Super Soldier

Chapter 1861: Constant change

"That is the anger of Hongmeng?" Xia Hongyin was somewhat surprised. "I can't think of it. It really makes people feel very surprised. Although the Kunlun school has also realized the temperament of Hongmeng, Kunlun is a super martial art with a thousand-year system. Taoism and inheritance are not comparable to any other warrior and family. Perhaps there are only two forces within the world that can be compared with Kunlun. One is Shaolin and the other is the Holy See. Xu is obviously not included. He was able to comprehend the temperament of Hongmeng himself, even more savvy than the dead Kunlun Master, which is terrible!"

The Buddha’s eyes flashed in a blink of an eye. He said, “It’s really terrible. This Xu Mu is a bit interesting. This battle seems to be wonderful.”

Zhuang Shen and Xu Mu rushed to the palm of one hand, and then found that the gap between the two people's power was directly offset.

Normally, Zhuang Shen can crush Xu Mu on the strength, but now Xu Mu’s use of the spirit of Hong Meng is obviously higher than the quality of the true gas, so one power is like the sea, the other has the quality, two The perfect match between the two is offset.

Xu Mu’s mouth floated with a smile and said: “Zhuang Shen, it seems that your realm is above me, but it should not touch the edge of God.”

Zhuang Shen’s brow slightly wrinkled. Xu Mu said that he is very close to the semi-god realm. However, he has been so little from beginning to end that he can’t reach it. Once he breaks into the realm of demigod. His power can undergo a complete qualitative change. At that time, even if Xu Mu had the temperament of the sorrow, Zhuang Shen could still be crushed.

Zhuang Shenshen took a breath and said: "It's very good. It's really different to master the spirit of Hongmeng. It is the temperament of the people who are closest to the power of the gods. I have the opportunity to defeat the glory here. The Terran is not worthy of this trip."

After Xu Mu’s release of Hong Meng’s anger, he was not eager to attack, and began to use the scent of Hong Meng to kill the magic inside the other’s body.

Zhuang Shen soon discovered that although the power of his own magical power is stronger than the normal instinct of the human race, when it comes into contact with Hong Meng, it is bit by bit, even by the other party. It is evaporated.

If this is the case, it is very likely that this war will slowly fall into the trap. Recalling that when I first started, Xu Mu fell into the wind but still was not flustered. It was always a calm face. From this, I can see that Xu Mu is a very calm person. It is almost impossible to find the flaws of the other party or wait until the other person is impatient.

Since the drag can't afford it, it's only a quick fix.

Zhuang Shen began to use his own strengths to start the attack. The two sides attacked each other wildly, and they did not give each other. They flew sand and stone, and even the air began to oscillate. Every two men’s fists With one foot with endless power, the casual punch and the foot are like the cutting of the blade, and the space is marked with deep marks.

Seeing that the battle between the two of them was fierce, whether it was Bai Yu and Jiang Shen, or those who watched the war among the Terrans, they all held their breath, and a cold sweat was found in the palm of their hand.

Bai Yu and Jiang Shen are the only ones who know that there are people outside the world. If they change their work, they will start with two of them. I am afraid that they will die without a few strokes. They are not only the gaps in the realm, but even true. The gas is worse. Both of them are now holding their breath. They are secretly praying that Zhuang Shen can win. Otherwise, once Zhuang Shen is defeated, I am afraid that they will not be able to go from Lingshan. They are too self-aware, although they are self-proclaimed as the pride of the sky, it is impossible to escape in the hands of the Chinese patron saint Xu Mu.

This Chinese patron, it is terrible!

However, they also know that once this Xu Mu defeated, then the Terran is likely to be completely suppressed to the bottom of the valley, when the Terran warriors have no hope.

The battle between the two people is getting more and more fierce, and the turbulent voice even makes many people cover their ears because they can't mature.

Both Xu Mu and Zhuang Shen’s faces have become more and more dignified. Both of them have already exerted their strength to the extreme. The power of Zhuang Shen is as violent as a storm. The strength of Xu Mu is like the waves. Absolutely, there is a balance between each other.

Xia Hongyin looked at this scene and asked: "Who can you win in the end?"

The Buddha son said: "Xu Mu has already practiced the spirit of Hongmeng. This kind of temperament has made him offset the gap between him and Zhuangshen. If you follow this, it is very likely that one day and one night. It can't be divided. But..."

Xia Hongyin asked: "What?"

The Buddha son said with emotion: "I am afraid that this war will be changed, and others will unexpectedly change."

The Buddha did not finish the words completely. When he said this, his eyes flashed with a glimmer of light, and his eyes began to stare at the battlefield with great interest.

In addition to everyone who is watching here at this moment, the top officials of all countries in the world have watched this battle through satellite TV. At least one hundred high-level countries in the country are watching this battle, one by one. The heart was nervous and clenched his fists.

Nowadays, all countries in the world still keep the things of the gods and the deities all in the high-level people. The ordinary people still don’t understand this, but if one day the gods and the demons can really come out of the enchantment, then Just want to conceal and conceal it, especially now that the ancient Wumen factions have come out, some of the martial arts forces in the West have begun to slowly emerge. In fact, the hearts of the people have begun to feel faint. The world seems to be a little different than it used to be, but they are not sure.

Now every country is looking forward to Xu Mu to win. The top leaders of every country are very nervous. If Zhuang Shen finally wins and even returns to the realm of the gods, the next time I come out, I am afraid that it is not just Zhuang Shen alone. At that time, the world will know the existence of the world that they have not known before. Will there be some incitement in the world? That is not what any country wants to see.

The two people had been playing for more than an hour in the blink of an eye. Everyone was still watching it seriously, and the crowd had retreated more than ten meters away. At this time, they had already maintained a distance of more than 100 meters.

The time went on and it took more than two hours. Now that the two of them have been fighting for more than three hours, Xu Mu seems to be calmer and calmer, although his power may be slightly lower than that of Zhuang Shen, but now With the constant consumption, the power of Zhuang Shen is consumed more quickly, and Xu Mu’s victory is getting bigger and bigger.

At this time, the top officials of the world have also begun to talk about it.

m country.

"I don't think that the patron saint of China has such a powerful force. It seems that he is not likely to be the first god-level power in the world?"

"Yeah, it seems that in the past two years, we have neglected him a bit. This Xu Mu, who can sit still for so many years, can't be underestimated!"

"We don't have to worry too much. We haven't prepared for these things in the past few years."

"What I said is, but I still have to inform and immediately raise the level of danger of Xu Mu to a higher level."

e country.

"This is the Chinese patron saint? It is really powerful."

"Well, he may not have been so strong in the past, but he still assisted Huaxia to send Guwumen to the forced mountain."

"Hey, in the past two years, Xiao Bing was born. Everyone thought that Xu Mu’s status is no longer. Now it seems that we are still underestimating Xu Mu. It is estimated that even the Chinese government has underestimated Xu Mu. ""

"The first person in China is really the first person in China. It is indeed a well-deserved name. From then on, the importance of Xu Mu will be raised to a higher level. We must always be sure to know the whereabouts of Xu Mu. In addition, try not to be with this person. enemy."

"Well, who can win this war?"

"Before I saw Zhuang Shen, it should be Xu Mucai right now... This Xu Mu is unfathomable!"

Huaxia Country.

"Xu Mu has been so powerful?"

"Yeah, this is really the luck of our country. It is not only to have a Xiao Bing, but also to have Xu Mu, such a powerful master. It is very difficult for other countries to have one, and we have two at the same time. Think about it all and feel extravagant."

"Haha, the most important thing is that this battle seems to be a hopeful victory."

"Yes, yes, this guy from the Protoss has swept the masters of Europe before. Although the Pope of the Holy See did not play against him, it is not clear who is strong or weak, but the Pope avoids it. This is already Obviously, he has no confidence to win, and now this person has been defeated by our Chinese masters. Haha, it makes people feel happy when they think about it. At that time, our individual combat in China is really a real The experiment has made the world see that our top Chinese powerhouse is amazing."

"It is really powerful. If this battle is won, it is really a sigh!"

At this moment, when all the top officials of the human government are cheering, suddenly, the scene has changed!

Ps: The last chapter mistakenly gave the spirit of Hong Meng some chaos, and it has been corrected.

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