whisper: "In fact, you... you are too concerned about their views."

Fang Yuanyuan turned her head and looked at her sister. She had a smile on her face. I didn’t know when it became serious. I asked, “Don’t you care?”

Fang Yi hesitated for a moment, then calmly said: "I am also interested, but I am more concerned about the fact that our family can live very well, and they have a good life, which is more important than anything else."

"Maybe you are right, you are smarter than me, and seeing the problem is clearer than me, but I just can't swallow the tone." Fang Yuanyuan said, "I have to fight for this for our sisters!"

(End of this chapter)

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