Super Soldier

Chapter 1862: Half step **** (one more)

In the battle between Xu Mu and Kunlun, although he finally lost, but he peeked into the mystery of Hongmeng's anger, and Xu Shao's death not only did not bring him a blow, but let his heart In a flash, a lot of changes have taken place, and the whole person has undergone a different change. Just a few days ago, he just regained his enthusiasm.

Xu Mu, who is full of enthusiasm, can already be called an invincible master under the **** level, so even if the front of the **** is so close to the threshold of God, even some have realized the mystery of the **** level, but Zhuang God still fights Xu Mu, as long as Zhuang Shen has not entered the realm of God, Xu Mu believes that he is invincible!

Seeing that the battle was going toward the favorable side of Xu Mu, the two proud young people, Bai Yu and Jiang Shen, were now looking like snow. They did not expect that the leading adults would encounter such a powerful opponent in the world. Even if it is a hundred meters apart, the feeling of suffocation is still coming. What level of battle is this? I am afraid it is already the highest level of combat below God level, right?

At this time, Xu Mu’s expression of the stable victory suddenly changed a bit. His pair of stars like a starry sky seemed to see something incredible. He actually felt that in the battle, the power inside the other body was actually Step by step self-disintegration... No, it should be said that it is metamorphosis, the old power disappears a little bit, and the new endless power is spreading.

Xu Mu has experienced nearly four hours since he fought with Zhuang Shen. Even in the case of extreme backwardness, he is a calm face, but at this time he has the upper hand, but his face is suddenly changed, and his voice is lost. Said: "You used me to advance?"

Zhuang Shen smiled and said with a strange smile: "I was told by you, but I have to thank you very much. After coming to the territory of your Terran, I feel that I am only a long distance away from the demigod. I have been expecting that the strong people of your Terran can bring me enough challenges. I can advance to the level of crisis. Unfortunately, the other strong people of your Terran are too weak. Only you have not let me down, I actually You have been completely suppressed, Xu Mu, you are innocent is the man who is called the patron saint of China!"

Xu Mu’s face was gloomy, and the palm of the hand became more and more fierce. The offensive was violently 30% faster than before. It was under this circumstance that although Zhuang Shen was oppressed even more, there was no panic, not even a star or a half. The meaning of the upcoming collapse.

Xu Mu’s heart has sunk, and the heart is dark. If this is the case, once the other party has entered the semi-god field, I am afraid that I will lose it. Damn, I did not expect such a change. Now In this way, I am afraid that I am in danger.

Zhuang Shen smiled and said: "The spirit of Hongmeng is really invincible. I am now a complete coach. Xu Mu, you are the strong person I respect, then I will use the power of the real demigod level to do my best. That will bring you down!"

Seeing the power of Zhuang Shen will be completely transformed. If the power inside the body is the rushing Yellow River, then now is the boundless sea, and when the sea is completely gathered, Xu Mu takes a deep breath, suddenly Standing in the same place, the incomparable mysterious glory gathered from his hands and gathered before his chest. All the people watched this scene quietly. This force seems to be able to let everything die and make everything Rebirth.

This horrible force makes the heartbeat of all people almost static, and then grabs the breath and looks at this scene. The heart secretly thinks, can Zhuang Shen be able to hold this attack?

The Terrans are ready to cheer, and the two Protoss are all white, sweaty, they even think that Zhuang Shen lost, they dreamed that they would not even lead the adults. Lost in the hands of the Terran, then, can they still survive from the top of Lingshan?

These days they really killed too many people in the human race. They have counts in their hearts. Once they are defeated, I am afraid that they will die.

All the people thought that Zhuang Shen had lost, but the Buddha who saw this scene in the distance was slightly sighed and said: "Xu Mu is very strong, but Xu Mu is going to lose."

Xia Hongyin’s brows on the side were locked, and in the end, there was a bit of incredible color. He smiled and said: “You are right. If this is the case, Xu Mu is really losing... It seems that you have to help. Your brother."

The spirit of Hongmeng shrouded the past with Zhuang Shen. Xu Mu knew that if he continued to delay, others looked as if they had the upper hand. In fact, they were defeated. The other side had to step into the semi-god. In the field, I can't allow myself to hesitate. I must immediately decide the outcome with the other party. Therefore, this blow has gathered the strength of his life. If he is unsuccessful, he will become a man!

The rumble, the glory of the atmosphere makes the world lose its color. All the people seem to feel the breath of a time when they have just opened up the earth. The atmosphere is shrouded in the gods. This force seems to wash the gods. Clean and gently wipe the gods from this world.

And when all the people realized that Zhuang Shen was going to be defeated, the incomparably horrible power was sprayed out from the body of Zhuang Shen. The power even allowed the people watching the war to retreat backwards and backwards. One by one, the heart beats all the way through, and I am scared!

Molong even said, "What is this?"

This is what everyone wants to say. What power is this? This force has made these super-masters from all over the world feel irresistible. They even feel that they are in front of this power as small as ants, not to resist, even they even I don’t dare to look directly at each other.

Is it... this is the power of God?

Wow, Xu Mu was directly affected by that force, and the air of Hong Meng was dispersed. He spit out a large mouth of blood and flew backwards.

Zhuang Shen took a breath, looked at his hands, and enjoyed the power that seemed to dominate the world. Some excited and muttered to himself: "Half-step god... I am finally a pedal. Into the realm of God!!"

One of the Terrans was pale, and some people lost their souls: "God, half-step god."

"Who else will be his opponent? Who else can compete with this Protoss? Isn’t the legend that the Terran has not appeared in God for thousands of years? Isn’t that he can swipe alone? What are the strong people of the Terran?"

Everyone is like a dead gray, everyone is lost, and the heart is completely desperate.

The two young people, Bai Yu and Jiang Shen, seemed to have experienced a century in this battle. The thrilling feeling made the two of them have not recovered yet, and even did not think of excitement. Cheering, at the beginning, Zhuang Shen occupied the absolute upper hand. Later, Xu Mu actually realized the temperament of Hong Meng, and the Zhuang Shen commander was completely suppressed by the temperament of Hong Meng, even if they had to admit it, if they continued to fight, I am afraid that the battle of Zhuang Shen will be defeated. Some of them have no way to live and go down to the spirits. When they are desperate in their hearts, Zhuang Shen has entered the field of demigod!

That is a demigod, even if it is in the Protoss, the demigod is considered to be the existence of an absolute top superpower. The dream of both of them is that one day they can also enter this realm, and now they have witnessed Zhuang Shen. From the Holy Spirit to the half-step of the gods, it is almost impossible for them to forget all of their lives.

When Bai Yu and Jiang Shen looked at Zhuang Shen, they used to be respected in their eyes, but now they have become deeply awe.

Zhuang Shen also felt excited about this endless power. He waved casually, but he saw that more than a dozen towering trees in the distance were uprooted and fell directly on the ground.

"Half-step gods... half-step gods..." Zhuang Shen excitedly said, "One day I have hope to enter the field of the gods, Xu Mu, you lost to half-step gods, I am not jealous, you You are able to persuade a strong person who touches some of the mysteries of the gods to the extent that you are already proud of it."

Zhuang Shen step by step toward Xu Mu, he wants to remove the threat of Xu Mu, he said in one word: "You are too talented, your understanding is too high, although I will not be afraid of you, but if Someday, our Protoss will come to earth, you will become a hindrance, so today I can't leave you... but rest assured, I will remember you forever, after all, you are helping me to get into half a step. Man in the field of gods!"

At the moment when Zhuang Shen wanted to shoot, the old class came out. He was too far away from the strength of Zhuang Shen, but as a national security minister, he was equally weak. God's self-confidence, before the Zhuang Shen shot, the old class shouted loudly: "I can guarantee that if you dare to shoot him, today you can't live alive and walk down Lingshan."

Zhuang Shen’s raised hand stopped and turned to look at the old class and asked, “What do you rely on?”

"With my help as the Minister of the Ministry of National Security, I have no idea how many advanced weapons have been aligned here at this moment. With our country's most advanced power of the human race, this power is not even your half-step god. Can compete!"

Ps: Christmas is coming, is someone sending you an apple on Christmas Eve? Anyway, I have prepared a red envelope for everyone, WeChat search beam is extraordinary, after paying attention to my public number, you can participate in the event, at 6:00 pm on the 12.24th, the voice red envelope waiting for you to come! (WeChat home page plus sign in the upper right corner - add friends - public number - input beam is extraordinary, and finally pay attention, add WeChat, win red envelope award!)

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