Super Soldier

Chapter 1840: Killing God

John screamed with a sigh, opened his eyes, and looked at Xiao Bing with anger. He shouted: "What are you doing? Who are you? Why are you bringing us here, knowing? Are we Chinese?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I hate this person, hate others and me more nonsense, so it is best if I ask you to say a sentence, do not say anything extra words."

John growled: "You Chinese people are too rude and too rude, are you not afraid of our Congress protest?"

Xiao Bing took out a bishou, followed by a knife, Jefferson's right ear was cut directly, Jefferson was originally a painful faint, and then a painful scream, then woke up.

He touched his broken ear, then looked at the blood of his hand, and fainted again.

Xiao Bing looked at John and said, "Oh, I am sorry, just this knife is biased. I accidentally cut the wrong person. I promise that this knife will definitely be accurate."

John didn't think that Xiao Bing was so embarrassed, he said that he started to do it, and he didn't even hesitate. He scared him for a while, and his tone was full of horror: "Don't... Don't... No, you have to ask whatever you ask. Well, Mr. Xiao, I don’t know Taishan. It’s not right. It’s my colleague and rouge xiǎojiě, and my colleague injured the people in the club with a laser gun.”

Xiao Bing looked at the exhibition Hongyan and asked: "What about laser guns?"

Liu Zhenyu came out and threw it to Xiao Bing. Xiao Bing took it in his hand and squatted on it. Then he looked at John and said, "I know, otherwise the person who just broke his ear is you, not him. ""

John knows that Xiao Bing has just not only frightened himself, but also to help revenge rouge. If it was his own shot of Rouge, it is estimated that the person being tried at this time is Jefferson, and the person who is pierced by the palm and cut off his ears. It’s me.

Thinking of this, John made a chill, and it seems that this person is smiling, but his heart is hot and it seems that even if he is moving out of the country, it will not be useful, so he has to be honest.

Xiao Bing looked at his expression and said with satisfaction: "Well, be honest, now I will ask you, where are you from?"


"Oh." Xiao Bing faintly said, "I am not satisfied with the answer. It seems that I am too ruthless."

Xiao Bing said and said, the bishou in his hand began to match, and John hurriedly said: "We are from the country "God."

“Hey God?” Xiao Bing frowned and asked, “What is God?”

John’s face was a bit ugly, and some of his heart regretted saying it out, but watching Xiao Bing staring at himself, knowing that he now wants to change his mouth is too late, he said, “We have established an organization called '弑God, this organization, like your dragon tooth, is also a special team above the major special forces, but our organization is not the same as your dragon tooth, because our organization is more powerful."

Xiao Bing sneered and asked: "Is it more powerful like you? You know that according to your strength, you are not qualified to enter our Chinese dragon tooth."

"Yes, so Jefferson and I are only peripheral members. The organization is divided into core members and peripheral members. The peripheral members are usually responsible for collecting various information from all over the world, and then the internal personnel select useful ones, so Jefferson and I are also intelligence agents."

Xiao Bing snorted and sneered: "But when I saw you in the club, I felt that the two of you were a arrogant person. They were only the intelligence personnel in the district. I really don't know what pride you have."

John smiled bitterly: "The status of our "God" in the country is even higher than the position of the Dragon's tooth in your Chinese, even if it is a peripheral member, it has great rights in the country."

Xiao Bingdao: "So it is usually accustomed to arrogance. OK, continue to talk to us about your '弑神', why this organization exists, how the strength of the people, let you know Tell me in detail, if I am not satisfied, I may cut off both of your ears."

"Yes, yes, I must say it truthfully."

Xiao Bing thought for a moment, and his mouth floated with a strange smile. He said: "I still make you better, I can rest assured."

Just when John didn't quite understand what Xiao Bing meant, he suddenly felt a blank brain, and then the whole person fell into a state of sleep.

Xiao Bing has deepened his illusion during this time. This is an extremely sophisticated hypnotism. Now, no matter what Xiao Bing asks, what John will say.

Xiao Bing said: "Well, let me talk about it now, what kind of organization is God, how many people, how strong."

John’s expression looks like a corpse, and his voice doesn’t have the slightest sense of glory. He said calmly: “We are a department established by the country five years ago. In fact, the preparatory stage of this department has been for many years. Although the military strength of our country is the highest in the world, many times we can't just rely on military strength to do things, especially sometimes there are things that will inadvertently trigger war between big countries."

"It is through these considerations that our country has decided to set up a special department that can better carry out the act of decapitation at the necessary moments, so the gods are established."

In Xiao Bing’s heart, it seems that he was mistakenly hitting a secret of the country today, and this secret is probably not known to most countries in the world. Of course, there are very few I know, the hard-core allies of the country, and the country where the intelligence system is extremely developed, don’t know if they will know.

"The target of blasphemy is some too powerful terrorist organizations, ancient martial art, the Holy See, the dark world, etc..."

Xiao Bing’s face is dignified, Guwumen and the Holy See, unless it is using a modern army, it is really difficult to deal with, and to the extent of the sage level, even the ordinary army may not help, so The country has established such a department, but does the establishment of such a department mean that there is no room for negotiations between these martial arts forces in the face of the country? Even a little bit of dignity is gone.

"In addition, if some hostile countries have leaders who violate the interests of the country, they can also carry out decapitation."

Xiao Bing asked: "Do you have any plans to deal with the Holy See?"


Xiao Bing hurriedly asked: "What is the plan? When are you going to shoot the Holy See?"

"I don't know about this... I just heard it inadvertently. We are all peripheral members. Many secret things are not something we can know."

Xiao Bing asked: "Then I will ask you again, how many people are you organized by God? What are the strengths of these people? Where did your country collect so many masters?"

"This...some of them are genetic warriors, and more people are machine warriors. As for strength, it is not clear to me."

Xiao Bing was surprised: "Gene warriors and machine warriors?"

"Yes, the genetic warriors were created by the blood of the gods obtained in previous years. These are the martial arts masters cultivated in some countries. At the same time, after experimenting, the genes in the body have the blood of God. They are In the battle, once the genes are stimulated, the strength will be upgraded several times in an instant, which is terrible."

Xiao Bing knows that what they are talking about is actually the blood of the devil, and it should not be the most pure magic blood. Basically, it is similar to Yamamoto Kobun. This is not enough.

Sure enough, I heard John continue to say: "But what is really terrible is the machine warriors, who are made up of the country’s most powerful special forces or top guānfāng masters. They have been transformed into terrible robots, and every part of their body has become the most deadly wuqi."

Xiao Bing asked: "What do you know about the gods, don't wait for me to ask questions, all of them will tell me immediately."

"I don't know anything else."

Xiao Bing frowned and asked: "Do you even know where the headquarters is?"

"I don't know. Our peripheral members have no chance to enter the headquarters. All the peripheral members are obeying the orders of the Minister of State Security. Only after becoming a formal internal member can they have access to more confidential information."

Xiao Bing saw that all he wanted to know already knew, and slowly stood up, and at this time John was already awake, and he realized that he had just put everything out of the tray, and his face immediately It became pale.

Liu Zhen asked: "The doorkeeper, what should they do with the two?"

Xiao Bing said: "Let this John be put, the other one to kill!"

After that, Xiao Bing walked toward the outside of the building. Liu Zhen chased out two steps and asked: "Let John give it away? You are not afraid to tell those people after he returns to China?"

Xiao Bing said: "If he can't go back alive, the country can naturally investigate the cause of death of these two people. If he goes back alive, do you think he dares to say this thing? You tell him to let him go back. To be honest, Jefferson was killed by the people under my hand, and he managed to escape, but no information about the organization was leaked, so it would be fine. In addition, let John leave the contact, I may contact him at any time in the future!"

Liu Zhen’s eyes lit up and raised his thumb: “High, the door is really high!” (https:)

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