Super Soldier

Chapter 1867: Awkward Zhuang Shen (two more)

The little monk finally got up at this time. Although it looked very wilting, he still walked over to Maggie. Then he looked at Gao Fei and felt a chill from the depths of his soul. However, he still insisted on the double-handedness: "The donor, you have to spare and forgive, you have educated him, or spare him."

Gao Fei turned his head and looked at the little monk. The little monk breathed a stagnation, and almost the soul would go out.

Maggie hurriedly said aside: "Flying brother, this time I was lucky enough to have a little monk to take care of me, just because he was injured because of saving me."

Gao Fei’s eyes were slightly warmer, sighed, then looked at Jiang Shen and asked: “Protoss?”

"Yes." Jiang Shen has not dared to talk casually. What Gao Fei said, he will answer anything, even if he is in the Protoss, he has never met a few people who have been so decisive, especially the pupils, as if It is what people who come out of **** will have.

Gao Fei asked: "Why do you want to catch them?"

"Because... as a hostage." Knowing that he didn't say no, Jiang Shen didn't have any bones and told all the plans.

Gao Fei nodded and said: "I know."

"Then you... can you let me go?" Jiang Shen looked forward to Gao Fei with full expectation. He was not a man with a bone, so he would explain everything to honesty. At this time, he would rather betray. Zhuang Shen, isn’t it just to live?

Gao Fei nodded. When Jiang Shen was relieved, Gao Fei pumped out the dagger, and then the dagger in his hand went straight out and cut the head of Jiang Shen into two halves.

The little monk was so scared that he closed his eyes and kept talking about Amitabha. Maggie also moved his sight to the side.

Jiang Shen’s half of his head had already landed on the ground, and the other half of his face was still pulled on his chest, and then his body slowly slipped toward the ground.

Gao Fei said: "This person does not solve it. Once they are escaping back to the realm of the gods, they will continue to come from the source of the realm of the gods. Now the seal of the realm is probably not so stable, and perhaps it can support dozens. Years, hundreds of years, maybe only can support a few years, now I can't say it, but before the complete collapse of the enchantment of the gods, it will certainly happen more than once when the powerful inside is lucky. At that time, there will be disasters on earth."

Gao Fei’s murder was indeed very cold, but what he said was really his own. The little monk sighed: “Amitabha, killing one person and saving the world, is my misunderstanding of the donor.”

Gao Fei glanced at him and said: "You have not misunderstood, I will kill him if I have not said the point."

Little monk: "...."

Gao Fei looked at Maggie and asked, "What about the people in Xiaofu?"

"Oh, I haven't had time to contact the contact person. I just found out that no one in Xiaofu has been chased by this guy. Flying brother, let's go first, look at the body here and panic."

Gao Fei took a handful of Maggie, the other hand grabbed the little monk, and almost went out from the woods in the blink of an eye. When they stood on the road, the little monk opened his eyes and asked: "This Is it space ability? You... can you tear the space? God level?"

Gao Fei shook his head and said: "Just touched a little threshold of God level. Where is Xiao Bing now?"

Maggie said: "Bing brother has been retreating in Shaolin for more than half a month."

Gao Fei sighed and said: "I have just returned from a retreat. I have encountered several opportunities before. The retreat has improved myself. I just heard about this thing when I left the customs. I quickly came back to see it. I didn't expect to catch up. So smart. Let's go and go to the Longmen base to see, I think they should be hiding in the base of Longmen."

Gao Fei said to the young monk: "You will follow along, your injury is not light, and it may be dangerous to leave alone."

The young monk also knows his current situation, let alone whether there is danger. It is really difficult to let him leave alone now, so he has to agree.

Gao Fei took them both to the Longmen base. When I heard that the people of Xiaofu were at the headquarters of the Ministry of National Security, Gao Fei took them to the Ministry of National Security and finally found the leaves and others.

Seeing that Gao Fei is back, Xiaofu’s people are like finding a backbone. Although it is too terrible to say that Zhuang is really high, even Gao Fei may not be the opponent of Zhuang Shen, but Gao Fei has always been with Xiao Bing. In the eyes of these people, Gao Fei is only the pillar of Xiao Bing in the eyes of these people, so if he is there, it is like eating a reassurance, not too worried.

The young monk was arranged to stay and rehabilitate here. After hearing that Molong was also injured, Gao Fei just said very calmly: "They will pay the price."

I don't know why, when I heard the words of Gao Fei landing, everyone can immediately imagine the end of Zhuang Shen, although Zhuang Shen seems so invincible, but Gao Fei is too confident and calm.

Three days passed quickly. On the top of Lingshan, Xu Mu was too heavy because of the injury. At this time, he was recuperating. The guards of the SanGuards were guarded in every corner of Lingshan. Under the Lingshan, many joint forces and tanks were ambushed. All armored vehicles and missiles are ready, and even fighters can take off and bomb at any time, and laser weapons have already been deployed in advance on Lingshan.

I don't know how many of the top players from all over the world came to Lingshan, but their momentum seems to be a bit low, especially before the failure of Xu Mu made them not so optimistic about this battle.

In the forum of the Diablo World, the secret world players who did not have the opportunity to watch the game also commented on the above.

"You talk about who can win?"

"This is still asking, of course, it is the dragon son. Long Gongzi is the chairman of the Diablo World Summit. It is recognized as the first master of the dark world. Isn’t the first master of the Diablo World not the opponent of this Protoss?"

"That can't be said, you haven't heard of it. During the mythological era, the Terran was enslaved and driven by the Protoss. Later, because of the war with the Mozu, the Protoss and the Mozu consumed too much. It’s only because the number of our human races is too large, and the ability to multiply is not comparable to them, but the top powerhouses must be more powerful than the Protoss and the Mozu. !"

"Oh, what is said is that even Xu Mu is defeated in the hands of this person. Xu Mu is the pillar of Huaxia, the first strong person recognized by China. Now, can you see if the dragon son can make a miracle?"

"I see a little hanging."

"Everyone should not be so pessimistic. Do you have more confidence in the Dragon Son. Has Long Gongzi been debuted for so many years, and even the former coach of Kunlun was killed by the Dragon Son? I don't believe the Protoss casually. It’s invincible to come alone."

"Oh, that's what I said, but the opponent is a Protoss. Anyway, I am not very optimistic."

"It is also said that it is estimated that the strength of Long Gongzi is almost as strong as that of Xu Mu, and I don't think it is necessary to play Xu Mu."

The Diablo Forum has expectations for Xiao Bing, but more is pessimistic, and unlike the Diablo Forum, the top government officials around the world are almost no expectation, jokes, the two oldest players in the world. The strong have a retreat to hide, and there is a defeat, although Xiao Bing is strong, but only rose a few years, how could it be an opponent.

Even so, the eyes of the whole world have also gathered at the top of Lingshan. After all, this is a battle between the top of the human peak and the protoss. This opportunity can not be seen casually, and just a few In the daytime, they saw it twice, and naturally it is necessary to cherish it.

In addition, in the command post near Lingshan, the command center was busy, and the deputy commander of the joint force kept shouting: "Everyone should pay attention, wait until Xiao Bing loses, we must take advantage of this mania. The arrogant aliens used a laser gun to deal a fatal blow to him when he was proud, and the missile must be ready to be in place."

The commander in charge of the operation, the commander of the Huaxia Military Region of China, was sullen and coldly said: "General James, whoever wins this battle may not be sure?"

James smiled and asked: "Do you think that Mr. Xiao Bing of your country can defeat the protoss strong?"

"The Protoss are not omnipotent. They are also defeated. Otherwise, how did the mythical era end?" The chief commander snorted and said, "And, you must understand that this battle is for Xiao Bing for the whole human race. Fighting with honor, it’s not yet started to fight. Would you just say this kind of thing first, is it not appropriate? After the end of the command, I will protest to your government about this matter."

James shook his head and no longer argued, but his face was clearly ridiculed with a bit of ridicule, and he did not believe that Xiao Bing could win this battle.

When they were almost there, they began to stare at the big screen. Whether they thought they could win or lose, they were full of curiosity about the battle.

Above Lingshan, more and more masters gathered together, followed by a horrible atmosphere like a stormy wave that allowed everyone to involuntarily separate a road, and then saw Zhuang Shen and Bai Yu appeared, but did not see Jiang Shen The figure.

Before the white scorpion stayed in the crowd, Zhuang Shen went to the center of the empty field and carried his hands. He said proudly: "There are still half an hour. If Xiao Bing does not appear, I will flatten Xiao Fu and kill a city!"

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