Super Soldier

Chapter 1841: Rouge is still that rouge.

Two m nationals, one was buried and the other one was released. John had the handle caught in the hands of Xiao Bing. In the future, no matter when he escaped, he could not escape the palm of Xiao Bing. Didn't kill him because it wasn't for him to shoot rouge at the time, but if it wasn't dangerous for life, this John would be dead.

After leaving the factory, Xiao Bing took a look at the time. It was already three o'clock in the middle of the night. Xiao Bing drove directly to the hospital and went into the ward. He saw the leaves sitting on the side of the bed and dozing off. It seemed to be sleepy. But still standing hard.

Xiao Bing was a little distressed. He walked over and gently held the face of the leaf and said, "Go back to sleep, make up your mind, I will be here."

"No," asked the leaves. "How come you come so late, go back to sleep directly, and wait a little later for me."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "You are already trapped like this. My husband is distressed. Look back soon. I am here to accompany you. I have already let people drive to pick you up, or else you are alone. I don't trust. Obedient!"

The leaves were still stubborn. At this time, the door rang with a soft knock on the door. Xiao Bing looked at the door and loosened the face of the leaf and said, "Come in."

But I saw two men with cold faces coming in and then said: "Bing brother."

"Well, go back with your nephew."

The two men looked at the leaves, and the leaves were helpless: "Well, then I will go back first."

"Remember to sleep for a while, don't rush to come over, wait until dawn, then you should come to work, and when I go back, I will entrust you to take care of it here."

The leaves only think of Liu Kexin still working in this hospital, it is indeed no shortage of people to take care of.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "What's more, I let Maggie come over to help take care of her. She can sleep at night. It's OK to come over for a while during the day. Don't look at her always very naughty look, actually It’s still reliable when something happens.”

The leaves said: "Well then... then you let Maggie come over for you."

"Well, I know, hey!"

The leaves looked at the rouge that was still sleeping in the hospital bed, and then walked with the two people responsible for protecting her.

After the leaves left, Xiao Bing closed the door, turned and walked back to sit down beside the bed, holding the rouge's hand, saying softly to himself: "Rouge, you know what you scared me before." No, I am not afraid of your jokes. I was scared to cry almost, so you can’t do this anymore in the future. Oh, blame me, you mentioned it to me before, I’ve been Nothing happened, the result..."

"But now I have already helped you out of this breath. The person who killed you was buried and killed by me. The other person gave it back, but it was because he didn't hurt you, and he still It's a little useful, but he will be as good as one day sooner or later. Anyone who moves my woman will not let him have a little bit better than any identity."

"Sometimes when you really want to lose someone, you know how important this person is. You are very important to me. You know, you are very, very important to me, so you must wake up quickly. You can rest assured, What I said before will definitely count. I will give you and the leaves and all my women one day, and I will give you an explanation. I will be very good to you in my life. Very good, I will not bully you, you can bully me, that is what I owe you."

Xiao Bing sighed and kissed the hand of the rouge and said, "Let's wake up soon!"

Xiao Bing was sitting here for a few hours, and the sky gradually brightened. At 7 o'clock in the morning, Liu Kexin opened the door and walked in from the outside. Liu Kexin wore a nurse's suit, and had breakfast in his hand, with buns, There is soy milk.

Xiao Bing looked at Liu Kexin and said, "You are coming."

"Yeah." Liu Kexin said, "When I woke up in the morning, Ye Jie told me, then she went to sleep."

Xiao Bing took a bit of reproach: "She is going back at four o'clock, and she will be at home until about five o'clock. It takes so long to go to sleep."

Yes, the leaves are already stuck before, and the result is that I have to wait for an hour or two to tell Liu Kexin before going to sleep. Xiao Bing feels distressed when thinking about it.

Liu Kexin said softly: "I have heard that, Rouge sister is no longer in danger. You can rest assured that you are in peace. Generally, this situation is to see when you can wake up, since the operation is successful, at the latest. Twenty-four hours will definitely wake up."

"Twenty-four hours, which is before the middle of the night?"

"Yeah." Liu Kexin smiled. "As long as you wake up, there is nothing big. Go back, I am here to help you."

Xiao Bing said: "No need to go, go to work, wait until I am too sleepy, let you come over for me."

"That... Didn't you sleep last night last night?" Liu Kexin looked at Xiao Bing with some distress.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I don't sleep for a night, like my physique, even if I don't sleep for three days and three nights, I still feel refreshed. Do you believe it?"

"I believe, but it is not good from a physical point of view."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Okay, believe me, I am not always this, this is only occasional."

"Okay." Liu Kexin said, "Yes, Fang Yuanyuan is back, let me tell you not to worry, your apprentices go to practice martial arts alone."

"Yeah." Xiao Bing nodded. "Let them practice on their own. I can't take them for a while. Oh, you are going to work. I really don't have to delay my time here. I am not sleepy." It."

"That's okay... then I will go to work first. I have to go to the room with the attending physician, and then I have to go to a ward to check."

"Well, go busy, work first."

Liu Kexin turned and walked to the door, then turned to the breakfast on the small table next to him and said, "Come breakfast, I bought it in your favorite buns shop."

"Well, I will eat it now." Xiao Bing was afraid that Liu Kexin would not be relieved. He took out the buns and ate them.

Liu Kexin smiled happily, pushed the door open and went out, and closed the door.

Xiao Bing didn't want to live up to Liu Kexin's heart, and one night passed, now it's a bit hungry, so I will kill all the breakfast, throw the plastic bag into the trash, and then continue sitting on the chair waiting for the rouge. wake up.

Two hours passed. At nine o'clock in the morning, Xiao Bing had just yawned and rubbed his eyes. When he opened his eyes again, he found that Rouge had opened his eyes and looked at himself. Xiao Bing surprised: "You... are you awake?"

"Yeah." The voice of Rouge was very weak, with a faint smile in his eyes.

Xiao Bing hurriedly stood up and said, "You are waiting here. I will go to the doctor first, come back soon, and come back soon..."

Xiao Bing hurried out to the doctor's office and called the attending physician. The attending physician walked into the ward with the help of two little nurses. After checking with the instrument, he relieved and said: Rest assured, it should be no big deal, but it will take another hundred days for the bones to be broken. This operation is even more important, so you should pay attention to it in the next year, no matter when you are not able to Too much exercise, do you know?"

Xiao Bing was surprised: "Does exercise also affect the brain?"

"Of course, but there is no too much exercise in the girls' homes. Besides not being able to exercise vigorously, there are still a few points I want to remind you. You can’t use your brain for a long time. If you work with your brain, Related, you must remember to take a break after working for an hour. In addition, you can not leave the hospital within one month, you should stay in the hospital to observe, and the last inspection after one month, if you are sure there is nothing, then you can be discharged. ”

Xiao Bing asked: "That now..."

"It's good to have a good rest now. You need at least 12 hours of sleep every day in a week. You must have a good night's sleep to help you recover."

"I see it. You are still very concerned about this friend of yours. Is it very tired? Actually, it is not too much for you to go back now. It is very stable now, and nurses can take care of it. ""

Xiao Bing long sighed and said: "Thank you doctor."

"This is our duty, you don't have to thank them. OK, let's go out first, and check each other every morning and night."

"Thank you, doctor, trouble you,"

After sending the doctor out, Xiao Bing came back to sit in the chair and looked at his rouge with his eyes wide open. He smiled and said: "Hear it, now you are completely out of danger, but within the next week. You have to sleep at least 12 hours a day. You should stay in the hospital for observation within one month. After discharge, you should pay attention to not being able to violently."

Rouge kept staring at Xiao Bing for a long time, and finally spoke. The first sentence she just said was directly shocking Xiao Bing, and then she couldn’t help but feel that the rouge was still rouge, not because of it. What changed once an injury, it seems that it is really completely awake.

I only heard a rouge saying, "How come you didn't ask."

“Ask?” Xiao Bing sighed. “What are you asking?”

“Is bed exercise not a strenuous exercise?”

Xiao Bing: "...." (https:)

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