Super Soldier

Chapter 1813: The ancestors of the fame!

Xiao Bing stayed at home for two more days. On the morning of the third day, Xiao Bing and Fang Yuanyuan made an appointment and came to meet at Kyoto Airport.

Xiao Bing received the boarding pass according to the mobile phone text message, and then came to the boarding gate through the security check. The registration time was more than half an hour. The family of the Fang family had already sat here, and saw Xiao Binglai. Then, several people stood up immediately.

Xiao Bing walked over and smiled and said: "Sit down, sit down, don't be polite."

Fang Yuansheng said with some excitement: "Deputy Minister Xiao..."

Xiao Bing coughed and lowered the voice and said: "I didn't say it last time, just call my name."

"Oh, yes, I forgot, Xiao Bing, thank you for coming together."

Xiao Bing sighed and said: "Nothing, little things, good aunt."

The last sentence is what the other mother said.

Fang Fang smiled and nodded and said: "I am bothering you, Xiaobing."

"You're welcome, auntie, let's sit down first, and it will take half an hour to register."

"That's good, let's sit down first."

After several people sat down here, Xiao Bing looked at it casually. Fang Yuansheng, no matter where he sat, was difficult to conceal the temperament of a high-ranking official, and at first glance it was related to the police.

Fang Fang looks very dignified and decent, Fang Yi nodded to Xiao Bing, attitude is not so cold, but it is not very warm, her temper is as cold as ever, and Fang Yuanyuan is a happy smile With.

There is a school bag next to Fang Yi, but there is nothing else.

Fang Yi said: "I have a gift for my grandfather in this bag."

"Oh." Xiao Bing said, "I didn't bring anything."

Fang Yuansheng smiled and said: "You can come in person, it is already the biggest gift, this is simply our house!"

Xiao Bing smiled, and then some doubts said: "The time is still too late, and some words I don't know when asked."

Fang Yuansheng said in a hurry: "What is wrong to ask? Just ask what you want to ask."

"Okay, then I am not welcome, I just feel a little strange, Uncle Fang, you said what age is now, how is your family so patriarchal, because your family is two daughters, so every Once their sisters and two returned to their hometowns, they were discriminated against. Now they even pull me up to be a backer. This is how much wronged...."

When I heard Xiao Bing say this, Fang Yuansheng also felt very embarrassed. After all, the age is so open, and the people in his hometown are still so patriarchal. He really feels that there is no way to say it.

Xiao Bing saw that Fang Yuan’s heart was not a taste, and he was very understanding. “In fact, there are some patriarchal women in the present society. Although there are not so many, people always want to change their ideas a little bit. This is also normal. But it can force Fang Yuanyuan to let me accompany you directly. It seems that your home is really a bit serious."

The first few sentences are in the comfort of Fang Yuansheng, giving Fang Yuan a step, and the last few sentences are expressing the incomprehensibility in his heart.

Fang Yuansheng sighed and said: "There is always a patriarchal attitude in the family. I have always wanted to change these concepts. Unfortunately, I can't do anything. This is not something I can do with my hard work. I can work hard to get from the section. Growing up to the Director, rising from the Director to a higher level, but it is really difficult to change others by trying hard."

Xiao Bing gave a voice and expressed understanding.

"Especially our family, and other families are not the same, the situation is more special. I am not jealous of you, I regard you as my own, and you will soon go back with us, I will not say that you will arrive I will know."

Xiao Bing listened intently, and it seems that there are still some secrets that are not known to outsiders.

"The ancestors of our family are called Fang Xiaoyu."

When it came to this, Fang Yuansheng began to stop, and then looked at Xiao Bing, making Xiao Bing a confused, just said a word will not say, is this Fang Xiaoyu ... suddenly, Xiao Bing’s mind flashes After a person came, I was surprised: "Is it... Fang Xiaoyu, you said, is Fang Xiaoyu, one of the Shaolin ten tigers of the Qing Dynasty?"

"Yes." Fang Yuansheng nodded.

Xiao Bing exclaimed: "Great, powerful, turned out to be Shaolin ten tigers... I have heard of this person, Fang Xiaoyu is the second brother of Fang Shiyu, among the Shaolin ten tigers, Hong Xi officially ranked first, Fang Shiyu ranked second Fang Fang's Fang De has a total of three sons. Fang Shiyu is the third among the three sons. He also has two older brothers. The big brother Fang Meiyu ranks ninth in the Shaolin ten tigers, and the second brother Fang Xiaoyu ranks in Shaolin. The eighth place among the ten tigers, because the Shaolin ten tigers are ranked by strength, not by age, so their ranking is not as high as that of Fang Shiyu, even though it was so famous at the time."

Fang Yuansheng sighed, with a bit of longing in his eyes, said: "The Shaolin ten tigers, it sounds really powerful, but unfortunately the rivers and lakes are rushing, the Qing soldiers have always seen Shaolin not pleasing to the eye, that time on the surface is sent troops to suppress the fire, the result However, it is intentional to kill those Shaolin masters, in addition to Hong Xiguan relying on a pair of invincible iron palms to kill the encirclement, in the siege of the Qing army and the martial arts scum, also killed several of the ten tigers, including Fang Shiyu and his eldest brother Fang Meiyu, only our ancestors fled, and then retired with their families."

Xiao Bing listened to a burst of blood, and finally sighed and sighed, although those Shaolin and Ten Tigers may not really represent the ten strongest people in Shaolin, but they are definitely the mainstay of the main stream. It is said that the tenth tiger Lu Acai does not After the war, he escaped and retired. Finally, he accepted Huang Feihong’s father, Huang Qilin, as an apprentice.

Even the tenth tiger has this kind of ability. It is conceivable that this Shaolin ten tiger is indeed well-deserved. Of course, if you look at it now, at least it will reach the realm of breaking the void, as to whether it has reached the heavenly It's hard to say, as for the saints, it is impossible, but even if this kind of realm is now, it can be regarded as a generation of masters.

Fang Yuansheng continued: "After the two brothers on our ancestors died, he took a family to hide in a very remote village. In order to avoid being chased by the Qing army, he never dared to speak. Because in that big battle, he was seriously injured and left a hidden danger. So although he escaped, his body was getting weaker and weaker. He later told his family before his death that the brothers of Fang’s family died in the hands of the court. Therefore, the descendants of the Fang family are absolutely not allowed to enter the court as an official."

Xiao Bing nodded and said: "Although I don't agree with this approach, I keep understanding."

Fang Yuan smiled and said: "So I left the mountain village and went into the career, and they have always been worried."

Xiao Bing was surprised: "What is the truth? The people who killed the two brothers on your ancestors and your ancestors were the imperial courts of that era, but not the current people's government!"

"I know, I am also explaining, and for this reason, although there is some discussion in the family, it is not too intense. Otherwise, I am afraid that I will not even have the qualification to go back to Grandpa."

"Well, some of them like to talk about it, don't care."

"I think so too. My mouth grows on others. I can't control what is said by others. What's more, I am sitting on the sidelines, but I also understand that the party and the government are helping us all of us to be the masters." And the imperial court of that year was also overthrown by the party. It is equivalent to the party also indirectly helping us to report hatred. I have said this to my family, so I can't refute me at home, I can only let me."

Xiao Bing nodded and smiled. "You are right, and you can see the meaning of the righteousness, distinguish between right and wrong, I admire you."

Fang Yuan said with a bitter smile: "There is nothing to admire, of course, except for historical reasons, so they don't like to see me as an official. There is also a reason that the family is martial arts for generations. Later, people said that the Fang family is a family of martial arts. Although it has been reclusive, the bones cannot be weak, and the martial arts cannot be broken. In the future, the martial arts that the Fang family learned will continue for generations to come. !"

Xiao Bing looked at Fang Yuansheng and said with emotion: "When I first saw you, I realized that your strength is not weak. At that time, I felt a little bit of emotion. I didn't expect it to be a descendant of the martial arts predecessors. No wonder so. ”

Fang Yuansheng's strength has reached the middle of the enthusiasm, and he can't talk about the top experts in the martial arts world, but he is also a qualified master.

Fang Yuan said with a bitter smile: "Xiao Bing, you are saying that you are chilling. I have this insignificant strength. What can you count in your eyes? These strengths may not be weak in the eyes of ordinary people. But we are descendants of Fangjia. I heard that the strength of Xiaoyu above the ancestors of our family has reached the realm of breaking the void. I am far from the ancestors, but the strength of our ancestors is actually Shaolin. In the middle, I heard that Fang Shiyu is the third brother of our ancestors. His strength is close to half-step Tianzun. It should be to break the realm of the virtual world, but the specific facts are now unclear. It was a hundred years ago."

Xiao Bing nodded. The degree of the Shaolin ten tigers at that time should be equivalent to the degree of the Longmen Eight. However, in Xiao Bing's view, it should be better than the Longmen. The masters of Longmen can sweep the entire dark world. At that time, Shaolin Ten Tigers were the top ten masters in Shaolin, but they were definitely not the real trump card in Shaolin. Because the real trump card is not necessarily known to outsiders, just like the current Shaolin, the real behind-the-scenes master, the outside world simply Do not know at all.

At the time, in addition to Shaolin, there were other sects such as Kunlun. Therefore, there were many other opponents at the time. The strength was definitely not the strongest, but it was not weak. At least it was famous.

Xiao Bing then asked: "Your ancestors told you that you must pass on martial arts, you can't succumb to your ancestors, what's next?"

"Next." Fang Yuan said with a smile, "The next step is to be able to relate to my two daughters..."

(End of this chapter) 8)

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