Super Soldier

Chapter 1815: Director's misunderstanding

Xiao Bing did not say anything, mainly because he accidentally provoked a sad mood, so Xiao Bing was sleeping on the road with his eyes closed.

After waiting for more than two hours, after the plane stopped, several people left the plane. At this time, it was already more than two o'clock in the afternoon. Fang Yuansheng said: "Xiao Bing, are you not tired? If you are not tired, let us catch another bus. It is estimated that it will take more than two hours to arrive at a county below to find a hotel, but the conditions of the hotel below are certainly not as good as the city."

Xiao Bing is going to say that he is not tired. The mother on the side said hurriedly: "So what is the rush to do, anyway, it will take tomorrow, then I will not live in the city today, then I will hurry tomorrow morning, how will the afternoon? The same can be done everywhere. The most important thing is that Xiao Bing followed us to run this trick, you went to the county to entertain people?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Auntie, it doesn't matter, there is nothing wrong with the county."

Fang Yuansheng said: "It’s still awkward to think about it. It’s right. I’m living in the city right now, and I’m going on the road today. The time is really a bit tight. Let me ask my friend to help me set the hotel. Let's settle down in the hotel first, then have a good meal at night, then take a good rest for one night, and it is estimated that we will be able to get there tomorrow afternoon."

When Xiao Bing heard Fang Yuansheng say this, he no longer refused. He nodded and said, "I will listen to your arrangements."

“Yes.” Fang Yuansheng took out his mobile phone, dialed a phone call, and then let the phone help to set up a hotel immediately. Let the three rooms be fixed. When the arrangement was completed, he put the phone away and smiled. “I used to When I was working in the local area, I used to work here. I used to be the director of the Public Security Bureau. When some of my colleagues were soaring, some of my colleagues moved away, and some of them stayed here. My deputy was already in the city. The director of the Public Security Department."

Xiao Bing nodded, these are normal. After entering the career path, it is equivalent to entering a circle. No matter which city you have worked in, it is equivalent to expanding your network of people. Then these people In the future, there are some ups and downs, some in the original position to continue to contribute, and at the crucial moment, this circle has a great effect.

Fang Yuansheng said: "Let's go, let's go now."

"Yeah." Xiao Bing promised.

Several people began to walk into the subway station and took the subway.

While walking, Fang Yuansheng said: "This time I came over, no one told me. Otherwise, they have to drive to pick up. The most important thing is, if I know what I am going to do this time, actually help me order. This little thing in the hotel is nothing. I just told my friend that I will not let him talk to people, and he also knows that I am busy and will not bother, his mouth is very strict, but if Too many people know, and know that my grandfather has a birthday..."

Xiao Bing nodded and said: "If you let them know, I am afraid that they will come over and give gifts. Many people who are close to you will come to you. Those who have nothing to do with you will try their best to give gifts. You are collecting. If you don’t accept it, you will offend people and let them fear."

"Yes, that's it." Fang Yuansheng sighed and said: "This is not easy to do. Now there are too many corruptions, but in the current environment, the state does not allow the existence of locusts. My family is not short of money. My daughter-in-law’s family is doing business. Later, when my family’s age is old, I have already handed over my business to my daughter-in-law. I never ask those, so my family’s My wife is the master, I just do a good job."

“Yeah.” Xiao Bing said, “It’s true that you need to pay more attention, you need to be diligent, and you need to be honest.”

"Yeah, integrity and ability are equally important. The more locusts have the ability, the greater the harm to the country." Fang Yuansheng and Xiao Bing have a lot of topics to talk about in this regard, after waiting in the subway, two The individual does not say that there are too many people here. Sometimes it is not always convenient to speak, and it is easy to reveal identity.

There was not much on the way. After the subway exit, they found the hotel and walked to the hotel lobby. Then they saw a man in his 40-year-old suit walking quickly. He As soon as I saw Fang Yuansheng, I reached out and said with excitement: "We can wait for you."

Fang Yuan took a sigh of relief and quickly reached out and shook hands with him. He whispered: "I don't mean you are not using it, you are a busy man now."

It turned out that this person was the deputy of Fang Yuansheng. Now the director, a guard who is inseparable from behind this person, Xiao Bing glanced at it, is a master of the period of hard work, and should also wear guns.

The man smiled and said: "You have come over, how can I see one side."

"That line, then let's not be each other. You call me, then, do I want to call you Zhang Changzhang? The director is bigger than my director. Is this too much?"

"Haha, hahaha, isn't there anyone at the side, so it's a customer."

Fang Yuansheng said: "This is my old colleague Zhang Haiyan, now the public security director here."

Zhang Haiyan smiled and said: "The scorpion is good, oh, the two big nieces are getting more and more beautiful, and this is... this one is..."

Zhang Haiyan was stunned and couldn't believe it.

Xiao Bing’s heart was slightly helpless, but he was still recognized. They didn’t know it, but Xiao Bing’s current status is a big man at the level of the deputy minister of the state. The other party is the leader of the public security system. How can he not recognize who he is? It is estimated that although I have not seen it, the other party has already firmly remembered what it is.

Since it has already been recognized, Xiao Bing will not deliberately conceal, so he reached out and said: "Hello, I am Xiao Bing."

"It turned out to be Minister Xiao..."

Xiao Bing added: "Deputy Minister."

Zhang Haiyan excitedly and Xiao Bing shook hands and threatened: "I don't even know that the deputy minister has come, Fang Da Ge, this is why you are wrong, and I have not reminded me, I am a little nervous now."

Fang Yuan smiled bitterly and said: "What do I remind you to do? Tell you in advance that Vice Minister Xiao is coming along? I am not going to let you come over, you have to run over..."

Zhang Haiyan laughed and said: "The unexpected harvest, this is an unexpected harvest. Vice Minister Xiao, today I am even dimmed, I have the opportunity to know you, I will do it at night, let's have two drinks."

Xiao Bing did not refuse, smiled and nodded. At this time, refusal was a bit of a loss, and it would not be too good.

Fang Yuansheng also worried that Xiao Bing would be unhappy. When he saw Xiao Bing promised, this was a relief.

Zhang Haiyan looks very happy and smiles. "Come on, go, let's hand over the ID card, register it. I have booked the best room for you. It is more important to rest at night than to stay at home. But rest assured. I understand the character of Fang Da Ge, so I didn't order a presidential suite."

The people at the front desk saw Zhang Haiyan personally handling the enthusiasm of the moment, and they quickly registered, and handed the house card to Zhang Haiyan’s hand. Zhang Haiyan distributed the room card to everyone’s hand and said: "You go back to rest first, I will book the hotel, and then drive to pick you up."

“Yes.” Fang Yuansheng reminded, “It’s almost a bit, don’t be extravagant!”

"I know that I know that it is normal to entertain friends, rest assured, all of them are self-sufficient, do not need public reimbursement!"

Zhang Haiyan just walked a few steps, and suddenly the other source swayed and said: "Fang Da Ge, I want to say a few words to you."

Fang Yuansheng sighed, and the heart had already guessed it, so when he passed, the two people gradually went away, and surely there was absolutely no way to hear it. Zhang Haiyan only lowered his voice: "Fang Da Ge, you are not going back to your hometown, how? Vice Minister Xiao also followed...."

Fang Yuansheng hesitated a bit. This matter is really not very easy to explain, so he said the truth: "This is not my invitation, mainly my daughter..."

Zhang Haiyan’s eyes lit up and mysterious smile: “I understand, I know...”

Fang Yuansheng coughed: "Cough, not what you think."

"Haha, my brother doesn't have to explain, I understand, I am sure to keep my mouth shut, I will never go out and say, you go back to rest, I will arrange the restaurant, haha... I really want to congratulate my brother, it is It’s a great event!”

Zhang Haiyan did not wait for Fang Yuansheng to explain, and quickly walked outside the hotel. Fang Yuan gave a hard smile and said in the heart, it seems that Zhang Haiyan is really misunderstood, but it is really not easy to explain clearly.

Zhang Haiyan walked out of the hotel. His eyes lit up and he was a little excited. He said to himself: "Fortunately, my relationship with Fang Da Ge was very good. He still has the feeling of knowing me. Now he goes to Kyoto. At the foot of the emperor, I was still thinking about it. I thought that he would have a chance to rise to the vice department in ten years. I must hold this big tree. I didn’t expect it to be above my imagination. The deputy minister of the Ministry of National Security is likely to become his dragon ride, which is terrible... Now the value of Fang Da Ge is probably bigger than the top of their public security system!"

Zhang Haiyan took a deep breath and said to himself: "In the future, my future will all be tied to Fang Da Ge. It seems that I still have to hug this big tree and can't let go, and this thing can't be done. Let anyone know that only I know..."

Zhang Haiyan’s mouth floated a smug color.

(End of this chapter)

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