Super Soldier

Chapter 1863: The battle book against Xiao Bing (two more)

Zhuang Shen was silent, and his eyes looked at the old class. His eyes were completely different from the previous ones. The pupils were faintly shimmering with a faint golden light. The old class even felt that the other person was afraid that one eye would be enough to kill himself. Dead, but he has nothing to fear. Xu Mu is the pillar of Huaxia, the patron saint of China. He must protect Xu Mu.

What's more, Xu Mu's current realm has become so powerful. The old class feels that even if he sacrifices himself, he must also exchange Xu Mu's peace. Whether Xu Mu or Xiao Bing is the most valuable asset of China, so if Today, Xu Mu died. The old class really uses advanced weapons. In any case, this person must be eliminated.

Zhuang Shen smiled a little and said: "Well, today I can spare him a life, but not afraid of your advanced weapons, but because today he helped me to break through the half-step gods... but the next time you guys It’s not so good. I’ve won another one today. Isn’t the strongman of your Terran so weak? Is there a strong man who has the chance to defeat me? I know that in the world of the Protoss, I am not the strongest. The Protoss strong, if this is the case, once the enchantment is solved, I am afraid that it will be the end of your race, hahahaha..."

The words of Zhuang Shen made the surrounding silence, all the people were stunned, but they were unable to refute the taunts of the other party.

The old class snorted and said: "Don't be self-righteous. The advanced weapons of our Terran are not seen by you. They are not worse than the so-called strong people of your Protoss. If the enchantment is solved, you will take the opportunity to provoke a dispute. At that time, your Protoss will never have any hope of preservation!"

Zhuang Shen laughed and looked around and asked: "Do you really think that these so-called weapons can destroy our Protoss? Can we compete with our God-level powers? Tell you the truth, even if it is me, I haven't completely stepped into the realm of the gods. I want to kill me. I am afraid that it is far from enough. I want to go and go, I am just as comfortable. The ants of the Terran, I will challenge the next battle. It’s Xiao Bing of your Terran. I heard that he is a man called the two sons. If Xiao Bing is still in my hands, I will challenge the Buddha... Oh, yes, Xiao Bing must come out to fight, otherwise If they are, they can't live in Xiaofu!"

Molong took a step forward, and Zhuang Shen looked at the past with a look. If Molong was hit hard, he continued to step back two steps. The throat was sweet, and a bit of blood almost spit out.

Zhuang Shen smiled and said: "Don't challenge my endurance. In three days, I will only give three days. I also choose here. At noon three days later, I am waiting here. If Xiao Bing does not come, Xiao Fu will I will kill me. Then I will continue to challenge the Buddha, if the Buddha does not dare to show up, then I will kill the human beings of any city of your Terran!"

The old class’s eyes showed anger, and all the people around him were angry. The gods in front of them were so mad, and what he said was beyond the bottom line of human beings, destroying a city? This terrible thing is beyond the bottom line of the patience of any country.

Zhuang Shen haha ​​laughed and walked down the hill. Bai Yu and Jiang Shen also hurriedly followed. After several people walked to the foot of the mountain, Jiang Shen had some incomprehensible words: "Zhuang Tong, the Xu Mu should be very big. The threat, even if it is looking at the Protoss, he can be regarded as the top powerhouse. You just let him go. The enchantment is getting weaker and weaker. Once you let him go, will we not be in the future? One more obstacle?"

Zhuang Shen was about to talk, and suddenly his face changed and he spit out a blood in his mouth.

After Bai Yu and Jiang Shen saw it, they were all shocked. Bai Yan couldn’t believe it: "Are you injured?"

"Yeah." Zhuang Shen coldly said: "Otherwise, how can I be threatened by that old thing? The spirit of Hongmeng is really powerful. If I just started to step into the half-step god, I couldn’t help me with his strength. But just as I was about to step into the half-step of the gods, he still took the opportunity to hurt me, but it was only hidden by me, they did not find it. I just wanted to take the opportunity to kill him. However, I can feel that there are many threats around me who don't know what it is. Once I finally get out, I can only tear my face. I have just stepped into the half-step of the realm of the gods. Next, and plus I was injured, there will inevitably be some risks."

Bai said: "It turns out that it is no wonder that he will be released."

Zhuang Shendao: "But I did not make a mistake. This time, if it was not a battle with him, I would have to go to the half-step of the gods at least for a few dozen days, so he would be cheaper for him."

Bai Yan said: "Anyway, once the enchantment is broken, with the power of the leaders and the king of God, even if there is more than one Xu Mu, it is nothing."

Zhuang Shen smiled and said: "You are not wrong in saying this. He can only be regarded as a stumbling block, but it can't hinder our protoss. With a strong person of the saints, I am afraid it is not enough. Let's go, don't stay here first, Three days later, I will fight with the Xiao Bing. When I have to kill this Xiao Bing, I will try to weaken the human power as much as possible. But we have heard it before. Xiao Bing is very important to Huaxia. I am afraid that they will find a way to put us to death, so one of the two of you on the day of the duel cannot go."

Bai Hao asked: "Why?"

"Either of you must be hidden in the human society, and then clamp down on these human beings. If they dare to use the army and advanced weapons, they will start killing in the city. Oh, look at them. How to do."

Jiang Shen said: "Then let me go."

"Well, I see you too, I am worried that the day will be soft." Zhuang Shen said, "But you are only responsible for the containment, let's go back and buy a mobile phone of their own people, and stay in touch."

"Okay, lead the adults!"

These people left while talking.

On the top of Lingshan, the guards of the Sanctuary helped Xu Mu, and Xu Mu’s face showed a certain loss of color for the first time. He shook his head and sighed: "I lost this battle."

The old class walked over and took a picture of Xu Mu’s shoulder. He said, “Mr. Xu Mu, don’t be discouraged, you are still the pillar of Huaxia, the patron saint of China, and the future of China depends on you. But there is nothing, no one can think that he will break through in the battle."

"Oh, I am paralyzed." Xu Mu said, "If I use the temperament of Hong Meng at the beginning, and then choose the method of losing both, I am afraid that the probability of losing him is greater than that of me. Unfortunately, I chose It was a tactic that constantly eroded his advantage. As a result, he did not expect to slowly stimulate all his potential, help him break through, and finally unable to return to heaven. Hey, this battle seems to have many things to review. ”

Seeing that Xu Mu still has the heart to analyze these, I know that this time the blow is not small, but for Xu Mu, it is not a threshold that can't be passed, so the old class is relieved.

The old class comforted Xu Mu a few words. After Xu Mu was helped by the Sanctuary, the old class went back and said to the warriors from all over the world: "Everyone will go down the mountain first, after three days, when Xiao There is still a battle for the soldiers here. Everyone must believe that Xiao Bing will win him. Our human warriors will not continue to lose."

That being said, but now that Xu Mu has been defeated, the Pope does not dare to appear, the morale of the Terran strong has fallen to the lowest, especially the protoss that the protoss have reached the half-step of the gods, you must know For many years, human beings have not been able to become gods. With this in mind, almost no one dares to have any hope again, and they all sigh and sigh toward the mountain.

The old class wants to comfort a few words, but he found that this time is different from usual. Compared with the previous Xiao Bing in the face of those strong players, this time Xiao Bing’s opponent is a half-step god, although it is still It is not a complete **** level, but half a step of the gods has already touched the realm of God.

Man and God are almost the same as the difference between heaven and earth. The distance between the two is too far away. There is no comparability. For example, although the earth is vast, how many stars are there in the starry sky? In contrast, the earth is too small.

The old class is even hesitating. This time, simply don’t let Xiao Bing go out of the mountain, or go back and discuss the use of the army directly.

Only the use of the military must be cautious, and in the old class's view, the general weapons may not be too lethal to a half-step god-level powerhouse. For example, missiles, even Xiao Bing can resist. The missile, not to mention a half-step superpower of the gods level, currently, only two weapons are the most reliable, one is a laser weapon, and the other is the most powerful and even horrible weapon in the human world, nuclear weapons.

The words of nuclear weapons are easy to use, because the power is too horrible and the damage is too strong, unless you try to lead the other party to a remote island where no one is, otherwise it will easily let the people There are also a lot of deaths, and this kind of thing is definitely not enough.

Laser weapons are a good choice, but they must be ambushed beforehand. Otherwise, with the smell of a half-step god-level powerhouse, if it is broken, it will be difficult to kill each other. Especially, if such a person is not killed, he will break into the metropolis to retaliate. At that time, I am afraid I don’t know how many thousands of people will die.

The old class shook his head and shook his head. Then he looked at the last few people left. The people who had not gone yet were the Longmen people. The old class sighed and asked: "Where is Xiao Bing?"

"It's still in Shaolin." After Molong said a word, Wow spit out a large mouthful of blood, and the whole person was awkward. He was helped by the two men of War and Liu Zhen.

The old class looked worried: "Your injury does not look light, let you go to the hospital first."

"Nothing." Molong shook his head and said, "I will take a few days to recuperate... It is important to go to Shaolin to see it first. The owner does not know if he is still retreating."

The old class frowned and said: "But even if it is a clearance, will he be the opponent of this person?"

All the people are silent.

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