Super Soldier

Chapter 1809: Scorpion, brother brother peek at me

Xiao Bing waited until the evening, and had dinner with the brothers in the Longmen base, and then came back. After arriving home, he had been happily squatting from the entrance hall, saying that the members of the Longmen had made great progress, of course, Xiao Bing refers to the following action players, not the level of the Longmen Eight. It is normal to think about it. No matter who is Molong or who is the top player in the world, there are so many top players. Experts can guide them at any time. Except for the super martial art of Kunlun, it is difficult for other places to have such treatment. Plus, those who have been selected are considered to be good-natured, and it is strange to make progress.

Even so, Xiao Bing is very happy. The strength and foundation of the Longmen base is deeper. Xiao Bing is more happy. This means that Xiao Bing can take a step closer to one day, when one day Xiao Bing feels Everything does not need to be his own, he will retreat with his own women.

Xiao Bing is there, and he saw Maggie coming out from inside. After seeing Xiao Bing, he said in front of the leaves and Liu Kexin: "Bing brother, the sisters came in the morning, and that is called Fang Yuanyuan. She said that she likes you..."

Xiao Bing was like being smashed, and he almost couldn’t breathe. He widened his eyes and asked, “What? Can’t you? That... leaves, heart, you can’t listen to Fang Yuanyuan’s nonsense, I There is no relationship with her, and she never lie..."

The leaves grinned and said: "Oh, Maggie is too bad. She is teasing you. The sisters are really coming, but I haven’t talked about you too much, and I didn’t say anything that I liked you. The class is all Maggie."

Xiao Bing took a look at Maggie and made a long exit. He said, "I will say, how is it possible, I and they have not been to that share, Maggie, you are bad enough, see me not being Clean up, is it uncomfortable?"

Maggie smiled and said: "So, is this indirect recognition that you are a wife?"

"Yeah, I am a wife and a stricter, then what happened." Xiao Bing did not feel embarrassed.

Maggie reluctantly said: "Then I have nothing to do, your face is thicker."

Xiao Bing is proud, heart, and sample, will I still suffer in front of you? Have you served this time?

Then Maggie added a sentence and said: "But you are a wife and a stricter, then which one are you most afraid of?"

Xiao Bing was once again picked up. This topic is not easy to answer. No matter which one is answered, he will offend people. Looking at Maggie's proud smile, Xiao Bing turned his eyes and said: "Don't say this question, that ...what are they doing here?"

Maggie snickered and Xiao Bing finally ate her on her body again. She enjoyed this process that always made people eat.

The leaves smiled and said: "Thank you for your help, so I took some fruit and went to the house to see it. Because you are not at home, I chatted with me at home one morning, and finished eating at noon. Oh, yes, that Fang Yi has been playing chess with Maggie."

Maggie smiled: "Fang Yijie's chess is good, although it is better than me, but it is much better than you."

The leaves smiled and said: "But I don't think they are drunkards!"

Maggie was surprised at the side: "You see it, you see?"

The leaves smiled and said: "Just allow you to be a smart person, everyone else is stupid? You can see it, how can I not know." "Oh." Maggie said, "That's right, they look at it." It’s not for any gratitude. In fact, this pair of sisters wants to grab men with a few nephews.”

Xiao Bing is also a black line, but the leaves are eating and laughing, but they don’t listen to Maggie’s provocation.

Xiao Bing smiled bitterly: "I can understand it. They want to take the lady's route. It is estimated that you want to let you blow in front of me. Fang Fangyuan wants to learn from me. She told me before. I always wandered around me to learn kung fu, but I refused."

The leaves said: "Well, but although I saw it, I didn't say it. The most important thing is that although they said that they played a little slick, they didn't say anything malicious, so I pretended not to know, just chatted. Um... Fang Yuanyuan’s character is very good, very embarrassing, very straightforward, Fang Yi looks a bit cold, but to be honest, Fang Yi is much deeper than a little thought, not as you said....”

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I also know that I just said that there is a little shadow on them and the shadow of Peya. It is not exactly the same. Everyone in this world is independent, any one. It is impossible to be completely the same as everyone else, just as there is only one month in the world, and there is only one heart in the world."

Liu Kexin was ashamed of his face, and he was very happy inside.

The leaves smiled and said: "Liu Kexin, you have been fooled by his mouth before, but don't listen to his mouth, the mouthful of the words, too bluffing."

Liu Kexin laughed and ate, and all the eyes were innocent and innocent. It was really affectionate.

The leaves couldn’t help but say: "How else would you be such a beautiful girl who would be fooled by him? To be honest, heart-to-heart, girls like you estimate that all boys would like to want to protect, but in the end they are the big satyr. I will be the first to go to the world."

"Hey." Xiao Bing touched his nose and did not dare to refute. He had to transfer the topic and said, "That... are you going to help me to persuade me?"

The leaves smiled and said: "They haven't mentioned this to me yet. Why should I persuade?"

Xiao Bing asked: "That is, if they mention it, will you help them with my ideological work?"

"That's not necessarily." The leaves smiled. "I think they might have miscalculated."

In fact, Xiao Bingxin thinks this way. Although the leaves are a girl, but doing things is very capable of making up their minds. It is definitely not a person who will be swayed by two words, otherwise she will be a director of a company. Long, often go out and negotiate with people, isn't it going to be fooled by people? Although Fang Yi said a little deeper, but compared with the leaves, it is far worse.

When Xiao Bing remembers that he had just met the leaves, he found that the leaves were not generally clever, and that her brothers and sisters were all extremely profound in their calculations. Among the people that Xiao Bing had contacted, the two wisdoms that made Xiao Bing feel the most difficult. The two brothers and sisters who died of the leaves, but the two of them are different from the leaves, the leaves are kind, and her brother and sister did not use the IQ.

Xiao Bing sometimes even thinks that Ye's genes are so powerful, and they are not stupid. Isn't the child born to him and the leaves like a enchanting?

Thinking of the enchanting, Xiao Bing couldn't help but see Maggie's eyes. Maggie immediately called: "Two nephews, the brothers peek at me!"

Xiao Bing: "...."

The leaves and Liu Kexin couldn't help but giggled.

At this time, Su Xiaoxiao came out from the inside and asked: "What are you talking about? It is so happy to talk."

Xiao Bing said: "Oh, it’s a chat with the sisters, nothing to do, just learn Wu."

"Yeah." Su Xiaoxiao thought for a moment and said, "My opinion is, don't teach, at least don't let them into your circle."

When I said this, Su Xiao’s eyes had a hint of gloom, apparently thinking of her sister.

Xiao Bing sighed and smiled and said: "Well, let's talk, I will go back to the room to rest, right, tomorrow?"

The leaf said: "The little flower in her room teaches the moon to learn."

"Oh, let me see."

Xiao Bing went to the room of the small flower, went in and looked at his eyes, then stepped back and went back to the room where he and the leaves were. The room was alone. Xiao Bing lay down directly on the bed because he drank some before. Wine, so I didn't go to sleep a little longer.

When Xiao Bing woke up, when the leaves opened, the leaves saw Xiao Bing open his eyes and asked, "I woke you up?"

"No, what time is it?"

"It's half past eight."

"Oh, then I have been sleeping for an hour, um, let's sleep together, it's a bit sleepy."

The leaves smiled and said: "You have to take off your clothes when you sleep. You look at you. You can't even take off your clothes and socks. Can you sleep comfortably?"

"Well, I will take it off, right, two goods?"

"He, their family of three went back to their own house to live, and it was very happy when the red-breasted father was picked up."

Xiao Bing said with emotion: "The father of Akasaka is now a wish."

"Yeah, seeing that my granddaughter is getting married, and the second goods is also a solid young man. It is estimated that even the red-breasted father is...hey, don't mention, take off your clothes and sleep."

After the two men took off their clothes, Xiao Bing first lay down and began to sleep. The leaves went to the bathroom and took a shower. Then they lay down next to Xiao Bing and watched Xiao Bing sleep. She was quietly in Xiao Bing. Kissing on the lips, then revealing a playful smile, said to himself: "Good night."

The lights turned off and soon the leaves went to sleep.

On the second day, the Fangjia sisters came over again after noon. Fang Yuanyuan began to help Xiaofu’s nanny to clean up the house. Fang Yi was taken to the room by Ma Qila to play chess. Fang Yuanyuan’s a woman with such a big leaf, where would Packing up things, I was quickly persuaded by Li Chunlan, and then I talked with the leaves and Su Xiaoxiao.

Although I know that Fang Yuanyuan has some purposes, but they hate Fang Yuanyuan, they will soon become familiar, and even occasionally will make a few jokes.

The leaves smiled and asked: "Yuan Yuan, have you graduated from college?"

"Prepare for the internship." Fang Yuanyuan said helplessly. "But I don't want to go anywhere. The work of Wenhao is not suitable for me. In fact, I still like to enter the police station. Unfortunately, my father has not allowed me or let me. I took a police school, but I read a university normally."

The leaves sighed: "Your father is also good for you, then what dream do you have?"

"Want to learn a kung fu!" After the talk, Fang Yuanyuan looked at the leaves and fanned his lips, hesitating.

The heart of the leaves is dark, this is coming!

(End of this chapter)

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