Super Soldier

Chapter 1850: Who said that women are not as good as men

There was a hot flash in the eyes of the local chronicles. I thought that your realm was obviously lower than mine. I dared to be hard with me. Is this fear that I can’t lose faster? Of course, it is impossible for Fang Zhi to kill the player. However, the last time he lost to Fang Yuanyuan in public, he is still worried about it now, so at least Fang Yuanyuan must be awkward and even seriously injured, so that he can get back the previous face.

Although Fang Zhi was slightly suppressed before, but now he still exerts his own strength of more than 90% of his own hands. His palm is as fast as lightning, and he directly grabs Fang Yuanyuan.

Fang Zhengming nodded secretly, slightly relieved, even if the momentum was dominated by the other side, but the military confrontation is not just to see who has the momentum, from the perspective of the honesty, or his son is stronger, as long as It is the son who does not make a big mistake, and this victory is basically a foregone conclusion.

When Fang Zhi saw Fang Yuanyuan, he didn’t know if he was scared or what he was. He didn’t even evade his claws. He not only sneered: “Cousin, now I let you know that men and women are still different, women and us. It’s still a long way to go... let you see and see... lying, crazy?”

Fang Zhi unexpectedly found that Fang Yuanyuan did not dodge, but she did not hide, but to fight with her own defeat, Fang Yuanyuan’s fist has been hitting her fist, playing without hesitation, never going forward, even more than Fang Zhi Resolutely a hundred times.

Fang Zhi’s face struggled a little, biting his teeth and immediately receding.

Fang Zhi retired backwards, Fang Yuanyuan immediately went forward again, attacking the enemy must, Fang Zhi repeatedly retreat, and gradually has been withdrawing seven or eight steps.

Fang Zhengming was annoyed: "Isn't this tricky? Is this a competition, not a battlefield, but also a fight for you?"

Fang Shanyue has his hands on his back, his temperament is as stable as Taishan, his eyes are shining and looking at his own Fang Yuanyuan, and he sighs: "Whoever said that it is not the battlefield, the real warrior should use all strength at any time, no matter the strength of the other party is Above yourself is still under yourself. This is the spirit of martial arts... Fang Yuanyuan has the spirit of martial arts. There is nothing to blame. Instead, your family’s ambition should be good to learn and learn.”

Fang Zhengming’s face changed, but the old man’s words were that he did not dare to refute and had to close his mouth.

At this time, after Fang Yuanyuan rushed to attack the six or seven strokes, Fang Zhi was finally forced to take a next move. According to the degree of sincerity, Fang Zhi is far above Fang Yuanyuan, but Fang Yuanyuan is full attack. On one side, Fang Zhi is a passive defensive party, and one of the momentums has been suppressed, and another momentum is soaring. Under this trend, the gap in power has actually been offset, and even Fang Zhi has continued to retreat for four or five steps. Down, and Fang Yuanyuan is just taking a step back.

The face of Fang Zhi has become particularly ugly and shameful. It is simply too shameful. His realm of strength is obviously above the other side. However, the feeling of shrinking his feet is simply to make him sad and hope to vomit and bleed. Not coming out.

Zhou Shaopeng and Lei Jing were excited and looked at each other. They felt that the strength of Fang Yuanyuan was really strong, especially Zhou Shaopeng’s heart was admired. He thought that his strength and Fang Yuanyuan should be half a catty or even I am stronger, but now he can see that he is not the opponent of this second division.

At this time, people came in outside the gate, Fang Yueyan, Fang Zhengshen and Fang Yue, the grandfather, Fang Yuanba and Fang Li and his father and son, they are deliberately to see this contest today, after all, one month The appointment has arrived, and their homes are all in the local area, not far from here, but when they walked in, they saw the situation in the field. Several people were slightly surprised. Fang Zheng said: "It seems that it is already Get started."

Fang Yueyan said faintly: "Well, I can't think of Fang Yuanyuan's gimmicks. I really dare to come over to the appointment. With this courage, it is considered to be a defeat."

Lei Jing was not very happy when she heard Fang Yueyan’s words. She jumped and said, “Hey, this old man, my sister is not just courageous, she also defeated this guy, just He beat him back and forth several times."

Fang Zhi’s face turned red, and his teeth gnashed his teeth: “I just don’t count, look at my power!”

He once again rushed to Fang Yuanyuan, Fang Yuanyuan did not evade, once again greeted, and the next result was the same as before, in the eyes of the later few people, Fang Zhi was actually beaten Step back, and finally there is no spare power to attack, only to be able to parry, the so-called long-term loss will be lost, this time Fang Yuanyuan is directly on the palm of his hand, Fang Zhi directly hit the back one, again and again Going back a few steps.

Fang Yuanyuan has not had the excitement of defeating Fang Zhi for the first time this time. Instead, she looks at Fang Zhi calmly and says: "You admit defeat, you can't beat me."

A master of the middle of Danjin actually said this to a master of the top of the mountain, but no one would think that he is ignorant, because from the face of Fang Yuanyuan, the only thing that can be seen is the calmness of the heart. And self-confidence, it seems that she is not the lower realm of strength, but should be the one opposite her.

Fang Yueyan snorted and muttered to himself: "How is this change in Shantou so big..."

Fang Yuanba is also dumbfounded. The change of his relatives and prostitutes also made him somewhat unimaginable. Although he just saw it, the reason why Fang Yuanyuan can win is not that the strength is higher than Fang Zhigao, but that Fang Yuanyuan is going to attack the enemy every time. The two divisions and the persecution of the persecution of the local ambitions do not dare not retreat, and finally occupied the leading edge, in general, there are very few people in the real contest, but this is a duel after all, no one has specified what can be used when the duel, No tricks can be used, so no one can say anything.

Local Ching obviously understands this, so my heart is even more grievous, sad to want to vomit blood, especially in front of so many family members, if I lose again this time, I lost the second time, he The eyes flashed a hot and crazy, word by word: "You are embarrassed, you want to win me in this way, well, the family will not be afraid of death, since you want If both lose, then I will fulfill you. My infuriating spirit is more abundant than your infuriating. I will see if the two of them are seriously injured!" The repeated setbacks have caused Fang Zhi to completely lose his senses. He only now If you want to win, you will have to win this game even if you want to win it all together. Otherwise, he will never be able to look up again. He once again rushed to Fang Yuanyuan. This time his momentum is a bit tragic and Going forward.

"Okay, it looks a bit open, but you are not my opponent!" Fang Yuanyuan chuckled, and the words he said were almost to make Fang Zhi anger, so he added a little strength, no matter Disregarding all efforts to go straight to Fang Yuanyuan to kill the past.

Fang Yuanyuan still did not hesitate to go face-to-face again this time, but this time she did not choose the way of losing both sides. Instead, when Fang Zhi wanted to hit her, she directly escaped, and the whole person turned to the local chronicles. The direction of his arms slammed into it, and with a bang, the two men slammed into each other, and Fang Zhi repeatedly slammed back. Fang Yuanyuan punched Fang Zhi’s lower abdomen. Fang Zhi’s angry screaming, endured the pain, and grabbed Fang Yuanyuan, but He grabbed an empty space, and then he felt that Fang Yuanyuan slid to the side of his body like a muddy one, grabbed one of his arms, and directly fell back and fell him to the ground.

When Fang Zhi rushed again, Fang Yuanyuan knocked him down again. After several consecutive times, he finally could not climb.

Fang Yuanyuan stood in front of Fang Zhi and asked: "Have you served this time? Do you still think that you are my opponent?"

If we can defeat the local chronicles at the beginning, Fang Yuanyuan is relying on the psychological warfare of losing both sides. Then she repeatedly knocked down the local chronicles, which is based on the clever fighting skills. Now everyone sees that Fang Yuanyuan is far from skill. On the top of the local chronicles, unless the local chronicle breaks through the enthusiasm, even if it is the peak of the Danjin, it is impossible to be the opponent of Fang Yuanyuan.

Fang Zhi also understood this and sighed: "I admit defeat, and I am convinced."

Fang Yuanyuan’s mouth twitched with a smile, and then her eyes swept in the yard. All the people she saw felt a kind of bitterness that could not be said. The last thing they looked at was Fang Yuanyuan’s sisters and women. How can a child compare with a man, even think that a girl is nothing, but now Fang Yuanyuan has slap in the face of them, they only feel hot on the face, one can not speak.

However, the eyes of Fang Yuanba among the family members are somewhat excitement. Of course, he is somewhat shy. Although he has not helped his younger brother in recent years, he has not fallen too far. On the one hand, he also feels that his younger brother and sister are actually born. Two gimmicks, too disappointing, but on the other hand he is different from other people, he and Fang Yuansheng are brothers, so he saw other people besieging his brother, he also felt very sad.

Now that Fang Yuanyuan is so good, he is a little ashamed of not helping his younger brother in these years. On the other hand, he is also happy from Fang Yuansheng. Since then, no one has dared to be born because of boys and girls. I am going to marry my brother.

After Fang Yuanyuan’s eyes swept in a circle, the tone was calm: “Zheng Zhi, there are uncles, uncles, grandfathers, grandfathers, I’m here today, just want to tell everyone, my Yuanyuan will not give me my father. Who is shameful, who says women are not as good as men?"

(End of this chapter)

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