Super Soldier

Chapter 1951: The smell on my body is really good.

Fang Zhengming went to the venue and helped Fang Zhi to help him. As he watched Fang Zhi’s grievances, Fang Zhengming sighed. He also knew how proud his son was in the past.

However, the defeat is defeated, and this time he saw it, his son is indeed not as good as Fang Yuanyuan, no matter from which point of view, has been crushed by Fang Yuanyuan, presumably it will not take long, Fang Zhi can think of himself. Clearly understand.

Looking at Fang Zhi is still a face of unwillingness, Fang Shanyue, who is the elder of the elders, hates his indisputable saying: "Fang Zhi, you are too disappointed, how can you still understand now, you are completely defeated? In the hands of Yuanyuan, when you haven't started, Yuanyuan overwhelmed you with the momentum, and you have already lost in the momentum. Later, after you just played, she forced you to retreat by fighting. In the guts and courage, you lose again. Then when you are forced by his mind, you want to use force to force her to retreat, she is better than you in skill, in the skill You lost again."

Fang Shanyue was the master of Fangjia. He didn't say a word. Fang Zhi's face became ugly. Gradually, Fang Zhi's face became more and more ugly, and the face was gray, not because Fang Shanyue said him. It is because every word that Fang Shanyue said goes straight into his heart, and every sentence is correct.

Fang Shanyue sighed and said: "I also hope that you can win, but she has overwhelmed you in all aspects of courage, courage, momentum, skill, etc. What are you not convinced? What is scary is not that one person loses, but one person does not dare to admit defeat, not dare to face, do not want to learn lessons, but to hate others, this is the most terrible. You know Why? Because this is called losing!"

"A person can't afford to lose, then he will never win, you know?"

Fang Zhi’s heart was shocked. He was not a dull person. He did not want to understand what Fang Shanyue said. He only lost two times in a row, especially for two consecutive times. He lost to a woman he used to look down on. The body, so the blow to the heart is imaginable, so he has some emotions in his mind for a moment.

Now that Fang Shanyue gave a word, he realized in his heart how ridiculous he was. Since he has already lost, what else is not recognized? Losing is the most shameful.

I want to understand this. He turned to Fang Yuanyuan and took a deep bow. He said: "I apologize to you before my rudeness. From then on, I will never feel that the woman is useless. I am Lose it to you once, and lose your heart and take it."

Seeing that Fang Zhi had taken the initiative to apologize, Fang Zhengming was his father, and he was surprised and gratified. The resentment of the other party’s Yuanyuan was resolved, because he felt that Fang Yuanyuan had changed his son. Get mature.

Fang Yuanyuan saw Fang Zhi openly admit defeat, and suddenly felt that the grievances of these years have become a thing of the past. She wants to sigh for her father, she did it.

Fang Shanyue also said: "Children, you are a good boy of your father. The source of this child should be honored by you. We all used to be confused. This time, you are also awkward to hit our face. I don’t think anyone will look down on you from now on. No one will think that you are just a woman."

Fang Yuanba approached Fang Yuanyuan at this time, bowed his head and sighed and said: "Yuan Yuan, uncle is ashamed of you... apologize for me and your father, saying that I can't help you, these years I I didn’t even say anything for you. I am your father, as your father’s brother-in-law. I have never understood you. It’s so sad that you have been through these years. I am sorry for you."

Although Fang Zhengming said that he couldn’t say anything, he hesitated a bit and said it sincerely: "I can’t help it."

Seeing that these people apologized one after another, Fang Yuanyuan couldn’t say a word of accusation. If she couldn’t say a word, she couldn’t say a word of grievances. Her eyes were red, tears kept in her eyes. In the turn, all her grievances and indignations, at this moment all turned into tears, the rushed smoke disappeared.

Xiao Fu, after living in the house for two days, Xiao Bing finally hoped to bring Maggie to Shaolin in the expectation of Maggie. In fact, Xiao Bing himself also wanted to go to Shaolin immediately and turned to Xiao Bing. Nowadays, this level of realm has actually become more and more difficult. There is a saying in the martial arts that the world’s martial arts are out of Shaolin, so Xiao Bing intends to go to Shaolin Temple to see if there is any gain.

This time Xiao Bing took Maggie alone. Two people started from home and flew to the foot of Shaolin Temple. However, it was already very late at night. Xiao Bing thought for a moment and decided to stay in the mountains for one night. Well, although Xiao Bing used to climb in the middle of the night, this time, Xiao Bing is carrying a Maggie, with a girl, it is always inconvenient. If it is only in the evening, it will be better. Late night is still not appropriate. of.

"Hey, my brother, I am not afraid of a girl's family. You will take me to go now. I am very curious about Shaolin." When Maggie said these words, she was lying next to Xiao Bing. Facing Xiao Bing, a pair of incomparably charming big eyes are watching Xiao Bing. At this time, the whole person is curled up in the bed. Even this way, with this look of inverting all beings, it is enough for all people. Surrender to her feet, of course, Xiao Bing is an exception, because Xiao Bing is almost watching her grow up, she has already treated her as a sister.

I was planning to open two rooms this evening, but there was only one hotel at the foot of the mountain, and there was only one room left. There was really no way. Xiao Bing had to sleep in a room with Maggie.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Who dares to treat you as a girl's family? It just doesn't want to live. If you are not careful, you are not being fooled by you?"

"Cut, don't let me transfer the topic, tell me, why?"

Xiao Bing smiled bitterly: "It's not afraid of inconvenience. Mainly you think it's already so late. Is it good to disturb people now? If there is really something particularly anxious, there is no problem, but we After all, I am not in a hurry, and I have a good day to rest and rest."

Maggie said with a small mouth: "People don't want to rest, it's hard to come out to play, it's not good to play? It's just too boring to rest, brother Bing, then look at it like this, since today If you don't go to Shaolin, you will take me to the county town, let's go have two drinks, how about going to the bar?"

Originally under the Shaolin Temple is a county town. Although Maggie and Xiao Bing are now nominally in the county seat, they have actually basically gone out of the county. Now it is more than 9 o'clock in the evening, but also to sleep, but for young people. It is really not too late, especially when I just left the house, it is inevitable to be excited and understandable.

Xiao Bing thought for a moment, since it is already late, there is no need to be too restrictive. When thinking about this, Xiao Bing will agree, but I will not forget to remind Maggie, "Take you out to play, The bar is fine, but it’s quite remote here, and we’re not familiar with it, so you don’t want to get into trouble, you know?”

"Hey, what do people do, people are good, baby? Well, then, isn't there you?"

Looking at Maggie's look like selling Meng, Xiao Bing couldn't help but smile: "Don't make trouble, are you still licking your baby? And even if I am there, you can't just cause trouble, our purpose this time. The land is Shaolin, nothing to do outside the tree, do you know?"

Maggie turned over and sat up from the bed, urging: "Well, I know, don't make trouble, let's go, how mother-in-law, really."

Maggie is wearing a small vest, but she is not old enough, but she is still a lot of development. The vest can't cover the chest that she has gradually risen up. Xiao Bing feels like the little girl's chest and Compared to adults, there is a unique flavor.

Xiao Bing hurriedly regained his gaze, and his heart silently recited a few words that he could not be tempted by this little goblin, not to mention that she should be her own little sister, but can't think about it.

Maggie puts on the clothes and puts on the shoes. Xiao Bing is very simple. He just didn't take off his clothes, just put on a coat, and then two people walked out of the room.

Out of the hotel, the room was out. At this time, the air had a little bit of coolness. Xiao Bing looked at Maggie, who was tightly tightening the jacket, and asked, "How? Is it cold? Or else put my coat. Lend it to you."

"I don't want it, it doesn't look good at all." Maggie said with a sigh, she has now reached the age of smug.

Xiao Bing said without words: "No need to use it, I don't necessarily want to borrow you."

When I heard Xiao Bing say this, Maggie directly began to reach out to take off the jacket of Xiao Bing. The mouth also said: "You don't borrow me, I want to wear it."

Xiao Bing took off his coat and put it on Maggie's body. He smiled and said: "You little girl."

Maggie was smug, wrapped her jacket tightly on her body. Xiao Bing was taller than her, so the coat looked very wide and wrapped her tightly. After going out for a while, Maggie suddenly said: "Bing brother."


"I finally know why the nephews like you."

"Oh, why?"

"Because the taste on your body is really good." Maggie said, taking a deep breath and smelling the smell of men and cigarettes on the clothes.

Ps: Yesterday, this chapter is the second chapter of yesterday.

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