Super Soldier

Chapter 1874: Xiao Bing’s terrible thoughts (one more)

Xiao Bing already knows about the injury of the little monk. He used to listen to Gao Fei when he was on the road. So he was not surprised. He said with emotion: "The people are injured in order to save her. She should take good care of her. ""

"Well, the little monk's physical fitness is good. It is estimated that he can recover in a few days. He was eager to go back. He was afraid that Shaolin would worry, but he was stopped by Maggie."

Xiao Bing said with emotion: "I have an impression on this little monk. This is a very talented martial arts person, and he can live in a place where Shaolin is very high in martial arts, and the future is boundless."

Going to Shaolin several times in a row, Xiao Bing clearly felt that Shaolin’s unfathomableness is not only the strength of Shaolin’s abbot, but also the essence of Shaolin’s heritage is still above Kunlun. This time, if there is no Shaolin abbot, they will be their undefeated body and If there are two great stunts to teach Xiao Bing, Xiao Bing may not be able to defeat Zhuang Shen. In that case, Xiao Bing may not be able to stand here alive now, so Xiao Bing owes Shaolin a big favor.

The leaves smiled: "The little monk is also very interesting. I am a very honest person. I have seen it. Oh, this one is next to you..."

The eyes of the leaves fell on the white body, and the white **** was proud of her chest, and then she became angry. She found that she was beautiful, but she was still beautiful compared with the leaves, except that she was not weaker than the leaves. A little worse, although she did not want to admit it, but the leaves are really beautiful, even in the Protoss, she has never seen such a beautiful beauty.

In the white heart, there may be only one such beautiful woman who can deserve this man-made man.

But who knows, when she continued to look at the red roses, Su Xiaoxiao, and Liu Kexin, she found that these women were more amazing than one, and she was a woman after all, so she was still very sensitive. She could feel these women and Xiao. I am afraid that there is a relationship between the soldiers.

Bai Yu used to be a beauty in the Protoss, and he was very proud. But now, in a small house, he has met four people who look better than themselves.

Bai Hao only feels that the body that has been hit is incomplete, isn’t the beauty of the Terran beauty already so beautiful? Like me, I am a well-known beauty among the Protoss. Now I am casually coming out. Four people are not weaker than me... The last pride of Bai Hao is gone.

On the strength ratio but Xiao Bing, on the beauty of the women who are still better than Xiao Bing, what other pride is she? Plus, now that the strength has been sealed, can you only be honest?

The leaves looked up and down and smiled and said, "What are you calling?"

"My name is Bai Yu." Bai Yu knew that this woman had a special status in front of Xiao Bing, so although the other party was a beautiful ordinary person in her eyes, she did not dare to have the slightest scorn.

The leaves sighed and said: "The world of our human race, is it still used to staying here?"

I am not used to not staying still, you can still let me go... Bai Hao sighed and said: "Well, our Protoss is very adaptable."

"In fact, our people's ability to adapt is also very strong." The leaves smiled and said, "For example, we have adapted to the martial arts era of mythology, and we can adapt to the current civilized era, and we can always create a Another civilization is prosperous, instead of stalking everything in the past."

Xiao Bing looked at the leaves with some surprise. The words of the leaves were a bit **** for tat, and it was clearly ironic to the Protoss.

The face of the white cockroach changed slightly, but did not speak.

The leaves smiled and said: "Our people can go to today, because the thoughts are enough to open, and every day is progressing. After the end of the mythological era, it has now advanced for thousands of years. Now the thought is so open, so even though Miss Bai is A Protoss, I will not wear colored glasses to see you. Now that you have come, our door to Xiaofu is open to you."

The leaves gently hold the white hand, and the words are soft and soft: "I introduce myself, my name is Ye Xiaoxi, you can call me leaves. I can do half of the Lord in this Xiaofu. I am willing to do it with you. My friend, everyone in Xiaofu is a relative. Since it is a loved one, I don't want any one of my loved ones to suffer the slightest harm. For my loved ones, I will open my heart and return in the same way. I will hurt my loved ones with my thoughts. People, I will not be merciless, so Miss Bai lives in our Xiaofu, although I am relieved."

Bai Yanqiang smiled and said that this woman is very powerful. She can hear that the leaves just say that she will protect her safety. In fact, she is also warning her not to have any bad ideas, but this is also very normal. If you are your own, you may say something more embarrassing, or even not so arrogant, but just say it straight away, so she will not be angry, and quickly said: "Reassured, leaves, I am now repairing I have already been blocked, and there will be no other ideas. I just hope that I can tell him what Mr. Xiao Bing wants to know...."

"Yeah." The leaves smiled. "Let's go, let's go in together, and everyone, now that Bai Yu lives in Xiao Fu, at least within the scope of Xiao Fu, everyone should not play anything other than my family. The heart of the mind is different, now is the age, we should not be so rigid people, other things I don't care, since Xiao Da Ge did not say how to decide the future of Bai Yu, since let her live here, So for the time being she is our guest, our friends, we must get along well."

Everyone agreed, no matter what everyone thinks, but since the leaves are spoken, then they will listen to the leaves. This is the prestige of the leaves in Xiaofu. Almost everyone thinks of the leaves. The hostess of Xiaofu.

Seeing this scene, Bai Yu realized that Ye Xiaoxi was saying that he could not offend. He had a clearer understanding of Ye Xiaoxi’s prestige in Xiaofu. The most important thing was that she knew she could be Xiao at any time. The soldiers gave the kill, everything was in the mood of Xiao Bing. After all, he was an alien, and he had made such a big move before. It is estimated that the whole world hopes that Xiao Bing will kill himself. If he wants to save his life, It seems that it is really necessary to do more work from Ye Xiaoxi's body. Of course, no one else can offend.

Hey, Bai Yu thinks that one of her arrogant women is to be cautious and difficult in this man's house. She is uncomfortable in her heart.

The leaves smiled and said: "Let's go, everyone is going in. Let's celebrate it tonight, celebrate Xiao Bing's big brother's skill, and celebrate Miss Bai's stay in Xiao."

Everyone looked at the leaves even more. At first, the leaves were so aggressive that Bai Hao lowered his head. After Bai Bai really bowed his head, he now began to take care of the white face. The Qing dynasty was due to Xiao Bing’s death. Zhuang Shen, but now it is said to celebrate the advancement of power and white house, it can be said that after seeing the day, the leaves have mastered all the initiative in the exchange.

Back in Xiao Fu, Xiao Bing saw that the poisonous fox was waiting for himself in the yard. Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Exactly, I have to talk to you for a while."

"Yeah." The poisonous fox promised, and then looked at the white pheasant. This is the arrogant woman of the Protoss, no matter who is full of interest.

The poisonous fox just wants to look at the day, but the white heart is not so simple. She finds that she doesn’t know why, when she is looked at by the poisonous fox, she has a feeling of being pegged by the most dangerous existence, even the hair. Stand up.

Bai Yan swallowed a sip of water, clearly that this person does not have a little bit of strength, is the IQ of the Terran really so high? Is the heart machine so terrible?

Bai Hao suddenly thought of what Xiao Bing said before. If this enchantment really broke open, I am afraid that it is not the luck of the gods and the demons. It will be a disaster. If the mythology comes down for the second time, then the gods and the demons are not. Sealed, but completely destroyed.

Are these all true? Bai Hao took a deep breath and even shook a few points.

The leaves smiled and said: "White, can you play chess?"

"This... not so good."

The leaves smiled and said: "I teach you, in fact, we are not the best in chess in Xiaofu. The best little enchantress is not here yet, but you will be able to see her in two days. You Let's practice first, and she will definitely play chess with you."

Bai Yan thought that he should find any opportunity to get along with these people, so that he can save his life, so he immediately agreed to it.

The leaves pulled the white cricket and played chess. Xiao Bing went to the study room with the poison fox and talked. The two people didn’t know how long they had exchanged. The poison fox said with a serious face: "No, I will never agree. That is alien! Non-ethnicity is different. If you finally enter the Protoss, the Lord, I admit that your current strength is already top-notch in the Terran, but even if the strength is in the Protoss, you enter the Protoss. It must also be a life of nine deaths!"

"I know." Xiao Bing’s eyes were filled with deep worries. "But the enchantment has become more and more unstable. Maybe it will last for ten or eight years, and maybe one and a half years." But now, who said it is not good... Is it really necessary to delay until the disappearance of the enchantment, the second time in the mythological era to come to this world?"

"So, do you want to be this savior?" The poisonous fox excitedly said, "Even if you sacrifice your life?"

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