Super Soldier

Chapter 1814: Patriarchal family

Xiao Bing thought for a moment and said: "Let me guess, um, maybe because you are born with two daughters, in their opinion, the boy can inherit the martial arts of the family, the girls are useless in this regard, so they Don't look down on their sisters..."

Fang Yuanyuan’s eyes widened and looked at Xiao Bing. Fang Yi also amazed Xiao Bing’s sharp thinking. Fang Yuansheng sighed: “It’s what you said, because Fangjia has always been a martial arts family. The most important thing is Wu. Learning, and we all know that the world of martial arts has always been a man's world, and women may have several outstanding people, but it is too little, and our family is originally a more traditional person..."

Xiao Bing sneered: "It is the traditional patriarchal plus they need more men to pass on the martial arts of Fangjia."

"Yes." Fang Yuansheng has some helpless words. "We are also public officials of the country. There are still some ideas about equality between men and women. However, many people nowadays do not recognize this. They are all sharp."

Xiao Bing said: "Your family doesn't like to do things for the country. You come out to the government department to do things. Your family is patriarchal, but you have two daughters, so they definitely don't want to see you."

Fang Yuansheng sighed.

Fang Yuanyuan said with enthusiasm: "Dr. Xiaobing, you said, isn’t our woman really so annoying?"

"Of course not." Xiao Bing smiled. "There is no woman, where is the man? Can you always have a man to have a baby?"

It was a very serious question, but when I heard Xiao Bing say this kind of playful words, everyone laughed.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I have already known about the situation. Anyway, this time I promised to accompany the past. If there is a need for me to support, I will definitely try my best, but in general, this is all of you. Do not have too much hope for me if I have a chores, and I am not sure about chores.

Xiao Bing said that the truth is that the official is difficult to break the chores. Even if the people are too old-fashioned, they are all cultivated from small to large. What kind of skills can you change in a few words? Even if the strength is strong, it is useless. This is not a question of strength. Is it that you can play more, so you can give people a meal and then force others to recognize equality between men and women? Admit that they are wrong? It is no problem to deal with the problem with small gangsters, but it is not advisable to treat people's own family affairs, and it is useless. It is useless if people are not satisfied with oral administration.

Fang Yi said indifferently: "In fact, if I didn't look at my father's face, I wouldn't bother to go back. I don't want to recognize them as my loved ones."

Fang Yuansheng listened to his second daughter’s words and opened his mouth. He wanted to criticize his daughter, but in the end he sighed and swallowed his mouth. After all, this does not blame his daughter, but also the other. unacceptable.

Xiao Bing was watching in the side, but the heart was also very sympathetic to Fang Yuansheng, and also sympathized with the sisters, it was really difficult for them.

At this time, the notice in the broadcast was already on board, and the boarding gate had already started to check the ticket. Several people from Xiao Bing immediately walked in and walked in, and then boarded the plane together.

They are a family of four, plus Xiao Bing is a total of five people, a row of the plane can sit three in total, watching the parents have sat down first, Fang Yi, Fang Yuanyuan and Xiao Bing sat together, Fang Yi sat In the middle, Fang Yuanyuan sat in the window, Xiao Bing sat outside.

Sitting beside Fang Yi, Xiao Bing immediately smelled the smell of a very sweet fragrance. In general, Xiao Bing did not like perfume, but Fang Yi was an exception. The taste was not heavy and very fragrant.

Xiao Bing took a breath, Fang Yi happened to be paying attention to this scene, and the corner of his mouth slid a trace of curvature.

Xiao Bing's gaze then glanced casually. Fang Yi's body is not the same as Fang Yuanyuan. Fang Yuanyuan is big and big, but she is too thin and slim, but she is not fat, her body is very hot, and Fang Yi happens to belong. The kind is not particularly hot, but it is very thin, and her skin is very white and smooth, and her legs are thin, white and long, which is the most attractive.

Xiao Bing is still watching it. Suddenly, Fang Yizheng looked at himself with a sigh of relief. Xiao Bing hurriedly took his gaze back. He said seriously: "I just saw an ant crawling on you and now ran away. ”

Fang Yi still didn't speak. Fang Yuanyuan, who was looking through the window, suddenly jumped and screamed: "Ant? Where? Where?"

Xiao Bing was speechless. Fang Yi also grinned and forgot the thing that Xiao Bing had stolen her. Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Can you not make trouble, you are such a powerful person, will you be afraid of ants? ”

"I..." Fang Yuanyuan blushed and said: "I am not afraid of people, but I am afraid of reptiles."

"Okay." Xiao Bing smiled bitterly. "Sure enough, everyone has weaknesses."

"What about you? Do you have it?" Fang Yuanyuan looked at Xiao Bing and asked, "Do you have any fear, tell me to know. I just told you to know what I am afraid of, if you don't tell me, I will be too loss."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "It’s just that you didn’t tell me specifically, it’s your own stuff, why should I tell you?”

"This... anyway, you have to tell me, otherwise it is not fair."

"Well, let's be honest, I really have never been afraid."

"You are lying!"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Why should I lie?"

"Because you were afraid, and everyone knows."

Xiao Bing was a little curious when he heard this. He asked: "I am afraid of it, how can I not know myself?"

"You are afraid of your wife!" Fang Yuanyuan waited for Xiao Bing to ask, giggling. "Don't you dare to say that you are not afraid of my nephew?"

"The trough..." Xiao Bing was planning to say that he was not afraid. Suddenly he thought that Fang Yuanyuan was so familiar with the leaves now. It was easy to complain and went back and said, "I am not afraid, I am called love, understand?"

Fang Yuanyuan smiled and said: "Oh, you love your wife, not afraid of your wife, I understand."

Although the mouth said so, but Fang Yi is laughing in the middle, obviously also feel that Xiao Bing said a little lack of confidence, is to find reasons for himself.

Xiao Bing closed his eyes and leaned against the seat: "I am too lazy to argue with you. In short, you are not married because of these things, so you will not understand. A good man like me is good for his wife. As for fear. ……Ha ha."

"I remembered it." Fang Yuanyuan said, "You said that you are not afraid of the blind, I took the time to ask."

Xiao Bing coughed and opened his eyes. The tone was threatening: "You still want me to go with you."

"But you are already on the plane!" Fang Yuanyuan looks like a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water, and began to play.

Fang Yuanyuan can play tricks, but Xiao Bing can more easily lie, immediately said: "Then I will wait until after getting off the plane, I will buy tickets again, can't I still?"

"This..." Fang Yuanyuan stunned, apparently did not expect Xiao Bing to be so embarrassed, she thought about it, or decided to eat the loss before the eyes better, so I hurriedly said, "I know, Xiao brother is a wife. In fact, at first glance, I saw that Xiao Brother is a man, not afraid of it, is a real hero, and the length is still so handsome..."

Xiao Bing sighed and erected a few fingers and said: "Men, hero, handsome... Not bad, you will praise me a few more words, boast that I am satisfied, I will go back with you."

Fang Yuanyuan thought for a moment and said: "And Xiao Da Ge still learns to be rich in five cars, only high in eight fights, handsome and handsome, Yushu Linfeng, romantic, and people love..."

Fang Yi has some helpless words: "That... I am a little disgusted, I want to vomit."

Xiao Bing rolled his eyes and said: "If you do it, you can almost do it. I see what you say so sincerely. I believe that you are telling the truth."

Fang Yuanyuan smiled and said: "I was only able to tell the truth, Xiao Brother is perfect in my eyes!"

Xiao Bing said: "I have to do it. If you go on, you should fall in love with me. Oh, yes, this time you have lived a great birthday to your grandfather. How old are your grandfathers this year?"

This time answering Xiao Bing is Fang Yi, Fang Yi's tone is very calm: "99-year-old birthday!"

"Wow, ninety-nine years old!" Xiao Bing admired, "That can be really high life!"

“Yeah.” Fang Yi said, “In fact, our family members have longevity genes. Just because of historical reasons, there have been several short-lived lives. For example, Fang Shiyu was already dead at the age of twenty-four, and that’s all Being killed in battle has nothing to do with life."

"Well, that is, even if the body is the best, there may be accidents. This is normal." Xiao Bing asked, "What kind of brothers and sisters do you have in your grandfather?"

“Nothing.” Fang Yi shook his head and said, “It’s because of the fact that the people in Fang’s family are not prosperous, so they are more interested in the problem of having children and children. Hey, we used to eat a lot of them before. The bitterness."

"Yeah." Xiao Bing nodded and said, "The old thoughts of these children and children are indeed harmful to many people. Many children who are harmed will have no happiness in childhood. Well, you should not be sad. At least you are very good compared to me."

Fang Yi was somewhat puzzled and looked at Xiao Bing. Fang Yuanyuan asked directly about the quick words: "What happened when you were a child? You are not a boy."

"What happened to the boy." Xiao Bing smiled. "Isn't the boy abandoned by the family? I grew up in an orphanage when I was a child. My parents threw me at the door of the orphanage. In the morning. I was discovered and taken over by people in the orphanage. Until now, I don’t know who my parents are, whether they are born or not, huh, huh..."

Thinking about this, Xiao Bing’s heart is somewhat uncomfortable.

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