Super Soldier

Chapter 1873: Frightened white

"Oh," said the leaf. "I know, don't know how many people she killed? If she hasn't killed anyone, then don't kill her."

Xiao Bing’s eyes were smiling and faintly smiling: “How? Is the heart soft?”

"Well, after all, it’s a girl, but I also know that there is no distinction between men and women in this circle, so if you feel that you can’t kill, I won’t stop it.”

Xiao Bing said with a smile: "To tell the truth, what I like the most is yours. Although it is kind, but it is not sensible, I am relieved. I have a good heart. Then we will see you at night? Bye bye."

After hanging up the phone, the white sigh of the side sighed, at least for the time being she did not die, and she also noticed a special situation from the vaguely heard conversations between Xiao Bing and the leaves, that is, Xiao Bing’s side not only has one A woman, since it is like this, it is easy to do, and there are some plans in the white heart.

Lingshan is also near Kyoto City, so Lingshan is not far from Xiaofu. The car can be directly opened for more than two hours.

Xiao Bing, Gao Fei and Bai Yu were sitting in a car. The white scenery looked at the scenery outside. It had been calmed down from the beginning. Xiao Bing looked at her and smiled and said: "We are in the world." Is your **** world different?"

“It’s not quite the same,” Bai said. “You don’t have the intelligence of our Protoss. For example, language ability, we can easily learn your language and martial arts as long as we enter the human world... well, of course you also There are indeed some geniuses."

Xiao Bing said with a smile: "But you are not as good as ours, right?"

"Yes, we are not as good as you in terms of creativity. Because in our opinion, martial arts represents everything. A powerful warrior can despise everything, so we don’t have so many inventions, no guns, no planes, Missiles, even cars, are not, because the gods are not big, and we feel that instead of having time to study them, it is better to spend time on martial arts."

"Well, so to be fair, your IQ is not as good as ours."

Bai Hao wanted to refute, but he was afraid of angering Xiao Bing, and he took it back.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Don't worry, I know what you want to say. You want to say that you are strong enough with strong force, and in your opinion, we should not be called IQ, but should It’s called intrigue, is that right?”

There was a sudden fear of this person in the heart, because she found that whatever she wanted, she would all be seen by this man. She had never met such a person since she was a child. She even couldn’t help but secretly Thinking, is it true that human IQ has reached this level? Can you see through all your thoughts with ease? If that is the case, human beings are lagging behind in martial arts, and that is really terrible.

Bai Yu first put away the thoughts in his heart, and smiled bitterly: "I think so. In the age of mythology, did you not count us and the Mozu by virtue of conspiracy?"

Xiao Bing said with emotion: "The most powerful thing about our human race is to understand the constant introspection. It often fails once and will review its own reasons for failure. I am afraid that the mythological era was the end of our human race, and your protoss The weakness is just this, too proud and too arrogant, too much to put other races in the eyes, which leads to you obviously lose, but the next time it is still difficult to learn lessons, such as the failure of the mythology, you have been Today, I just think that the Terran is too embarrassing."

White is silent, thinking carefully about Xiao Bing’s statement.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Because of your arrogant character, even if this time the enchantment is broken, maybe you can bring great harm to the world in a short time, even if you are lucky, you can still be short. In the long run, you will still be defeated, even defeated more than the mythological era. The power of the Terran is still weak, so you can only seal you, and now the number of Terrans It was a hundred times that time, with all kinds of high-tech weapons, and there are countless warriors. Do you think it is possible to seal you?"

Bai Yan frowned and asked, "What do you mean?"

"You will completely eliminate it." Xiao Bing exclaimed, "The number of Terrans in that year is much larger than the number of your gods and demons, but it is rare compared with the present, plus The peak of the Terran is still very limited, and there are no such high-tech weapons at the time. There is no such condition that you will be extinct. If you can't do it, you will be sealed in the enchantment. It is different now. Now if the human world can win, it will not be a seal, but let you completely die in the world!"

In the heart of Bai Yu’s heart, Zhang Zhang opened his mouth and Xiao Bing said with a smile: “Of course, if your gods and demons win, our Terran may also be the same end, but what is the total number of your gods and demons? Hundreds may be less, thousands or even tens of thousands?"

The face of Bai Yan became ugly, Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Do you know how many people we have? How many billions! Even if you let everyone kill every day, your hands are cramped, you want to kill I am afraid that it is also impossible to kill!"

"So, that is, if the final enchantment really disappears, the second mythical era is coming, there are only two situations that may occur, one possibility is that your Protoss and the Mozu are completely wiped out, and from then on. In the future, the two demons became history, and there is no longer your existence in this world."

"There is also a possibility that the human world is defeated, but the number of the human race is too large. Even if you are so powerful, I am afraid that it will be wiped out, and even half will not be eliminated. One day, one day, the Terran can still defeat it. In fact. According to me, the second possibility is probably very small, and it is impossible to happen at all."

"Of course, are you interested in gambling?"

The white face was pale. She had never thought about this before. In her memory, the human race is a group of ants, and the gods who are going to destroy a group of ants are still wasting time? But think carefully, this time only three of them came out, but the three of them are also masters in the Protoss. Jiang Shen and her are also the first-class masters of the younger generation, and Zhuang Shen is There are several masters in the Protoss. Now they are two dead. In the end, they are still alive, and they have become the fish of the net. Is the Terran really an ant?

The most important thing is that this time the Terran is not relying on group gangs or intrigues, but is defeating Zhuang Shen in an upright manner and arresting himself. According to Xiao Bing, the Terran has a population of billions. Even if it is a master of the Protoss, if these people go to the succession, I am afraid that even if you are tired, you will be exhausted and die.

The main thing is that the two words of the genocide completely shocked the day. She had never thought that the protoss might fail, but now she has to have this kind of suspicion. If it finally fails, the protoss may be really It will disappear from history.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Of course, these and you said that there is no use of eggs, the Protoss can really be the master can not be you, even the dead Zhuang Shen can not do it, I do not want That kind of thing happens one day, but if it happens one day, it will only be able to follow the trend of history."

Bai Hao closed her mouth, and her heart was filled with deep anxiety. The following time she kept bowing her head, and her pride in the past was completely gone.

Of course, Xiao Bing’s mouth is simple, but the mood is also very heavy. This time, the Protoss came out, and the next time they might come out, maybe a few months later, maybe half a year, maybe a few years. This is all possible, and now the enchantment is obviously too unstable, let them get into the loopholes.

Of course, if these people are not alive and returning, the next time they will be very upset in their hearts, it is estimated that they will not necessarily venture out of it, but who knows when the enchantment will disappear completely? If it is really the day that disappears, what should happen if there is such a big fight?

Xiao Bing grew up in the human world, but Xiao Bing’s body is not the blood of the human race. This has already been known to Xiao Bing. If such a thing happens, Xiao Bing will continue. Is it maimed with the same family?

Xiao Bing tried to hide his own thoughts and tried not to think about it. The car finally stopped at the door of Xiaofu. When all of them got off the bus, the leaves and others also greeted them from the inside. Seeing the leaves, they stood here well, Xiao Bing’s mood became a little excited. The complicated thoughts of the past were dissipated for the time being. He walked quickly and took the leaves in his arms. I went to hold other women and finally said to the people in Xiaofu: "Everyone was scared this time. I have to thank the old class."

The leaves smiled and said: "You really want to thank, but we are not too scared. It is Maggie who is really scared."

Xiao Bing looked around and asked, "What about Maggie?"

"Oh, wheat Qi did not come back, but stayed in the Ministry of National Security and was caring for people."

Xiao Bing was curious: "She will take care of people? Who cares?"

"A little monk!"

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