Super Soldier

Chapter 1865: Maggie's crisis (four more)

And the young monk opened two rooms in the hotel. Before returning to the room, Maggie said with a smile: "When you wait, you can go out and say that you are a small monk who has opened a room with a woman."

Renyi’s face was red and red, and Maggie chuckled: “Don’t tease you, go back to the room.”

Two people returned to the room, Maggie was lying on the bed and began to put away the look of hippie smiles. I was going to go to bed early, but the result was that I couldn’t sleep. I was afraid that something would happen at home, but I wanted to I think that for three days, I haven’t passed the day. I shouldn’t have it for the time being. Now I just have to remind me of it and try to hide it. Xiaobing’s brother is afraid that there will be no way to appear for three days.

Maggie didn't know how long it took to fall asleep. The next morning, Maggie sat up in a confused way. Actually, she didn't wake up too much, but when she looked outside, she would sleep. No, after she got up and washed, she went out and knocked on the door of the little monk. The little monk Renyi opened the door and it seemed to be full of energy.

Maggie asked: "Are you awake?"

"I have already finished sitting."

"Oh, that's good, let's go, let's go downstairs for breakfast, I want to eat big meat stuffed buns."

Seeing the little monk looking at himself with a weird look, Maggie smiled and said: "Okay, okay, don't be angry, you can eat vegetarian buns, and don't let you eat the same with me. Let's go, go downstairs directly. Check out, I will be able to get to my house this evening."

Two people walked out of the hotel. After eating breakfast, they began to hurry. First, they took the bus to the city. Then they booked a ticket and arrived in Kyoto. They didn’t know how many people were watching them. One was wearing a robe. The monk, the other is a enchanting girl who looks like a fairy, and almost everyone will inevitably be attracted.

Everyone’s eyes made the little monk nervous. He looked at everyone with vigilance. He was afraid of someone bullying to Maggie. After all, he didn’t know why everyone looked at himself and Maggie, so he was afraid that others were I don't care, but Maggie is not worried. She has such a strange look for these people, she already guessed it.

It was not until the plane sat down, the little monk was relieved, there were not many people on the plane, and the luck of the two of them was also good. In total, the seats were held by three people. As a result, there were no people next to them. Maggie sat in the innermost part, and the little monk sat in the middle of the side of Maggie.

When the plane took off, the little monk was scared and exclaimed. Many people, including the flight attendants, looked at themselves. The little monk hurriedly closed his mouth and looked away from the window.

In the eyes of Maggie, she looked at the little monk with a smile and asked, "Is the first time flying?"

"Yes... Yeah, flying high."

"Giggle, is that the first time it was given to me?"

Little monk: "...."

Maggie likes to tease people, especially the younger monk is more embarrassed, the more Maggie likes to play, but after so many days of contact, the little monk is already a bit used, if you change to the beginning, he and Maggie know each other. It is estimated that he has to face up to the red-hot debate.

Maggie said: "Thank you."

"Ah?" The little monk did not expect Maggie's words to change so quickly.

"I mean, you have taken care of me these days. This time I will not send me a message with the master. I am very grateful in my heart."

"Well... nothing, Xiao Yan is not a dull person. I know that you are in a hurry now. If you change it to be a small sister, you may be anxious like you."

"Giggle, although your little monk is honest, he knows how to change."

The little monk smiled bitterly: "It’s just that I have never done this kind of thing before, and I didn’t say anything to the teacher’s door when I went out privately."

"Don't worry, I will go back with you after I go back and I will not let you be scolded."

"It doesn't matter." The little monk smiled. "You don't have to worry about it. The master has always been very good to Xiao Xiao. It must not be too scolding. Of course, some punishments can't be avoided, but the punishment is the master. My expectation is to sharpen me, so I am not afraid of punishment."

"You little monk is really interesting, then I really don't go back with you, hey, I can't think of the Protoss now..." Maggie looked around and closed her mouth. This is not the place to talk. These ordinary people I don’t know anything about the gods and the demons. I haven’t even heard about it, so it’s still strict when the mouth is strict.

Two people talked about each other along the way. The young monk grew up in the temple from an early age. Before Maggie heard the little monk talk about it, he was already in Shaolin when he had memories. He heard that his master would I gave it to myself, and then I brought it to Shaolin to raise it, and followed the masters of Shaolin to practice Buddhism and martial arts.

Because I was in Shaolin since I was a child, the little monk didn’t know anything about the outside world. On this road, Maggie kept telling the little monks about some interesting things. It’s not too far from Kyoto. It was more than an hour, and the plane had already landed at Kyoto Airport.

Two people walked off the plane, crossed the airport hall, walked out of the airport, then called a car and went straight to Xiaofu. It was already four o'clock in the afternoon.

The taxi drove to the door of Xiaofu. Maggie paid the fare and got off the bus with the little monk and walked to the door of Xiaofu.

Maggie’s eyes showed a doubtful color and muttered to himself: “It’s so strange, why isn’t there a person?”

The little monk said: "It may be inside."

"Impossible." Maggie shook her head. "There are people standing guard at the door of Xiaofu usually, let's go, let's go in and see."

"Well, okay." The little monk promised, and walked in with Maggie. Xiaofu was very big, but it didn't feel much for the little monk. After all, Xiaofu couldn't be bigger than Shaolin Temple. It’s bigger, but Xiao’s inside is indeed like Maggie’s, and even the shadows of half people are not seen.

Maggie and the little monk found a circle inside, Maggie also shouted several times, and did not see a personal shadow. When two people reappeared in the yard, the little monk worried: "It will not be an accident." Is it?"

"No." Maggie was rather relieved. "If it does happen, it is impossible for a person to be invisible. And even a little bit of blood is not there, so I think, it should be them. It has been protected by the state. Well, you should go in with me first. I will go to the landline and call and I will know."

Two people walked into the hall. Maggie just grabbed the microphone of the landline. When she didn't dial the number, she heard the footsteps coming in, and a man's voice said something to himself: "Well, It’s strange that the commander said that let me first take a few people as hostages, so that if Xiao Bing does not appear, there will be no one here. How can there be no one in the yard?”

Walking in the yard is the sage master of the Protoss Jiang Shen, Zhuang Shen let him hide in the metropolis, when the military forces want to shoot after the death of Xiao Bing, then Jiang Shen can be carried out With the restraint, the people of the ethnic group will vote for the rats, so that they can withdraw and return to the realm of the gods. Later, Zhuang Shen also considered that if Xiao Bing did not dare to show up, he said that if Xiao Bing did not show up, he would kill Xiao’s people. What if the people in Xiaofu have escaped? Therefore, Zhuang Shen let Jiang Shen and he also arrested a few people in Xiaofu in advance.

Jiang Shen originally thought that Xiao Fu was so big, and there must be a standing guard at the door. As a result, no one was there. When he went to the yard, he did not find any one. Then he walked in the direction of the room step by step.

Both the young monk and Maggie stood in the corner of the room. At this time, they looked out, and Maggie lowered her voice and asked, "Are you his opponent?"

The little monk shook his head hard, but still whispered: "I will protect you."

"Stupid, you are not his opponent, how can you protect me..." Mai Qi hurriedly sweated, hurriedly hanged the phone that had not been able to dial out, and then pulled small The monk said, "You and I are hiding in...."

Maggie took the hand of the little monk and walked quietly into the hallway, stepping in step by step, for fear of being heard outside.

Jiang Shen went to the hall, and after looking around for four times, he tightened his brow and shook his head and said, "No one... Did you run away in advance? Damn, I guess I am late. One step, no, or look around first."

Jiang Shen took a step toward the corridor where Maggie and the little monk walked in.

At this moment, in the headquarters of the Ministry of National Security, the people of Xiaofu have all been settled. The old class found the leaves and said: "Miss Ye, I will trouble you to live here in the past few days, affecting you. The normal life is really embarrassing."

The leaves smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, the class minister should take care of us, the leaves should be grateful."

The old class exclaimed: "This is also a thing that should be done. If it is not the special status of Xiao Bing, how can those people stare at you, saying that Xiao Bing has paid so much to the country in recent years, if we can't protect you well? And the rest of you in Xiaofu, then our national security department will be dissolved, and the country is too owed to you too. Oh, yes, how is the injury of Molong?"

The leaves shook his head and said: "The injury does not seem to be too good. He is recovering from the Longmen base. There are a lot of masters at the Longmen base, and it is close to here. Don't worry too much."

"Well, there is really no need to worry too much about Longmen." The old class said, "As long as the other party dares to come here or the Dragon Gate, then they can't live alive and leave, we are all ready."

The leaves are somewhat worried: "Yes, Xiao Dao will go to the competition when he arrives?"

"This... I don't know." The old class sighed and looked very tangled.

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