Super Soldier

Chapter 1868: Xiao Bing arrives as soon as possible (three more)

The arrogance of Zhuang Shen has aroused public anger, but no one is his opponent, even everyone can not be his opponent, so even though everyone is angry, they can only endure it. I can only expect the emergence of a miracle.

At this time, the people of Longmen also came. Everyone’s eyes converge in the past. When they found that there was no Xiaobing’s figure, they all showed disappointment on their faces. Is it Xiao Bing and the Pope’s Pope? The same is true, all will not appear? Although it is said that Xiao Bing is retreating in Shaolin, few people will fully believe that such a coincidence, including the Pope, almost all of them have determined that they are hiding, for fear that their myth will be shattered.

A little bit past, Zhuang Shen said proudly: "There are fifteen minutes left, Xiao Bing really won't come? It's too disappointing."

"He won't arrive!" At this time a voice came from the foot of the mountain, and then everyone was automatically separated by a force to push a road, a black figure directly through the crowd, appeared in front of Zhuang Shen Standing face to face with Zhuang Shen, above the momentum, this figure is not much weaker than Zhuang Shen, and can even stand up to court.

This person has an endless murderousness, and the murderousness and even the flow in the air can be seen clearly. So full of realism and murder makes him feel like he is walking from hell. Like the devil, it makes people feel scared and scary.

"He won't come." The man's eyes looked at Zhuang Shen like a dead man, and said coldly, "He is retreating, but I am coming, my name is Gao Fei."

“Gofei?” Zhuang Shen smiled. “Who is Gao Fei?”

"People who take your life!"

Gao Fei’s voice just fell, and he even started directly. This one immediately shocked everyone. He didn’t hesitate to hesitate, so he chose it easily, and he started with a half-step god-level super strongman. !

Gao Fei was wearing a black dress. When he was in action, the clothes seemed to be torn apart. It was obvious that his speed and strength had reached a state. His hand was directly shot at the door of Zhuang Shen. Cold smile, the same palm shot, the two palms of the two together, Gao Fei slid back more than ten meters before stopping, and Zhuang Shen just shook his body, his feet slightly back half a step .

Even so, Zhuang Shen is still full of accidents and snoring, can not help but exclaimed: "According to your strength, it is no worse than Xu Mu, it seems that there are really some masters in the human race. ”

Gao Fei snorted and rushed again. Once in a moment, he did not know how many palms were shot at the same time, as if they had three heads and six arms in the air.

Someone on the crowd exclaimed: "This is Shaolin's thousand hands!!"

"No, it's not. Thousands of hands are Shaolin's top stunts. It's impossible for him to learn. Although he hasn't reached the level of a thousand hands, but at least it's a bit similar. This is terrible. How is he? Will do?"

It turned out that when Gao Fei was far away, I saw the little monk use this trick. The result was that I learned a degree of 60% to 70%. Although the power is far less than the real one, the strength of Gaofei is far. On top of the little monk, the power from his hands is dozens of times bigger!

This move is created by the masters of Dharma, and the power is endless. It can even compete with the masters of cross-levels in a short period of time. The strength of Bodhidharma in the past, now no one knows how far it has reached. It is even more likely that it has reached the realm of the **** level, and it is still a strong existence in the **** level, but Shaolin has always been relatively low-key, which has become a secret, and the stunts he created are naturally endless. Shaolin has seventy-two stunts, and thousands of hands are absolutely top-notch!

This time, even Zhuang Shen was slightly confused, and then the two men each stepped back a few steps.

Zhuang Shen stunned, but he did not expect that he would be retired after he reached the half-step of the gods, and he had already seen that the strength of this black man was similar to that of Xu Mu, also at the peak of the saint. The degree of great perfection, although it is the perfection of the saint's peak, but the difference between the half-step gods is like the heavens and the earth, how can it have such a powerful force?

The advantage of Xu Mu is that he has mastered the temperament of Gao Meng. The advantage of Gao Fei is that his understanding of martial arts is too abnormal. Whether it is momentum or moves, he always has the understanding that ordinary people can't match. For example, this trick is like a hand, although he is plausible in learning, but he also has the power of six or seven percent of this trick, showing how terrible he is to the martial arts hole!

Zhuang Shen’s face is blue and cold, and cold and cold: “The strength is not bad, that’s good, let me teach you how to teach you!”

Gao Fei will have to attack again and find that the air around his body seems to be heavy and somewhat dignified. His pupils shrink for a while, which is the power of half-step gods? Although the half-step **** is only one foot away from the sage level, but the difference is too far away, and other people have to panic at this time, but Gao Fei is a big drink, the whole person gives birth to the space Tearing open and grabbing the brain of Zhuang Shen.

Zhuang Shen’s eyes widened and he was surprised: “The law of God level? This is to be able to comprehend when the gods are half-step. How do you do it?”

Although it was a surprise, after all, Gao Fei only realized a small part of the power of the **** level, but his strength was far from entering the **** level, so this flight of Gao Fei still did not bring any to Zhuang Shen. Injury, two people have already passed four or five strokes in the blink of an eye.

The crowds were all stunned, and the top leaders of the countries in the world were all silent. The people including the command center also looked silly. They knew that Xu Mu could not walk in front of Zhuang Shen, but the high flying in front of him was continuous. It took a few tricks to go without losing, it’s too horrible, and this strength is really terrible.

The Buddha in the distance also had some accidents. Then he smiled and smiled: "It is a devil. The devil has been a man in the devil world after the devil. The genetic aspect of the devil is naturally not as good as the demon, but they are The ability to understand martial arts is terrible, and it is known as the **** of war in the devil world. It seems that this soaring is completely grown up."

Xia Hongyin also nodded a little complicated, then he looked at the Buddha and said: "Then you think this battle...."

The Buddha son shook his head and said: "The two of them have not taken out the strength of the bottom of the box now. Zhuang Shen is too careless. He used to think that Gao Fei was not as good as Xu Mu. As a result, he did not expect the flying power of Gao Fei to be even better than that. Xu Mu is still strong, this is just like when he was fighting with Xu Mu. At the beginning, it was a bit numb. Otherwise, even if the flying martial arts insight is strong, it is impossible to cross the level with a half step. The strongman of the level is not divided up and down for a long time, and Gao Fei does not show complete strength, because his final state is demonized. The human race has been through so many years, perhaps not seen, but he must also I will worry that the protoss in front of him will see his demonized state and recognize that he is a demon person, and that I am afraid that it will cause trouble to his life in the Mozu."

Fogongzi said: "If all of them come up with all the strengths, Gao Fei should still be able to support a few more moves, but it is better than a half-step god... I am not particularly optimistic."

Xia Hong Yin sighed and sighed: "He is a friend of Xiaobing's child..."

"You want me to help him?" Buddha said with a smile. "Of course, Gao Fei is now undefeated, and I think if there is a chance this time, Zhuang Shen will definitely cause him to die, not like It was the last time that Xu Mu was like a tiger.

Zhuang Shen did not take Gao Fei in a few consecutive strokes. He was also angered by the outspokenness. When he was about to release all his power, suddenly a breath that was not weaker than himself was sprayed from the bottom of the mountain.

Zhuang Shen and Gao Fei stopped their movements at the same time, and then they looked at the mountains one after another. Others looked at the foot of the mountain at the same time, and they talked one after another.

"Whoever has such a terrible breath?"

"Is it that Xiao Bing is not successful?"

"Impossible. Some time ago, he and Kunlun had a battle with us. We all saw it. It was really strong at that time, but at most it was similar to animal husbandry. What kind of ghost is this momentum now? It feels like it gives people a feeling. Not at all under Zhuang Shen."

"Not under Zhuang Shen? This Zhuang Shen's strength is half-step god, not under Zhuang Shen. Do you mean that this man under the mountain has also reached half-step god? It is impossible to make a joke!"

All the people were talking about it, and then everyone watched a figure straight into the sky, and even flew directly over the head of everyone, then fell down, just falling next to Gao Fei.

"It’s really Xiao Bing!"

"Xiao Bing is here!"

"God, Xiao Bing is really coming, hahahaha, I know, Xiao Bing will not dare not come!"

At this time, these people are boiling, the dark world is boiling, and other high-level countries watching through live broadcasts are also excited. They did not have any expectations for Xiao Bing, but they just felt Xiao Bing. I didn't dare to come, until Xiao Bing suddenly fell from the sky. This huge change can't make them feel excited and surprised.

Xiao Bing looked at the high flying standing on the side and smiled and said: "You are here."

"Yeah, I didn't expect you to arrive too. It seems that I will not be able to do it with him. I will hand it over to you."

Gao Fei said, quickly retreated to the side and directly retreated to the front of the crowd. Then his eyes were a little dignified: "Be careful, the strength of this person... half-step god, who has touched the realm of God It is no longer something that others can easily compete with."

"Reassured." Xiao Bing smiled, first nodded to Gao Fei, then smiled and nodded to the people of Longmen and other people. The attitude was calm and confident.

Then he looked up at Zhuang Shen and smiled and said: "Is you going to challenge me? And also said that if I don't come, I will destroy my Xiaofu, but also kill a city?"

"Yes!" Zhuang Shen does not care.

Xiao Zhen’s Liu Zhen suddenly said loudly: “The doorkeeper, be careful, he just made the ink dragon seriously injured by a look.”

"It's no wonder that Molong didn't come." Xiao Bing smiled faintly, but his eyes burned and angered, then his eyes slammed straight toward Zhuang Shen!

Ps: In order to give back to the majority of book friends, Christmas is red enveloped in the public number, WeChat click on the add friend in the upper right corner, select the public number below, search for Liang extraordinary, and then pay attention. I wish you all a happy winter solstice today.

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