Super Soldier

Chapter 1864: The little monk went to open the house (three more)

Yes, the top government officials around the world are considering, will Xiao Bing be the opponent of this Protoss?

Nowadays, almost the world's warriors do not have much hope in their hearts, and the top government officials of all countries have no hope.

On the night of the battle with Xu Mu, the heads of the m and e countries and several other countries all called the head of Huaxia No. 1 and the main discussion was this matter.

And immediately after that night, someone from the Ministry of National Security came to Shaolin to see Shaolin abbot.

Originally, the old class did not want Xiao Bing to go out of the mountain, but Molong later said something quite right. If Xiaofu is fine, once Xiao Bing does not show up, in the end, the people of Xiaofu did not protect properly and there was something unexpected. At that time, Xiao Bing will regret it for a lifetime.

What's more, even if the people of Xiaofu are well protected by the state, they should also tell Xiao Bing that if they fight and do not fight, they can only decide by Xiao Bing himself. Others have no right to decide because This involves the dignity of a warrior.

The people of the Ministry of National Security did not see the abbot, but saw several masters of Shaolin. Several masters of Shaolin were silent in the main hall. This matter is really too important, but the abbot is retreating with Xiao Bing. I once said that no one can take the initiative to disturb without their instructions. Now, at this time, should they tell me?

Now everyone here has no idea.

Maggie pulled the little monk out to listen. It was originally a fun and curious idea. I didn’t expect that the thing inside was actually related to Xiao Bing. Maggie immediately rushed to the direction of Xiao Bing and the abbot retreat. went.

Renyi chased behind Maggie, he could have pulled Maggie, but I don’t know how, but I didn’t dare to pull it by hand, but still kept persuading: “Maggie, Maggie Shizhu, this thing, my uncle and the teacher will come up with a way to come. Don’t worry about calling people first, the abbot said that he can’t bother....

Maggie was anxious: "What does the abbot say about me?"

Maggie stopped and looked at Renyi. She said with anger: "I haven't heard of it. If the brother brother does not come out, all the brothers and brothers will be killed. If the people are dead, find the Shaolin dignitaries." what?"

"That... that is naturally impossible, and it is not the wrong thing that Shaolin did. What's more, we Shaolin is compassionate. It is definitely not willing to see someone send a life, but...but the command of the former abbot. Can't help but listen."

"I said you, how can you be so pedantic, do not know how to do things when you do things? Anyway, I don't care, I will go in and ask people, if you have the ability, you will stop me."

"Small 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧

Maggie was shocked, and she ran a few more steps. At this time, she stopped and asked, "What about the fire?"

"This..." Renyi said, "It is also possible that it will not go into flames. Xiaoxuan just said that there is such a possibility, but if it is really ruined, if you are lucky, you may just have never cultivated to the highest martial arts. In the realm of bad luck, if you are in bad luck, you will be directly injured or directly die, so... Are you really going to call someone now?"

When Maggie heard Renyi say this, he became hesitant. If he finally got rid of it, wouldn’t he be very sorry for his brother? Hey, this is really tangled. If you can’t, don’t you tell? Anyway, the Ministry of National Security will definitely not let Xiaofu do anything.

Maggie is a very intelligent person. It is also clear in her heart. With Xiao Bing’s status and special status in the country, the probability of Xiao’s accident is very embarrassing. Even if the other party’s strength is strong and it is threatened, the country cannot Take precautions in advance, so instead of calling Xiao Bing out now, it’s better to wait for Xiao Bing to take the initiative to go out.

Oh, but after all, it’s a little worrying. I can only expect Xiao Bing’s brother to go out early and then rush to see it.

After thinking about it, Maggie was still not at ease, so she looked at the little monk Renyi and said: "Benevolence, trouble you take me down the mountain now."

"Ah?" Renyi snorted and asked, "Don't tell the masters?"

"No, I am in a hurry. When you go out, let's go back and tell you what is going on. There is such a big thing on the side of Xiaofu. If you tell your masters that I want to go down the mountain, they are probably not the mother-in-law. Let me go back, but I am going to rush back to see if I am not sure."

Seeing the righteousness and hesitation, Maggie said: "You don't want to do it. I will go back alone."

"I will still send you." Ren Yi smiled and said, "If something goes out on your way back, Xiao Yan will always be jealous."

"Well, I see you are a good person, ha, let's go, send me back!"

"Well, go." Renyi agreed, and took Maggie all the way to the temple gate.

After seeing Renyi, a few young monks at the door stunned and asked: "Renyi little brother, what are you going to do?"

"Send Maggie to go home." Renyi’s single-handedness, said with a slight bow, "I still have trouble with a few brothers to tell a few masters."

"This..." These people hesitated a moment and glanced at each other and said, "Renyi little brother is still waiting a little, let us first announce."

"No need." Maggie said directly. "You Shaolin is a bandit. I can't go home. Is this going to kidnap me, is it money or color?"

Maggie's mouth is like a machine gun, and she said that they all said that they were red-faced and speechless.

Then, when Maggie looked at them a little worried, she took Renyi and ran out. Seeing that they ran out of the temple, several monks glanced at each other and suddenly chased them at the same time, and then shot at the same time.

Maggie didn't have any martial arts. Renyi was almost subconsciously turned back and went to the back, but he saw the infuriating temperament, and he directly slammed the few brothers.

When Maggie saw this scene, she couldn't help but widen her eyes. She said with excitement: "Is that you are so powerful? I don't even know."

The monks stood firm, and one of them smiled bitterly: "No wonder the abbot once said that the benevolent and the younger brothers are the future of Shaolin, and it is even possible to inherit the abbot's clothes on a certain day. It seems that it is a good, the younger brother's talent. Let us be self-proclaimed."

Ren Yiyi waved his hand and hurriedly said: "No, no, I didn't mean it. I didn't deliberately work with a few brothers. It was just... I am afraid that the brothers accidentally hurt Maggie, she is just an ordinary person. There won't be a bit of martial arts."

Maggie looked at Renyi and was slightly moved.

A few monks are helpless and have a double-handed relationship: "Amitabha, we are not the opponents of the younger brothers, and we are not embarrassed, but we also hope that the younger brother can come back earlier, and must not encounter any danger outside."

"Thank you for the success of several brothers."

Renyi promised, nodded again and again, and then grabbed Maggie and ran to the mountain.

Maggie asked all the way: "Hey, you are a little bit ugly, why don't you tell you so much."

Renyi smiled bitterly: "I rarely do it with people, so I don't know that I am not very powerful. What's more, I learned to save the Buddha for the purpose of saving people. It is not for the sake of reluctance. The importance is not important. The important thing is The height of the Dharma is not important, and the height of the Dharma is not important. The important thing is that the heart is good or bad..."

"I have done it, so I am arrogant, but I admit that you are right, just like I don't work hard, but I don't think I am worse than others, so martial arts is really not that important, but you also It’s a genius."

Renyi smiled a little embarrassedly. Obviously, he was not very happy to pick up the praises of others.

After the two men ran down the mountain, they came directly to the town. Renyi was embarrassed. "There was no way to go down the mountain before, but at most, I have been to the town. I have never been to a far place, so this is Once you still have to trouble you to take the lead, Xiao Yan is only responsible for protecting you all along the way."

"Well, that's enough." Maggie said, "How come back when you come back? Oh, yes, I can let people send you back."

Renyi smiled and said: "Although Xiaoyan has not traveled far away, Xiaoxiao remembers to live on the road. When Xiaoxiao comes back, he alone is enough, just..."

Renyi touched the clothes and suddenly remembered a very embarrassing thing. He wore a robes and had no money on his body.

Maggie smiled and said: "Oh, I guess what you are thinking, you want to say that you are not rich, right? Rest assured, when you come back, I will give you the cost along the way, you send I am going home, can I still let you pay for it? Going back on this road, I have enough money."

Ren Yi breathed a sigh of relief, and he was also welcome. "In this case, Xiao Yan is relieved."

Maggie looked around and muttered: "It’s a bit late, I’m afraid I can’t walk this evening.”

"That tomorrow?" Renyi asked. "It is better to go back to the temple for a night and go on the road tomorrow. What do you think?"

"Still forget it, have gone so far, and have to toss tomorrow, it is better to just find a hotel to stay, um... I have to call home, I forgot to call, ah, my phone falls In the room."

Renyi looked at Maggie, and Maggie hesitated and said: "Forget it, go back tomorrow, don't call first."

"Well, then listen to you."

"Let's go, I will take you to the hotel."

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