Super Soldier

Chapter 1816: Which one is this (three more)

Back in the room, I first reported a peace in the family and friends of Xiaofu with my mobile phone. I took off my clothes, and the mobile phone and the chasing sticks I carried with me were placed on the pillow, and then I began to sleep.

When I woke up, the sky was completely dark, and Fang Yuanyuan was knocking at the door. Fang Yuanyuan said that she was knocking on the door and said: "Xiao Bing, brother, has already found us to eat."

"Oh, I am up!" Xiao Bing turned over from the bed, quickly put on the outerwear, put the phone and the chasing stick on the body, then went to the door to open the door and saw Fang Yuanyuan The person is at the door of his own room, and at the door of the room next to him, the Fangjia parents and Fang Yizheng are standing there talking.

When I saw Xiao Bing, Fang Yuansheng immediately smiled and said: "Don't sleep well?"

"No, it's not too sleepy, it just has nothing to do anyway, and it's good to take a break."

Fang Yuansheng nodded and said: "Let's go, Zhang Haiyan is waiting in the lobby on the first floor!"

Xiao Bing sighed and looked at Fang Yuanyuan and said, "Let's go!"

Several people took the elevator to the first floor. Zhang Haiyan greeted him with enthusiasm. First, he greeted Fang Yuansheng with enthusiasm. Then he chatted with Xiao Bing again. This took everyone out of the hotel and there were two cars parked outside the hotel. There, Zhang Haiyan smiled and said: "Fang Da Ge and Vice Minister Xiao sit with me, and the nephew and the two prostitutes sit in another car."

“Yes!” Fang Yuansheng agreed, and several people sat down, and then the two cars began to slowly open the hotel compound.

Zhang Haiyan three people are sitting in the back row, Xiao Bing is sitting in the middle of the high weight, Fang Yuansheng and Zhang Haiyan sit on both sides.

After a few people were sitting in the car, Zhang Haiyan couldn’t be so close to the deputy vice-president of the country, and immediately began to keep on the sidelines, with no traces of flattering. This Zhang Haiyan’s flattering is actually quite impressive. Comfortable, if you reveal your bones again, it is easy to be disgusted. If you are weaker, you will not be able to hear it. Now it is very comfortable for people to listen to, and it feels very natural, and there is no problem at all.

Xiao Bing’s heart is not disgusted with such talents. After all, it’s all the characters who have been mixed in politics for so many years, and they can sit in this position today. Naturally, they have to seize all the opportunities to climb up. This is not What is wrong, when the official is to be the master of the people, but when the official wants to rise is normal, Napoleon said that soldiers who do not want to be generals are not good soldiers, just like those in the class who compete for the squad leader and study committee. The students in the position are definitely some of the better classmates. This is the same reason.

Therefore, Xiao Bing is neither disgusted with him nor too deep, but people please eat and stay for themselves. Xiao Bing still has to appreciate it, so it is also very polite and perfunctory along the way. Come out of the shelf.

Soon they got to the place, and then a full meal, Zhang Haiyan has always been very enthusiastic, but he did not show too clearly to Xiao Bing alone, obviously he is also a smart person, knowing that he can not put the eggs in a basket In addition, if you are too enthusiastic about Xiao Bing, you will offend his former old leader Fang Yuansheng. Since Xiao Bing and Fang Fang are in that relationship, what is the difference between Fang Yuansheng and Xiao Bing?

After waiting for a big meal, Zhang Zhang personally sent them back to the hotel. Xiao Bing and Fang Fang’s four people waved their hands and walked into the hotel elevator.

In the elevator, Fang Yuansheng hesitated a little, or said: "In fact, I am an old man... He is a very smart person...."

"I know." Xiao Bing smiled and said, "I must want to have a relationship with me. After all, I am from Kyoto City, and the position is relatively high. Some people in Beijing are doing a good job. He is just right. It won't make me bored, and won't make you feel angry. I honestly, this person's mind is very heavy. If one day you do the wrong thing and turn over the boat, he is definitely the first time to cut off your mouth. Even within his ability, he may fall into the rocks."

After listening to Fang Fang, I looked at my man with some worries, which means that you have to pay such a friend? You have sold you someday, you still don't know.

Fang Yuansheng smiled and said: "You have seen it so thoroughly. Even if I can't see a person so quickly, I used to think that you are already in a high position because you are so old. It seems that your mind is no worse than the old fritters in the political arena!"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Observing the human heart, a person's heart can be judged by words and deeds, and then other judgments can be made according to the other person's heart. For example, if a character is like this, then I have encountered Something, how will he treat it, how will he deal with it... Since I see it, I want to remind you, but it seems that you have already seen it, and it is no wonder that he used to be your deputy. How can you not understand it at all?"

Fang Yuansheng said with a smile: "You are right."

At this time, they have already left the elevator together. At this time, there is no one in the corridor. Fang Yuansheng will continue to say with confidence: "Actually, I have known him already, but you just said it, if I fall, He may turn his face and refuse to recognize people. He also came over to step on me. That is because he wants to draw a line with me. He said that he wants to protect himself. From ancient times to the present, I feel that although I can't say kindness, I can't help it. ”

"So, in politics, you can't count on you to let others save after you fall down, but you have to find a way to keep it down. That's what it is." Fang Yuansheng said with a smile. "For so many years, I refused to pay bribes." I have no worries in my heart, I would rather be slower, I have to go step by step, so I don't care about this."

Xiao Bing said with emotion: "You can think so, it is the blessing of your family. The real pillar is not rich overnight. It is enough to support this family for a long time, accompanying your family, Uncle Fang, you let me look at each other. It is."

Fang Yuansheng said with a smile: "Thank you for your compliment."

At this moment, Fang Yuansheng’s heart is also very happy. He knows that he has received the favor of Xiao Bing. Of course, the words he just said are also sincere, otherwise it is impossible to impress Xiao Bing, and he naturally will not pay bribes. Accepting bribes will not violate the principle of being an official. However, it does not mean that he does not want political resources at all. Just as Xiao Bing thought before, a person can do things for the country and the people with one heart and one mind, even if he wants to think inside. It is normal to climb up. It is not a good soldier who wants to be a general soldier.

Xiao Bing went back to the room to rest, and everyone else went back to the room.

Fang Yuanyuan and Fang Yi slept in a separate room, sleeping on a big bed, two people each covered with a quilt, Fang Yuanyuan put his hand under the head, some curious asked: "Fang Yi, you said Xiao Bing big brother looks It’s just about thirty years old. It’s bigger than us, but it’s a generation. How can he mature so much more than we? You look at the wine table this evening, it looks like he’s even like Dad. mature."

Fang Yi turned over and looked at her sister's side. After thinking about it, she sighed and said: "That proves that although he is young, his experience is not weaker than his father, even if he is deeper than Dad. ""

"How is it possible?" Fang Yuanyuan said curiously. "If you dare to round off, you are almost 50 people. You are at least 10 years older than him. I dare not say that the salt I have eaten is better than the rice he has eaten. More, but how should you experience it deeper than him, when Dad is at his age... Well, I think about it, then I was only six or seven years old, still not sensible, if I No mistake, my aunt said before, when Dad was just entering the city from the county seat, the young man was motivated, young and prosperous, and many people were offended in the city bureau."

Fang Yi sighed and said: "While Dad said that he has gone into career, this is never done before, but his temper still inherits the temper of Fang Jia. When he is young, his temper is very strong. It’s not that the ability is too strong. Even if I want to cover it, I can’t cover it. I don’t enter the county public security from the police station, and I enter the city bureau from the county public security. But then he slowly began to correct it, otherwise it would not The status now."

"Yeah, so I just said, it’s the same age. At that time, Dad was still a young man with impulsive personality. Now Xiao Bing is already calm and experienced, and the gap is so big."

Fang Yi couldn't help but eat and laughed: "Sister, if Dad knows that you are arranging him behind the scenes, and then going to raise others, it is estimated that Dad is going to be depressed."

"Giggle, I was telling the truth."

"Yeah, it's the truth, but it's funny to say this truth from your mouth."

Fang Yuanyuan raised her eyes and asked, "Where is it funny?"

"Although I haven't seen the age of my father's most impulsive, I will definitely not be impulsive. Look at your arrogant temper, how can you say daddy?"

"Okay, okay, you dare to say me, look at my bad lessons as a sister."

Said, Fang Yuanyuan directly riding on Fang Yi's body, two people began to laugh and laughed.

At the door of Xiao Bing’s door, the door knocked out. At the moment, Xiao Bing turned and sat up, walked straight and opened the door, but saw a beautiful woman in her early twenties wearing a see-through skirt leaning against the door. Looking at herself with a wink, she saw that she opened the door, she even threw a wink, and by the way sent a kiss.

Xiao Bing secretly, lying in the trough, which one is coming out?

(End of this chapter)

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