Super Soldier

Chapter 1810: Leaves have to be uneven

Fang Yi heard the question of the leaves next to him, put down the pieces and looked at his sister.

In the eyes of the leaves, there was a smile. Fang Yuanyuan’s expression was slightly unnatural. In the end, she decided not to delay it. She took the courage and said it straightforwardly: “Yes, actually... actually I want you to help me convince Xiao Dage. Let me be his apprentice."

At this time, the speed is not up, they are now on the second day of Xiaofu, far from the heat, Fang Yuanyuan expressed his intentions so quickly, Fang Yi is full of concerns about whether Ye Xiaoxi agrees to help.

The leaves were faintly smiling, and the cup lid of the teacup was in the hand, showing no preference.

Fang Yuanyuan said a little embarrassed: "Actually... In fact, I thought about it before, and after I came over and became familiar with you, let me help me to talk about good things and let Xiao Dage accept me as an apprentice."

While the leaves were fiddling with the lid on the table, he looked up at Fang Yuanyuan and asked: "If you say this, you came over yesterday not just to thank you, but to plan to have a good relationship with me?"

Fang Yi quietly blinked at her sister, but Fang Yuanyuan did not see it at all.

Fang Yuanyuan is a bit shy: "Yes!"

The leaves nodded, and Fang Yuanyuan stood aside and felt a little embarrassed.

Maggie saw this scene and lowered the voice of the other party. "Your sister is telling the truth directly."

Fang Yi smiled and smiled bitterly: "This is like the style of my sister." Then she added a sentence in her heart, hey, no play.

Fang Yuanyuan smiled and said: "Now... are you very angry now? It doesn't matter if you can't help, I am here to apologize to you, sorry, Xiao Bing brother helped me before, now I still count her girlfriend, this Something is wrong with me, I am doing something wrong."

Fang Yuanyuan looked at Fang Yi and said: "Fang Yi, let's go."

Fang Yi stood up, two people were about to leave, and the leaves suddenly smiled and said: "What's wrong, you haven't finished playing chess yet, so you are so anxious to call you mèimèi back together?"

Fang Yuanyuan snorted and said: "Then I... then I will go back."

Fang Yi was also a bit stunned, but she reacted very quickly, and immediately revealed a look of surprise. She hurriedly said to her side: "Sister, you didn't understand it, Ye Jie didn't blame you."

Fang Yuanyuan couldn't believe it and looked at the leaves. He was surprised: " really don't blame me? You already know that we are close to you with purpose, you don't blame me? Don't give birth to me?"

The leaf said: "The thing you did is really irritating, especially my current identity, you should know that it is not easy to get close to me and become friends."

“Yeah.” Fang Yuanyuan whispered, “The chairman of the Yeh Group, the big boss of the top 100 companies in the country...I really can’t make it, but you don’t even have a shelf.”

The leaves said: "This is because I regard you as a friend of Xiao Bing. Xiao Bing's friend is naturally my friend. In fact, in normal times, although I am very good at speaking, I am not so easy to make friends. My temper is not proud. However, after my identity and status, there are too many people who want to be friends with me. The interests involved are too many, so I have to choose from them and dare not hand in them easily. ""

Fang Yuanyuan and Fang Yi nodded. The words of the leaves are correct. No matter how many people have reached the identity and status of the leaves, they can’t be too emotional. Sometimes they have to judge. Who can Communication, who is suitable for perfunctory...

The leaves said: "So I rarely give people who are not familiar with them. I finally made you, and you count me, I am very angry."

Fang Yuanyuan and Fang Yi are both embarrassed, and some embarrassed here continue to stay.

The leaves smiled and continued: "But I am not really angry, but I have forgiven you."

"Forgive me?" Fang Yuanyuan asked, "Why?"

Not only Fang Yuanyuan can't believe it, even Fang Yi's so smart woman also doesn't understand the truth.

"Because you guys don't really have the heart," said the leaf. "The first day you came here, I have already seen it, especially you, you are actually not suitable for acting. I know like you." People are actually very difficult to deceive others. I think your heart is definitely struggling. Sometimes people will do wrong things, and what you do is contrary to your own intentions, so today is just a day, you Just say that it’s leaking."

"People are not afraid of making mistakes. The most important thing is that the nature is not bad. Of course, if the mistake you made this time will really hurt people, even if your nature is better, I will not forgive you. Fortunately not."

After listening to the leaves, the Fangjia sisters were relieved. This time they had two points that were the most sexual desires. One point was that Fang Yuanyuan said that she missed it. The original thought that Fang Yuanyuan’s personality was leaking, may not be forgiven. I didn’t expect the leaves to be less angry. The other point was that although they used the leaves, they did not think about hurting the leaves and anyone, and did not harm anyone.

Although Fang Yi is not the ambassador, but after all, she is also an accomplice, and her sister is a group, so now things have been exposed, Fang Yi can not get off the dry cleaning, so she also stood up and said: "Ye xiǎojiě, this piece I have to say sorry for things."

The leaves saw that this pair of sisters’ flowers have become somewhat cautious now. I know that although I am not angry, but after all, I have been poked in the face, and my heart is awkward. It is inevitable that I feel restrained. Since I have not blamed each other, the leaves I didn't care about it. She stood up straight and took Fang Yuanyuan's hand and smiled. "Yuan Yuan, and Fang Yi, you should be welcome. If you want to come and play, then if you want to come and play." I will come over at any time, and all the previous things have not happened. I just said, I am not angry, you don’t have to worry about it."

"Yeah." Fang Yuanyuan’s temperament was greatly embarrassed, but the first one slowed down first and nodded and said, “The things before that have passed!”

"Okay, it's over!"

Fang Yi looked at Fang Yuanyuan and asked: "Sister, then we are now..."

Maggie smiled at the side: "Fang Yijie, you come over to play chess with me. You lose this game, you can't run away."

"Good!" Fang Yi let out a sigh of relief. This is also a step. She glanced at Maggie with gratitude. The heart was filled with gratitude for the broad leaves of the chest. He said, "I just can't get you, oh, anyway. Lose and lose, I am willing to accompany my gentleman."

Now that the matter has been debunked, Fang Yuanyuan has no burden or pressure in her heart. It can be as good as making friends with the leaves, and there is not much to think about.

Later, the leaves called Yuanyuan Yuan together to start talking in the yard. The leaves asked: "Yuan Yuan, are you still going to let me help you and Xiao Bing to say good things, let him accept you as a disciple?"

Fang Yuanyuan hesitated, opened his mouth, and finally shook his head and sighed and said: "I have this kind of thought in my heart, but we are friends now, I thought about using you before, now I don't want to do that kind of thing. It is."

The leaves smiled and said: "There is nothing for friends to help each other."

Fang Yuanyuan’s eyes lit up. She had already had no illusions before, but now she has a few expectations in her eyes.

The leaves smiled bitterly: "But you listen to me first, I still have a hard time intervening. If I really say, Xiao Da may actually accept you as an apprentice, but that may not be his own willingness. Things, although I am his girlfriend, but between men and women should be respectful and caring, I do not want to do what he does not want to do under my influence."

Fang Yuanyuan sighed and sighed and said: "It doesn't matter, I can understand."

The leaves said: "But I really want to know, Yuanyuan, why do you have to practice martial arts? This world is not necessarily martial arts is truly valuable, martial arts is not necessarily more important than the mind, women may also You need to embody your own value. Can you not express your value in another way? And listen to your brother and say that your current work is also very good."

Fang Yuanyuan shook her head, hesitated, and then seemed to make up her mind, saying: "Leaf sister, now I am friends with you, so I will not be holding you, and some things can tell you." ”

When the leaves heard, I felt some doubts and curiosity in my heart and asked, "What are you talking about?"

"It's about my family."

Although the leaf does not know what the specific thing is, it can also be guessed. What Fang Yuanyuan said next is probably why she is obsessed with martial arts. It seems that Fang Yuanyuan always wants to follow Xiao Bingxi. Wu, I am afraid it is not just a simple matter that she likes to practice martial arts, but other reasons.

Sure enough, Fang Yuanyuan then told the leaves of her family to tell the leaves. Although she said that her temper is awkward, these things have obviously taken root in her heart, and the impact is very deep, so she said very much. detailed.

After Fang Yuanyuan had finished speaking, the leaves frowned, and his eyes showed a bit of anger. He said, "How is this, what is the woman, it is worthy of their disappointment? It is too damn, Yuanyuan, this time I help You must help you with a bad smell!"

Ps: Insomnia for three consecutive days... Today's efficiency is really amazing, and I don't dare to sleep too late. The first chapter of tomorrow may have to wait until noon, but the three chapters will not be less. Time will soon be adjusted again. Today is three chapters, everyone is good night.

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